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India’s concern in Israel-Gaza conflict

India’s May 16 statement on the current conflict at the UN Security Council was exceptionally nuanced and well- crafted to evade all the diplomatic minefields that can come in the way of its dual engagement of Israel and the Arabs, reports Atul Aneja

A web of high stakes in its ties with both Israel and the Arab world, especially the oil rich Gulf countries, is pushing India to join the global effort for an early ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians in Gaza.

India’s ties with Israel are deep, multi-layered and strategic. New Delhi relies on Israel not only for critical military hardware, but also for high quality intelligence. The two share common concerns about international terrorism, which were reinforced during the Mumbai 26/11 terror strikes. The duo also has an excellent people-to-people relationship, evident from the arrival in droves of Israeli backpackers, especially those who want to chill-out in a safe haven, following their arduous compulsory military service back home. Because of these multiple factors which have spawned an exceptional relationship, India cannot afford to antagonise Israel in the international fora on the Israel-Palestine issue.

Yet, India has a historic relationship with the Arabs as well. India has traditionally supported the Palestinian cause – a position that has echoed warmly in the Arab street and generated enormous goodwill for the Indian people, and industry, in the region. But real, pragmatic reasons have also emerged in recent years which have reinforced India’s bonds with the Arabs.

More specifically, India has to be careful to respect the sensitivities of its friends in the Gulf countries. India depends critically on the Gulf countries for its energy security. Second, the Gulf monarchies employ millions of Indian guest workers, who remit billions of dollars to India’s coffers. The people-to-people warmth between the two could not be better, after the Gulf nations became formidable providers of liquid medical oxygen when Indians needed it most during the Covid-19 second wave.

India, therefore cannot go overboard in its support of Israel during a conflict, in deference to the mainstream sentiment in the Gulf street. Finally, India is mindful that its position towards the Arab world in the past, has echoed domestically, including in Kashmir, which it cannot afford to ignore.

Unsurprisingly, India’s May 16 statement on the current conflict at the UN Security Council was exceptionally nuanced and well- crafted to evade all the diplomatic minefields that can come in the way of its dual engagement of Israel and the Arabs.

ALSO READ: Gaza violence escalates as Israel intensifies crackdown

In its statement, India rejected Hamas rocket firings into Israel, which has killed an Indian caregiver, Soumya Santhosh. It described the use of formidable force by Israel as “retaliatory strikes” to the Hamas’ “indiscriminatory” rocket attacks, pushing the Israeli action into the grey-zone of self-defence. India’s position is in tune with its rejection of cross-border rocket attacks, in view of Pakistan’s bid to push terrorists across of the Line of Control (LoC).

But simultaneously, India has stuck to the standard UN-backed “two-state” formulation, as the basis for ending the Israel-Palestine conflict. “Immediate de-escalation is the need of the hour, so as to arrest any further slide towards the brink. We urge both sides to show extreme restraint, desist from actions that exacerbate tensions, and refrain from attempts to unilaterally change the existing status quo, including in East Jerusalem and its neighbourhood,” the Indian statement said.

Given the tug-of-war on its position on the conflict, it is in India’s interest that the warring between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza ends quickly. In seeking peace, India would be inevitably joined by its partners in the Gulf countries, who would sincerely want the violence to end, to preserve their recent position of recognising the state of Israel.

52K displaced

A UN report said on Tuesday that 52,000 Palestinians took refuge at schools run by the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in the Gaza Strip, as a round of probably heaviest fighting between Israel and Gaza since 2014 has lasted nine days, the Palestinian news agency WAFA reported.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said in a press statement that Israeli fighter jets destroyed, either totally or partially, 448 constructions in the Palestinian coastal enclave since May 10, Xinhua reported.

Jens Laerke, a spokesman for OCHA, said in the statement that 132 buildings were completely destroyed and 316 partially destroyed, including six hospitals and nine healthcare centres.

Meanwhile, the government press office in Gaza said Israeli fighter jets carried out at least 1,615 airstrikes on the Gaza Strip in the last nine days, targeting homes, buildings, government establishments and infrastructure.

An Israeli military statement said 60 fighter jets were sent to bomb underground tunnels belonging to Hamas in Gaza while more than 100 missiles were fired in 35 minutes early on Tuesday morning.

Meanwhile, militant groups led by Hamas fired over 100 rockets from Gaza at Israeli towns and cities, but 70 of them were intercepted, the statement added.

According to a statement by the health ministry in Gaza, a total of 213 Palestinians, including 61 children and 36 women, were killed and 1,442 others injured in the recent Israeli air attacks on the besieged Palestinian enclave.

Calls for immediate cessation

Josep Borrell, the European Union’s (EU) foreign policy chief, called on Tuesday for the “immediate cessation of all violence and implementation of a ceasefire” between Israel and Palestine.

At a press briefing after the EU foreign ministers’ video conference on the Middle East situation on Tuesday afternoon, Borrell cited a statement backed by 26 member states but blocked by Hungary’s veto as Budapest supports Israel, Xinhua reported.

The EU has thus been prevented from taking a common position on the escalating Middle East conflict.

“The purpose (of the call for a ceasefire) is to protect civilians and to give full humanitarian access in Gaza,” Borrell said. He added that the violence in the past few days has led to a high number of civilian casualties, including children and women.

“We condemn the rocket attacks by Hamas and other terrorist groups on the Israeli territory, and we fully support Israel’s right to defense, but we have also considered and stated that this has to be done in a proportionate manner and respecting international humanitarian law,” Borrell said.

He said that the security of Israel and Palestine requires a true political solution because only that could bring peace.

He called for reopening the political process, exploring reengagement between the conflicting parties, developing confidence-building measures and improving the living standard of the people in order to open a path towards a potential launching of the peace process, which has been in a stalemate for too long.

ALSO READ: Israel-Gaza conflict could further spiral into ‘full-scale war’
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Israel President calls Soumya Santosh’s family, voices condolences

Rivlin telephoned Soumya’s husband Santosh and his sister Sophie and expressed condolences on behalf of the Israel government and its people….reports Asian Lite News

The President of Israel, Reuven Rivlin, on Tuesday called up the family of Soumya Santosh, a caregiver from Kerala who lost her life during a Hamas strike in Israel on May 11.

Rivlin telephoned Soumya’s husband Santosh and his sister Sophie and expressed condolences on behalf of the Israel government and its people.

Hailing from Idukki in Kerala, Santosh (30), who worked as a caregiver to an 83-year-old Holocaust survivor in Israel, was among those killed in a rocket attack by the Palestinian Islamist group on May 11.

Sophie, who had worked as a caregiver in Israel for 13 years before returning to Kerala four months back, told IANS, “The President of Israel called us and expressed condolences on behalf of the people of Israel. The President told us that the people of Israel are with us and that the government of Israel will stand with the family at this time of grief and extend all its support to us.”

Israel President Reuven Rivlin. (File Photo: IANS)
ALSO READ: Israel bombards Hamas leader’s house

It may be noted that the Consul General of Israel to south India, Jonathan Zadka, had met the family of Soumya and expressed his condolences. He had told mediapersons that Soumya was an angel who was killed in a terror attack on the people of Israel.

Zadka told IANS on Tuesday, “From our part, I can only say that President Reuven Rivlin called Santosh earlier today to convey his condolence and show solidarity of the people of Israel with the family. He spoke to him conveying his sympathies and condolences for the loss of Soumya in a terror attack.”

ALSO READ: Erdogan slams Biden over arms sales to Israel

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Erdogan slams Biden over arms sales to Israel

Biden was “writing history with bloody hands in this incident where Gaza was attacked disproportionately,” sadi Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan…reports Asian Lite News

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday condemned his US counterpart Joe Biden for approval of arms sales to Israel.

The US President was “writing history with bloody hands in this incident where Gaza was attacked disproportionately,” Erdogan said at a press conference elaborating on recent clashes between Israelis and Palestinians, the Xinhua news agency reported.

“You have forced us to say this. We can’t stay silent on this anymore,” he added.

“Palestinian lands are being washed with blood and cruelty. You are also supporting this,” Erdogan noted.

Earlier in the day, the US government reportedly approved the sale of $735 million in precision-guided weapons to Israel.

ALSO READ: Israel bombards Hamas leader’s house
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Gaza turns into graveyard, deaths near 200

Gaza health authorities confirmed that 181 Palestinians have been killed, including 52 children and 31 women, and 1,225 others had different injuries…reports Asian Lite News

Tensions between Israel and Palestinian militant groups in the Gaza Strip have continued unabated for a seventh consecutive day, as the death toll in the coastal enclave climbed to 181, officials said.

The Hamas-run Health Ministry in Gaza said in a statement on Sunday that since the escalation began on May 10, 181 Palestinians have been killed, including 52 children and 31 women, and 1,225 others had different injuries, reports Xinhua news agency.

Militant groups, led by the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), fired barrages of rockets from the Gaza Strip at cities and towns in central and southern Israel.

Israeli fighter jets intensified its airstrikes on buildings, military posts and facilities affiliated with the militants all over the strip, according to security sources.

Palestinian Territories, Gaza city: Fire billows from a building hit by an Israeli airstrike on the Gaza Strip, amid the escalating flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian violence(Photo: Mahmoud Khattab/Quds Net News via ZUMA Wire/dpa/IANS)

The sources said that the houses of Hamas chief in the Gaza Strip Yehya Sinwar and his brother were destroyed in the intensive Israeli airstrikes waged on the southern city of Khan Younis, adding that no injuries were reported.

Ashraf al-Qedra, spokesman of the Health Ninistry in Gaza, told reporters that late Saturday night and on Sunday morning, 23 Palestinians were killed and over 50 wounded in the airstrikes on Gaza.

An Israeli army spokesman said that in the last 24 hours, fighter jets struck 90 targets that belong to Hamas and the Islamic Jihad in Gaza, including the houses of Sinwar and his brother Mohammed.

ALSO READ: Israel-Gaza conflict could further spiral into ‘full-scale war’

The spokesman said that Gaza militants fired more than 120 rockets towards Israel, adding that the Iron Dome Air Defense System has intercepted most of them.

Since May 10, more than 2,300 have been fired by the Hamas, according to Israel’s Army.

Israel has since responded with airstrikes and artillery shelling, striking more than 650 targets.

Palestinian Territories, Gaza City: Fire and smoke rise from the collapsing Al-Shorouk Tower building after it was hit by an Israeli airstrike, amid the escalating flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian violence. . (Photo: Ahmed Zakot/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/dpa)

According to Israel’s Magen David Adom rescue service, 10 people were killed and 636 injured in the Jewish state as a result of the rocket fire.

Meanwhile, Palestinian sources said there were regional and international efforts to reach a humanitarian ceasefire between the two sides.

The sources told Xinhua that Egypt has been trying to pressure the two sides to declare a temporary humanitarian ceasefire to alleviate the suffering in Gaza until a permanent truce is reached.

They added that the Egyptian proposal “is under discussion by the Palestinian factions and will be on the table of Israeli cabinet for discussion on Sunday”.

ALSO READ: Gaza violence: Biden concerned for journalists

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No end to violence in sight, Netanyahu confirms

The Israeli Army attacked further targets on Palestinian territory, including rocket launchers and two combat units belonging to the Hamas movement….reports Asian Lite News

Hamas continued to attack Israel with rockets on Sunday and the Israeli army struck back with force as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to pursue the Palestinian militant group for as long as necessary.

“Fire will be met with fire,” Netanyahu said in a video address late Saturday night.

“This (military) operation will continue as long as it takes until we achieve our goals and bring peace and security to all Israeli citizens,” the Jerusalem Post quoted the Prime Minister as saying.

Israel’s security cabinet is set to meet on Sunday, dpa news agency quoted the Jerusalem Post as saying.

Rockets fired by militant Palestinians continued to rain on Israeli cities on Saturday, while warning sirens wailed in the desert city of Beersheba and in border areas near Gaza, the Army said.


Alarms also went off several times in Tel Aviv, with the latest alarm triggered in the Israeli coastal metropolis late Saturday.

At least one person was killed in a rocket attack on the greater Tel Aviv area on Saturday.

The Israeli Army attacked further targets on Palestinian territory, including rocket launchers and two combat units belonging to the Hamas movement.

The air force destroyed a high-rise in the Gaza Strip that housed the offices of several media organizations, the military said.

The military said the building also contained “military assets” belonging to the Hamas movement, adding it had warned civilians ahead of the strike and left them time to evacuate.

Palestinian Territories, Gaza city: Fire billows from a building hit by an Israeli airstrike on the Gaza Strip, amid the escalating flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian violence(Photo: Mahmoud Khattab/Quds Net News via ZUMA Wire/dpa/IANS)

“This is an incredibly disturbing development,” Associated Press (AP) chief Gary Pruitt said in New York.

“We narrowly avoided a terrible loss of life.”

The news agency had been informed in advance of the airstrike on the high-rise, he said.

A dozen AP journalists and freelancers were pulled to safety in time, he added.

ALSO READ: Gaza violence: Biden concerned for journalists

Pruitt said he was “shocked and horrified” that the Israeli military destroyed a building with media offices. He said the world would now know less about what is happening in Gaza.

Qatari broadcaster Al Jazeera said it too had its office in the high-rise.

After the attack, the fifth high-rise destroyed by Israeli airstrikes in the current conflict, a spokesperson for Hamas said Tel Aviv should prepare for an “answer that will shake the earth”.

An Israeli man injured after a rocket from the Gaza strip landed is evacuated in central Israeli city of Holon, on May 11, 2021. (Gideon Markowicz/JINI via Xinhua/IANS)

The Israeli army said it had targeted the house of Khalil al-Hayya, deputy head of the Hamas political bureau, and other ranking officials.

According to the Health Ministry in Gaza, about 145 Palestinians have been killed and 1,100 injured since fighting escalated on Monday.

ALSO READ: Jerusalem violence: Palestinian death toll soars

According to the Magen David Adom rescue service, 10 people were killed and 636 injured in Israel as a result of the rocket fire over the past few days.

Palestinian militants have been continuously firing rockets at Israel since tensions first flared up on May 10.

More than 2,300 have been fired, according to Israel’s Army, although about 20 per cent go down over Gaza without reaching Israeli territory.

Israeli army Artillery Corps fire into the Gaza Strip near the southern Israeli city of Sderot amid escalating tension on May 12, 2021. (JINI via Xinhua/IANS)

Israel has responded with airstrikes and artillery shelling, striking more than 650 targets, according to an officer.

Civil unrest has also been mounting between in Israel’s Jewish and Arab populations, with protests and riots reported.

According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, at least nine people died in clashes in the West Bank and 21 were severely injured.

Rising tension first came to a head during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, with clashes at a Jerusalem holy site as well as over the forced evictions of Palestinians in the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah.

ALSO READ: Israel bombards Hamas leader’s house

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UNSC to hold open meeting on Israel-Palestine conflict

With regard to the Security Council, , UN chief’s spokesman Stephane Dujarric said the more unified the council is, the stronger its voice and the stronger its impact, reports Asian Lite News

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Friday called for a unified Security Council over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and regretted the lack of multilateralism.

Asked what the secretary-general expects from Sunday’s emergency meeting of the Security Council on the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian escalation, Guterres’ spokesman Stephane Dujarric said: “What we would like to see is … a strong, unified voice for de-escalation, for a cessation of hostilities and a push to get the parties back on track to find a political solution to this conflict that has been going on and on and on.”

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres (Xinhua/Xu Jinquan/IANS)

Asked for the secretary-general’s comment on the fact that one single Security Council member blocked the proposal for a Friday meeting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, just days after all council members pledged support for multilateralism, Dujarric said Guterres is concerned about the state of multilateralism “as we’ve seen it during the pandemic and as we’ve seen it in other aspects.”

Also Read – Israel-Gaza conflict could further spiral into ‘full-scale war’

“We would like to see member states put to action the ideals that we all have to live up to within this organization,” he added.

With regard to the Security Council, he said the more unified the council is, the stronger its voice and the stronger its impact.

Palestinians inspect their destroyed houses in the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun, on May 14, 2021. (Photo by Rizek Abdeljawad/Xinhua)

The Security Council on May 7 held a high-level debate on the need to uphold multilateralism and all council members came out in support of it. Yet days later, the United States, an ally of Israel, blocked the proposal for a Friday Security Council meeting, according to diplomats. The Security Council later agreed on such a meeting on Sunday.

No sign of ceasefire

Tensions between Israel and the Islamic Hamas movement, the worst since 2014, have continued unabated in the Gaza Strip with no sign of any ceasefire between the two sides to end the violence.

Rockets are fired by the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas from Gaza City towards Israel, amid the escalating flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian violence. Photo: Mohammed Talatene/dpa/IANS

Overnight and at predawn on Friday, the tit-for-tat violent military confrontations between the two sides were intensified, reports Xinhua news agency.

Hamas militants fired more barrages of rockets into Israel, and Israeli fighter jets kept striking on the enclave.

The Hamas-run Ministry of Health said that 122 Palestinians have been killed, including 31 children and 20 women, and 900 others injured since Monday in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli security forces stand guard at the site of an attack which took place outside the settlement of Ariel. (Xinhua/Nidal Eshtayeh/IANS)

Witnesses and Palestinian security sources told Xinhua that Israeli army artillery on Friday struck the eastern area of Gaza city with tanks, killing at least two.

Tanks hit the northern Gaza town of Beit Lahia, killing a mother and her four children, according to medical sources.

An Israeli army spokesman said in a statement that the forces have intensively attacked posts that belong to Hamas, adding that 160 war jets, artillery, and tanks participated in the military operation.

Palestinian Territories, Gaza City: Fire and smoke rise from the collapsing Al-Shorouk Tower building after it was hit by an Israeli airstrike, amid the escalating flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian violence. (Photo: Ahmed Zakot/SOPA Images via ZUMA Wire/dpa)

The statement said 150 targets were hit overnight and on Friday morning, adding that many of the targets were underground.

It said the Israeli army will continue its strikes on the militants who fire rockets at Israel.

As the Israeli bombardments intensified, Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants announced that their militants fired more barrages of rockets into Israel.

An Israeli man injured after a rocket from the Gaza strip landed is evacuated in central Israeli city of Holon, on May 11, 2021. (Gideon Markowicz/JINI via Xinhua/IANS)

Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ armed wing, claimed responsibility for launching 100 rockets at the Israeli city of Ashkelon, in response to Israel’s “targeting of civilians” in the enclave.

Also Read – Gaza violence escalates as Israel intensifies crackdown

Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of Islamic Jihad, also said that its militants carried out intensive rocket strikes at Israeli cities in southern and central Israel.

The Israeli army said Gaza militant groups have fired more than 1,750 rockets at Israel, most of which were intercepted by the Iron Dome defense system.

Fire billows from a building hit by an Israeli airstrike on the Gaza Strip, amid the escalating flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian violence(Photo: Mahmoud Khattab/Quds Net News via ZUMA Wire/dpa/IANS)

The rockets fired from Gaza killed at least nine Israelis and wounded 200 others.

Meanwhile, Palestinian sources said the contacts to reach calm between the two sides had so far failed, adding that Egypt, Qatar and the UN lead the mediation between the two sides for reaching a truce. (with inputs from (ANI/Xinhua)

Also Read – Muslim leaders demand India must ask Israel to shun aggression

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Muslim leaders demand India must ask Israel to shun aggression

The leaders also demanded the international community and the United Nations to play their part in stopping this aggression. They must not limit themselves to resolutions and statements but take concrete action to stop Israel…reports Asian Lite News.

Amid the ongoing tensions in Gaza, Muslim leaders of the country have condemned the Israeli attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, Gaza and other places in Palestine and demanded that India must ask Israel to shun aggression.

“We believe that this aggression is part of Israel’s terrorist tactics to evacuate Palestinian territories through violent acts and resettle Jewish settlers there, in clear violation of international law. An unjust and cruel campaign is currently underway to evacuate the Sheikh Jarrah area of Jerusalem, and for this, civilians, including children, the elderly, and women, are being subjected to severe atrocities on a large scale. The forcible eviction of Palestinians is a violation of all principles of human rights.” said the leaders in a signed statement released on Thursday by the Jamaat-e-Islami Hind.

The leaders further said, “We also urge the Government of India, while respecting our country’s long-standing foreign policy and its long-standing commitment to the Palestinian people and the Palestinian cause, to support the oppressed Palestinian people and pressure Israel to renounce its aggressive behaviour.”

The leaders also demanded the international community and the United Nations to play their part in stopping this aggression. They must not limit themselves to resolutions and statements but take concrete action to stop Israel.

Palestinian death toll from Israeli strikes reach 103 (IANS)

The leaders expressed solidarity with the Palestinian people on behalf of the Indian people and Indian Muslims.

The signatories to the statement include, among others, Maulana Khalid Saifullah Rahman (acting General Secretary, All India Muslim Personal Law Board); Maulana Mahmood Madani (General Secretary of Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind); Syed Saadatullah Hussaini (President Jamaat-e-Islami Hind); Maulana Muhammad Sufyan Qasmi (Mohtameem of Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband); Maulana Khalil-ur-Rehman Sajjad Nomani (Director, Imam Shah Waliullah Academy) and Dr. Manzoor Alam (General Secretary, Milli Council of India).

ALSO READ-Israel-Gaza conflict could further spiral into ‘full-scale war’

READ MORE-Israel-Gaza conflict could further spiral into ‘full-scale war’

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Jerusalem violence: Palestinian death toll soars

Since the start of outbreak of clashes, Gaza militants fired more than 1,600 rockets into Israel, while the Israeli army said it struck over 600 targets of Gaza militants’ facilities and posts….reports Asian Lite News

Tension between Israel and militant groups in the Gaza Strip continued on Thursday, while the Hamas-run health ministry officials said the death toll in the besieged coastal enclave has climbed to 83.

The health ministry in Gaza said in a short text message sent to reporters that since the start of tension on Monday, 83 Palestinians were killed, including 17 children and seven women, adding that 487 were injured.

On Thursday, hundreds of Palestinian mourners joined the funeral of nine top militants of the armed wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), who were killed in the Israeli aerial attacks on the enclave, the Xinhua news agency reported.

While carrying the bodies, wrapped by Palestinian flags and Hamas green flags, on their shoulders, the mourners chanted slogans that called on militants in the Gaza Strip to revenge for their killing.

Israel-Gaza violence spirals

Overnight and on Thursday morning, Hamas armed wing militants and other minor groups continued firing barrages of rockets from Gaza into central and southern Israel.

Since the start of escalation on Monday, Gaza militants fired more than 1,600 rockets into Israel, while the Israeli army said it struck over 600 targets of Gaza militants’ facilities and posts.

Local media outlets in the Gaza Strip said that regional and international efforts to end the growing tension and reach a truce between the two sides had not achieved any progress yet.

ALSO READ: Israel-Gaza conflict could further spiral into ‘full-scale war’

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Israel-Gaza conflict could further spiral into ‘full-scale war’

There are growing fears that violence between both sides could spiral into “full-scale war.”..reports Asian Lite News

The tit-for-tat trade of fire between militant groups in the Gaza Strip and Israel has been mounting on Wednesday, leaving 50 killed and dozens of others wounded from both Palestine and Israel.

There are growing fears that violence between both sides could spiral into “full-scale war.”

As global leaders voiced deep concern and the UN Security Council readied for another emergency meeting on the growing conflict, the UN Middle East envoy Tor Wennesland warned that “we’re escalating toward a full-scale war,” media reported.

The rocket fire and rioting killed at least 43 people in Gaza, including 13 children, two Palestinians in the West Bank, and five Israelis, according to latest news reports.

The Israeli Army on Wednesday said over 1,050 rockets and mortar shells were fired from the Gaza Strip towards Israel since the violence broke out on Monday evening.

Israel-Gaza violence spirals

Israel defence forces (IDF) Spokesperson Hidai Zilberman said the Iron Dome air defence system had an interception rate between 85 and 90 per cent of rockets heading toward populated areas, The Times of Israel reported.

In response, the IDF launched strikes on upwards of 500 targets in the Gaza Strip, aimed at Hamas personnel, weaponry and infrastructure, Zilberman says.

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The Israeli Air Force carried out a series of early morning airstrikes early today on the Gaza Strip, destroying dozens of police and security installations, witnesses say.

A wall of dark gray smoke rose over Gaza City and observers in Gaza said that it is one of the heaviest Israeli strikes ever.

The ongoing violence marks a dramatic escalation of tensions linked to the potential eviction of Palestinian families from East Jerusalem by Israeli settlers and access to one of the most sacred sites in the city, which is a key hub for Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

Israel-Gaza violence spirals

The confrontation intensified in recent days as Ramzan brought large crowds to al-Aqsa and clashes broke out between Palestinians and Israeli police. More than 300 Palestinians were injured on Monday.

The protests spread to other Arab areas inside Israel. In the mixed Jewish-Arab city of Lod, Arab protesters threw stones and fireworks at passersby and police early Tuesday. And a man whose identity has not been disclosed opened fire on a group of Arab protesters carrying Palestinian flags, The Washington Post reported.

More than 1,100 Palestinians were injured in clashes with the Israeli military on May 7-10, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

Health authorities in Gaza said at least 36 Palestinians – including 10 children – were killed in Israeli airstrikes on the Strip since late on Monday, after Hamas launched rockets from the coastal territory towards Israel. At least 250 others were injured.

At least five people in Israel have also been killed.

The security forces in Israel are bracing up for further violence. Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai ordered a “significant” bolstering of police presence in the city of Lod and a number of other locations after Public Security Minister Amir Ohana declared a state of emergency. (with inputs from ANI)

ALSO READ: Gaza violence escalates as Israel intensifies crackdown
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Jerusalem: A Flashpoint For Conflict Or Microcosm Of Peace

Regardless of how the current and future violent conflicts between Israel and the Palestinians in Jerusalem will end, there will be no Israeli-Palestinian peace unless East Jerusalem becomes the capital of a Palestinian state while the city remains united, writes Dr Alon Ben-Meir

The flareup that has engulfed East Jerusalem over the past few days should surprise no one. The status quo could never be sustained; the Palestinians’ resentment of the occupation was only deepening and any incident could have precipitated a violent outbreak. This time it was the order to evict six families from the Palestinian neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem. For the Palestinians, this became symptomatic of Israel’s much wider scheme of ethnic cleansing to make more room for Jewish settlers and thereby Judaize East Jerusalem, which Israel views as an integral part of its capital. Israel may hold onto East Jerusalem for another 54 years, but the Palestinians, and for that matter the Arab states, will never give up on their claim to East Jerusalem.

While we can find temporary solutions for the current violence, then what? A long-term solution is necessary to ensure that Jerusalem does not continue on its path as a flashpoint city for violence. That said, there is a way whereby both sides can live in a united city and make it a microcosm for peaceful coexistence.

Jerusalem is unique in that both Israelis and Palestinians—and Jews, Muslims, and Christians around the world—have a special affinity to the city. There are four major factors that attest to the city’s uniqueness. First, East Jerusalem houses the largest mixed Jewish-Arab community anywhere in the world, with roughly 215,000 Israelis and 328,000 Palestinians who move freely across the city, east and west, and throughout Israel.

Second, the city’s infrastructure and services—roads, electrical grid, communications, and maintenance—are all fully integrated, and there is simply no way that they can be divided. In fact, neither Israel nor the Palestinians want to physically divide the city, regardless of its final political status.

Third, Jerusalem is home to the Jews’ holiest shrine, the Western Wall, the third-holiest Muslim shrines, the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, and the holiest sites in Christianity within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The fact that the Jewish and Arab holy shrines are adjacent to one another requires them to fully collaborate on security, tourism, access to the holy sites, and improvements.

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Fourth, the main contentious issue between the two sides is the political status of the city. Given however that under any circumstances the city will remain united physically, and the majority of the population in East Jerusalem are Palestinian, it is essential that the city’s administration reflects the reality on the ground.

Benjamin Netanyahu

To truly recreate Jerusalem as a microcosm of peace, East and West Jerusalem would be independent municipalities—East Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian state and West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. In addition, a joint Israeli-Palestinian council must be established to handle any issues or services that impact the two parts of the city, including electricity, water, certain municipal services, cross-border crimes, and joint development projects, to name a few examples. The council should have a clear and well-defined mandate to ensure that neither side can infringe on the other’s separate municipal responsibilities.

In this regard, since Israel occupied East Jerusalem in 1967, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has and continues to maintain the custodianship and the administration over the Muslim holy shrines, Haram al-Sharif, and will continue to do so regardless of the final agreement; Israel will maintain its control over the Western Wall. As a part of this, a religious council encompassing Judaism, Islam, and Christianity would be established to address various issues related to their holy shrines.

Israeli army

In the final analysis, Israel will have to accept that the Palestinians will establish their capital in East Jerusalem, while all Israeli Jews living on the east side of the city can remain where they are. In fact, the Trump administration’s official recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital clearly states that “We are not taking a position on any final status issues, including the specific boundaries of the Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. Those questions are up to the parties involved.”

The ongoing disturbances actually present an opportunity for Biden to be very decisive that this violence is not something that will go away once the immediate flareup subsides. Biden should declare definitively that while West Jerusalem belongs to Israel and the US recognizes it as such (given that the US Embassy is located there), East Jerusalem is not part of Israel’s capital.

There are many Israelis, perhaps a majority, who insist that the Palestinians’ future capital can be established in either Abu Dis or Silwan, which would be incorporated into Greater Jerusalem. The Palestinians will continue to reject that off-hand, especially because they have the backing of the international community and the Arab states and in particular Saudi Arabia. Indeed, the Saudis uphold the establishment of the Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem as sacrosanct to the Arab world as a whole.

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Those Israelis who bask in the illusion that East Jerusalem will forever remain under Israeli control must realize that only through the use of force can Israel maintain control and even then, frequent flareups, such the current one, will happen and potentially escalate into a full-blown violent uprising.

Israel-Gaza violence spirals

The upcoming new Israeli government should view the unfolding events in Jerusalem as the catalyst for looking somberly at long-term Israeli-Palestinian relations. Moreover, every Israeli should remember that under any violent conflict, the Arab states will always land on the Palestinian side, and put an end to and possibly abrogate current diplomatic relations with Israel.

The Biden administration now has a golden opportunity to change the dynamic of the conflict over East Jerusalem. Biden should insist that given the history of the city, its religious symbolism and the reality on the ground, a solution to the future of East Jerusalem could become a microcosm of Israeli-Palestinian peaceful coexistence under the framework of a two-state solution. Only such an outcome will usher in a comprehensive Israeli-Palestinian peace.

(Dr. Alon Ben-Meir is a professor of international relations at the Center for Global Affairs at NYU. He teaches courses on international negotiation and Middle Eastern studies.)

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