-Top News Asia News

B’desh Celebrates 50th Victory Day

The people of Bangladesh on Wednesday celebrated the 50th Victory Day. On December 16, 1971, Lt. Gen Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi, the Chief Martial Law Administrator of East Pakistan and Commander of Pakistan Army forces located in East Pakistan had signed the Instrument of Surrender the led to the formation of Bangladesh.

Niazi had signed the Instrument and Surrender in the presence of Jagjit Singh Aurora, who was representing the Indian and Bangladesh Forces in Dhaka.

The country was liberated from the Pakistani occupation on the day after a nine-month-long bloodstained War of Liberation in 1971.

At the time of surrender only a few countries had provided diplomatic recognition to the new nation. Over 93,000 Pakistani troops surrendered to the Indian forces and Bangladesh Liberation forces, making it the largest surrender since World War II.

Bangladesh was born as an independent country under the leadership of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at the cost of supreme sacrifice of three million people and the honour of nearly half a million women.

Though the pandemic Covid-19 has almost paralysed the whole world barring the people from attending any public gathering in person, the celebration of the Victory Day got a different dimension.

The day is set to be celebrated as Mujib Borsho, on the occasion of the birth centenary of Bangabandhu from March 2020-March 2021, just ahead of the country’s golden jubilee year of Independence to be celebrated in 2021.

Sheikh Hasina.

On behalf of President M. Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina their representatives laid the wreath at the altar of the National Memorial around 6.30 a.m.

Both of them paid rich tributes to the martyrs of the Liberation War by placing wreaths at the National Memorial in Savar, on the outskirts of Dhaka, marking the 50th Victory Day.

After placing the wreath, the representatives stood there in solemn silence for a while as a mark of profound respect to the memories of the martyrs of the Great War of Liberation in 1971.

Bangladesh’s first government was sworn in in front of local and foreign journalists officially and it began its duties. With the Declaration of Independence on March 6, the country was officially declared as an independent sovereign state.

Bangladesh sought admission to the UN with most voting in its favour, but China vetoed this as Pakistan was its key ally.

The US, also a key ally of Pakistan, was one of the last nations to accord Bangladesh recognition.

To ensure a smooth transition, in 1972 the Simla Agreement was signed between India and Pakistan. The treaty ensured that Pakistan recognised the independence of Bangladesh in exchange for the return of the Pakistani PoWs.

India treated all the PoWs in strict accordance with the Geneva Convention, rule 1925 released more than 93,000 Pakistani PoWs in five months. Further, as a gesture of goodwill, nearly 200 soldiers who were sought for war crimes by Bengalis were also pardoned by India.

Bangladesh government has organised elaborate programs to celebrate the day at the national level, maintaining the health guidelines in face of the global pandemic Covid-19.

The programs include a 31-gun salute, placing of wreaths at the monuments to pay homage to martyrs, hoisting of the national flags atop all government, semi-government and private offices as well as offices of autonomous bodies across the country, decorating city streets with miniature national flags and colourful festoons, and illumination of important buildings and establishments, roads and street islands at night.

Improved diets will be served to inmates of jails, hospitals, orphanages, and vagrant homes across the country.

Also Read: India, Bangladesh seek to strengthen bilateral ties

-Top News UK News

Asian Lite Daily Digital UK – December 16, 2020 – Boris Due In India to Boost Post-Brexit Biz Ties

Boris Due In India to Boost Post-Brexit Biz Ties; London Seeks Better Ties With Delhi; Electoral College Puts Biden On Pedal; ‘Critical 3-week effort’ fails in Japan as cases surge – All in Asian Lite Daily Digital – please click here to read.

-Top News Arab News

Asian Lite Daily Digital Dubai – December 16, 2020 – Vote For NRIs Back on Agenda

Vote For NRIs Back on Agenda; Kuwait PM Hopeful About End of Gulf Crisis; Electoral College Makes It Official; ‘Critical 3-week effort’ fails in Japan as cases surge; Hamas calls for united resistance against Israel – all in Asian Lite Daily Daily Dubai – please click here to read.

-Top News USA

Americans Urged To Stay Home During Biden Inauguration

US President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will be sworn into office on the steps of the United States Capitol on January 20, 2021, just like other American leaders throughout history but almost every other detail of Inauguration Day will be transformed by Covid-19 public health protocols.

In fact, Biden’s inauguration team is urging Americans to stay home and watch history unfold on their television or digital screens. Pointing to the “unprecedented” public health crisis, the inaugural committee plans for an extremely small “footprint” of the in-person event that “honors and resembles sacred American traditions” and also keeps Americans safe.

“The ceremony’s footprint will be extremely limited, and the parade that follows will be reimagined,” the Presidential inaugural committee said in a statement. At this time, it is not clear if outgoing president Donald Trump will participate.

“The 59th Presidential Inauguration will be a historic and exciting event that showcases the strength and diversity of our nation — and one that every American can enjoy from their home,” the Biden inaugural committee said.

US President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris.

Previewing the blueprint for a reimagined event, the team said plans are on to “honor the inaugural traditions Americans have always known”: An outdoor swearing-in ceremony, a “reimagined” parade and “virtual celebrations” feature in the bucket list.

After the swearing-in ceremony, Biden will deliver an inaugural address that “lays out his vision to beat the virus, build back better, and bring the country together.”

Meanwhile, Inaugural Day merchandise – tees, mugs, socks, masks, coasters and blankets – have gone on sale on the official site.

Also Read: Electoral College Affirms Biden, Harris Victory

Also Read: Trump to skip Biden’s inauguration

-Top News Arab News

Kuwait PM Hopeful About End of Gulf Crisis

Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah on Tuesday expressed optimism over the end of the Gulf crisis and restoring relations among conflicting parties, state-media reported.

At the inauguration of the 16th Legislative Term of the National Assembly (Parliament), the Prime Minister said that Kuwait will use all its resources to reach a positive conclusion to the Gulf crisis to bring relations back to normal, reports Xinhua news agency.

The Kuwaiti government will continue its firm stance on a foreign policy based on respecting the sovereignty and independence of other countries, and not interfering with matters of internal affairs, he noted.

As to Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Sheikh Sabah Khaled said that Kuwait believes in the importance of the region’s security, indicating that it is a common responsibility shared by all member states.

Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah

On December 4, Kuwait’s Foreign Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah said that fruitful talks were held recently to achieve reconciliation and support Gulf and Arab solidarity and stability.

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Egypt have imposed a diplomatic and economic blockade on Qatar since June 2017.

The four countries allege that the gas-rich Gulf nation supports terrorism and interferes in their domestic affairs.

They have been asking for a list of demands which Qatar has to implement in order to revive ties.

Qatar has repeatedly denied the charges, calling it “unjustified” and “baseless”.

It has also refused the demands, citing them as interference in its sovereignty.

Also Read: Kuwait PM hopes for end to Gulf crisis

Also Read: Kuwait’s Emir names new PM

-Top News India News

India Daily Digital – December 15, 2020 – London Seeks Better Ties With Delhi

London Seeks Better Ties With Delhi; Modi Vows Reforms in Indian Space Sector; Electoral College Makes It Official; Hamas calls for united resistance against Israel – all in India Daily Digital – please click here to read

-Top News India News UK News

London Seeks Better Ties With Delhi

UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab is due to meet Prime Minister Modi on Wednesday to discuss a ‘10-year roadmap’ for a new era in the UK-India relationship, closer collaboration on an Enhanced Trade Partnership…reports Asian Lite Newsdesk

UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab meets Indian Minister of External Affairs Dr S. Jaishankar in New Delhi (Photo-Twitter,DrSJaishankar)

UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has met Indian Minister of External Affairs Subrahmanyam Jaishankar in New Delhi to set out the UK’s ambition for a strengthened UK-India relationship over the next 10 years.

His visit marked the latest step by the UK to build closer relationships with like-minded countries in the Indo-Pacific region, with India a key strategic partner for the UK. This comes ahead of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s visit in January and the UK’s invitation to India to be a guest country at the G7 Summit next year.

The Foreign Secretary is due to meet Prime Minister Modi on Wednesday to discuss a ‘10-year roadmap’ for a new era in the UK-India relationship, closer collaboration on an Enhanced Trade Partnership, and working together to end the coronavirus crisis and tackle climate change.

The Enhanced Trade Partnership will unlock economic benefit for the UK and India. Ahead of a future Free Trade Agreement, it will boost bilateral trade and investment, which already stands at almost £24 billion and grew by 11% in the last financial year. UK-India investment supports over half a million jobs in each other’s economies.

The Foreign Secretary also reaffirmed the HMS Queen Elizabeth Carrier Strike Group will visit the Indo-Pacific region next year.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said: “The UK and India have an invaluable and indispensable partnership, and we look forward to strengthening it in the years ahead. Together we can deliver an Enhanced Trade Partnership next year, combine our cyber security expertise to protect our citizens and join forces to protect global health and promote things like vaccine production.

“As COP26 President and G7 President next year we will work closely with our Indian friends, as they return to the UN Security Council, to boost trade, promote peace and work together as a force for good throughout the Indo-Pacific.”

 As a major economic and diplomatic power in the Indo-Pacific, closer UK-India economic, security and scientific ties will boost growth and create jobs for Britons and Indians and bring together both countries’ expertise as science superpowers to advance the frontiers of medicine and research.

UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab meets Indian Minister of External Affairs Dr S. Jaishankar in New Delhi (Photo-Twitter@DrSJaishankar)

An immediate win has been the UK Global Tariff schedule, which could reduce tariffs on Indian exports by up to £40 million per year from 1 January 2021.

 Next year’s COP26 summit in Glasgow is a crucial moment for the world to unite to limit global warming to below 1.5 degrees. The Foreign Secretary will use his meeting with Prime Minister Modi to thank him for his personal leadership on the issue, with India having quadrupled its wind and solar capacity in the last decade. Today, he also met Minister of Environment Prakash Javadekar to discuss further UK-India collaboration on climate change.

-Top News World News

G20 Nations’ GDP Grows 8.1% in Q3 2020: OECD

The Gross domestic product (GDP) in the G20 area rebounded by 8.1 per cent in the third quarter of 2020, but remained 2.4 per cent below its pre-pandemic high of the final quarter of 2019, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) said.

Many G20 economies rebounded with double-digit numbers in the third quarter after double-digit falls in the second quarter, Xinhua news agency quoted the OECD as saying in a statement on Monday.

GDP in India rebounded strongest, by 21.9 per cent, following a fall of 25.2 per cent in the second quarter, the sharpest drop ever recorded, according to the statement.

With a sharp recovery seen in GDP contraction in the second quarter period, rating agency Crisil has revised upwards its growth projections for India.

A Crisil research report said on Monday that India’s fiscal 2021 real gross domestic product (GDP) will now contract by 7.7 per cent as against a contraction of 9 per cent forecast in September.

A faster-than-expected revival in activity in the second quarter, which continues into the festive season, is one of the reasons for the revision, the agency said in its research report.

Consistent decline in the overall Covid-19 case load is the other, it added.

Crisil, however, said that inadequate fiscal spending remains a constraint, while the possibility of a second wave of afflictions, uncertainty regarding availability of vaccine, and hiccups in global economic revival due to resurgence of cases, call for caution.

“In fiscal 2022, GDP growth is expected to spurt to 10 per cent, led by a very weak base and some global ‘rising tide’ effect. We estimate a permanent loss to the economy at 12 per cent in real GDP terms,” Crisil said.

GDP also rebounded in France (by 18.7 per cent, following a contraction of 13.8 per cent), Italy (by 15.9 per cent, after minus 13.0 per cent), Turkey (by 15.6 per cent, after minus 10.8 pe rcent), the UK (by 15.5 per cent, after minus 19.8 per cent), South Africa (by 13.5 per cent, after minus 16.6 per cent) and Mexico (by 12.1 per cent, after minus 17.0 per cent).

Growth chart. (File Photo: IANS)

Other major economies also saw their economies grow in the third quarter, 8.9 per cent in Canada; 8.5 per cent in Germany; 7.7 per cent in Brazil; 7.4 per cent in the US; 5.3 per cent in Japan; 3.3 per cent in Australia; 3.1 per cent in Indonesia; 2.1 per cent in South Korea and 1.2 per cent in Saudi Arabia.

“GDP in the G20 area as a whole remained significantly below the levels of the same quarter a year earlier (minus 2 per cent), with only Turkey and China recording positive growth of 5.4 per cent and 4.9 per cent, respectively, while the UK experienced the largest fall (minus 9.6 per cent),” the statement added.

Also Read: South Asia GDP To Contract 6.1% In 2020: ADB

Also Read: Fitch narrows India’s GDP fall forecast

-Top News Asia News

Covid-19 boosts digitalisation: SCO

Speaking via video conference here on Monday, Norov said the digital economy and cross-border e-commerce will play an increasingly important role in rebuilding the world economy after the Covid-19..reports Asian Lite News

Vladimir Norov, Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), said the coronavirus pandemic, despite its enormous damage to public health and global economy, had brought new opportunities by accelerating digital transformation.

Speaking via video conference here on Monday, Norov said the digital economy and cross-border e-commerce will play an increasingly important role in rebuilding the world economy after the Covid-19 in terms of achieving economic growth, increasing the competitiveness of economies and improving the quality of lives, thus contributing to sustainable development goals, reports Xinhua news agency.

“In times of Covid-19, global online retail sales are on the rise, and additional jobs are being created,” he added, according to a statement issued by the Islamabad-based think tank, Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI).

The SDPI has organised a four-day conference titled, ‘Sustainable Development in the Times of Covid-19’, according to the statement.

“This year’s SCO Summit concluded while finalizing an action plan for the implementation of the SCO development strategy 2025, which focuses on the early recovery of our economies from the pandemic,” the SCO Secretary-General said.

SDPI Joint Executive Director Vaqar Ahmed said that the action plan for the SCO development strategy is comprehensive and would provide an opportunity for all member countries to cooperate.

He said the digital transformation approach of SCO is welcomed and various sub-regional economic corridors will contribute to regional integration.

Also read:China calls for boosting ties with US

Also read:‘World’s Largest’ Scooter Factory To Be Set Up In TN By Ola

-Top News World News

NZ to tackle Covid-19 during holiday season

The holiday period poses challenges, he said, adding that a large number of people will be travelling, as well as more social gatherings and large events…reports Asian Lite News

New Zealand’s Covid-19 response Minister Chris Hipkins on Tuesday unveiled an extensive ‘All of Government’ plan aimed at managing outbreaks during the upcoming holiday season.

“Since March, New Zealand has strengthened and evolved its ability to respond to Covid-19,” Xinhua news agency quoted Hipkins as saying in a statement.

“Improved testing and contact tracing capacity mean that since the Auckland August cluster, we’ve had four outbreaks which we have successfully managed without having to change alert levels.

“At the same time, we know the virus is continuing to rage offshore and despite our best efforts, there’s always the possibility of further community cases here,” the Minister added.

The holiday period poses challenges, he said, adding that a large number of people will be travelling, as well as more social gatherings and large events.

The planning approach to manage any community cases over the holidays supports New Zealand’s elimination strategy for Covid-19, he said.

“Although we can’t predict exactly where or how a community case might emerge, New Zealanders can be reassured planning has been extensive, and has included scenario testing and understanding actions that might be needed, including, as a last resort, Alert Level changes,” Hipkins said.

The development comes as the country’s overall coronavirus caseload and death toll have increased to 2,096 and 25, respectively.

Also read:New Zealand steps up campaign against Covid-19
Also read:Queensland opens borders to New Zealand