-Top News Business London News

Masterclass to Boost BAME Workforce

High Impact Accelerator Programme for ethnic minority professionals launched to address the diversity gap in the UK institutions … reports Asian Lite News

Transformative, high-impact accelerator programme designed to help experienced ethnic minority professionals push to the next level in their careers, is being launched by Career Masterclass, leading professional development platform working towards democratisation of opportunities. It’s part of its B2B offerings to companies encouraging them  to invest in the development of their BAME workforce. Career Masterclass, which has grown rapidly with its strong online presence, has 12,000 members in 15 countries including India.

Career Masterclass founder Bukola Adisa

The programme will help address the issue of lack of minority and female representation in senior positions within UK organisations.

According to the Parker Review, more than a fifth of the UK’s leading companies still have no ethnic diversity across their boards. Only five ethnic minority directors occupy a CEO position, down from six last year, and all of whom are men. Moreover, Company Matters found that 84% of AIM and 78% of SMC 100  (FTSE Small Cap 100) companies have all white boards, over double the proportion seen in the FTSE 100.

In fact, McKinsey’s Delivery Through Diversity report revealed that in the UK, 22% of university students identify as Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME), yet only 8% of UK executives in the study’s sample share this identity. However, companies with the most ethnically/culturally diverse boards worldwide are 43% more likely to experience higher profits.

The high-impact accelerator programme aims to address this gap. It will equip early to mid-level career professionals with skills to build successful careers including leadership, building successful networks, confidence building, resilience, etc.  Packed with real life case studies, practical knowledge and tools and offered by industry professionals, it aims to drive transformative change by providing Asian professionals with insight and resources needed to advance in their careers, while also encouraging UK firms to create more inclusive environments.

“Diversity is essential for running a healthy business,” said Career Masterclass founder Bukola Adisa. “To address this we need companies to invest in the development of their mid-level Asian employees to assist them in accessing senior level positions and, ultimately, enter the board rooms.”

Bukola who has led large teams in leading financial organisations in the UK remembers, “When I was at the top of my game, leading 100+ employees in a blue chip firm, I witnessed how rare it was to see Black and minority people in the boardrooms and in leadership positions. To address this disparity, I started hosting career development sessions in my free time to help Black, Asian and minority professionals, by arming them with necessary tools to succeed in their career.”

“I joined Career Masterclass when I was feeling stagnant in my career, “ says Nimisha Bhakta, Compliance Manager, HSBC. “Career Masterclass has taught me to take the reins of my career and break down the old thought patterns like ‘your hard work will be noticed’’. I have now got a mentor with my firm, I am ensuring my manager is aware of my achievements and I feel extremely motivated. The culmination of all this has resulted in a newfound confidence, dynamism and has resulted in me getting a new role within my firm with management responsibilities,”

Nimisha Bhakta, Compliance Manager, HSBC

What started as a campaign in her free time to help a few chart their path into boardrooms by offering advice and training – has become a core business today with Career Masterclass boasting 12,000 members in 15 countries including India.

The programme delivered by highly skilled industry leaders and professionals, who are familiar with the challenges faced by ethnic minorities, applies a blended learning approach, incorporating Masterclasses, drop-in Q and A sessions, mini-challenges and activities, group sessions as well as one to one mentoring sessions with industry leaders.

It will be supported by access to the Career Masterclass digital learning platform, which has been designed to leverage personalisation via its proprietary technology to ensure that the solution is tailor-made for each participant’s individual career needs and requirements. It offers a unique solution to reinforce learning and provide ongoing support for participants at all times.

Adisa said, “The challenges facing Asian and Black professionals in the workplace are well documented and we provide tips and concepts to help overcome roadblocks and barriers to enable professional growth for participants.”

London News UK News

Murder accused London cop appears in court

Wayne Couzens, 48, was arrested on Tuesday after Sarah Everard, a marketing executive, went missing while walking home from a friend’s apartment in south London on March 3…reports Asian Lite News

A serving Metropolitan Police officer appeared in court in London after being charged with the kidnap and murder of a 33-year-old woman.

Wayne Couzens, 48, was arrested on Tuesday after Sarah Everard, a marketing executive, went missing while walking home from a friend’s apartment in south London on March 3, reports Xinhua news agency.

Everard’s remains were found on Wednesday in an area of woodland in Kent, about 80 km away in southeast England, the court heard on Saturday.

Couzens arrived at the central London court at 10 a.m. in a large blue police van, stepping into the dock around 10.30 a.m., according to the Evening Standard newspaper.

He wore a grey tracksuit and appeared to have a red wound on the top of his forehead, the newspaper reported.

Couzens spoke only to confirm his name and personal details, sitting between two plain clothes officers in the dock.

He remains in police custody and will appear in court again on March 16.

According to local media reports, Couzens joined London’s Metropolitan Police in 2018 and guarded foreign embassies before his arrest.

Everard’s death has caused widespread concern in the UK about women’s safety, with many women and girls sharing stories online of their own traumatic experiences.

Data from the Uk’s Office for National Statistics showed that in the past decade till March 2020, there were 4,493 male victims and 2,075 female victims (31 per cent) in England and Wales, and more than nine out of 10 killers were men.

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-Top News Health London News

Promoting organ donation among Sikhs

DR OPINDERJIT KAUR TAKHAR MBE: “Awareness of organ donation is much needed in the Sikh community.  Being based in Wolverhampton, which has the 2nd largest Sikh community outside of London, gives us the ideal location through which to make a real impact through the opportunity to engage with the Sikh communityA special report by Asian Lite International

The University of Wolverhampton has secured almost £10,000 funding to create awareness of organ donation in the Sikh community.


The University’s Centre for Sikh and Panjabi Studies and the School of Art academic researchers, with the guidance of NHS Clinical Teams and Sikh Donor/ Recipient families, will commission artwork/digital media work that promotes Donation and Law Change whilst at the same time debunking ‘myths’. Two to three quality art projects, for example, filmmakers, animators, will be produced following a national competitive call.

The funding has been awarded by the NHS Blood and Transplant’s Community Investment Scheme which is committed to building support for donation amongst Black, Asian, mixed heritage and minority ethnic communities.

The scheme funds community and faith/beliefs organisations to drive awareness, understanding and behaviour change. Now in its third round, the scheme has broadened its scope to cover a range of health inequalities including organ and blood donation.

For many patients in need of a transplant the best match will come from a donor from the same ethnic background. In the UK there are currently estimated to be at least 2,569 people on the waiting list for a kidney transplant and 580 of those are from Black, Asian or minority ethnic backgrounds. Kidney donors and recipients are matched by blood group and tissue type, and people from the same ethnic background are more likely to have matching blood groups and tissue types.

Black, Asian and minority ethnic patients often have to wait significantly longer for a successful match than white patients, due to a shortage of suitably matched donors.

Dr Opinderjit Kaur Takhar MBE, Director of the University’s Centre for Sikh and Panjabi Studies, said: “The Centre for Sikh and Panjabi Studies – the only Centre of its kind in the UK, based at the University of Wolverhampton – has excellent connections with the Sikh community both regionally as well as nationally.

“Awareness of organ donation is much needed in the Sikh community.  Being based in Wolverhampton, which has the 2nd largest Sikh community outside of London, gives us the ideal location through which to make a real impact through the opportunity to engage with the Sikh community.

“Having the expertise in understanding Sikh teachings, beliefs and ethics, we will use these to highlight how the Sikh faith supports organ donation in an effort to overcome incorrect notions of organ donation being contradictory to Sikh beliefs.”

Altaf Kazi, Head of Faith and Belief Engagement at NHS Blood and Transplant, said: “Through the Community Investment Scheme we have seen first-hand the abilities of trusted individuals and community groups to prompt conversation, tackle misinformation, educate and offer reassurance around organ donation and now blood donation. Often a person’s best donor match will share their ethnicity, but too many donation opportunities are missed because families haven’t discussed organ donation.

“We are asking more people from Black and Asian communities to find out about both blood and organ donation and help us to address the inequalities that many members of these communities may face. By giving your support you can help save lives.”

Maggie Ayliffe, Head of the Wolverhampton School of Art, said: “We are delighted to be recipients of NHS Blood & Transplant, Community Investment Scheme funding. We are an organisation which is deeply embedded in the local area and we have strong grassroot links to the community which we hope to engage throughout this project.

“This will be an important community-based art project. Our students and staff have worked on a number of projects that aim to raise awareness of organ donation in the past and we are very much looking forward to working with the Sikh community in Wolverhampton and creating some new artwork that will start conversations and create interest around the social benefits/gift of organ donation.”

Since its launch in 2018, the Community Investment Scheme has supported 43 organisations to deliver 50 community-led projects. With around 4,000 people engaging in conversation or taking away a leaflet or information on the importance of organ donation and 8,000 attended a talk or workshop.

For more information about the Community Investment Scheme please visit or contact:

The Community Investment Scheme is part of a Government-funded campaign led by NHS Blood and Transplant with support from the National BAME Transplant Alliance (NBTA) to address the urgent need for Black, Asian and minority ethnic donors.

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Business London News UK News

‘Five Rivers’ Arrives In The UK

FIVE RIVERS – The world’s first Indian white spiced rum debuts in the UK … reports Asian Lite News

Five Rivers, from the Sanghera Rum Company, is making its debut in the UK. The world’s first Indian white spiced rum is the perfect new addition to the statement drinks trolley, with a beautiful, distinctive bottle, unlike any other.

Taj Sanghera, Founder, Five Rivers

The tipple is best enjoyed in a new and unexpected way for a rum – over ice in a tall glass with tonic, lime and star anise.

 “Rum has soared in popularity over the last year, but its long-standing Indian heritage and methods of production – which are recorded as early as the 7th century – aren’t widely known,” said Taj Sanghera, Founder. “India is the largest sugar producing country in the world, and we’re proud to bring the world’s first Indian white spiced rum to the UK.”

Five Rivers mixes equally well in creative cocktails; innovative signature serves include the Sanghera Sour, Mai Chai and the Punjabi Punch.

The unique liquid is flavoured with a blend of Indian spices: cardamom, cassia, cloves, coriander and ginger, and re-distilled to extract the best flavours. With no added flavourings or sugar, a strong personal heritage and a contemporary bottle, it’s a premium choice for discerning drinkers.

On the nose, it has a rich stewed fruit and candied citrus spiciness. The initial taste is sweet clove and cinnamon, which then leads to a clean, dry and aromatic cardamom spice, with a long and warming peppery finish coming from the ginger.    

Refined from five generations of family rum production near Jalandhar in Northern Punjab and made with sugarcane traditionally grown on the Sanghera family’s farm, Five Rivers brings the flavours of India to life.  Wanting to elevate the quality of rum, the Sanghera family created Five Rivers for the western palate, in a similar way to gin but with unmistakable Indian flavours.

Five Rivers Rum

Punjab translates as ‘The Land of Five Rivers’ in English, honouring the five rivers that flow from the Himalayas, nourishing the surrounding fields of sugarcane and spice, giving the spirit its name.

-Top News COVID-19 London News

Sadiq visits new vax hub at Kingsbury Temple

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan visited a new Covid-19 vaccination hub at Kingsbury Temple in the city last Thursday.

During his visit, Khan met representatives from the mandir, the NHS clinical team administering the vaccine, and patients who came there to take the jab.

“The temple plays a huge role in the community, supporting local people, and has now stepped forward to help save lives as one of nearly 200 vaccination sites operating across the city,” Khan said during his visit.

The volunteers started vaccinations in the temple’s multi-function hall since January 28.

Mayor Sadiq Khan speaks to NHS staff at the new vaccine hub at Shree Swaminarayan Mandir Kingsbury. (Photo: Mayor of London)

A number of other places of worship have offered their spaces to become vaccination centres. The Al-Abbas Islamic Centre in Balsall Heath, Birmingham, was the first mosque in the UK to open its door to patients in January.

Also Read: UK reports another 678 Covid deaths

The mayor said it is really important “we have as many Londoners as possible, who are eligible for the vaccine to receive it. One of the things we have got to do is make it easy for people to access the vaccine and having more sites like this, administering the vaccine means more and more Londoners can receive the vaccine near them from people they trust.”

Khan said he was so proud of the role the “faith communities have played during the pandemic.”

London mayor Sadiq Khan and deputy mayor for business, Rajesh Agrawal at Shree Swaminarayan Mandir Kingsbury. (Photo: Mayor of London)

“I am so proud of the role our faith communities have played during the pandemic. From going door to door to make sure people are okay to providing food at food banks. Also to make sure people aren’t lonely, at the same time making sure that they provide spiritual guidance and support than people can need. I am incredibly proud of the work our faith communities do anyway but this pandemic has really shown them at their best.

Also Read – NZ’s 1st shipment of Covid vaccine to arrive soon: PM

Earlier this month, London has achieved a landmark one million doses of Covid-19 vaccine administered to the citizens and residents as part of the nationwide mass vaccination drive.

Mayor Sadiq Khan during a visit at the new vaccine hub at Shree Swaminarayan Mandir Kingsbury. (Photo: Mayor of London)

“This has been an incredibly difficult and challenging time for our city, but the vaccine is the light at the end of a dark tunnel. This major milestone is down to the heroic work and dedication of our NHS staff, volunteers and venues who have gone above and beyond to deliver these life-saving vaccinations,” Khan said.

“We know there is a long way to go in our fight against coronavirus and it’s crucial we do not take our foot off the pedal now. I want millions more to receive the safe and effective vaccine as quickly as possible, and I urge all Londoners to take it up when offered. For now, it’s vital we follow the rules and stay at home to protect ourselves, others and our NHS heroes.”

-Top News London News UK News

Covid cases continue downward trend across London

The total number of Covid-19 cases identified in London is 641,178 as at January 27, data published by the Greater London Authority revealed….reports Asian Lite News

London is continuing to witness a steady decline in Covid-19 infection rates, as more than half of the capital city’s 32 boroughs are now seeing seven-day infection rates below 400 per 100,000 people.

The infection rates are falling in every single borough, Xinhua news agency quoted the Evening Standard newspaper as saying a report on Saturday, adding that highest is in Brent in northwestern London, with a rate of 588.9 in the week to January 25, marking a 30 per cent decrease on the rate of 838.2 over the previous seven days.

The figures, for the seven days to January 25, are based on tests carried out in laboratories and in the wider community, said the newspaper.

On January 28, the daily number of new people tested positive for the virus in London was reported as 4,367.

The total number of Covid-19 cases identified in London is 641,178 as at January 27, data published by the Greater London Authority revealed.

Meanwhile, the UK’s coronavirus reproduction number, known as the R number, is estimated at between 0.7 and 1.1, according to the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE).

Last week, the R number was estimated at between 0.8 and one, according to SAGE.

The R, which refers to the number of people an infected person will pass the virus on to, is one of many indicators scientists use to determine how fast Covid-19 is spreading in the country.

England is currently under the third national lockdown since the outbreak of the pandemic in the country.

Similar restriction measures are also in place in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Also read:UK car manufacturing industry feel slump

London News UK News

London Traveller Is Sweden’s First Mutant Virus Case

A person who travelled from London to Sweden to celebrate Christmas has been confirmed sick with the new and more infectious variant of the coronavirus that has been rapidly spreading in the UK recently.

Sara Byfors of Sweden’s Public Health Agency told a news conference on Saturday that the person has been self-isolating since arriving in the southwestern province of Sormland and that no one else in the household has tested positive for Covid-19. However, Byfors added that there are likely more cases in Sweden that have yet to be detected, Xinhua news agency reported.

The person started feeling ill after arriving in Sweden, testing positive for Covid-19 on December 21 after experiencing extreme fatigue and body ache. On Saturday, it was confirmed that the person was infected with the mutated strain of the coronavirus.

Byfors said that the Public Health Agency has increased its efforts to monitor the new coronavirus strain and is now aiming to collect tests from everyone who has arrived in Sweden from the UK since October.

“On Monday, we issued a new recommendation urging everyone who has been in the UK to get tested so that we can conduct contact tracing and ensure this virus strain does not spread in Sweden. Those who do not show any symptoms should also get tested,” said Byfors.

The Public Health Agency has also urged anyone who has travelled to Sweden from the UK and those in their households to self-isolate.

Asked how Sweden’s vaccination program would be affected by a potential spread of the new coronavirus strain in the country, Byfors said it would likely not have a significant impact. However, Sweden’s healthcare system is already under great strain, with 536 out of 684 ICU beds with respirators already occupied, newspaper Aftonbladet reported on Saturday.

The Agency’s latest figures released on December 23 showed that a total 8,279 people have died in Sweden since the start of the pandemic, and the country has confirmed 396,048 cases. The figures are expected to go up when they are updated on December 29.

According to the website of the World Health Organization, as of December 22, there were 233 Covid-19 candidate vaccines being developed worldwide, and 61 of them were in clinical trials.

A couple of vaccines developed by pharmaceutical companies from the United States, Germany, Russia and China have so far been authorized by several countries and regions for emergency use.

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Also Read: London Seeks Better Ties With Delhi

-Top News Business Economy London News UK News

POST-BREXIT BRITAIN: London to Attract $5 Trillion Halal Consumer/Financial Market

Post-Brexit UK can tap the $5 trillion global halal consumer market to become the global hub & gateway to Ethical & Shariah Finance … reports Asian Lite News

The World’s 1st Halal Angels Network to tap the $5 Trillion Halal Consumer market was launched during the COVID-19 pandemic, and now they are establishing their headquarters in London.

 “Based on our research for an ideal location to move our headquarters, we felt that London, UK would be the ideal location for our new headquarters, as it is home to the majority of investment firms, family office, Venture capital, PE Firms, and Angels network,” said Dr.Tausif Malik founder, Halal Angels Network.

Dr.Tausif Malik founder, Halal Angels Network.

Dr. Malik also said that based on the research post-Brexit UK can reposition as the global hub and gateway to ethical & Shariah Finance to the world.

Post-Brexit financial institutions are relocating to various cities across Europe such as Frankfurt, Dublin & Paris, according to Northwestern University Medill Report.

“London’s emergence as an economic powerhouse has profound implications for the country’s economy post-Brexit. Financial services accounted for 15% of London’s economic output in 2017 and 6.9% of the United Kingdom’s economic output in 2018,” according to another report commissioned by the House of Commons.

This would have overall implications on the economy, jobs, tax revenues, real estate and would have a domino effect. But sometimes challenges throw in new opportunities as London has been the financial capital of the world, and over the years it has developed an entire financial ecosystem to leverage and maintain its numero uno position.  

Hence, post-Brexit UK can reposition itself as the global hub & gateway to Ethical & Shariah Finance to the world and leverage its ecosystem due to the following reasons:

  1. Easy to set up business in the UK
  2. Low cost of registration of business
  3. British Common Business Law is used worldwide
  4. English as the primary language
  5. UK the financial hub and capital
  6. Use this opportunity to counter the exodus of financial companies to different countries
  7. UK home to highly qualified Muslim professionals in Finance, Law, Technology, Research, Academia, Entrepreneurs, and Investors, their network can be leveraged to promote Uk can be the global hub & gateway to Shariah Finance to the world.
  8. UK long historical relationship with the Middle East & Muslim Countries.
  9. Sovereign Funds of the Middle East & Muslim Countries can be encouraged to establish their offices.
  10. The wealthy businessman, investors, and entrepreneurs have been investing in the UK in real estate, and businesses they can be leveraged to promote the UK can be the global hub & gateway to Shariah Finance to the world.
  11. Halal is ethical and ethical finance is estimated to be 30 Billion USD

Based on research, return on investment on Shariah finance have been higher. Shariah investments are based on equity sans interest. 

Halal Angels Network has partnered with two UK organisations – Educational Partners- UK for training & Fintech Major, Delio for backend compliance.

Post-COVID -19, the startups can give a great fillip to the UK economy and UK can be hub for Islamic Fintech, Halal food manufacturing, Halal cosmetics, and, Modest fashion.

According to Halal Angels Network research, the Ethical & Shariah Finance market there is tremendous potential as it has been never tapped or streamline. Post COVID-19 everyone needs to rethink strategy and tap new markets and this is an ideal time.

Halal Angels Network would keen and open to working with British policymakers, Universities, and organizations to leverage this market potential. 

Halal Angels Network would be organizing the next year 2021, a series of Halal & Ethical Finance Summits in 6 Global locations (San Francisco, London, Astana, Dubai, Jakarta, Dhaka & Nigeria) it would be an invite-only event for private investors, VC’s, PE firms, Sovereign funds to promote the market potentials of Halal & Ethical Finance.

The identified sectors for investment are – Future technologies (Blockchain, Fintech AI, etc), Modest Fashion & Cosmetics, Retail, Pharmaceuticals, Food Cafe & Restaurants, Processed Food & Tourism investments. As shariah-compliant investments play an important hence Fintech & Blockchain would be the investment focus.    

According to Reuters, the Halal consumer market is valued at $5 trillion and would grow to USD 9.71 trillion by 2025. The economic development of leading Islamic countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Iran is expected to boost the global halal products market reach over the coming years (Reuters, 2019).

Comprising halal food, travel, cosmetics, modest fashion, and Islamic finance, demand for goods and services that align with Islamic principles is on the rise, but just $745 million in disclosed private equity investment was invested in the Islamic economy over three years, far less than the $595 billion in private equity and venture capital investments that occurred globally in 2017 according to the report published by Wamda.

Muslim communities are as technology savvy as any other, especially their younger members who form part of the global rise of ‘millennials’ and their forward-thinking, can-do mindset. With the breaking down of borders through digital platforms, it is easier than ever for Islamic centric entrepreneurs to access the global Muslim population of 1.7 billion people (Gulf Business). 

Recently, Halal Angels Network launched ‘The Khadija RA Initiative’, the World’s largest Cohort, Incubation & Acceleration program for 1001 Female Entrepreneurs.

Also Read: UK Covid Tally Reaches 1,659,256

Also Read: UK Ready to Rollout C-Vaccine

-Top News London News UK News

Lords Reject ‘Retirement’ Privileges For Nazir Ahmed

Lord Mance said the Conduct Committee is not moving a separate motion of expulsion because the Lord is no more a member of the House of Lords.  He also announced that the Lord will not be able to enjoy the privileges of retired member … reports Kaliph Anaz

Lord Nazir Ahmed, Baron Ahmed of Rotherham, has been denied the retirement benefits from the House of Lords as the Conduct Committee passed the enquiry panel report without a debate.

In an earlier interview, the former Lord was hoping to use the privileges like access to Parliament and using the library to run campaign for Kashmir and Palestine.

Lord Mance, a former Supreme Court judge and the chair of the Lords Conduct Committee, said the nine-member panel is unanimous in its decision to expel Lord Nazir Ahmed from the Upper House of British Parliament.

Also Read – Lord Nazir Takes Case To EU Court

Lord Mance said the committee provided an embargoed version of the report to Lord Ahmed on 12th November with its decision to expel him. But the Lord filed a notice to resign from the House on 14th November.

Lord Mance said the House has to accept the resignation because there is no provision to refuse or delay the Lords resignation letter under the House of Lords Reforms Act (2014). So the resignation will take place automatically on the date mentioned in the letter.

Lord Nazir Ahmed with supporters during a rally

Lord Mance said the Conduct Committee is not moving a separate motion of expulsion because the Lord is no more a member of the House of Lords.

He also announced that the Lord will not be able to enjoy the privileges of retired member.

“I can assure the House that the Lord will not retain none of the privileges of a retired member. If this motion is agreed today, then the House of Lords commission agreed with the immediate effect that Lord Ahmed will not entitle to member’s pass or be able to access any of the facilities of the house.”

The motion was passed unanimously. That’s the end of the Parliamentary career of the most controversial British-Asian politician.  

The Panel in its report says the Lord in not co-operative to the enquiry and broke the Conduct for a privileged member of the House.

 “I find that by sexually assaulting Ms Zaman on 2 March 2017, Lord Ahmed was therefore in breach of the Code by failing to act on his personal honour,” said Lucy Scott-Moncrieff, Commissioner for Standards. “I find that by failing to progress Ms Zaman’s case and lying about his intentions Lord Ahmed was acting without honesty or integrity. As such he was therefore failing to act on his personal honour and was in breach of the Code.”

Asian Lite cover on Lord Nazir Ahmed

The Commissioner also made two other findings: “I find that Lord Ahmed exploited Ms Zaman emotionally and sexually even though he knew she was receiving treatment for anxiety and depression.”

This, the Commissioner found, “exacerbates the seriousness of his breaches of the Code”.

“On important issues Lord Ahmed persistently gave deliberately inaccurate and misleading accounts to conceal his behaviour towards Ms Zaman … I consider that in conducting himself in this manner he has failed genuinely to co-operate with my investigation. He has failed to act on his personal honour, as evidenced by his dishonesty and lack of integrity

Lord Ahmed appealed against the panel findings. Although he did not deny that a sexual relationship had taken place, he did deny other aspects of Ms Zaman’s account and he did deny that he was in breach of the Code of Conduct.

The Committee’s findings include: “Nonetheless, we found nothing in Lord Ahmed’s appeal to persuade us that there was anything plainly wrong about the Commissioner’s overall finding, that Lord Ahmed breached the Code of Conduct by failing to act on his personal honour: (a) in sexually assaulting Ms Zaman on 2 March 2017 after they had dinner to discuss the complaint she wished to make to the police; and then (b) in exploiting her emotionally and sexually by lying about his intentions to help her between August and November 2017.

“As to the second of these, the Commissioner found that Lord Ahmed knew that he was dealing with a vulnerable person, who was undergoing treatment for anxiety and depression and who had already made clear that she did not want a sexual relationship. He nonetheless misleadingly induced her to visit him at his house under the pretext of offering to assist her as a member of the House of Lords in relation to the matters she had wanted to be raised with the police, when his true motivation was to induce her into a sexual relationship which on this occasion he succeeded in bringing about, lasting over the next three months. Conclusion 36. The Conduct Committee accordingly dismisses the appeal of Lord Ahmed against the Commissioner’s findings that he breached the Code of Conduct by failing to act on his personal honour in the course of his parliamentary activities.

Lord Ahmed appeals against the Commissioner’s main report and addressed some points relevant to mitigation in his oral submissions before the Committee.

His submissions, taken together, addressed: (a) his background, activities in life and good character, in support of which various references were also relied on; (b) the fact that this was the first time he had been found in breach of the Code of Conduct or anything similar; (c) the devastating impact the report and any subsequent expulsion would have on his personal, matrimonial and public life; (d) the fact that the Guide to the Code says that “the longer ago the conduct occurred, the more certain the Commissioner should be of the need for such a sanction before recommending it.”; and (e) the inappropriateness of any severe sanction in the light of the fact that the sexual relationship was consensual and in light of the nature of those breaches which have been found by the Commissioner and which have also been endorsed by the Committee; and in particular the disproportionality of the Commissioner’s recommended sanction of expulsion.

The Commissioner also said that Lord Ahmed was uncooperative and dishonest and so failed to act on his personal honour in relation to her investigation, in core areas of both the Commissioner’s main and her supplementary investigations on which the Committee has relied in this report, combines with the fact that he has continued to deny any wrongdoing and has shown no indication of any regret, remorse or understanding of the inappropriateness of his conduct or its effect on a vulnerable victim. The risk of repetition also cannot be excluded.

Lord Nazir made history when he became the first Muslim, Kashmiri, and Pakistani to enter the House of Lords as a Labour peer in 1998. Prior to that he was a councillor at Rotherham. He was a confidante of then prime minister Tony Blair. He later turned against him over Iraq War.

Ms Zaman alleged that the Lord sexually exploited her on various occasions at his second home in London. In the BBC Newsnight programme, another victim accused the Lord of asking her to spend a night with him in London in return of helping her husband in a business tussle.

Lord Nazir tried to use Racist and India cards to deflect the allegations against him. But the Committee rejected all the claims and recommends for his suspension. Prominent journalists from the British media, representing BBC, Sunday Times, The Times and Asian Lite deposed in front of the Committee.

Also Read – Lord Ahmed Quits Before Expulsion Over Sexual Misconduct

-Top News London News

Sadiq Urges Businesses to Tackle Racism

Businesses of all sizes are invited to join Mayor’s Workforce Integration Network (WIN) to strengthen its network, utilise its resources and help create pathways into living wage employment for young Black men…reports Asian Lite Newsdesk

A man wearing a face mask walks past a shop in London, Britain

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has declared City Hall a committedly anti-racist organisation as he unveiled a toolkit to help businesses cultivate genuinely inclusive working environments.

Sadiq said he is determined to tackle structural and institutionalised racism across London and is urging businesses to follow the new guidance.

The toolkit, which was published recently, offers practical guidance to businesses to help diversify their workforce and foster a truly inclusive workplace culture.

One in five men in the capital is Black, but Black men are significantly more likely to experience unemployment than their White counterparts, with 33 per cent of Black men out of work compared to 15 per cent of White men. Disparities persist even across educational levels with Black graduate unemployment at 13 per cent compared to a rate of just 4 per cent for White graduates, the Mayor’s office said.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan

According to a press release issued by the Mayor’s office, “Sadiq is committed to leading by example in making City Hall an actively anti-racist organisation and has, along with the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime, (MOPAC) pledged to take the following action, in addition to committing to the actions in the toolkit: launching an organisational-wide cultural change programme underpinned by an independent review into the structural barriers that prevent Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) and specifically Black progression; setting targets by gender and ethnicity for the proportion of Black male and Black female staff across the GLA and MOPAC, and specifically the senior leadership teams to, reflect the wider London working age population.”

City Hall has been working to ensure that equality is a key part of its work, and is already reporting on its ethnicity pay gap and developing a pioneering action plan to close it, offering Covid-19 risk assessments across the GLA family including for colleagues from BAME backgrounds and working to increase the trust and confidence of London’s Black communities in the Metropolitan Police Service through the Mayor’s forthcoming Action Plan.

The new inclusive employers toolkit builds on the work of the Mayor’s Workforce Integration Network (WIN) – a City Hall scheme launched in 2018 to tackle disproportionate levels of unemployment among young Black men while seeking to improve access to sectors such as construction and technology where they are typically underrepresented.

Businesses of all sizes are invited to join WIN to strengthen its network, utilise its resources and help create pathways into living wage employment for young Black men.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan said: “Our capital’s diversity is its greatest strength, but the makeup of too many organisations, especially at their highest levels, fails to present a true picture of modern London.

“Your background, gender and ethnicity should have no bearing on what you can achieve which is why part of becoming actively anti-racist involves acknowledging the fact systemic racism remains pervasive across society. Employers and businesses must do more to embed anti-racist practices in their operations and their company culture.

“That is why, in declaring City Hall an actively anti-racist body, I am proud to share this toolkit with London’s business community. Helping them strengthen their workforce through the enrichment diversity brings and building a more resilient capital with genuine inclusivity at its core.”

 Sioned Churchill, Director of Grants at Trust for London, said:

“It’s not right that young Black men in London experience more unemployment than young White men. Employers across London can help address these disparities. The WIN ‘inclusive employers toolkit’ supports companies to improve the recruitment, retention and progression of young Black men within the workplace.”