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Afghan clerics urge Taliban to reopen school for girls

Afghan religious leaders emphasised the importance of both the religious and modern science education….reports Asian Lite News

Some religious leaders in Parwan province of Afghanistan have called upon the Taliban regime to reopen schools for girls above the sixth grade, reported TOLOnews.

During the inaugural ceremony of a religious school, these religious leaders emphasised the importance of both the religious and modern science education.
“We ask the Islamic Emirate government to let girls get an education in accordance with Sharia law,” TOLOnews quoted Nasrullah Urfan, a religious cleric, as saying.

“As a citizen, I ask the Islamic Emirate to open schools across Afghanistan,” another religious cleric, Ehsan said, lamenting over the situation of Afghan girls in the country.

Afghan girls have repeatedly called on the Taliban to immediately open schools and universities for them, however, there is no development on the situation of females’ right to education in the country hit by economic and humanitarian crisis.

Notably, there were 63 religious schools in Parwan province during the previous government.

However, since the Taliban regained power in August 2021 after the US exit from the country, women are not allowed to work in the fields of education with domestic and international organisations, in gyms, or in public spaces.

Taliban has rolled back a wide range of human rights of women and girls, including a ban on attending high school and university, and restrictions on movement and work. (ANI)

ALSO READ: UNSC to hold meeting on Afghanistan

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