-Top News Europe

Zelensky in Rome

In the Vatican, Pope Francis and Zelensky exchanged gifts and discussed the situation in Ukraine….reports Asian Lite News

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in Rome, meeting with Italian President Sergio Mattarella and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, and Pope Francis in the Vatican.

Meloni told a joint press conference on Saturday after bilateral talks with Zelensky that Italy will continue to provide assistance to Ukraine.

Zelensky at the joint press conference thanked Italy for its support since the start of the Ukraine crisis, Xinhua news agency reported.

In the Vatican, Pope Francis and Zelensky exchanged gifts and discussed the situation in Ukraine.

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-Top News EU News Europe

Zelensky urges EU chief to start membership negotiations

Kiev is counting on receiving a positive interim assessment of Ukraine’s progress on the path of European integration …reports Asian Lite News

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has urged visiting European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to launch talks on the war-torn nation’s membership in the European Union (EU).

“It is time for a positive decision to launch negotiations on Ukraine’s membership in the European Union,” Zelensky told reporters after talks with von der Leyen in Kiev.

Kiev is counting on receiving a positive interim assessment of Ukraine’s progress on the path of European integration by the European Commission in June, Zelensky said.

For her part, von der Leyen spoke positively of Ukraine’s efforts towards the fulfillment of the seven requirements put forward by the European Commission for starting the accession talks.

“I would like to express my deepest respect for this work. Please know that you can rely on our expertise and support in this ongoing process,” said von der Leyen.

In June 2022, EU leaders accepted Ukraine as a candidate for membership in the bloc.

In January this year, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said that Ukraine aims to become a member of the EU within the next two years.

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-Top News EU News Europe

Zelensky makes May 9 Europe Day

The European Commission has welcomed Ukraine’s decision to celebrate Europe Day….reports Asian Lite News

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a decree declaring May 9 as Europe Day, in line with the European Union (EU).

In an announcement on Monday, he also said that May 8 would now officially be a Day of Remembrance and Victory, as marked in many countries around the world.

“Many years ago, the tradition of celebrating Europe Day was established on our continent to mark peace and unity achieved. Today, unity on our continent brings us closer to celebrating the first day of our peace. Every year on May 9, we will commemorate our historic unity 00 the unity of all Europeans who destroyed Nazism and will defeat ‘Ruscism’,” the President said in a social media post.

“This will be the Day of Europe, which has supported Ukrainians for all nine years of aggression and 439 days of the full-scale invasion. This will be the Day of Europe, which helps us fight in all directions. This will be the Day of Europe — our ally. This will be the Day of Europe — our Europe, which Ukraine has always been, is, and will be a part of.”

The European Commission has welcomed Ukraine’s decision to celebrate Europe Day.

Dana Spinant, spokeswoman and Director for Political Communication for the European Commission, said in a tweet: “We welcome Ukraine’s decision to celebrate 9 May as Europe Day — this is a reflection of the European identity of the Ukrainian people.”

On Tuesday, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will visit Kiev during which she is scheduled to hold talks with Zelensky.

ALSO READ: Russia launches biggest ever ‘kamikaze’ drone attack on Ukraine

-Top News EU News Europe

Zelensky denies attacking Putin

On Wednesday evening, the Kremlin press service said that Ukrainian drones had “attempted to strike” at the residence of Putin…reports Asian Lite News

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has denied that his country carried out an alleged drone attack on the Kremlin, which Russia says was an attempt on President Vladimir Putin’s life.

Zelensky, who is currently on a trip to Finland, told reporters in Helsinki late Wednesday night: “We are not attacking either Putin or Moscow; we are fighting on our own territory, defending our villages and towns. We don’t even have enough weapons to do that… That’s why we didn’t attack Putin; we’ll leave that to the (international) tribunal.”

The President further stressed that Russia has had no victories at the front and that Putin can no longer motivate Russian society and send soldiers to war for no reason, reports Ukrayinska Pravda.

“So it is in his (Putin) interest to accuse Ukraine of committing some crimes. He needs to do something drastic: either ‘assassination attempts’, drones, or some ‘geese that bombed them’. They will come up with something or other every day.

“But the solution is simple: no need to intimidate anyone, no need to use weapons; you need to leave our territory,” he added.

On Wednesday evening, the Kremlin press service said that Ukrainian drones had “attempted to strike” at the residence of Putin.

The Kremlin called the so-called attack a “planned terrorist action” and an “assassination attempt on the Russian President”.

In response, Serhii Nykyforov, spokesman for President Zelensky, said that Ukraine had no information about the attack on the Kremlin.

“What happened in Moscow was clearly a Russian escalation of the situation,” he added.

Unverified footage circulating online showed smoke rising over the Kremlin, reports the BBC.

A second video shows a small explosion above the site’s Senate building, while two men appear to clamber up the dome.

Earlier on Wednesday, Russian strikes on Ukraine’s southern Kherson region killed 21 people.

According to Zelensky, the shelling had hit “a railway station and a crossing, a house, a hardware store, a grocery supermarket and a gas station”.

The victims included supermarket customers and employees of an energy company who were performing repairs, officials said.

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-Top News Europe

Zelensky hosts Iftar, slams Russian “repression”

The Tatar community, which accounted for 12-15 percent of the two million Crimea residents, largely boycotted the 2014 vote…reports Asian Lite News

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky criticised Russia’s treatment of the Muslim-minority Tatar community in Kremlin-controlled Crimea and vowed to recapture the peninsula from Russia during a first official state iftar.

Russia wrested control of the Black Sea territory from Ukraine in 2014 and pushed through a referendum on the annexation that was condemned as fraudulent and illegitimate by Ukraine and its Western allies.

“Russia’s attempt to enslave Ukraine … began exactly with the occupation of Crimea, exactly with repressions against Crimean, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar freedom and of Crimean Muslims,” he told Ukrainian Muslim leaders and ambassadors from Muslim countries.

The Tatar community, which accounted for 12-15 percent of the two million Crimea residents, largely boycotted the 2014 vote.

Moscow then banned the Mejlis — the traditional assembly of the Tatar Muslim minority in Crimea — declaring it an extremist organisation and has jailed members of the community since, citing security concerns.

“There is no alternative for Ukraine, or for the world, other than the de-occupation of Crimea. We will return to Crimea,” Zelensky said, before handing out awards to several Muslim Ukrainian servicemen.

Zelensky, speaking at a mosque outside the centre of the capital, announced that Ukraine was beginning a new tradition of hosting an official iftar, the meal breaking the daily fast during the holy month of Ramadan.

“Ukraine is grateful to the Muslims of our country and to everyone in the Muslim community of the world who, like us, longs for peace and protection from evil,” he added.

Several Muslim-majority countries, including Turkey and Saudi Arabia, have positioned themselves as mediators in the conflict in Ukraine, brokering agreements between Kyiv and Moscow on grain exports or prisoner exchanges.

Russia has a large Muslim minority from southern regions, including Chechnya and Dagestan, many of whom are fighting for Moscow in Ukraine.

ALSO READ-Far-right Austrian MPs walk out during Zelensky’s speech

-Top News Europe

Far-right Austrian MPs walk out during Zelensky’s speech

There are 30 FPO politicians in Austria’s lower chamber and they were the only ones to oppose Zelensky’s address…reports Asian Lite News

Ahead of the Ukrainian leader’s address, the FPO had warned that they would hold some form of protest against the speech.

More than 20 far-right Austrian MPs walked out of Parliament during a virtual address by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, arguing that the latter’s speech violated Vienna’s “permanent neutrality” status.

Austria’s “permanent neutrality” has been part of its constitution since 1955. The law states that “Austria will never in the future accede to any military alliances nor permit the establishment of military bases of foreign states on her territory”, reports the BBC.

In his address on Thursday which marked the 400th day of Russia’s ongoing war, Zelensky emphasised that it was impossible to hold a “morally neutral stance against evil”, reports Ukrayinska Pravda.

While thanking Austria for its humanitarian aid to Ukraine, Zelensky also invited Wolfgang Sobotka, the speaker of the lower house of the Austrian parliament, and other parliamentarians to the war-torn nation, so that they could see with their own eyes what the Russian war had brought to Ukraine.

“To see this means to understand our people. To understand how important each individual vote is in support of international law and Ukraine, when these issues are discussed at the UN General Assembly, the European Parliament or other international platforms.

“We must understand the importance of not being morally neutral against evil. This is not about geopolitics… It is, however, that we must always remain humans and save our humanity,” the President was quoted as saying.

As he spoke, the Freedom Party (FPO) MPs walked out and left placards on their desk with the party logo that read “space for neutrality” and “space for peace”, the BBC reported.

There are 30 FPO politicians in Austria’s lower chamber and they were the only ones to oppose Zelensky’s address.

Ahead of the Ukrainian leader’s address, the FPO had warned that they would hold some form of protest against the speech.

But despite the walkout, Sobotka pledged more financial and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and said the country deserved Austria’s solidarity.

Austria had previously said it cannot help Ukraine’s defence militarily, but it does support Kiev politically.

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-Top News EU News Europe

We don’t have confidence in Putin: Zelensky

Regarding talks with the Russian side, Zelensky said that they cannot currently envisage a situation in which he would meet Putin…reports Asian Lite News

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that “we don’t have any confidence” in his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, since the latter “doesn’t hold his word”.

The Ukrainian leader made the remarks to CNN in an interview on Wednesday night amid intense fighting in Bakhmut, which according to Zelensky will pave an “open road” for Russian troops to capture key areas if they are able to seize the besieged eastern city.

Regarding talks with the Russian side, Zelensky said that they cannot currently envisage a situation in which he would meet Putin.

“We don’t have any circumstances to talk to the Russian Federation president because he doesn’t hold his word,” he told CNN.

“We don’t have any confidence in him. Russia should leave our territory. And after that, we’re happy to join the diplomatic tools. In order to do that, we can find any format with our partners just after that.”

While defending his decision to keep Ukrainian forces in Bakhmut, the President said: “This is tactical for us… We understand that after Bakhmut they could go further. They could go to Kramatorsk, they could go to Sloviansk, it would be open road for the Russians after Bakhmut to other towns in Ukraine, in the Donetsk direction. That’s why our guys are standing there.”

Although Bakhmut does not hold significant strategic value in itself, its road connections to Kramatorsk and Sloviansk — two densely populated, industrial urban hubs to the northwest — mean those cities could be next in Russia’s crosshairs if they are able to take control.

After being pounded by Russia for over seven months, Bakhmut Deputy Mayor Oleksandr Marchenko has said that there were just a few thousand civilians left living in underground shelters with no water, gas or power.

“The city is almost destroyed… There is not a single building that has remained untouched in this war,” he was quoted as saying.

But Ukrainian troops have also mounted a dogged defence of the area, stalling Russia’s progress.

Zelensky told CNN that his motivations to keep the city are “so different” to Russia’s objectives.

“We understand what Russia wants to achieve there. Russia needs at least some victory, a small victory, even by ruining everything in Bakhmut, just killing every civilian there.”

He said that if Russia is able to “put their little flag” on top of Bakhmut, it would help “mobilise their society in order to create this idea they’re such a powerful army”.

In the interview, the Ukrainian leader also spoke about how he and his family are dealing with the ongoing war, which completed a year on February 24.

“My daughter joined the university and she studies there, and my son is attending school in Ukraine. They’re both in Ukraine. They’re very much like other Ukrainian kids. We live with sirens.

“We want victory. We don’t want to get used to war, but we got used to the challenges. Everyone wants one thing — to end the war,” he told CNN.

ALSO READ: Guterres to meet Zelensky in Kiev

-Top News Europe

Guterres to meet Zelensky in Kiev

Guterres and Zelensky will discuss the continuation of the Black Sea Grain Initiative in all its aspects…reports Asian Lite News

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev on Wednesday, a UN spokesman said.

“The secretary-general has just arrived in Poland on his way to Ukraine,” said Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for Guterres, in a statement issued on Tuesday.

Guterres and Zelensky will discuss the continuation of the Black Sea Grain Initiative in all its aspects, Xinhua news agency reported, citing the statement.

On July 22, 2022, Russia and Ukraine separately signed a document in Istanbul with Turkey and the United Nations on grain and fertiliser exports from Ukraine and Russia to ensure supplies to global markets amid the Russia-Ukraine war.

The deal, due to expire on November 19, 2022, was extended for another 120 days. Guterres has repeatedly called for the deal’s further extension.

While in Kiev, Guterres will also talk with Zelensky about “other pertinent issues”, Dujarric said in the statement, noting that it is the UN chief’s third visit to Ukraine in the past year.

Guterres will be back to the United Nations headquarters in New York on Thursday, according to the statement.

Later at a noon press briefing Tuesday, Guterres’ deputy spokesman Farhan Haq said the UN chief “is currently in Ukraine”, making his way to Kiev.

There’s no visit to Moscow planned, Haq said, pointing out that prior to leaving New York, Guterres had a conversation with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Vershinin.

“And from the secretary-general’s standpoint, he’s willing to go wherever he’s needed and whenever it’s useful. But, of course, we’ll see how that develops,” he said.

A delegation from Russia is expected to be in Geneva next week for further discussions, said Haq, adding that “so those will be conducted at a high level there concerning the Black Sea Grain Initiative.”

“I think we are engaged in serious discussions and we’ll continue to do so,” he said. “And I think it should be clear to all participants the advantages, the very real advantages in continuing this initiative.”

Under the initiative, more than 20 million metric tons of foodstuffs have been safely reconnected to global supply chains on more than 700 ships, helping to bring down prices around the world, Guterres told a UN Security Council high-level meeting on Ukraine on February 24.

“I want to underscore the importance of all parties remaining engaged in this initiative, and reiterate our call for it to be extended beyond March 2023,” he then said.

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-Top News EU News Europe

Zelensky hails S.Korea’s military support

Zelensky stressed the bilateral relations with South Korea are “very important” and should further develop….reports Asian Lite News

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said South Korea’s military support will be a positive for his country in the war against Russia, expressing hope that Korea finds a way to provide the assistance.

Zelensky made the remarks during a speech in Kiev marking the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion into Ukraine, in response to North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s call for South Korea to provide military aid to the war-torn country, according to a news report on Friday by Ukrinform, its state news agency.

“We look positively if weapons are supplied to us,” Zelensky was quoted by the outlet as saying. “I hope that it will find an opportunity to help Ukraine.”

outh Korea Joins Interpol

Zelensky said “details are being discussed” with other countries about South Korea in this vein, without elaborating further, Yonhap News Agency reported quoting Ukrinform.

He also stressed the bilateral relations with South Korea are “very important” and should further develop.

Stoltenberg told a forum in Seoul during his visit in late January that South Korea should “step up on the specific issue of military support.”

South Korea has only provided humanitarian aid and other non-military support to Ukraine, citing its position not to supply arms to countries engaged in conflict.

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-Top News EU News

EU assures Ukraine of support as Zelensky visits Brussels

EP President Roberta Metsola told Zelensky that “Ukraine is Europe and your nation’s future is in the European Union,” adding that the EU should give Ukraine the “fastest possible accession process”…reports Asian Lite News

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has assured Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky of the EU’s continued support and she said that preparations are underway for a 10th round of sanctions against Russia.

Ukraine and the EU are “one family,” she added on Thursday, and that the country can depend on Europe’s continued support in its fight against Russia.

“You can count on us. We will continue to provide our full support,” she told Zelensky during a press conference after he addressed the EU leaders’ meeting.

The Belgian capital was the third stop on the Ukrainian President’s whirlwind tour of Europe. He visited London on Wednesday to address Parliament and meet Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. He also met King Charles III at Buckingham Palace.

He then crossed over to Paris for a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz during a tri-party dinner held at the presidential Elysee Palace.

Zelensky then travelled with Macron to Brussels on Thursday, where he delivered a speech to European lawmakers and later addressed all 27 leaders of the EU member states’ special summit. It was Zelensky’s first official visit to the European Parliament (EP) after having addressed its members remotely during an extraordinary session on March 1, 2022.

Addressing the EP, Zelensky said that “A Ukraine that is winning is going to be member of the European Union.”

EP President Roberta Metsola told Zelensky that “Ukraine is Europe and your nation’s future is in the European Union,” adding that the EU should give Ukraine the “fastest possible accession process”.

He later told a joint press conference with von der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel that he expected to start discussions on his country’s EU accession this year and reiterated his request for more weapons, including long-range missiles.

Von der Leyen said the EU had mobilised 67 billion euros ($72 billion) in support in the past year, “from budget support to fast recovery; from energy supply to military capabilities; from humanitarian aid to refugee support.”

She added the EU will propose the 10th package of sanctions against Russia in the coming days, which will include additional export bans worth more than 10 billion euros.

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