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Moscow talks focused on resolving Afghanistan’s situation

The meeting was attended by representatives in charge of security issues from India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan….reports Asian Lite News

Issues of international security with an emphasis on resolving the situation in Afghanistan were discussed at the Fifth Multilateral Consultations of Secretaries of Security Councils on Afghanistan held in Moscow on Wednesday.

The meeting was attended by representatives in charge of security issues from India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The Russian side was represented by Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. During the consultations, the importance of fulfilling the international obligations assumed by the current Kabul authorities to counter terrorism and extremism, drug trafficking, as well as to form an ethno-politically balanced government and to respect human rights was noted, according to a statement by the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

At the meeting, a number of additional practical measures were proposed aimed at expanding joint actions in counterterrorism, as well as at cutting off channels for financing terrorism, intensifying cooperation in combating transnational organized crime, illegal arms, and drug trafficking, as well as preventing illegal migration.

The significance of joining efforts in solving complex problems in the area of security, continuing a constructive dialogue, and finding efficient solutions that are adequate to the challenges and threats emanating from the territory of Afghanistan was underscored, according to the official statement.

During the consultations, it was agreed to continue the practice of holding multilateral consultations of the Secretaries of Security Councils on Afghanistan on an annual basis.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also met with the heads of the delegations taking part in the multilateral consultations.

Putin during the meeting said: “I know that this meeting has become a tradition and is devoted to a very important issue, the situation in Afghanistan. Obviously, there is a lot of potential for conflict in the world today. There are many conflicts here, not far from Russia, including on the Ukrainian track. We are well aware and we realise this perfectly well, but this does not reduce the significance of the situation in Afghanistan. This has always been important for us and now it is important more than ever because we do not want more points of tension on our southern borders.”

The Russian President said that unfortunately, the situation in Afghanistan has not improved since the American forces fled the country. “International terrorist organisations are stepping up their activities, including al-Qaeda which is building up its potential. You know this very well,” he said.

The leader added that: “We are also worried about attempts to use the situation in Afghanistan to allow extra-regional forces to expand or build their infrastructure. These countries will create this under the pretext of countering international terrorism, but they are not doing anything that is really necessary in the real counterterrorism struggle.”

Putin said that the situation is very complicated but all is being done to find solutions. “We have contacted the country’s leaders in Kabul. We know there are plans to implement large economic projects that could stabilise the situation in the economy,” he said. (ANI)

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