-Top News Saudi Arabia USA

Trump will participate in virtual G20 Summit

US President Donald Trump

The White House announced that US President Donald Trump will participate in the virtual G20 Summit on Saturday and Sunday, as global leaders were trying to stem the raging Covid-19 pandemic.

Although the White House confirmed the President’s participation on both days of the Summit, information about which events he would attend was not immediately clear, The Hill news website reported.

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman will chair the Summit, which was originally set to take place in Riyadh but had to be moved to a virtual format due to the pandemic.

This Summit will be the one of Trump’s last appearances with other world leaders before he is slated to leave the White House on January 20, 2021, after losing the November 3 presidential election to his Democratic challenger Joe Biden.

Major media outlets have projected Biden as the winner of the November 3 presidential election after he won more than the 270 electoral votes needed to secure victory.

Trump, who claimed that the election was a fraud, is yet to concede and was also mounting challenges in court over allegations of vote count misconduct.

The Summit also comes as the overall number of global coronavirus cases has surpassed the 57 million mark, while the deaths have surged to more than 1.36 million, according to the Johns Hopkins University.

In its latest update on Saturday, the University’s Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) revealed that the current global caseload and death toll stood at 57,441,503 and 1,371,241, respectively.

The US is the worst-hit country with the world’s highest number of cases and deaths at 11,908,395 and 254,383, respectively, according to the CSSE.

File photo of Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa/IANS)

Addressing reporters at the Rose Garden on Friday, Trump said that his administration will not advocate a national lockdown to stem the spread of coronavirus despite the alarming resurgence, The Hill news website reported.

On similar lines, Biden has also said that he would not implement a national lockdown to get the pandemic under control.

-Top News Asia News USA

Sangay Visits White House

In the last six decades, the head of the CTA was denied entry to the US State Department and the White House; the logic for both denials was that the US government did not recognize the Tibetan government in exile…reports Vishal Gulati

Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) President Lobsang Sangay (left) and his office representative Ngodup Tsering outside the White House compound after the crucial meeting in Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh on November 21, 2020. (Photo: IANS)

For the first time in six decades, Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) president Lobsang Sangay has entered the White House — a historic recognition by the United States to the democratically elected government-in-exile that is headquartered in this northern Indian hill station.

This is for the first time that the head of the CTA has been invited into the White House, a spokesperson for the CTA told IANS on Saturday.

Last month, Sangay became the first CTA president to be formally invited into the US State Department to meet Assistant Secretary and Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues Robert Destro.

In the last six decades, the head of the CTA was denied entry to the US State Department and the White House; the logic for both denials was that the US government did not recognize the Tibetan government in exile.

“Today’s visit amounts to an acknowledgement of both the democratic system of the CTA and its political head,” said the spokesperson.

Sangay met the White House officials.

Prior to this meeting, Sangay had met the White House officials in undisclosed meetings and locations over a dozen times in the past 10 years since he became the CTA’s president in 2011.

This unprecedented meeting perhaps will set an optimistic tone for CTA participation with US officials and be more formalized in the coming years, said the CTA.

Though he nears the end of his second consecutive term as the CTA president, Sangay has tirelessly advocated for the Tibetan Policy and Support Act of 2019.

Earlier this week, Sangay had several virtual meetings. Through meetings, Sangay has discussed the Tibetan Policy and Support Act and other matters with the Congressional-Executive Commission on China Chairman Jim McGovern and senior Senate Foreign Relations Committee staffers, both on the Republican and Democrat side.

CTA Representative Ngodup Tsering and Kelsang Dolma accompanied Sangay on these meetings in the White House.

Before heading to the US on his second leg of tour in less than a month, Sangay told IANS in an exclusive interview that the next priority of his government is passing of Tibet Policy and Support Act in the Senate.

“This Act builds on the Tibet Policy and Support Act of 2002 and will be a major update to the US policy on Tibet. Among important updates, passing of this Act will make it the official policy of the US to see that the selection of Tibetan Buddhist leaders, including the future Dalai Lama, follows the wishes of the Tibetan Buddhist community and according to the instructions of current Dalai Lama without any influence from the Chinese government,” Sangay categorically told IANS.

Without mincing words, he added, “The Act will also forbid China from opening a new consulate until a US consulate is allowed in Lhasa.”

Sangay, the youngest to head the government-in-exile, said the State Department has always maintained that the CTA is the Tibetan government-in-exile.

In a related development, hours after US Democratic lawmakers informally re-nominated House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to lead the party for another two years, her decades old unwavering support to the cause of the Tibetan people has been reaffirmed with passing of a bipartisan resolution on ‘autonomous’ Tibet.

In a tweet on November 18, she informed: “Today, the House sent a strong message with the passage of resolutions calling for the end of China’s human rights abuses.

“The House on a bipartisan basis will always fight for freedom of religion & culture in Tibet and for the rule of law in Hong Kong.”

The resolution, headed by Republican Congressman Ted Yoho, affirming the significance of the advocacy for genuine autonomy for Tibetans in China and the work the 14th Dalai Lama has done to promote global peace, harmony, and understanding.

The resolution states that the House of Representatives recognises the cultural and religious significance of a genuinely autonomous Tibet and the deep bond between the American and Tibetan people.

It commends the 14th Dalai Lama for his commitment to global peace and non-violence and determines that it would be beneficial to convene a bipartisan, bicameral forum, either through a Joint Meeting of Congress, a teleconference broadcast in the auditorium at the Capitol Visitor Center, or roundtable, between members of Congress and the Dalai Lama to discuss peaceful solutions to international conflicts.

Eliot Engel, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, accused China of violation of international religious freedom in Tibet.

He said the State Department has found that the Chinese government has systematically impeded travel to Tibetan autonomous region areas for US diplomats, officials, journalists and tourists.

The Dalai Lama has lived in India since fleeing his homeland in 1959. The Tibetan exile administration is based in this hill town.

-Top News Asia News UK News

Lord Nazir’s Exit To Hit Sikhs for Justice

The House of Lords Conduct Committee’s decision to expel Lord Nazir Ahmed will affect the anti-India campaigns across the world, especially in Europe and Britain. Lord Nazir is the vocal supporter of the banned Sikh for Justice in the UK. A special report on the banned outfit by Kaliph Anaz

Lord Nazir with Pannun (right) attending a press conference in London (File)

When the whole world is busy with their fight against Covid-19, a terrorist forum is campaigning against India with the support of failed states. Sikh for Justice (SFJ) led by New York based Attorney Gurpatwant Singh Pannun is one among them. The US based secessionist association, has stepped up its anti-India activities in the recent past. It is challenging the sovereignty and territorial integrity of India by espousing the agenda of “Khalistan”. They are also trying to exploit and manipulate the distress emanating from the current COVID-19 pandemic.

The main objective of the forum is to radicalise Sikh youths and recruit them for terror related activities. Although SFJ’s stated objective this year is to undertake the so-called ‘Referendum 2020′(R-2020) among the Sikh community in India and abroad to solicit political support for creation of ‘Khalistan‘, individual backgrounds of the prominent persons associated and SFJ’s actions suggest otherwise.

SFJ is a front for radicalising Sikh youth and subsequently recruiting them as ‘foot-soldiers’ for affiliate terrorist groups. These youth, radicalised by SFJ, are later exploited by the terror groups for carrying out violent actions in Punjab and elsewhere in India.

SFJ claims to use political tools for achieving its stated objective. However, it has never attempted to join the existing robust democratic set-up in India. Parliamentary, State Assembly and local bodies elections in Punjab have been held regularly with wholesome 66% voter turnout in 2019 general elections and 77.2% in the 2017 Assembly elections. SFJ lacks support among the numerous political parties and vibrant civil society groups in Punjab; nor has SFJ even attempted to engage these groups, the tools of Indian democracy.

Lord Nazir Ahmed with Khalistani protesters in London (File)

Due to lack of ground support in India, SFJ’s attempts to carry out propaganda activities in Punjab and neighbouring states like the so-called ‘voters registration drive’, ‘Punjab bandh’ (protest lockdown in Punjab) and  ‘rail roko‘ (stop the trains) have thus far been unsuccessful.

It employs electronic, social media and cyberspace extensively for its propaganda activities which largely focuses on radicalising the Sikh youth through fake and distorted narratives, promotion of hatred among various communities in India and instigating Sikh soldiers and security personnel. 

SFJ has gained support of Sikh individuals who harbours separatist sentiments and are based in USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France and Italy. SFJ, its affiliates and proponents, extensively abuse the freedom of speech extended by their host countries to camouflage their nefarious designs and activities.

The banned forum claims to have been founded in 2007. However, information on its organisational structure and membership is scarce. SFJ claims to have offices in USA (New York, Fremont and Washington), Canada (Toronto) and Switzerland (Geneva), with so-called additional centres for its secessionist campaign ‘R-2020’ in Vancouver and London. Further, there is no known source of income and fund raising, though its activities on ground and in social media require large amount of expenditure.

SFJ’s chief proponent  Pannun is known in Punjab for handling cases of political asylum of illegal migrants of India in the US. However, more incriminating is the association of SFJ with fugitive terrorists. Most of the SFJ leaders are wanted in India for involvement in terror-related offences and are designated terrorists under UA(P)A, 1967.

A variety of Pakistan-based state and non-state actors who promote  cross-border terrorism in India and SFJ are closely associated. Pakistan was a focal point of SFJ activities till April 2019. Till then, Pakistan based anti-India element Gopal Singh Chawla who is known to be close to Pakistani establishment and also the designated terrorist outfit Lashkr-e-Taiba, headed SJF’s Pakistan chapter. However, during bilateral negotiations on the opening of Shree Kartarpur Sahib Corridor, India’s strong objections compelled Pakistan to somewhat disassociate with SFJ. Till October 2018, websites of SFJ were created, maintained and hosted (at a domain by a Pakistan based company. They were discontinued only after exposure in media.

Relationships between SFJ and various Pakistani elements remain strong as ever, albeit more clandestine. This can be seen in the predominant mobilization of Pakistani diaspora for almost all recent anti-India events conducted by SFJ in North America and Europe. SFJ also promotes separatism in J&K in its propaganda and events.

There are 25 criminal cases registered and under various stages of investigations against SFJ by India’s Central Security Agencies and State Police forces of Punjab, Haryana and Uttarakhand. The charges vary from carrying out unlawful activities challenging integrity of India, sedition, criminal conspiracy to carrying out activities and promotion of religious enmity, possession of illegal firearms and secessionist material etc. In all these cases, SFJ members based abroad were involved in motivating, funding and directing the radicalised youth in India to carry out violent acts like targeted killings, arson etc.

SFJ has also indulged in violence against Indian interests and diaspora in USA and UK. Incidents like that of violence and intimidation for hours by a mob of SFJ supporters and Pak diaspora at the Independence Day (August 15) celebrations at Indian High Commission, London in 2019 are examples. Furthermore, SFJ members, led by Avtar Singh Pannun had attempted arson and violent acts outside Embassy of India, Washington on Republic Day in 2019.

SFJ proponent Gurpatwant Singh Pannun and his supporters also assaulted the then President (Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee) Shri Manjit Singh GK twice during his visit to the USA in August 2018.  SFJ through social and electronic media releases on various occasions have threatened to physically harm senior Indian political leadership, defence and security personnel.

Officials and Punjab police personnel have been threatened with physical violence to deter them from acting against the outfit. The notorious forum supported the February 2019 Pulwama terror attack by Pakistan based Jaish-e-Mohammad (JEM).

Traditionally, Sikhs have volunteered in large numbers and been recruited in Indian security and armed forces. To create discontent among them, SFJ persistently makes seditious calls to Sikh soldiers. During recent tension at the Line of Actual Control (LAC) on the Indo-China border, SFJ called on Sikh soldiers to desert the Indian Army incentivising them with Rs.5000/-   in addition to their existing salary.

Lord Nazir Ahmed with supporters during a rally

Pannun through a letter addressed to the President of China (September 17) advised the China Government to play seditious messages to Sikh soldiers deployed at the LAC through loudspeakers. SFJ has, on at least two occasions, instigated Punjab police to abstain from duty during the pandemic.

SFJ has been found making statements to the effect  that “India’s state sponsored terrorism is deadlier than corona virus which is responsible for the death of 5 lakh odd Sikhs” and “Punjab state government is extorting money from COVID-19 patients of Punjab.” It has been targeting Punjab police personnel, who have been in the forefront, since the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic. It is instigating the Sikhs in Punjab against police on trivial and localised incidents. Instances of such instigation include the clash (April 2020) between a group of Nihang Sikhs and police in Patiala, and a Sikh youth’s accidental death (May 2020) in a brawl with police in Kapurthala. Additionally, SFJ also called for ‘Punjab bandh’ on August 31 to celebrate the killing of a sitting Chief Minister of Punjab, who was killed in a ghastly terror attack in 1995.

Social media

SFJ’s social media propaganda includes slogans like “Indian ‘state sponsored terrorism’ is responsible for suicides of over 80000 farmers in Punjab and Indian government has massacred more than 5,00,000 Sikhs”; Punjab is being destroyed by the state government by “infusion of drugs and forcing the farmers to commit suicide by diverting water resources of Punjab”, and “India orchestrated the April 25 attack on Gurudwara Har Ki Rai in Kabul, Afghanistan”.

Asian Lite cover on Lord Nazir Ahmed

It’s recent propaganda also focuses on instigation of Sikhs to choose between Khanda (Sikh religious symbol) and Tiranga (Indian national flag), implying that the two cannot coexist peacefully. This is a blatant refusal of India’s secular fabric. To arouse Sikh sentiments, SFJ has accused the Indian establishment of destroying Gurudwaras in India. Recently, through an audio message sent to specific individuals, Pannun threatened other communities to force them to leave the Indian state of Haryana (neighbouring Punjab) citing that it would soon be a part of  a nation state of the Sikhs , ‘Khalistan‘.

Flag Fee of $2500

Seeing a total lack of support for SFJ’s ‘calls’ to initiate subversive activities in India, SFJ has started offering monetary incentives to people in Punjab to carry out unlawful activities. It announced US$ 2500 to any individual for ‘raising the Khalistan flag’ on Independence Day (August 15, 2020).  The banned forum alsooffered a sum of US$ 1,25,000 for similar actions at Red Fort.

Four misguided Sikh youth, fell for this and dishonoured the Indian national flag at Moga in Punjab on August 14. They were found to be funded by SFJ member Rana Singh based in USA.

SFJ has now offered Rs. 7500/- to students in Punjab to carry out the so-called ‘voters registration’ drive.  It instigated and offered monetary incentives to farmers of Punjab to enforce a closure of the railway network in Punjab on September 13, 2020. However, none of these attempts by SFJ were successful.

To exploit the discontent among certain sections of farmers in Punjab and Haryana on the issue of recent reforms in agriculture sector, SFJ through a video message and a poster released on 30th September 2020, called on the farmers in Punjab to raise “Khalistani” flags and to initiate anti India slogan/graffiti writing on their walls.

Through their social media propaganda, SFJ is claiming that “BJP is committing ‘economic genocide’ like the Indian National Congress committed Sikh genocide”.  It also called on the farmers to register with their names, phone numbers and email ids at to receive Rs. 5000 as monthly aid.

The forum announced to the farmers agitating in Shambhu border rally (October 04, 2020) that the first, second and third to raise “Khalistani flags” would be rewarded USD 5000, USD 3000 and USD 2000 respectively.  Additionally, SFJ also leveraged a rally held in Mantova (Italy) on October 03, 2020 to protest the alleged ‘anti-farmer policies of the Indian government’.

Since March 2020 SFJ has given multiple seditious calls to Indian Muslims to seek ‘Urduistan’, a separate country for Muslims. It has also instigated the people of Tamil Nadu to secede from India. Also in July 2020, SFJ called on the people of J&K to support ‘Khalistan’ for the ‘freedom of Kashmir’, indicating the SFJ’s support to Pak- sponsored cross-border terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir.

-Top News Arab News

UAE Central Bank’s assets rise 2% in Q2

At the end of the third quarter of 2020 total assets of banks operating in the UAE increased by 2% (q-o-q), reaching AED3,252.5 billion, the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates said today.

During the period between September 2019 and September 2020, the total assets of banks operating in the UAE increased by 7.6 pct (y-o-y). Gross credit also rose by 0.8 pct (q-o-q), reaching 1,804.6 billion at the end of September 2020. On an annual basis, gross credit increased by 4.9 pct, according to the apex bank’s Q3 report issued today.

The report discusses the monetary and banking activities as well as developments in the UAE financial markets during the third quarter of 2020. It also reviews ratios of annual change over the period from September 2019 to September 2020.

At the end of the third quarter of 2020, total deposits of resident and non-resident customers with banks operating in the UAE rose by 2.2 pct (q-o-q), reaching AED1,907.2 billion.

Resident deposits increased by 3 pct (q-o-q), reaching AED 1,715.9 billion at the end of the third quarter of 2020. Nonresident deposits fell by 4.5 pct (q-o-q), reaching AED191.3 billion by the end of September 2020.

On an annual basis, resident deposits increased by 6.4 pct and Non-resident deposits increased by 0.8%.

Money Supply M1, which comprises Currency in Circulation outside Banks (Currency Issued – Cash at banks) plus Monetary Deposits, increased by 1.9 pct (q-o-q) during the third quarter of 2020.

On an annual basis, there was an 11 pct (y-o-y) climb in the monetary aggregate M1, reaching AED 568 billion at the end of September 2020.

Money Supply M2 (M1 plus Quasi Monetary Deposits (Resident Time and Savings Deposits in Dirham, plus Resident Deposits in Foreign Currencies)), also increased by 0.7 pct (q-o-q) during the third quarter of 2020.

On an annual basis, there was a 7.9% (y-o-y) increase in Money Supply M2, reaching AED 1,468.7 billion at the end of third quarter of 2020.

Money Supply M3 (M2 plus government deposits at banks and at the Central Bank) rose by 3 pct (q-o-q) during the third quarter of 2020.

On an annual basis, there was a 7.5 pct (y-o-y) growth in Money Supply M3, reaching AED 1,805.7 billion at the end of September 2020.

Typically, the money supply M2, is considered the best indicator for the availability of liquidity in the economy, as it comprises currency in circulation outside banks, in addition to various deposits of all the resident sectors in dirham denomination, except for the deposits of the government sector in the UAE.

Statistical data show that at the end of the third quarter of 2020, there was a q-o-q increase in M2. The rise in M2 during the third quarter of 2020 was mainly due to a 0.5 pct quarterly increase in the non-government resident deposits standing at AED1,372 billion at the end of September 2020.

Also Read: UAE lauds Saudi Arabia ahead of G20 summit

Also Read: UAE extends grace period for visa violators

-Top News EU News

Scotland tightens Covid-19 curbs

The restrictions, which will remain in place till December 11, will be accompanied by legally-enforceable travel bans, under which people can be fined by the police for travelling in or out of the council areas unless it was essential…reports Asian Lite News

More than two million people across Scotland were bracing for the country’s most stringent coronavirus restrictions set to come into force on Friday evening.

Under the level four rules, which will come into force at 6 p.m. in 11 council areas, including Glasgow, non-essential shops, pubs, restaurants, hairdressers, gyms and visitor attractions will all remain closed except for schools, the BBC reported.

The restrictions, which will remain in place till December 11, will be accompanied by legally-enforceable travel bans, under which people can be fined by the police for travelling in or out of the council areas unless it was essential.

The move is aimed at driving down “stubbornly and worryingly high” levels of the virus in western and central parts of Scotland which have been worst hit by the pandemic’s second wave, according to the government.

Meanwhile, Scotland’s other council areas will remain in their current levels for now, although East Lothian and Midlothian will move from level three to level two from next November 24.

Virus rates in these 11 council areas last week ranged from 158 new cases per 100,000 people in West Lothian to 277 in Glasgow – all of which were above the Scotland-wide rate of 140 cases per 100,000.

Scotland’s coronavirus cases have increased to 85,612, while the death toll stands at 3,427.

Also read:Apparel Exporters Seek Special Pre FTA Deal With UK

-Top News Arab News UAE News

UAE lauds Saudi Arabia ahead of G20 summit

Saudi Arabia assumed the G20 presidency in December last year, but as the Covid-19 pandemic crippled the world economies and health systems, it was decided to hold the summit on a virtual platform…reports Asian Lite News

The UAE’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Anwar Gargash, has praised Saudi Arabia ahead of the G20 summit which will be hosted in the Kingdom over the next two days.Arab News Reports

In a tweet posted on Friday, Gargash said Saudi Arabia’s hosting of the summit “confirms the central role of Riyadh in the region.”

And he added that it had “always been linked to stability, prosperity and concern for the Gulf, Arab and Islamic interests.”

The minister’s tweet finished adding “and from the UAE all sincere wishes for the success of the Riyadh summit for the sake of the world and humanity.”

Saudi Arabia is gearing up to host the upcoming two-day virtual summit of G20 leaders, an international forum for the governments and central bank governors, from 19 countries and the European Union (EU) from November 21.

In 2021, Italy will host the G20 Summit and in 2022 India will host the summit, when the country celebrates its 75th year of Independence.

Saudi Arabia assumed the G20 presidency in December last year, but as the Covid-19 pandemic crippled the world economies and health systems, it was decided to hold the summit on a virtual platform.

In December 2019, Saudi Arabia had unveiled an ambitious theme for its G20 presidency, namely ‘Realising Opportunities of the 21st Century for All’.

The three pillars of the theme included empowering people, safeguarding the planet and shaping new frontiers.

The Saudi Arabia G20 presidency has been driving harmonious efforts to address social and economic inequalities between men and women with the aim of ‘Realising Opportunities of the 21st Century for All’.

Also read:Greek PM visits largest mosque in UAE

-Top News COVID-19 USA

Pfizer seeks emergency vaccine approval

Unless some nasty surprises turn up, Pfizer’s action on Friday could be the first step towards vaccinating the most vulnerable Americans by December end….Nikhila Natarajan

Pfizer on Friday announced that it is moving ahead with its request of asking the US regulators to allow emergency use of its Covid-19 vaccine, which has shown 95 per cent efficacy in a totality of two data sets released in the last 10 days.

Unless some nasty surprises turn up, Pfizer’s action on Friday could be the first step towards vaccinating the most vulnerable Americans by December end.

Pfizer and another US company, Moderna, have broken all vaccine development speed records in their race for a cure over the last nine months.

US regulators are standing by for the approval process while coronavirus cases are surging to record levels across all the 50 states.

The Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee in the US Food and Drug Administration is a key player in how this process rolls along.

Pfizer’s submission also includes safety data on approximately 100 children aged 12-15 years.

“Our work to deliver a safe and effective vaccine has never been more urgent,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said in a statement.

Pfizer and BioNTech expect to produce a total of 50 million vaccine doses in 2020 and up to 1.3 billion doses in 2021. US regulators hope to have 20 million vaccine doses each from Moderna and Pfizer available for distribution in late December.

Also read:US CDC advises not to travel for Thanksgiving

-Top News UAE News

Sharjah, Belgrade discuss ties in education and culture

Sheikh Fahim stressed on the historical ties between UAE and Serbia, which was marked most recently with the signing of several Memorandums of Understanding, MoUs, last year to establish bilateral cooperation…reports Asian Lite News

Sheikh Fahim Al Qasimi, Chairman of the Department of Government Relations, DGR, in Sharjah, received Stanimir Vukicevic, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the UAE, to discuss the strengthening of cooperation and bilateral efforts in vital sectors, including culture and higher education.

During the meeting held in the DGR headquarters, also attended by the DGR Sharjah Director, Sheikh Majid Al Qasimi, the two parties explored the possibility of promoting Emirati – Serbian dialogue by organising joint cultural events. Additionally, a proposal for an official delegation visit by Sharjah’s entities and businesspersons to the Republic of Serbia to look into partnerships in vital sectors was discussed.

Sheikh Fahim stressed on the historical ties between UAE and Serbia, which was marked most recently with the signing of several Memorandums of Understanding, MoUs, last year to establish bilateral cooperation in the sectors of food and agriculture, renewable energy and real estate, among others.

Sheikh Fahim noted that the meeting with the Serbian Ambassador was aimed at facilitating the implementation of the agreements to guide Serbian investors in leveraging the emirate’s strategic location and position as a lucrative business destination.

“We have discussed the possibility of organising cultural events to highlight the heritage and cultural values of both Emirati and Serbian peoples to each other. The feasibility of implementing educational and academic programmes and scholarships to promote cross-cultural communication and share expertise was also examined,” Sheikh Fahim added.

Vukićević commended Sharjah’s leading economic diversification efforts, highlighting that the emirate’s commitment to offering foreign investors, business and SMEs a thriving environment to grow in the Middle East markets, has for several years, encouraged Serbians to establish operations in various vital sectors in Sharjah.

He further noted that the emirate was a role model for cities promoting knowledge and culture, adding that the mutual respect and shared cultural vision of the people of Sharjah and Serbian communities will serve as a solid foundation for future cooperation across social and economic fields.

Also read:UAE extends grace period for visa violators

-Top News India News

India Daily Digital – November 20, 2020 – China Plans Disruptions On Border

China Plans Disruptions On Border; Sangay Thanks US Congressman For Crucial Tibet Resolution; ‘Shuggie Bain’: Douglas Stuart’s Debut Novel Wins Booker Prize – all in India Daily Digital – please click here to read.

-Top News COVID-19 USA

US witnesses significant hike in active Covid-19 cases

As of Friday, the US is the worst-hit country with the world’s highest number of Covid-19 cases and deaths at 11,710,084 and 252,484, according to the Johns Hopkins University….reports Asian Lite News

More than 3 million people in the US are actively infected with the novel coronavirus and are potentially contagious, a figure significantly higher than the official tally, according to a recent study.

A model conducted by the team of Jeffrey Shaman, an epidemiologist from the Columbia University, there are currently an estimated 3.6 million active infections in the country, and are capable of passing enough virus to infect others, reports Xinhua news agency.

The official count solely based its data on people who have tested positive for the virus.

However, there are also many asymptomatic people who do not know that they are infected.

“It’s bad; it’s really, really bad,” said Shaman, an expert on infectious disease transmission and forecast, adding that the upcoming Thanksgiving Day celebrations will likely worsen the spread of the virus.

“We’re going to go through a lot of people being infected between now and the end of the year, unfortunately,” he said.

As of Friday, the US is the worst-hit country with the world’s highest number of Covid-19 cases and deaths at 11,710,084 and 252,484, according to the Johns Hopkins University.

Also read:US CDC advises not to travel for Thanksgiving