-Top News Asia News

Netanyahu, Putin discuss bolstering bilateral ties

In a letter published by the office, Putin told Netanyahu that he is looking forward to extending their joint work in 2021 to “build up the entire range of bilateral ties, as well as interaction in addressing urgent issues on the regional and global agenda”…reports Asian Lite News

In a phone call, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed regional developments and ways to increase stability in the Middle East, according to an official statement issued here.

“The two discussed the situation in Syria, developments in the region and the actions necessary to increase regional stability,” Xinhua news agency quoted the statement issued by the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office as saying following the call on Monday.

In a letter published by the office, Putin told Netanyahu that he is looking forward to extending their joint work in 2021 to “build up the entire range of bilateral ties, as well as interaction in addressing urgent issues on the regional and global agenda”.

During the call, the two leaders also exchanged New Year greetings.

The Russian and Israeli armies have been coordinating their moves in Syria to avoid clashes.

Russian forces have fought alongside Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s army, while Israel has carried out hundreds of airstrikes in the war-torn country against what it claims are Iranian targets and weapons convoys to Hezbollah, an Iran-backed Lebanese armed group and political party.

Also read:Netanyahu gets Covid-19 vaccine

-Top News Asia News USA

USFK begins Covid vaccination

The USFK was identified as one of four overseas locations to receive the Moderna vaccine, which the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorised under an emergency use authorization (EUA) on December 18…reports Asian Lite News

The US Forces Korea (USFK) announced on Tuesday that it has started an initial Covid-19 vaccination for healthcare workers, first responders and its command team.

In a statement, the South Korea-based USFK said that it began inoculating military and civilian healthcare workers, first responders and the command team with the Moderna vaccine across three USFK medical treatment facilities, reports Xinhua news agency.

The three facilities are the Brian D. Allgood Army Community Hospital at the US Army Garrison in Camp Humphreys in Pyeongtaek, around 70 km south of Seoul; the 51st Medical Group at Osan Air Base in Pyeongtaek; and the 8th Medical Group at Kunsan Air Base in Kunsan city.

The USFK was identified as one of four overseas locations to receive the Moderna vaccine, which the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorised under an emergency use authorization (EUA) on December 18.

Under the EUA, the vaccine is voluntary and not mandatory for about 28,500 US soldiers stationed in South Korea.

The first shipment of the Moderna vaccines arrived here on December 25, and had been in cold storage at Camp Carroll in Chilgok county before being delivered to the three medical treatment facilities.

Following the initial inoculations, additional vaccine shipments will arrive as other FDA-authorized vaccines are produced and shipped to the USFK, according to the statement.

Seven more US soldiers and three civilians in South Korea have tested positive for the virus, raising the total number of USFK-related cases to 480.

Also read:US hits highest Covid deaths in Dec

Asia News

Israel, Morocco step up economic ties

Peretz and Elalamy also agreed on the establishment of a bilateral team that will form a joint work plan for 2021…reports Asian Lite News

Israel and Morocco have begun discussions on cooperation in several key economy fields following the normalisation agreement signed between the two countries on December 22, a statement issued by the Ministry of Economy and Industry here said.

According to the statement issued on Monday, the development took place after Israeli Economy and Trade Minister Amir Peretz virtually spoke to Moroccan Minister of Industry, Trade and Digital Economy Moulay Hafid Elalamy during the day, reports Xinhua news agency.

The two Ministers discussed the formation of future economic cooperation agreements between the two countries in the areas of water, agriculture, cybersecurity, textiles, digital health, medical equipment and more, the statement said.

Peretz and Elalamy also agreed on the establishment of a bilateral team that will form a joint work plan for 2021.

This latest conversation came just days after Moroccan King Mohammed VI and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held their first official phone call on December 25.

A day after signing of the normalisation agreement, Moroccan Minister of Tourism, Handicrafts, and Air Transport Nadia Fettah Alaoui announced that direct flights between the two countries will begin in two to three months.

A joint Israeli-American delegation visited Morocco on December 22 to sign several bilateral agreements and a trilateral declaration to solidify the normalisation agreement.

The group’s flight to Rabat was the first direct commercial flight from Israel to Morocco.

Morocco is the fourth Arab state that has recognised Israel in recent months after the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Sudan.

Morocco had severed relations with Israel in 2000 after the second Palestinian uprising.

Also read:Iran warns against Israeli aggression in Gulf

-Top News Asia News

Iran warns against Israeli aggression in Gulf

The remarks by the Iranian official came in response to a Washington Post report on December 23 which claimed that an Israeli submarine had embarked for the Gulf as a warning to Iran…reports Asian Lite News

Iran will give a “strong and massive” response to any Israeli submarine in the Gulf, a security official announced here.

“Israel must know that our response to aggression against our national security will be strong and massive,” Xinhua news agency quoted Abolfazl Amouei, spokesman of the Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, as saying on Monday.

The remarks by the Iranian official came in response to a Washington Post report on December 23 which claimed that an Israeli submarine had embarked for the Gulf as a warning to Iran.

“Israel is looking for excuses to drag the region into a tension that creates chaos in the last days of (the US President Donald) Trump presidency,” Amouei said.

He also warned the neighbouring Arab countries that bringing Israel too close to Iran’s borders might create problems for them.

On Monday, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh also elaborated on the issue, describing the Washington Post’s report as a “media assumption”.

Any risk for the Gulf security is “crossing Iran’s redlines”, he stressed.

Also read:Chinese envoy calls on Iran to return to nuke deal

-Top News ASEAN News Asia News

Indonesia to close borders over new Covid strain

The regulation exempts foreign state officials at the level of ministers and above, who are required to apply tight protocols to prevent further Covid-19 transmissions,said Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi…reports Asian Lite News

The Indonesian government announced the temporary closure of entrances for foreign nationals from all countries on January 1-14, 2021, due to the emergence of a new virus variant that causes Covid-19.

The regulation exempts foreign state officials at the level of ministers and above, who are required to apply tight protocols to prevent further Covid-19 transmissions, Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi told a virtual press conference on Monday following a limited cabinet meeting, Xinhua news agency reported.

Foreigners who arrive in Indonesia on Monday (December 28) till December 31 are still allowed to enter the country by showing negative results of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests conducted in their countries of origin.

The test results shall be valid for 48 hours since their departure, and there will be re-examination of PCR upon their arrival in Indonesia.

If proven negative in both the PCR tests, the foreigners are required to do a mandatory quarantine for five days, and after that they must return to undergo PCR tests.

If the tests show negative results, the foreigners are allowed to continue their trips, the minister said.

Meanwhile, all the Indonesian nationals who want to return from abroad are allowed to enter the country by conducting the same PCR tests.

Also read:Indonesia imposes tougher virus curbs

-Top News Arab News Asia News Iraq World News

Iraq Is At Crossroads: Al-Kadhimi

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi said on Monday that Iraq was at a cross roads during a meeting with his ministers, according to Arab News

Kadhimi – who claimed he did not belong to any political bloc – said that the central role of his government was to hold early elections.

“Successive governments since 2003 have made the transition period a permanent one,” he said, adding that this was one of the biggest reasons the country stagnant.

“We have an opportunity to succeed in restoring the people’s confidence in the state, the political system, and democratic mechanisms, by holding fair and fair elections that would achieve stability in the country,” the Arab News quoted Kadhimi.

Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi.

Earlier, the Iraqi Prime Minister had warned of a collapse of the social and political systems and overwhelming chaos without a financial reform in the country.

Al-Kadhimi made his comments during an extraordinary session of the Iraqi cabinet on Saturday to discuss the federal budget for the fiscal year 2021, which came after the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) decided to devaluate the national currency due to the economic crisis that resulted from the decline in oil prices and the coronavirus pandemic, reports Xinhua news agency.

“The political crisis in Iraq is linked to three issues: power, money, and corruption. We are working to address the crisis from an economic standpoint and with a bold decision to overcome the obstacles of corruption and money,” al-Kadhimi’s media office said in a statement.

Also Read: Iraq urges Trump to reconsider ‘Blackwater pardons’

Also Read: Iraq PM calls for financial reforms to avert ‘chaos’

-Top News Asia News

S.Korea reports 1st cases of new Covid variant

The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) said in a statement that the three South Korean nationals who had stayed in London and arrived here on December 22 tested positive for the new Covid-19 strain…reports Asian Lite News

South Korea on Monday registered the country’s first cases from a more transmissible Covid-19 variant detected in three people who returned from the UK, where the strain was discovered last week.

The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) said in a statement that the three South Korean nationals who had stayed in London and arrived here on December 22 tested positive for the new Covid-19 strain, reports Xinhua news agency.

The three people were confirmed to be infected when they took tests after arrival, and have been under quarantine.

Four other South Koreans, who arrived here on November 8 and December 13 from Britain, also tested positive for the virus and have been under investigation to ascertain if they were infected with the new variant.

Among them, one man in his 80s had posthumously tested positive.

His three other family members were also infected with the virus.

The new strain, found in Britain, is known to be up to 70 per cent more transmissible than the old one.

South Korea announced a plan to suspend all flights from Britain between December 23 to 31.

In the latest tally, the country reported 808 new cases, raising the total number of infections to 57,680.

The daily caseload stayed below 1,000 for two days.

Eleven more deaths were confirmed, leaving the death toll at 819.

Also read:South Korea fines Facebook for sharing private information

Asia News

Israel enters third nationwide lockdown

The state’s Covid-19 hospitalizations topped 6,000 on December 15 and have remained above the level ever since…reports Asian Lite News

Total Covid-19 hospitalizations topped 7,000 on Saturday in New York state, reaching 7,183, up from 6,884 on Friday, tweeted Governor Andrew Cuomo.

The state’s Covid-19 hospitalizations topped 6,000 on December 15 and have remained above the level ever since, Xinhua news agency reported on Sunday.

Cuomo once warned that a post-Christmas hike of coronavirus hospitalizations was expected, because people would usually gather to celebrate during the holiday, which could largely fuel the spread of the virus.

Meanwhile, of the 130,299 Covid-19 tests reported on Saturday in the state, 7,623 were positive, or 5.85 per cent of the total, up from 5.36 per cent one day earlier, added the governor.

“As we near the end of the holiday season, New York remains locked in a footrace between the vaccine’s quick distribution and Covid-19’s continued spread,” Cuomo was quoted as saying in an official release.

“New York is working closely with the medical community to not only administer the vaccine, but to continue growing capacity as well,” he said.

“It has been a tough year and we still have several tough months ahead, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel and we will make it there if we all do our part to slow the spread,” he added.

As of Sunday afternoon, the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University reported 37,411 coronavirus deaths in New York state, the worst in the country.

Also read:Israel conflict must be resolved within M-E Quartet: Palestine

-Top News Africa News Asia News

Covid 19: Egypt announces new curbs

The government has also decided to cancel all New Year celebrations, the statement said, adding establishments that would hold any kinds of celebrations would be closed….reports Asian Lite News

The Egyptian government has announced a series of new restrictions to control the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

The new measures will come into force on January 3, Xinhua news agency quoted the Egyptian cabinet as saying in a statement on statement.

It added that business establishments and people who violate the new measures will face varied fines.

The government has also decided to cancel all New Year celebrations, the statement said, adding establishments that would hold any kinds of celebrations would be closed.

Individuals who do not follow the precautionary measures or do not wear face masks in public places will be fined 50 Egyptian pounds ($3), according to the statement.

Restaurants and cafes must abide by the government’s previous decision to operate at 50 per cent capacity.

In case of violations, establishments such as restaurants and cafes will be fined 4,000 Egyptian pounds and will be closed for a week.

The closure period will be doubled if violations are repeated, the statement added.

Egypt, which has so far registered 131,315 coronavirus cases and 7,352 deaths, has witnessed a sudden spike in fresh infections in the past few days.

Also read:Egypt sees drastic spike in Covid cases

-Top News Asia News

Turkey warns Haftar against attack on its forces

In 2019, Turkey and Libya’s UN-recognised Government of National Accord (GNA) signed two memorandums of understanding on military cooperation and maritime boundaries in the Eastern Mediterranean….reports Asian Lite News

Any attack by the forces of the Khalifa Haftar-led Libyan National Army (LNA) on Turkish troops in the North African country would be retaliated, Defence Minister Hulusi Akar said.

“A war criminal, murderer Haftar and his supporters must know that they will be seen as a legitimate target in case of an attack on Turkish troops by his forces,” Xinhua news agency quoted Akar as saying while addressing Turkish soldiers in Libya, according to a video tweeted by Turkey’s Defence Ministry on Sunday.

The Minister cited that a few days ago Haftar made calls targeting Turkish forces in Libya.

In 2019, Turkey and Libya’s UN-recognised Government of National Accord (GNA) signed two memorandums of understanding on military cooperation and maritime boundaries in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Nearly 3,000 Libyans received training within the scope of the agreement, Akar also said.

Libya plunged into chaos after the fall of late leader Muammar Gaddafi’s government in 2011, witnessing prolonged conflict between the eastern-based LNA and the GNA in the country’s west.

On October 23, the Libyan delegations to the 5+5 Joint Military Commission talks in Geneva signed a UN-sponsored permanent ceasefire agreement.

In November, the Joint Military Commission agreed on terms for the ceasefire implementation in the country, including the return of forces back to their camps and the withdrawal of foreign forces from conflict lines.

The delegations also agreed to exchange all prisoners, remove landmines in cooperation with the UN teams and the General Intelligence Service, and combat hate speech.

Also read:US sanctions Turkey over S-400 purchase