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Don’t Repeat The 1930s History In The 2020s

The Eurasia Group has avoided calling either Xi or the PRC in any way ‘dangerous’ but regards a fighter for democracy as ‘dangerous’, writes Prof. Madhav Das Nalapat

Recently, a member of an influential strategic group wrote about a trio of the leaders that in his view were the three “most dangerous” friends of the US and its allies across the Atlantic. The three named were Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu and Taiwan’s William Lai. This is what the Eurasia Group writer was quoted by KMT Presidential candidate Hou You-yih as saying.

If Hou is correct in such an attribution, the Eurasia Group has moved entirely away from its consistent cheerleading of the senseless, hopeless war that Zelenskyy is conducting against Russia. The war is being fought in a bid to recover territories lost to Moscow since 2014. That the policy suggestions of such behaind the times groups are taken so seriously by policymakers in the US and its Atlantic allies is why what Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov calls the “Collective West” is losing its influence across the world.

Living in a world of the past, ignoring the reality of the present, dinosaurs within the policymaking community who still believe the world is in the era of Cold War 1.0 continue to dominate policy within NATO. According to such minds, the three “rogue” states that need to be neutralised are North Korea, Iran and Russia. Conspicuously absent from the Eurasia list is China, which is presumably why Taiwan’s William Lai, who is no admirer of the CCP, has been included in the Eurasia list of “dangerous friends” of the US and its allies.

In the 1930s, the intellectual ancestors of the Eurasia Group were joyful at Poland opposing the pleas of the Foreign Minister of the Soviet Union from 1930 to 1939, Maxim Litvinov, for France, Britain and the USSR to join hands against Nazi Germany. Not that Pilsudski, Sikorski and others in Poland who regarded Hitler’s Germany as being preferable by far to Stalinist Russia were alone in such a view.

Most of the leaders of France and Britain during the 1930s agreed with them, while the few who did not, such as Winston Churchill, were shunned as “unsound warmongers”. Poland paid a very heavy price in lives and land for its policies after the invasion of the country by Germany in 1939. In times to come, Zelenskyy and the other Ukrainian leaders of the present will be judged the way the Polish leadership during the 1930s was, as individuals who sleepwalked their country to disaster.

But it would be unfair to blame Zelenskyy in the manner that an analyst in the Eurasia Group is reported to have done. Having come to power on a mandate from the voters to search for a peaceful resolution of the tensions with Russia, after being elected, Zelenskyy was bombarded with advice (including by visiting members of the Eurasia Group) to win back through war the lands lost to pro-Russian elements in Ukraine in 2014.

When there was the proposal by Moscow of an armistice just a month after Russia launched its war on Ukraine in 2022, that overture was blocked by the US, the UK and the EU. The three promised Zelenskyy “all that was needed, for as long as it takes” to defeat the Russian bear. Trying to push a bear into a corner is never a good idea, unless you have the capability of completely overpowering it.

Given that Russia has the most lethal nuclear force in the world, any question of overpowering the country in battle does not arise. This would be the case even if NATO were to enter into the Ukraine conflict in the way the Chinese and the Ukrainian regime want, the first privately and the other openly.

Calling the country with such a lethal nuclear arsenal a rogue state needing to be neutralised, as the Eurasia Group has done, is to seek to corner a bear without the ability to defeat its counterattack. Thanks to such muddied thinking, much of the world is suffering the consequences of NATO having urged Ukraine to fight a war that is unwinnable for the country.

war in Ukraine.(photo:Instagram)

Zelenskyy’s previous career as a comic has evidently not prepared him to understand the consequences of his having followed the advice of many including the Eurasia Group in rejecting an armistice except on terms tantamount to the impossibility of a Russian surrender. Rather than Zelenskyy being a “dangerous friend”, the fact is that it is dangerous to go by the views of the Eurasia Group, as is now clear to all except confirmed Cold War 1.0 zealots who have not noticed that from 1997 onwards, the world has entered into the era of Cold War 2.0. And what of North Korea?

After seeing what happened to Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi after they handed over their WMD stockpiles, it would not be rational for Kim Jong Un to trust in the word of western leaders (in the way Gaddafi, under the influence of his son Saif, did). This was the promise that after Kim dismantled his WMD and thereby made himself helpless in a future war, he would be transformed from foe to friend. Should North and South Korea ever unify in the way East and West Germany did, it will almost certainly be as a nuclear state.

As for Iran, there is no doubt that the obsession of the clerical regime, which is to eliminate Israel from the map, has been the single biggest factor behind the suffering endured by the Iranian people. Which is why most of the people of Iran loathe the clerics who ruin their lives. And what of the other “dangerous friends”, Netanyahu and Lai? The fact is that the 7 October terror attack by Hamas left no choice for Israel but to eliminate the military wing of Hamas.

Contrary to many “experts”, should the Hamas military wing survive the present IDF operation, it would speed up radicalisation across the region, while the demise of the offensive capability of Hamas would dampen such fervour. If George W. Bush is not considered “dangerous” by the Eurasia Group for his reaction to 9/11, neither should Netanyahu. And unlike Bush, who cheerfully expanded his war to Iraq, thus far Netanyahu has held back fringe elements in his government urging an attack on Iran.

As for William Lai, he is “dangerous” not to the US or to Taiwan but only to the CCP, which is engaged in an effort at taking control of Taiwan by stealth. The Eurasia Group has avoided calling either Xi or the PRC in any way “dangerous” but regards Lai, a fighter for democracy, as “dangerous”. With policy advisers such as these, small wonder that the Atlantic Alliance is shrinking in credibility across the world.

ALSO READ-UNo Clear End: Zelensky on Russia’s Ongoing War

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Netanyahu Vows Israel’s Unyielding Fight Against Hamas

Netanyahu denounced the charges by South Africa in the International Court of Justice( ICJ) that his country was carrying out genocide in Gaza strip….reports Asian Lite News

Israel Prime Minister Benjamtin Netanyahu said that his country will continue its war against Hamas “to the end – until complete victory”

He was addressing reporters at the Israel Defense Forces( IDF) headquarters Saturday late evening.

He also denounced the charges by South Africa in the International Court of Justice( ICJ) that his country was carrying out genocide in Gaza strip.

Benjamin Netanyahu stated that “no force will stop Israel, not The Hague (in reference to ICJ) and not the axis of evil led by Iran and not anyone else”.

He said, “We are on the path to victory and we will not stop until we achieve victory,” and added that he had told US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that this was not only the war of Israel but also the war of the US against the evil axis led by Iran.

The Israel Prime Minister also lashed out at the ICJ complaint by South Africa and asked, “Whom do they support? Murderers, rapists, baby-burners? What an embarrassment, what an embarrassment.”

Netanyahu also said that the State of Israel, the IDF and the security forces were fighting a moral and just war and reiterated that international vilification campaigns by countries like South Africa will not have any impact.


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Modi holds talks with Netanyahu

Prime Minister Netanyahu thanked Indian Prime Minister Modi for India’s support of Israel’s just war to eliminate the Hamas terrorist organization…reports Asian Lite News

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday had a telephonic conversation with Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu. Israeli PM briefed PM Modi on the recent developments in the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict.

The two leaders shared concerns regarding the safety of maritime traffic. PM Modi reiterated the need for continued humanitarian aid for the impacted people. He stressed for an early and peaceful resolution of the conflict, including the release of all hostages, through dialogue and diplomacy.

In the press release, Prime Minister’s Office said, “Prime Minister reiterated the need for continued humanitarian aid for the affected population and emphasized an early and peaceful resolution of the conflict, including the release of all hostages, through dialogue and diplomacy. The two leaders agreed to remain in touch.”

In a post shared on X, PM Modi stated, “Had a productive exchange of views with PM @netanyahu on the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, including shared concerns on the safety of maritime traffic. Highlighted India’s consistent stand in favour of early restoration of peace & stability in the region with continued humanitarian assistance for the affected.”

PM Modi and Netanyahu also discussed the importance of securing freedom of navigation in the Bab-el-Mandeb, according to statement released by Israel The two leaders discussed the global interest in preventing attacks on the global economy, trade as welll as the Indian and Israeli economies. In a post on X, Israel Prime Minister’s Office stated, “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke today with Indian Prime Minister @NarendraModi. The two leaders discussed the importance of securing freedom of navigation in the Bab-el-Mandeb, which is threatened by the aggression of the Houthis, instigated by Iran.” It further stated, “They also discussed the global interest in preventing attacks on the global economy and trade, as well as the Indian and Israeli economies. Indian Prime Minister Modi noted that freedom of navigation is an essential global necessity that must be ensured.” According to statement released by Israel Prime Minister’s Office on X, PM Modi and Netanyahu discussed advancing the arrival of foreign workers from India to Israel.

In a post on X, Israel Prime Minister’s Office stated, “The two leaders also discussed advancing the arrival of foreign workers from India to the State of Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu thanked Indian Prime Minister Modi for India’s support of Israel’s just war to eliminate the Hamas terrorist organization.” Notably, the war between Israel and Hamas started after the terror group invaded southern Israel, killing more than 1,200 people, most of them civilians, and taking over 200 hostages. Israel has vowed to destroy Hamas. Meanwhile, the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza said that at least 19,667 Palestinians have been killed in the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza since Hamas launched an attack on Israel on October 7, The Times of Israel reported. The health ministry said 52,586 people in Gaza have been injured in more than two months of fighting, according to The Times of Israel report. The figures cannot be verified as Hamas does not differentiate between civilians and combatants. (ANI)

ALSO READ-Modi vows to make India world’s third-largest economy

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Netanyahu Calls for International Condemnation of Hamas Actions

Netanyahu also said that he had listened to the gory tales of women hostages in Gaza being abused, and added that he was addressing the press conference after listening to the terrible moments that the hostages had gone through in Hamas captivity…reports Asian Lite News

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed the United Nations, human right groups and women’s right groups globally on their silence over the cruel rape and sexual assault on Israeli women during the October 7 Hamas attack in Southern Israel.

In a press conference late Tuesday, the Israel Prime Minister asked the human rights organisations, women’s rights organisations and the United Nations as to whether they remained silent because those who bore the sexual abuses, rape and mutilation happened to be Jewish Women.

Netanyahu also said that he had listened to the gory tales of women hostages in Gaza being abused, and added that he was addressing the press conference after listening to the terrible moments that the hostages had gone through in Hamas captivity.

He said, “I urge all civilised leaders, governments and nations to speak up against these atrocities on Israeli women.”

The Prime Minister of Israel also said that the IDF was making advances in south Gaza and added that the Hamas will be getting the taste of firepower more in the days to come.

ALSO READ-Tensions Escalate as Hamas Detonates Tunnel Entrance

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Netanyahu’s Trial Back in Session Amidst Regional Tensions

Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, is on trial for accepting bribes, fraud and breach of trust in three separate cases…reports Asian Lite News

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption trial resumed on Monday in Jerusalem after more than a two-month pause amid the Israel-Hamas conflict.

During the hearing, the Jerusalem District Court heard the questioning of a police investigator over the so-called “Case 4,000”, in which Netanyahu allegedly promoted regulatory benefits for Bezeq, Israel’s largest telecom company, in return for favorable coverage from a news website it owned.

The trial began in early 2020. The last hearing in the case took place on September 20, after which the court went on recess for the Jewish holidays. Subsequently, it did not reconvene due to the ongoing conflict, Xinhua news agency reported.

Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, is on trial for accepting bribes, fraud and breach of trust in three separate cases, but he denies any wrongdoing.

ALSO READ: UN Urges Restraint in Israel-Gaza Conflict

-Top News Arab News

Netanyahu Vows to ‘Eliminate’ Hamas in Gaza Tunnel Tour

The visit took place on the third day of a fragile truce between Israel and Hamas, which includes the entry of desperately needed aid to Gaza and the release of about 50 hostages and 150 Palestinian prisoners…reports Asian Lite News

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu toured a tunnel in the besieged Gaza Strip and vowed to “eliminate” Hamas.

“We are here in the (Gaza) Strip,” Netanyahu was seen saying on Sunday in a video footage released by his office, wearing an army vest and helmet.

His office said he received a briefing from commanders and toured an underground tunnel belonging to Hamas that was exposed during the war, Xinhua news agency reported.

Netanyahu stated that Israel’s goals for the attack, launched on October 7 following Hamas’ deadly surprise attack, are to “eliminate” Hamas, release about 240 hostages kidnapped by Hamas, and “ensure that Gaza will not pose a threat to Israel again.”

“We are continuing until the end — until victory. And nothing will stop us,” he said, surrounded by soldiers.

He added, “We are making every effort to bring our hostages back home, and eventually, we will.”

The visit took place on the third day of a fragile truce between Israel and Hamas, which includes the entry of desperately needed aid to Gaza and the release of about 50 hostages and 150 Palestinian prisoners.

The weeks of Israeli bombardment in Gaza have reportedly led to the deaths of over 14,000 people, 40 per cent of them children, while thousands remain missing, believed to be trapped beneath the rubble, according to the Hamas-run Health Ministry.

According to Israeli figures, about 1,200 people were killed, mainly in the initial attack that triggered the war.

ALSO READ-Netanyahu should be thrown out now, says ex-PM Olmert

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Netanyahu Optimistic on Hostage Deal

Israel’s war cabinet met on Tuesday evening, followed by the convening of the security cabinet and government…reports Asian Lite News

 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed hope that a deal to free hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip would be finalised “soon” and called for special cabinet meetings in response to “developments” related to the emerging deal.

“We are making progress,” Netanyahu said on Tuesday, addressing the Qatar-mediated efforts to sign a deal to free some of the hostages in exchange for the release of Palestinian prisoners and a multi-day temporary cease-fire.

“I hope there will be good news soon,” he added during a tour near the Israel-Lebanon border, Xinhua news agency reported.

Israel’s war cabinet met on Tuesday evening, followed by the convening of the security cabinet and government.

The Prime Minister’s office announced in a press statement that these special meetings are being called “in light of developments regarding the release of our hostages”.

As part of the regular procedure in Israel, any potential swap deal that includes the release of Palestinian prisoners needs to be brought for a vote in both the security cabinet and the government.

Earlier on Tuesday, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said the group’s officials are “close to reaching a truce agreement” with Israel and that Hamas has delivered its response to Qatar, according to a report by Israel’s state-owned Kan TV news.

According to Kan, the deal would include the release of about 50 civilian hostages held by Hamas in exchange for the release of female and teen Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prisons, as well as a several-day pause in fighting.

About 240 hostages, comprising civilians, soldiers, children, women and the elderly of various nationalities, were taken to Gaza by Hamas militants in their surprise raids on October 7. About 1,200 people were killed in the attack, mostly civilians. Since the massive offensive launched by Israel on the very same day, at least 13,000 have been killed in the Gaza Strip, primarily civilians, according to the government media office in the besieged enclave.

ALSO READ-Israeli Forces Uncover 35 Gaza Tunnels, Seize Weapons

-Top News Europe

Macron tells Netanyahu ‘too many civilian losses’ in Gaza

Macron also condemned violence against Palestinian civilians in the occupied West Bank, the statement said. More than 200 Palestinians have been killed there since Israel began its war in Gaza…reports Asian Lite News

French President Emmanuel Macron has told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu there were “too many civilian losses” in Israel’s war in Gaza, as Paris readied more humanitarian aid for the besieged enclave.

Israel has said it wants to destroy the Palestinian armed group after it killed about 1,200 people and took hundreds more captive in a surprise assault on October 7.

More than 13,000 people in Gaza, some 70 percent of them women and children according to the United Nations, have been killed in the air and land offensive. Hospitals, schools and refugee settlements have also come under sustained attack.

According to a statement from Macron’s office on Sunday, the French president reminded Netanyahu of the “absolute necessity to distinguish terrorists from the population” and “the importance of achieving an immediate humanitarian truce leading to a ceasefire”.

Macron also condemned violence against Palestinian civilians in the occupied West Bank, the statement said. More than 200 Palestinians have been killed there since Israel began its war in Gaza.

The French leader told Netanyahu about his “great concern over the escalation in violence against Palestinian civilians” in the occupied West Bank and called for calm.

Macron also spoke to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who is from the Palestinian Authority, which controls the West Bank.

He told Abbas of “the need for the Palestinian Authority and all countries in the region to unequivocally and with the greatest firmness condemn the terrorist attack carried out by Hamas in Israel on October 7”.

Earlier on Sunday, Macron announced new humanitarian assistance for Gaza where there are growing fears of starvation.

The president said France would send an aircraft with more than 10 tonnes of medical supplies at the start of the week, and will contribute to European Union medical aid flights on November 23 and 30.

It is also preparing a second hospital ship, the helicopter carrier Dixmude, which will arrive in Egypt in the coming days.

The French helicopter carrier – the Tonnerre, which has about 60 beds and two operating theatres – has already been deployed to the region.

The statement added that “France is mobilising all its available means to contribute to the evacuation of wounded and sick children requiring emergency care from the Gaza Strip to its hospitals”.

Macron said later on X, formerly Twitter, that up to 50 children could be flown for treatment in hospitals in France “if useful and necessary”. Earlier this month, French planes delivered 54 tonnes of aid for Gaza via Egypt.

ALSO READ-Macron urges Israel to stop bombing Gaza

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Netanyahu Vows to Press On with Gaza Mission

The IDF encircled Gaza and split the territory into two, cutting off the north from the south in a strategic military maneuver….reports Asian Lite News

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday reaffirmed his commitment not to yield to global pressures for a ceasefire, including from its trusted ally US, as the IDF is nearing its goal shortly of capturing Gaza and assuming responsibility for its administration.

The IDF encircled Gaza and split the territory into two, cutting off the north from the south in a strategic military maneuver.

Netanyahu said that Israel will have to oversee “security responsibility” in Gaza “for an indefinite period” to make sure Hamas cannot carry out large-scale terrorism acts again.

“There would be no ceasefire in Gaza without the release of our hostages,” he told ABC News’ ‘World News Tonight’.

On a humanitarian pause if hostages are released, Netanyahu said, “There’ll be a ceasefire for that purpose. We’re waiting for that to happen. It hasn’t happened so far.”

On future governance of Gaza if and when the war is over, Netanyahu said, “Those who don’t want to continue the way of Hamas?”

Hamas militants currently hold about 240 hostages after their attack on October 7. 

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) took control of a Hamas military stronghold in the northern Gaza Strip, the military said in a daily Telegram update covering the events of the previous day.

Anti-tank missiles and launchers, weapons and intelligence materials were located on the site of the compound, the IDF said.

Meanwhile, more than 100 foreign nationals left Gaza and entered Egypt via the Rafah border crossing on Tuesday, according to an Egyptian border official cited by CNN.

The total number of foreign passport holders who have left war-torn Gaza so far is 114, the official said, with an additional four wounded Palestinians allowed into Egypt for medical treatment. 

At least 30 more injured Palestinians are set to enter the country on Tuesday, the official added.

Meanwhile, the United Arab Emirates has said that it will set up a field hospital with a 150-bed capacity in the Gaza Strip to deliver essential medical treatment to Palestinian people, the country’s state-run news agency said late on Monday.

Five aircraft carrying supplies and equipment for the medical facility have departed from Abu Dhabi and will unload their cargo at the al-Arish airport in Egypt, for where it will be transported to the Gaza Strip — likely by truck, through the Rafah crossing.

The UAE previously announced $20 million of urgent aid to the Palestinian people and an initiative to bring approximately 1,000 Palestinian children from the Gaza Strip, alongside their families, for medical treatment in the UAE.

Abu Dhabi has historically supported the cause of the Palestinian people, but notably normalised relations with Israel in 2020 through the US-brokered Abraham Accords.

ALSO READ: Biden, Netanyahu Discuss ‘Tactical Pauses’ in Gaza War

-Top News Arab News

Netanyahu Rejects Ceasefire Calls, Demands Hostage Release

According to the Israeli authorities, the Hamas is holding 240 people as hotages in Gaza, including Israelis and foreign nationals…reports Asian Lite News

 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reiterated that there will be no ceasefire in Gaza until the Hamas militant group releases all the hostages it took captive after launching the unprecented attack on October 7.

When asked about temporary “humanitarian” pauses in the fighting as suggested by US President Joe Biden and top administration officials, the Prime Minister told ABC News on Monday: “Well, there’ll be no ceasefire, general ceasefire, in Gaza without the release of our hostages. As far as tactical little pauses, an hour here, an hour there.

” We’ve had them before, I suppose, will check the circumstances in order to enable goods, humanitarian goods to come in, or our hostages, individual hostages to leave. But I don’t think there’s going to be a general ceasefire.”

According to the Israeli authorities, the Hamas is holding 240 people as hotages in Gaza, including Israelis and foreign nationals.

Media reports have indicated that about 30 of the them are children.

So far, the militant group released four civilian hostages, while afemale Israeli soldier was rescued by the country’s forces.

Hamas has however, claimed that 57 of the hostages were killed in the the Israeli airstrikes. 

Netanyahu went on to say that a ceasefire “will hamper the war effort”.

“It’ll hamper our effort to get our hostages out because the only thing that works on these criminals in Hamas is the military pressure that we’re exerting.”

When he was asked about a probable halt in the fighting if Hamas agreed to release the hostages, the Israeli leader told ABC News: “There will be a ceasefire for that purpose.”

When Netanyahu was asked who will govern the enclave once and when the raging fighting ends, he indicated that he believed Israel will have a role to play for an “indefinite period”.

“Those who don’t want to continue the way of Hamas… It certainly is not — I think Israel will, for an indefinite period will have the overall security responsibility because we’ve seen what happens when we don’t have it.

“When we don’t have that security responsibility, what we have is the eruption of Hamas terror on a scale that we couldn’t imagine,” he told ABC News.

Netanyahu also addressed the role of Iran and Hezbollah in the conflict, cautioning them from getting more involved. 

“I think they’ve understood that if they enter the war in a significant way, the response will be very, very powerful and I hope they don’t make that mistake.”

As of Tuesday morning, the war in Gaza have killed more than 10,000 Palestinians in the besieged enclave, including 4,008 children and 2,550 women.

In Israel, the death toll stood at 1,400,

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