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SCO SUMMIT: Xi stresses on regional peace

Chinese President urged member states of the SCO to “follow the right direction and enhance their solidarity and mutual trust”…reports Asian Lite News

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday urged leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) bloc to work towards safeguarding “regional peace”.

Addressing a virtual SCO Summit hosted by India, Xi called for efforts to safeguard regional peace and ensure common security.

He urged member states of the SCO to “follow the right direction and enhance their solidarity and mutual trust”, China’s state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

The Chinese President spoke after Prime Minister Narendra Modi had, during his opening address, urged upon the SCO, not to hesitate from criticising countries promoting cross border terrorism, in an oblique reference to Pakistan, which is also participating in the Summit.

In his address, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that sanctions have made Russia stronger and added that his country will stand up against all sanctions and provocations.

Russia has been facing sanctions globally since it’s war with Ukraine began in February 2022.

This was Putin’s first public appearance at an international forum since a coup attempt against the Kremlin by the head of the Wagner mercenary group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, late last month.

ALSO READ: SCO SUMMIT: Modi slams ‘double standards’ on terrorism

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SCO SUMMIT: Modi slams ‘double standards’ on terrorism

Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, China’s President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin among others participated in the summit….reports Asian Lite News

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday, in an apparent attack on Pakistan and China, called on member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) to not hesitate to condemn countries that use cross-border terrorism as ‘policy instruments’ and shelter terrorists.

“Some countries use cross-border terrorism as an instrument of their policies and give shelter to terrorists,” Prime Minister Modi said adding that the SCO should not hesitate to criticise such countries and “there should be no double standards on terrorism.” Addressing the 23rd summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation through video conference the prime minister said that “Terrorism is a threat to regional and global peace, we will have to fight against terrorism.”

Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, China’s President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin among others participated in the summit.

“Terrorism has become the prime danger for both regional as well as global peace, and decisive action is necessary to deal with it. Terrorism in whichever form or expression, we have to collectively fight against it. Some countries use cross-border terrorism as instrument of their policies and harbour terrorists. SCO should not refrain from criticising such nations,” PM Modi said.

He added, “There should not be any place for double-standards on such a serious issue. We should also increase cooperation to deal against terror financing. We should take further steps to stop the radicalisation of youth in our countries. The joint statement being issued on the issue of radicalisation is the proof of our shared commitment”.

Last month, China had blocked a proposal by India and the United States at the United Nations to designate Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist Sajid Mir, wanted for his involvement in the 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attacks, as a global terrorist.

This move of China was sternly criticised by India, as even after 15 years since the Mumbai terrorist attacks, the masterminds behind the atrocity have yet to be brought to justice.

Meanwhile, in his virtual address to the SCO heads of the summit meeting, PM Modi also laid focus on the situation in Afghanistan and said that Afghan soil should not be allowed to be used to destabilise its neighbourhood.

The Prime Minister said that humanitarian assistance and setting of an elected government in Kabul are major priorities of the SCO.

“The situation in Afghanistan has directly affected the security of the region. India’s concerns and aspirations for Afghanistan is at par with other SCO countries. We will have to collectively work for the welfare of the Afghan people. Humanitarian assistance to Afghan citizens, forming an elected and inclusive government, fighting against drug trafficking and terrorism, and ensuring the rights of women, children and minorities- these all are our shared priorities,” he said.

PM Modi added, “India and Afghanistan have age-old ties. Over the last two decades, India has contributed to the economic and social development of Afghanistan. We have continued to send assistance even after the 2021 episode. It is important that the Afghan soil should not be used to spread instability in neighbouring countries or to encourage extremist ideologies”. (ANI)

ALSO READ: Iran becomes full member of SCO

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Iran becomes full member of SCO

Iran originally requested to join the alliance 15 years ago….reports Asian Lite News

Iran, one of India’s neighbours in its extended neighbourhood, has formally become a full member of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who on Tuesday chaired the SCO Summit virtually, said Iran is going to join as new member of the organization and also welcomed the signing of the Memorandum of Obligation for the SCO membership of Belarus. “I am happy that today Iran is going to join the SCO family as a new member. For this, I convey my best wishes to President Ebrahim Raisi and the people of Iran. Also, we welcome the signing of the memorandum of obligation for Belarus’ SCO membership,” PM Modi said at the summit.

Iran originally requested to join the alliance 15 years ago. SCO follows a rigorous process of admission.

In 2021, Iran’s Foreign Ministry announced that they had joined the SCO as the ninth member.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran becomes 9th member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. At the end of the 21st Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), held in the Tajik capital Dushanbe, the leaders of the eight main members of the organisation agreed to change the membership of the Islamic Republic of Iran from an observer member to a full member and signed the relevant documents,” the ministry said in a release.

Earlier, in May, an official said that the observer countries of the SCO, Iran and Belarus could soon become full-time members of the charter as the decision is under consideration as of now.

In his virtual address at the 23rd Summit of the SCO Council of Heads of State, PM Modi also stated that several new platforms such as the Young Scientist Conclave, Authors Conclave, Startup Forum, and Youth Council have been organized to harness the talent of the youth from SCO countries.

“Over the past two decades, the SCO has emerged as an important platform for peace, prosperity and development in the entire Eurasia region. India’s thousands of years old cultural and people-to-people ties with this region are living testimony to our shared heritage,” he said.

PM Modi chaired the SCO meeting virtually. Russian President Vladimir Putin, Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and other leaders virtually participated in the SCO meeting.

PM Modi said that India has made efforts to take its multi-faceted cooperation with SCO to new heights.

“We do not only see the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) as an extended neighbourhood, but rather as an extended family. As Chair of the SCO, India has made efforts to take our multi-faceted cooperation to new heights,” PM Modi said.

PM Modi noted that security, economic development, connectivity, unity, respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity and environmental protection are pillars of India’s vision for SCO. (ANI)

ALSO READ: ‘SCO has emerged as key platform for peace’

-Top News India News

‘SCO has emerged as key platform for peace’

Putin, Sharif, Xi, Raisi, Lukashenko, Tokayev and other leaders virtually participate in SCO meeting…reports Asian Lite News

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in the past 20 years has emerged as an important platform for peace, prosperity and development in the entire Eurasia region. He said that India sees SCO as an extended family.

In his virtual address at the 23rd Summit of the SCO Council of Heads of State, PM Modi said that several new platforms such as the Young Scientist Conclave, Authors Conclave, Startup Forum, and Youth Council have been organized to harness the talent of the youth from SCO countries. “Over the past two decades, the SCO has emerged as an important platform for peace, prosperity and development in the entire Eurasia region. India’s thousands of years old cultural and people-to-people ties with this region are living testimony to our shared heritage,” he said.

PM Modi chaired the SCO meeting virtually. Russian President Vladimir Putin, Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and other leaders virtually participated in the SCO meeting.

New Delhi, July 04 (ANI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit via video conference, in New Delhi on Tuesday. Russian President Vladimir Putin also seen. (ANI Photo)

PM Modi said that India has made efforts to take its multi-faceted cooperation with SCO to new heights.

“We do not only see the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) as an extended neighbourhood, but rather as an extended family. As Chair of the SCO, India has made efforts to take our multi-faceted cooperation to new heights,” PM Modi said.

PM Modi noted that security, economic development, connectivity, unity, respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity and environmental protection are pillars of India’s vision for SCO.

“India has established five pillars of cooperation within the SCO: Startup and innovation, traditional medicine, youth empowerment, digital inclusion, and shared Buddhist heritage,” he said.

The theme of India’s chairship of SCO-SECURE is derived from the acronym coined by PM Modi at the 2018 SCO Qingdao Summit. It stands for S: Security, E: Economic development, C: Connectivity, U: Unity, R: Respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, E: Environmental protection.

Tough talk on terror

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday, in an apparent attack on Pakistan and China, called on member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) to not hesitate to condemn countries that use cross-border terrorism as ‘policy instruments’ and shelter terrorists.

“Some countries use cross-border terrorism as an instrument of their policies and give shelter to terrorists,” Prime Minister Modi said adding that the SCO should not hesitate to criticise such countries and “there should be no double standards on terrorism.” Addressing the 23rd summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation through video conference the prime minister said that “Terrorism is a threat to regional and global peace, we will have to fight against terrorism.”

Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, China’s President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin among others participated in the summit.

“Terrorism has become the prime danger for both regional as well as global peace, and decisive action is necessary to deal with it. Terrorism in whichever form or expression, we have to collectively fight against it. Some countries use cross-border terrorism as instrument of their policies and harbour terrorists. SCO should not refrain from criticising such nations,” PM Modi said.

He added, “There should not be any place for double-standards on such a serious issue. We should also increase cooperation to deal against terror financing. We should take further steps to stop the radicalisation of youth in our countries. The joint statement being issued on the issue of radicalisation is the proof of our shared commitment”.

Last month, China had blocked a proposal by India and the United States at the United Nations to designate Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist Sajid Mir, wanted for his involvement in the 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attacks, as a global terrorist.

This move of China was sternly criticised by India, as even after 15 years since the Mumbai terrorist attacks, the masterminds behind the atrocity have yet to be brought to justice.

Meanwhile, in his virtual address to the SCO heads of the summit meeting, PM Modi also laid focus on the situation in Afghanistan and said that Afghan soil should not be allowed to be used to destabilise its neighbourhood.

The Prime Minister said that humanitarian assistance and setting of an elected government in Kabul are major priorities of the SCO.

“The situation in Afghanistan has directly affected the security of the region. India’s concerns and aspirations for Afghanistan is at par with other SCO countries. We will have to collectively work for the welfare of the Afghan people. Humanitarian assistance to Afghan citizens, forming an elected and inclusive government, fighting against drug trafficking and terrorism, and ensuring the rights of women, children and minorities- these all are our shared priorities,” he said.

PM Modi added, “India and Afghanistan have age-old ties. Over the last two decades, India has contributed to the economic and social development of Afghanistan. We have continued to send assistance even after the 2021 episode. It is important that the Afghan soil should not be used to spread instability in neighbouring countries or to encourage extremist ideologies”. (ANI)

ALSO READ-India’s SCO Presidency: Here’s what is in focus

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India’s SCO Presidency: Here’s what is in focus

During India’s presidency, SCO has touched new milestones in the range, depth, and intensity of engagements and interactions across a wide range of sectors….reports Asian Lite News

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit will be hosted virtually by India under its Presidency on (Tuesday) July 4, 2023, marking an important milestone.

The Summit will be attended by leaders from the 8 member states – China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. It will be chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The SCO is an intergovernmental organization founded in Shanghai on June 15, 2001. The SCO’s objectives are to improve ties among members, advance cooperation in political affairs, economic commerce, scientific-technical, cultural, and educational domains, as well as in energy and the environment, protect regional peace, security, and stability, and develop a democratic, equitable international political and economic order.

Besides the eight Member States, SCO also has four Observer States including Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, and Mongolia, and six ‘Dialogue Partners’ include Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Turkey.

From Observer to SCO presidency

India’s association with the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) began in 2005 as an Observer country. India became a full Member State of SCO at the Astana Summit in 2017, which was a historic moment in India’s engagement with the Organisation. In the past six years, India has played an active and constructive role in all spheres of activities of SCO.

On September 2022, India took over the presidency of SCO from Uzbekistan at the Samarkand Summit of SCO. The theme of India’s chairship of SCO is “SECURE,” derived from the acronym given by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the 2018 SCO Qingdao Summit. It stands for Security, Economic development, Connectivity, Unity, Respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, and Environmental protection.

During India’s presidency, SCO has touched new milestones in the range, depth, and intensity of engagements and interactions across a wide range of sectors. India created five new pillars and focus areas of cooperation in SCO, including startups and innovation, traditional medicine, digital inclusion, youth empowerment, and shared Buddhist heritage.

Two new mechanisms in SCO, Special Working Group on Startups and Innovation and Experts Working Group on Traditional Medicine were created on India’s initiative, we intend to contribute substantially in both these areas.

As Chair of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), India placed significant emphasis on fostering stronger people-to-people connections among member states. To achieve this objective, a series of signature events were organized under the Indian Chairmanship.

Events like SCO Film Festival, SCO Millet Food Festival, SCO Cultural showcase at Suraj Kund Mela, SCO Tourism Mart, Conference on Shared Buddhist Heritage, B2B Conference on Traditional Medicine, and SCO International Conference of Think Tanks aimed to deepen the existing bonds and promote cultural exchange and collaboration.

Vibrant Exchange of ideas & practices

Under the Indian Chairship, an unprecedented level of engagement was witnessed between the SCO Observers and Dialogue Partners. These external participants actively took part in 14 socio-cultural events, which served as platforms for interaction and mutual understanding.

The Indian Chairmanship orchestrated a diverse range of activities to facilitate these very people-to-people connections. These events encompassed various aspects of society, including art, music, dance, literature, sports, and academic exchange. By incorporating such a wide array of activities, the Indian Chair sought to engage individuals from different walks of life, fostering cross-cultural dialogue and cooperation.

These events not only provided an opportunity for member states to showcase their cultural heritage but also encouraged a deeper appreciation of each other’s traditions and customs. By promoting cultural exchange, the Indian Chair aimed to create an atmosphere of inclusivity and harmony within the SCO.

The participation of SCO Observers and Dialogue Partners in these events further contributed to the enrichment of the cultural experience. These external participants brought their unique perspectives and traditions, facilitating a diverse and vibrant exchange of ideas and practices.

Strengthening people-to-people ties

The SCO’s socio-cultural events under the Indian Chairmanship not only promoted mutual understanding but also strengthened people-to-people ties. By encouraging interaction at various levels, the Indian Chair sought to bridge gaps and build lasting relationships among member states and external participants.

India celebrated Kashi/Varanasi as the 1st SCO Tourist and Cultural Capital of SCO 2022-23, drawing focus on India’s millennia-old cultural and civilizational heritage.

Youth Empowerment was another focus area of Indian chair, and events like Young Authors Conference, Young Scientist Conclave, Startup Forum, SCO Youth Council and Conference, SCO Resident Researchers Programme were organized.

SCO foreign minister’s meeting sets the tone

As part of its presidency of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), India also organized a significant event in Goa, hosting the Foreign Ministers of the SCO member states on 4-5 May. The meeting was not only marked by substantive discussions but also showcased a vibrant cultural program.

The Foreign Ministers’ gathering in Goa provided an important platform for dialogue and deliberation on various regional and global issues. The discussions held during this meeting allowed the participating nations to exchange views, share perspectives, and strengthen cooperation on matters of mutual interest. These deliberations played a crucial role in shaping the SCO’s agenda during India’s presidency.

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar inaugurated the New Delhi Hall virtually at the SCO Secretariat in Beijing. This symbolized India’s commitment to the SCO and its active engagement with the organization. The establishment of the New Delhi Hall further strengthened India’s presence within the SCO framework, providing a dedicated space for future meetings and interactions.

As a testament to the significance of India’s presidency within the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), a special commemorative stamp was issued to mark this historic occasion. This stamp holds immense symbolic value, representing India’s prominent role and contributions to the organization during its first-ever presidency.

To sum up, India attaches special importance to the SCO in promoting multilateral, political, security, economic, and humanistic interrelations in the region. The ongoing engagement with SCO has helped India promote its relations with the countries in the region with which India has shared civilizational linkages, and is considered India’s extended neighborhood

India’s SCO presidency gives the country the chance to start global and regional counterterrorism measures as well as regional efforts to combat the illicit drug trade. India has made serious efforts to promote peace, prosperity, and stability throughout the whole Eurasian area, in general, and amongst the SCO members, in particular, since it gained full membership.

(India News Network)

ALSO READ: Xi, Putin to attend virtual SCO Summit hosted by PM Modi

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Xi, Putin to attend virtual SCO Summit hosted by PM Modi

The meeting is expected to discuss key issues like terrorism, regional security and prosperity…reports Asian Lite News

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will chair the virtual Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Summit on Tuesday, with his Pakistani counterpart Shehbaz Sharif and Chinese President Xi Jinping in attendance.

Besides China and Pakistan, the virtual summit which will be attended by the other SCO member states including Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

India currently holds the SCO Presidency.

Russian President Vladimir Putin will also be present at the summit. This will be his first appearance at an international forum after Russia crushed a coup attempt by the Wagner mercenary group late last month.

The meeting is expected to discuss key issues like terrorism, regional security and prosperity.

The theme of the SCO summit is ‘SECURE’ — S: Security; E: Economic development; C: Connectivity; U: Unity; R: Respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity; E: Environmental protection.

Other than the member countries, Iran, Belarus and Mongolia have also been invited as Observer States.

According to the SCO tradition, Turkmenistan has also been invited as the guest of the Chair.

ALSO READ-India all set for SCO summit

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India all set for SCO summit

During India’s presidency, the SCO has reached new milestones in the depth and intensity of its engagements and interactions across wide-ranging sectors…reports Asian Lite News

As India prepares to host the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in virtual format on Tuesday, it is, perhaps, in order to hark back to how New Delhi’s relationship with the group began.

As an observer country, India joined the SCO in 2005 and became a full member of the group at the Astana Summit in 2017, marking a watershed point in its relationship with the Organisation. In the last six years, India has taken an active and positive role in all SCO operations.

At the SCO Summit in Samarkand in September 2022, India took over the chairmanship of the SCO for the first time from Uzbekistan.

During India’s presidency, the SCO has reached new milestones in the depth and intensity of its engagements and interactions across wide-ranging sectors.

The theme of India’s chairship of SCO- SECURE is derived from the acronym coined by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the 2018 SCO Qingadao Summit.

It stands for: S : Security, E: Economic development, C: Connectivity, U: Unity, R: Respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity E: Environmental protection

India created five new pillars and focus areas of cooperation in SCO — Startups and Innovation, Traditional Medicine, Digital Inclusion, Youth Empowerment and Shared Buddhist Heritage.

Two new mechanisms in SCO — Special Working Group on Startups and Innovation and Experts Working Group on Traditional Medicine — were created at India’s initiative.

“On February this year, a virtual conference of experts and practitioners of traditional medicine was organised where experts from 25 countries of SCO participated. As per the vision of Hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi ji, the draft terms of reference of Expert Working Group on Traditional Medicine was approved during a meeting of experts held at New Delhi last month,” the official release of Ministry of Ayush stated.

In fact, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also said earlier that India is set to take an initiative for a new SCO working group on traditional medicines.

While addressing the extended format of the 22nd Summit of the Council of Heads of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States (SCO-CoHS) in Uzbekistan’s Samarkand, he said, “In April 2022, WHO inaugurated its Global Centre for Traditional Medicines in Gujarat. This was the first & only global centre by WHO for traditional treatment. India will take an initiative for a new SCO working group on traditional medicines.”

To achieve the Prime Minister Modi’s vision of Vasudhaiv Kutumbakom (World is One Family), India emphasised more people-to-people connections.

A number of landmark events were held under the Indian Chair of SCO in order to deepen people-to-people connections. With its involvement in 14 socio-cultural events, the SCO Observers and Dialogue Partners under Indian Chair demonstrated new levels of engagement.

Further, events such as SCO Film Festival, SCO Millet Food Festival, SCO Cultural showcase at SurajKund Mela, SCO Tourism Mart, “Conference on Shared Buddhist Heritage”, “B2B Conference on Traditional Medicine”, SCO International Conference of Think Tanks also took place.

Drawing focus on India’s cultural and civilisational heritage, Kashi/ Varanasi was celebrated as the 1st SCO Tourist and Cultural Capital of SCO 2022-23.

Youth Empowerment was another focus area of the Indian chair, with events such as Young Authors Conference, Young Scientist Conclave, Startup Forum, SCO Youth Council and Conference, and SCO Resident Researchers Programme where the SCO young scholar from Member State stayed in India for a month to conduct research activities.

Further, during India’s presidency of the SCO, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar virtually opened New Delhi Hall in the SCO Secretariat in Beijing. To commemorate India’s first SCO presidency, a commemorative stamp was issued.

On May 4-5 this year, India also hosted the Foreign Ministers of SCO in Goa, this was marked by a colourful cultural program and substantive discussions the following day. Goa showcased its warm hospitality, unique culture and distinct heritage.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Council of Heads of State is all set to be chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a virtual format, according to the statement released by SCO.

Under India’s leadership, the SCO Council of Heads of State will be held in a virtual format on July 4, 2023.

All the SCO Member States — China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan — have been invited to attend the Summit.

In addition, Iran, Belarus and Mongolia have been invited as Observer States. As per the SCO tradition, Turkmenistan has also been invited as the guest of the Chair. Heads of the two SCO Bodies — the Secretariat and the SCO RATS — will also be present.

Further, heads of six international and regional organisations — UN, ASEAN, CIS, CSTO, EAEU and CICA — have also been invited to the summit.

India’s chairmanship of SCO has been a period of intense activity and mutually beneficial cooperation between Member States. India has hosted a total of 134 meetings and events, including 14 Ministerial-level meetings. India remains committed to playing a positive and constructive role in the organization and looks forward to a successful SCO Summit as the culmination of its Chairmanship.

The rotational presidency remains with India until September 2023. (ANI)

ALSO READ: Xi to attend SCO virtual summit

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-Top News China India News

Xi to attend SCO virtual summit

The SCO Council of Heads of State is scheduled to take place on July 4, and will be chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually…reports Asian Lite News

Chinese President, Xi Jinping, will attend the virtual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), being hosted by India, next week, Foreign Ministry said on Friday.

“At the invitation of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend via video conference in Beijing the 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and deliver important remarks on July 4,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying announced Friday, as per Xinhua News Agency.

The SCO Council of Heads of State is scheduled to take place on July 4, and will be chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually, according to the statement released by SCO.

As per SCO tradition, Turkmenistan has also been invited as the guest of the Chair. Heads of the two SCO Bodies – the Secretariat and the SCO RATS – will also be present. Heads of six international and regional organizations have also been invited, viz. UN, ASEAN, CIS, CSTO, EAEU and CICA.

“The theme of the Summit is ‘Towards a SECURE SCO’. The SECURE acronym was coined by the Prime Minister at the 2018 SCO Summit and stands for Security; Economy and Trade; Connectivity; Unity; Respect for Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity; and Environment. These themes have been highlighted during our Chairmanship of SCO,” the statement read.

“India has set up new pillars of cooperation under its Chairmanship – Startups and Innovation; Traditional Medicine; Digital Inclusion; Youth Empowerment; and Shared Buddhist Heritage. In addition, India has worked towards fostering greater people-to-people ties that celebrate the historical and civilizational bonds between our nations. These include the various socio-cultural events hosted by Varanasi under the framework of the first-ever SCO Cultural and Tourist Capital for 2022-23,” the statement added.

India’s Chairmanship of SCO has been a period of intense activity and mutually beneficial cooperation between Member States. India has hosted a total of 134 meetings and events, including 14 Ministerial-level meetings. India remains committed to playing a positive and constructive role in the organization and looks forward to a successful SCO Summit as the culmination of its Chairmanship.

The rotational presidency remains with India until September 2023.
In 2022, India assumed the presidency of the SCO, marking a significant milestone in the country’s role in regional cooperation and its endeavour of advocating for an integrated neighbourhood. (ANI)

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-Top News Asia News India News

Shehbaz confirms virtual participation in SCO India meeting

Sharif’s statement came just days after the Ministry announced that it will host the annual SCO summit in virtual format on July 4….reports Asian Lite News

Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif will virtually attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) meeting chaired by India on July 4.

“We have received the official invitation from Indian Prime Minister for our Prime Minister for the virtual meeting of Heads of State of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation that is due to take place on July 4,” The News quoted a spokeswoman at the Foreign Office as saying at a briefing.

“Pakistan will be represented at the summit. We will be making an announcement regarding our participation in coming days,” she added.

Earlier this month, the Centre said that it was never announced that the July 4 meeting would be held in person.

“As everyone is aware that in the past some years, several events have taken place virtually so taking all factors into account, we decided that the Summit of the SCO Council of Heads of State will be held in a virtual format on the 4th of July,” External Affairs Ministry spokesman Arindam Bagchi said.

The statement came just days after the Ministry announced that it will host the annual SCO summit in virtual format on July 4.

In September 2022, the in-person SCO summit was held in the Uzbek city of Samarkand which saw the participation of all the top leaders of the grouping, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

India had assumed the rotating chairmanship of the SCO at the Samarkand summit.

The Ministry has said that all the SCO member states — China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan — have been invited to attend the virtual summit.

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-Top News India News

India to host SCO summit on July 4

All the SCO Member states have been invited to attend the summit and Iran, Belarus, Mongolia have been invited as observer states…reports Asian Lite News

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Council of Heads of State is all set to take place in July, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a virtual format, according to the statement released by SCO.

Under India’s leadership, the SCO Council of Heads of State will be held in a virtual format on July 4, 2023. All the SCO Member States, that are China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, have been invited to attend the Summit. In addition, Iran, Belarus and Mongolia have been invited as Observer States. As per SCO tradition, Turkmenistan has also been invited as the guest of the Chair. Heads of the two SCO Bodies – the Secretariat and the SCO RATS – will also be present. Further, Heads of six international and regional organizations have also been invited, viz. UN, ASEAN, CIS, CSTO, EAEU and CICA.

“The theme of the Summit is ‘Towards a SECURE SCO’. The SECURE acronym was coined by the Prime Minister at the 2018 SCO Summit and stands for Security; Economy and Trade; Connectivity; Unity; Respect for Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity; and Environment. These themes have been highlighted during our Chairmanship of SCO,” the statement read.

“India has set up new pillars of cooperation under its Chairmanship – Startups and Innovation; Traditional Medicine; Digital Inclusion; Youth Empowerment; and Shared Buddhist Heritage. In addition, India has worked towards fostering greater people-to-people ties that celebrate the historical and civilizational bonds between our nations. These include the various socio-cultural events hosted by Varanasi under the framework of the first-ever SCO Cultural and Tourist Capital for 2022-23,” the statement added.

India’s Chairmanship of SCO has been a period of intense activity and mutually beneficial cooperation between Member States. India has hosted a total of 134 meetings and events, including 14 Ministerial-level meetings. India remains committed to playing a positive and constructive role in the organization and looks forward to a successful SCO Summit as the culmination of its Chairmanship.

The rotational presidency remains with India until September 2023.

In 2022, India assumed the presidency of the SCO, marking a significant milestone in the country’s role in regional cooperation and its endeavour of advocating for an integrated neighbourhood.

The SCO provides a platform for India to enhance economic cooperation with Central Asian countries, which have vast reserves of natural resources. India is seeking to increase its trade and investment ties with the SCO countries to diversify its economic partnerships.

India will host the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Summit in New Delhi On July 3-4. The agenda for the Summit is anticipated to centre on counter-terror, Afghan stability, and inclusive connectivity efforts including Chabahar Port & INSTC, aside from India’s extensive outreach to Eurasia.

An article from a magazine, ‘Wedge’ dated May 16, 2023, written by Japanese scholar Satoru Nagao, who works with the Sasakawa Peace Foundation provides a perspective as to why India is focusing on its active participation in SCO. The article has noted the current pattern of partnerships within SCO.

As per his article in Wedge, the SCO is a countermeasure against Pakistan. For India, the SCO holds the potential to serve the purpose in terms of security. For India, dealing with China and Pakistan is a security challenge. Pakistan, in particular, sends Islamic extremists to India, said Satoru.

Pakistan lost the Indo-Pakistani War in 1971 and was made aware of the huge power difference with India. Since then, as a countermeasure against India, along with the development of nuclear weapons, the strategy adopted by Pakistan has been to support Islamic extremists, who carry out terrorist activities against India, more actively than ever before. The so-called ‘Thousand Wounds Strategy’ states that even a strong country would turn weak if it inflicted a thousand small wounds through terrorism.

In the 1980s, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, and the US, via Pakistan, supported the guerrillas against the Soviet Union. During this process, Pakistan developed the know-how to support terrorists.

From the beginning, SCO has been a useful forum for countering Pakistan and Islamic extremists. India, which is chairing SCO this year, did not allow high-ranking Pakistani government officials to enter India for the National Security Director-General level and Defense Minister-level talks. They were allowed to participate only through online mode.

If viewed through this aspect, the SCO is not only a place for India to cooperate, but also a place to gather information, monitor and obstruct China-Pakistan movements. That’s where its real worth for India lies, said Satoru.

India in the midst of a framework, which is turning into a confusing mystery. At first glance, the SCO looks like a framework promoting cooperation among anti-US countries. It has come up with a certain degree of success with regard to the China-Russia-Central Asia agreement. (ANI)

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