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Biden to address crime in New York visit

Next week, Biden will meet with New York City Mayor Eric Adams. Two police officers have been killed and three others wounded just this month…reports Asian Lite News

The White House on Wednesday confirmed that President Joe Biden will address the soaring US crime wave during a trip next week to New York, where five police officers have been shot this year, media reported.

In January, a study by the Council on Criminal Justice revealed that homicides in 22 cities increased five percent in 2021, and a whopping 44 percent over 2019 levels, it was reported.

Next week, Biden will meet with New York City Mayor Eric Adams. Two police officers have been killed and three others wounded just this month.

They will “discuss the administration’s comprehensive strategy to combat gun crime, which includes historic levels of funding for cities and states to put more cops on the beat and invest in community violence prevention and intervention programs, as well as stepped up federal law enforcement efforts against illegal gun traffickers,” the White House said.

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