Arab News Saudi Arabia

Saudi bids farewell to pilgrims with gifts

During the inauguration ceremony of the initiative, scarves were distributed to the pilgrims, bearing various congratulatory phrases…reports Asian Lite News

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Duaa and Guidance, represented by its branch in the Makkah region, launched a voluntary initiative to bid farewell to pilgrims at Jeddah Airport by providing a scarf and various gifts, the Arab News reported.

The “Hajj Scarf” initiative included participation of more than 100 male and female volunteers, and was launched in the presence of the director of the ministry’s branch in Makkah, Dr. Salem bin Hajj Al-Khamri, Director of Mosques Department in Jeddah Khalid bin Abdullah Al-Malki, and a number of volunteer leaders in Makkah, led by Princess Mashael bint Muqrin, it was reported.

During the inauguration ceremony of the initiative, scarves were distributed to the pilgrims, bearing various congratulatory phrases.

Al-Khamri said that the initiative comes with the support and guidance of the minister, Sheikh Dr. Abdullatif bin Abdulaziz Al Al-Sheikh, and aims to share the joy of pilgrims and bid them farewell at the airports, it was reported.

Meanwhile, Pilgrims have praised the efforts of Saudi Arabia in hosting this year’s Haj, drawing attention to the successful rollout of services and facilities.

Visitors lauded Saudi authorities for services provided at the Grand Mosque, the Prophet’s Mosque and the holy sites.

Hamza Omar Kassab from Sudan said that the Kingdom provided services and facilities so that pilgrims could perform their rites in comfort and safety, and that he was praying to Allah for the Kingdom’s continued stability and safety.

ALSO READ:Pilgrims hail Saudi’s efforts during Haj

Omar Abdel Hamid from Egypt said that the organization and good reception he witnessed during the pilgrimage demonstrates the interest accorded by the Kingdom’s leadership to the Two Holy Mosques.

Murtada Salem from Nigeria said that the Kingdom is “making great efforts” by providing the utmost care and attention to pilgrims, Umrah performers and visitors to the Two Holy Mosques, pointing to the keenness of Saudi officials to provide the best services for guests.

Amina from Egypt praised the warmth and organization of those working in service of pilgrims.

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