-Top News Asia News Politics

MQM Founder Blasts Military’s Political Role

MQM founder said that the people of Pakistan cannot get real freedom until they get freedom from the slavery of the corrupt army generals and feudal lords….reports Asian Lite News

Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) founder Altaf Hussain has said that he does not want to see the end of the Pakistan army as every nation needs an army. However, MQM opposes the military’s interference in Pakistan’s political, economic and administrative matters and wants to see their involvement in the country’s defence only, he added.

In his address at the All Pakistan Muttahida Students Organization’s (APMSO) 46th Foundation Day under the auspices of the UK chapter of MQM in London on Monday, Hussain called it “very unfortunate” that all those who sacrificed for Pakistan were named guilty, traitors and punishable, according to MQM’s press release.

He stated that “Muslims of the subcontinent were used in the name of religion and the Muslims and Hindus who had been living together for centuries, were divided among themselves in the name of religion and called it the reason why the people did not get freedom even after the formation of Pakistan and they are still slaves of British agents, generals, and feudal lords who have been ruling Pakistan for 76 years and protecting the interests of their “British Masters”

Hundreds of people of different nationalities, including MQM office bearers and workers, participated in the meeting. Representatives of various political and social organizations also attended the gathering, according to MQM’s press release.

During his address, the MQM founder said that the people of Pakistan cannot get real freedom until they get freedom from the slavery of the corrupt army generals and feudal lords. He said that British agents in Pakistan divided the people of Pakistan into ethnic entities, per the MQM’s press release.

General Asim Munir Chief of Army Staff Pakistan

He noted that those who migrated from East Punjab were resettled. However, they were not recognized and accommodated in Sindh and were forced to leave their language and become Sindhis. Altaf Hussain stated that they had formed an organisation for the rights of “mohajirs.”

He accused Pakistan’s military and ISI of forming armed groups called ‘Pakhtun Loya Jirga’ and ‘Punjabi Pakhtun Ittihad (PPI)’ against “Mohajirs” by providing them weapons to attack the Mohajirs settlements and create riots so that it could be propagated that MQM is against Punjabis and Pakhtuns.

Altaf Hussain said that his crime is that he raised his voice against the Pakistani army’s interference in policy and the same issue is now highlighted by the whole of Pakistan and former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan. While expressing his opposition to Operation Azm-e-Istehkam, he said that Pakistan would become more unstable with this operation.

Upon his arrival at the event, children and girls welcomed Altaf Hussain by waving MQM’s flags in their hands outside the hall. The audience gave a warm welcome to Altaf Hussain by chanting slogans and applauding when he entered the event hall, according to MQM’s press release.

On this occasion, the participants sang the organizational anthem of MQM and supported the anthem in the echo of slogans and applause and later, he addressed the participants of the gathering and met the guests of the event. (ANI)

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-Top News UK News

MQM protests outside Downing Street against extrajudicial killings in Pakistan

Protesters demanded that state operations should stop including the recovery of all the missing workers, the immediate release of the captives, and the end of the unconstitutional ban imposed on founder leader Altaf Hussain….reports Asian Lite News

Protesting against extrajudicial killings in Pakistan of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) workers, the MQM UK held a demonstration at 10 Downing Street, the residence of the British Prime Minister in London on Saturday.

MQM UK organized the protest against extrajudicial killings, setting fire to Nine Zero, enforced disappearance of former Member of Parliament Nisar Panhwar, unconstitutional and illegal ban on founder leader Altaf Hussain’s speech, and state atrocities on Mohajirs.

MQM coordination committee members Qasim Ali Raza, Mustafa Azizabadi, central executive committee members Shahid Mustafa, Hashim Azam, MQM UK central organizer Sohail Khanzada, organizing committee members, workers, women, and children participated in the demonstration.

MQM UK stages protest at 10 Downing Street against extrajudicial killings in PakistanPic credits ANI

The protesters were holding MQM flags, portraits of founder and leader Altaf Hussain, and various placards on which were written demands against extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, arrest of Nisar Panhwar, and ban on Altaf Hussain’s speeches. Participants were chanting slogans of “We want justice”, “Stop killing Mohajirs”, “Release Nisar Panhwar”, “Wake up…wake up…UK Wake up” “Mohajir is alive “, “a light of revolution is ..Altaf, Altaf” and others. Protesters also distributed pamphlets among the passers-by on which there were details regarding the demonstration.

Qasim Ali Raza, Mustafa Azizabadi, Shahid Mustafa, Hashim Azam, Sohail Khanzada, Abdul Hafeez, Moeen Ahmed, and women workers expressed their views on this occasion. They strongly condemn the ongoing state operation against MQM, extra-judicial killing of activists, fire at MQM central office nine zero, the disappearance of Nisar Panhwar, and illegal ban on Hussain’s speech.

They demanded that state operations should stop including the recovery of all the missing workers like Nisar Panhwar, the immediate release of the captives, and the end of the unconstitutional ban imposed on founder leader Altaf Hussain.

MQM UK stages protest at 10 Downing Street against extrajudicial killings in Pakistan Pic credits ANI

Later, a five-member MQM delegation comprising members of the coordination committee Qasim Ali Raza, Mustafa Azizabadi, UK organizer Sohail Khanzada, Ghufran Hameed, and Abdul Hafeez, finance secretary of MQM UK, went to 10 Downing and handed over an SOS petition to the staff for the British Prime Minister Liz Truss.

In the petition, MQM appealed to the British Prime Minister to use his influence to stop the ongoing state operation against MQM and the grave human rights violations. Along with the petition, photographs of MQM martyrs Irfan Basarat Shaheed, Abid Abbasi Shaheed, Waseem Akhtar Raj Shaheed who were extra-judicially killed recently, the report of the incident of setting fire to Nine Zero by the Rangers, with booklet based on the details about the unconstitutional ban imposed on Altaf Hussain and the state atrocities on the Mohajirs was also presented. (ANI)

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-Top News Asia News USA

MQM protestors seek US intervention in Mohajirs genocide

The protest was organised to seek interference from the US administration to end the human rights violations in Pakistan against Mohajirs….reports Asian Lite News

Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) US Chapter staged a protest at the US State Department and White House in Washington DC against atrocities on Mohajirs by the state of Pakistan.

According to a press release, the Pakistani authorities have been inflicting injustices and state oppression on Mohajirs. Their property is continuously being demolished at the behest of the Pakistan military.

The protest was staged on June 19 to inform the US authorities about the continued injustices, atrocities, and human rights violations in Pakistan against Mohajirs. “The Pakistani military is continuing to eliminate Mohajirs through extrajudicial executions in big numbers. Their homes and businesses are destroyed and Mohajirs are rendered homeless,” the release said.

The law enforcers in Karachi supervised and controlled by the Pakistan military extra-judicially killed one mote MQM activist, Shahid Aziz in custody two days ago.

The protest was meant to seek interference from the State Department and Biden administration to stop the genocide of Mohajirs.

The Army and other security forces in Pakistan are continuing with a brutal crackdown on MQM since June 19, 1992. Serious human rights violations in Sindh and injustices against Mohajirs are escalating every day.

MQM stages protest in Washington DC against Pakistan atrocities on Mohajirs(ANI)

MQM activists and their families first gathered at Dupont Circle and settled at Lageytte Park for staging a protest. The protest rally was led by MQM US Central Organizer Matloob Zaidi and members of the Central Organizing Committee.It consisted of MQM activists, and a large number of men, women, and children participated.

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Demonstrators had held MQM flags and banners, portraits of MQM Supremo Altaf Hussain. They held placards against human rights violations and demanded to immediately stop state injustices and crimes against Mohajirs. They demanded the United States administration’s intervention. They condemned the Pakistani government and military on rights violations, capturing resources unlawfully.

Zaidi, Ibadat and other MQM officials also presented a memorandum to the authorities concerned at the State Department in which they appealed to the Biden Administration and the State Department to take immediate notice of serious human rights violations in Pakistan against Mohajirs and use influence to stop these injustices and genocide of Mohajirs.They demanded the right of self-determination under the charter of the United Nations Human rights. MQM appealed in their petition to the US authorities to send the United Nations team on the ground to speak with Mohajir and oppressed Sindhis to get the true sense of ground reality.

MQM stages protest in Washington DC against Pakistan atrocities on Mohajirs(ANI)

Zaidi, Ibadat and other MQM officials later talked to the media. They said that unannounced martial law is in force in Pakistan. Three provinces of Pakistan, Sindh, Balochistan, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and tribal belt have been converted into colonies of Punjab.

Mohajir settlements in Karachi are continuously destroyed as part of genocide of Mohajirs both physically and economically. Pakistan military is continuing with a crackdown against Mohajirs for decades. The law enforcers murdered an MQM activist Shahid Aziz who was in custody since 2017.

Punjabi establishment is applying all tricks, forces, and powers for capturing resources of Sindh. MQM appealed to the Biden Administration to exercise influence to end this ongoing genocide of Mohajirs.

The protest was part of a 3-day annual convention of MQM USA. The protest rally and demonstration was broadcast live on the online web channel “Meri Awaaz Suno”. (ANI)

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