Asia News UAE News Woman


Dr. Vibha Bhardwaj is working as the Director EnvironmentLaboratories in Ras AlKhaimah Municipality in the UAE. She has 19+ years of working experience.In an interview with Asian Lite’sAbhish K. Bose, Dr Vibha discusses her journey as the Director of Environment at Ras Al Khaimah Municipality and her other professional achievements.  Excerpts from the interview:

Abhish K. Bose: Could you explain anything substantial that transpired in the COP28 meeting vis a vis the environmental threats in the Middle East countries are passing through?

Vibha Bharadwaj: COP28 UAE is a milestone opportunity for the world to come together, course correct, and drive progress. The aim of COP28 is to bring everyone to be more ambitious in the fight against climate change to meet the goals and ambition of the Paris Agreement. COP28 will emphasize a ‘leave no one behind’ approach to climate action. The world needs a COP of action and a COP for all.COP28 UAE will take place from 30 November to 12 December 2023 at Expo City, Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. By hosting COP28, the UAE is focusing on practical and positive solutions that drive progress for the climate and the economy, as well as provide relief and support to vulnerable communities. The UAE intends to make COP28 highly inclusive, reflecting the views of all geographies, sectors, and constituencies. The COP28 Presidency has set out a plan of action, focused on matching the highest ambition for negotiated outcomes, with a robust action agenda to implement those ambitions in the real world. The Presidency has called on governments and key climate stakeholders to take action in four areas:

• Fast-tracking the energy transition and slashing emissions before 2030

• Transforming climate finance, by delivering on old promises and setting the framework for a new deal on finance

• Putting nature, people, lives and livelihoods at the heart of climate action

• Mobilizing for the most inclusive COP ever.   

Dr. Vibha Bharadwaj, at an event

Abhish K. Bose : It is said that cloud seeding is practised in UAE. What are the methods through which you are generating rainfall through cloud seeding?

Vibha Bharadwaj: Cloud seeding, also known as cloud augmentation or cloud modification, is a weather modification technique used to enhance precipitation by introducing various substances into clouds. Cloud seeding is a complex and debated practice, and its effectiveness can vary depending on factors such as cloud type, weather conditions, and the seeding method used. As of my last knowledge, cloud seeding has been practised in the UAE as part of efforts to enhance rainfall and mitigate water scarcity. However, it’s important to note that cloud seeding’s effectiveness and outcomes are still subjects of ongoing research and debate. General methods used for Cloud seeding typically involve the following: Aerosol Seeding: Aerosols, such as silver iodide or potassium iodide, are dispersed into clouds. These particles act as nuclei around which water vapour can condense, potentially increasing the formation of cloud droplets and promoting precipitation. Aircraft or ground-based generators can be used to release these aerosols into clouds. Hygroscopic Seeding: Hygroscopic materials are substances that absorb moisture from the air. In cloud seeding, hygroscopic flares or particles can be released into clouds. These particles draw moisture, which can lead to cloud droplet growth and potentially encourage rainfall.   

Abhish K. Bose: What are the treatment methods you have adopted for wastewater treatment in UAE?

Vibha Bharadwaj: As of my last knowledge update, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has implemented various wastewater treatment methods to address water pollution and manage the increasing volume of Wastewater generated due to urbanization and economic growth. These treatment methods aim to remove pollutants from wastewater and ensure that the treated water meets environmental standards before being discharged or reused. Some of the wastewater treatment methods adopted in the UAE include:

1. Activated Sludge Process: This is a biological treatment method where microorganisms are used to break down organic matter in wastewater. The process involves mixing wastewater with a mixture of microorganisms (activated sludge) in aeration tanks. As the microorganisms consume organic matter, they form flocs that settle as sludge, while treated water is separated and clarified. 

2. Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs): MBRs combine biological treatment (similar to the activated sludge process) with membrane filtration. The membranes block suspended solids and microorganisms, producing high-quality treated water. MBRs are effective in producing water that meets stringent quality standards and can be used for various purposes, including irrigation and industrial processes.

3. Moving Bed Biofilm Reactors (MBBRs): MBBRs use a combination of suspended and attached growth microorganisms to treat wastewater. Plastic media are added to the treatment tanks, providing surfaces for the microorganisms to attach and form a biofilm. The biofilm breaks down organic matter and nutrients in the wastewater.

4. Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs): AOPs involve using chemical reactions to break down pollutants that are resistant to biological treatment. This can include processes like ozonation and ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. AOPs are effective in removing contaminants like pharmaceuticals, endocrine-disrupting compounds, and micropollutants.

5. Tertiary Treatment: Tertiary treatment involves additional processes beyond primary and secondary treatment to further polish the treated water. This can include advanced filtration methods, such as sand filtration or granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration, to remove fine suspended solids and residual organic compounds.

6. Desalination and Reuse: In arid regions like the UAE, treated wastewater is often treated further through desalination processes to produce high-quality reclaimed water. This reclaimed water can then be used for non-potable purposes such as landscape irrigation, industrial processes, and even some indirect potable uses after extensive treatment.

7. Septage Treatment: In addition to domestic wastewater treatment, the UAE also focuses on sewage management. Septage treatment facilities are used to properly manage and treat septic tank waste before it is discharged into the environment. 

Dr. Vibha Bharadwaj, at an event

Abhish K. Bose : Is it possible to implement the desalination process adopted in UAE as a solution for the water scarcity regions of India?

Vibha Bharadwaj: Implementing the desalination process adopted in the UAE as a solution for water scarcity regions in India is technically possible, but there are several factors to consider before such a solution can be effectively applied. Here are some important points to consider:Cost: Desalination can be expensive due to the energy required for the process. The cost of producing freshwater through desalination might be higher than other water sources in some regions. India has a diverse range of water scarcity situations, and the cost-effectiveness of desalination would need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Energy Availability: The availability and cost of energy play a significant role in the feasibility of desalination. India’s energy mix and pricing can vary widely across regions, 

influencing the economic viability of large-scale desalination plants. Environmental Impact: Desalination processes can have environmental implications, including the disposal of concentrated brine back into the sea and energy-related carbon emissions. Assessing the environmental impact and implementing measures to mitigate it is crucial. Infrastructure and Location: The proximity to seawater sources and suitable sites for desalination plants is important. Transporting seawater to inland areas can be logistically challenging and expensive. Local Water Resources: India has other potential water sources, such as rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge, and efficient water management practices. Exploring and optimizing these sources should be a priority before considering desalination.  

Abhish  K. Bose: How is the desalination process happening at the time of water scarcity at UAE? What will be the cost for the desalination? 

Vibha Bharadwaj: As of my last knowledge update, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) heavily relies on desalination to address water scarcity due to its arid climate and limited freshwater resources. Desalination is the process of removing salt and other impurities from seawater or brackish water to produce fresh water suitable for various uses, including drinking, irrigation, and industrial purposes. The UAE has been at the forefront of using desalination to secure its water supply. The cost of desalination can vary based on several factors: Energy Costs: Desalination is energy-intensive, and the cost of energy used for the process is a significant component of the overall cost. Energy prices, the efficiency of desalination technologies, and the energy source (e.g., fossil fuels, renewable energy) can influence costs. Technology Used: Different desalination technologies have varying capital and operational costs. RO, for example, has become more cost-effective over time due to technological advancements. Scale of Operation: The size and capacity of the desalination plant influence costs. Larger plants might benefit from economies of scale, potentially reducing costs per unit of produced water. Location: Geographic factors can impact costs. Proximity to seawater, energy sources, and infrastructure can affect both capital and operational expenses. Maintenance and Operations: Regular maintenance, staffing, and operational costs contribute to the overall expense of running a desalination plant.Environmental Considerations: Implementation of environmental measures, such as waste disposal and carbon emissions reduction, can influence costs. It’s important to note that the cost of desalination can vary widely depending on the specific circumstances of each project and the region.

Dr. Vibha Bharadwaj, Director of Environment Laboratories at Ras Al Khaimah Municipality in the UAE

Abhish K. Bose : Could you tell us about your journey and how you became the Director of Environment Laboratories at Ras Al Khaimah Municipality? What motivated you to pursue a career in this field?

Vibha Bharadwaj: It’s a long story and very difficult to summarise. I was born in Bhiwani, Haryana. My father Mr. Ved Pujari is a renowned Businessman. My Mother was a Housewife. I have four siblings. I spent my childhood in a joint family in India. I passed my schooling at Vaish Model Senior Secondary School in Bhiwani, India. I started my career in 2000 after I finished my schooling with both Medical and Nonmedical (combined) until the 12th class (senior secondary). During that time, I cracked PMT (premedical test for MBBS), BDS (for dentist) and CEET (Engineering). My passion is to do something unique for society, nature, and humanity. So, I decided to start my career as a Medical Microbiologist and took the entrance exam at the Indian level. During that time, there was very little awareness about microbiology. But still, I decided to choose microbiology as my career. During that time, my parents supported me and stood beside me to make decisions. I got First rank in the India-level entrance exam then I got admission to SBS PGI Balawala Dehradun, India. I finished my graduation in medical microbiology in 2004 then I did an internship at Indraprasthaapollo Hospital, New Delhi, until June 2005. After that, I joined Adarsh Medical College of Physiotherapy and Laboratory, Haryana, India as a Lecturer and served there. After that, I joined, Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, New Delhi, India as Microbiologist until 2006. Meanwhile, I was taking the entrance exam for a Master’s in microbiology and finally, I got admission to Kurukshetra University, India. I got a post-graduation scholarship from Kurukshetra University. I finished my master’s in 2008. After that, I joined Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, New Delhi, India as a Microbiologist until January 2009. Later, I received an appointment letter from Dyal Singh College Karnal, India as a Lecturer in Biotechnology at the postgraduation level. I was giving tuition in the home for masters and graduation students of Life sciences. Later, I was selected as a Scientist in the Forensic Science Laboratory in India in the DNA Fingerprinting Department. I was dealing with criminal cases and giving results reports related to DNA fingerprinting. I served there until October 2009. 

With 19 years of experience, you’ve certainly accumulated a wealth of knowledge. Could you highlight some of the most significant projects or initiatives you’ve been involved in during your career?

VibhaBharadwaj: It’s a very difficult question. I believe that whatever projects and research I accomplish are very innovative and significant. My passion and concern are more towards the environment and environment-related issues and furthermore, any innovative applied research or work which have a direct beneficial effect on society. There is no waste until you waste pollution control by utilization of waste for Biofuel production: I was working in Argentina on the Utilization of waste from paper and leather industries and the production of biofuel by heterologous expression system. The major concern in this project was to utilize all waste generated from industries and produce value-added products leaving no waste further as residue. This biofuel is to be utilised in Argentina as biofuel to reduce pollution and carbon dioxide impact. Another project was on Increased Biomethane Production from Endoglucanase-Pretreated Feedstock. Exploration of microbial Biodiversity for the production of value-added products: There is an ever-increasing demand to reinstate traditional chemical processes with advanced biotechnological processes involving microorganisms or enzymes such as pectinases, xylanases, cellulases, laccases, lipases, and proteases etc. I did many research projects on an exploration of Microbial biodiversity to produce different enzymes like Pectinase, cellulase, protease, and phytase and to utilize these enzymes in various industries for the production of value-added products.     

Abhish K. Bose : Your publications cover a wide range of topics, from microbial ecology to climate change. Could you discuss one or two of your most impactful research findings or contributions to these areas?

VibhaBharadwaj: Phytomedicine and Nutraceutical- Globally, infectious disease is the major cause of death, accounting for approximately one-half of all deaths, in tropical countries. New therapeutic agents and strategies are demanding issues to cope with infectious diseases. With the increasing acceptance of traditional medicine as an alternative form of health care, the screening of medicinal plants for active compounds has become very important. Therefore, to meet the increasing demand of antimicrobial agent, I explored natural sources and alternative strategies to search of new antimicrobial agents e.g. Deodar Cedar (CedrusDeodara): Efficacy for Potential of Secondary Metabolites and Antibacterial Activity. Unprecedented Antimicrobial properties of Prosopis cineraria leaves. Avicennia Marina: A Novel Convivial Phyto Medicine for Antibiotic Resistant Pathogenic Bacteria. Nannochloropsis algae protein as Potential Fish Feed, Marine Sponges (Scypha): Potential Source for Secondary Metabolites. PODS OF Prosopis cineraria (GHAF): A gift of nature for nutraceutical, Antimicrobial Properties of Prosopis cineraria stem bark, Comparison of Nutritional properties of Prosopis cineraria (Ghaf) with other food products, Prosopis cineraria (Ghaf): An Unconventional Desert protein-rich supplement. Prosopis cineraria (Ghaf): A potential desert nutraceutical. Pollution control by utilization of waste for Biofuel production: I was working in Argentina on the Utilization of waste from paper and leather industries and the production of biofuel by heterologous expression system. The major concern in this project was to utilize all waste generated from industries and produce value-added products leaving no waste further as residue. This biofuel is to be utilised in Argentina as biofuel to reduce pollution and carbon dioxide impact. Another project was on Increased Biomethane Production from Endoglucanase-Pretreated Feedstock. Exploration of microbial Biodiversity for the production of value-added products: There is an ever-increasing demand to reinstate traditional chemical processes with advanced biotechnological processes involving microorganisms or enzymes such as pectinases, xylanases, cellulases, laccases, lipases, and proteases etc. I did many research projects on an exploration of Microbial biodiversity to produce different enzymes like Pectinase, cellulase, protease, and phytase and to utilize these enzymes in various industries for the production of value-added products. During my research, I produced and applied the pectinase enzyme in fruit juice extraction and textile industries.   

Short takes

My favourite book– I like science fiction.

Food– Indian and Italian

Gadget – Music player

Social media – LinkedIn

Holiday destination – Switzerland

Role model – My mother

Business India News Woman

Women’s Presence in Indian firms Jumps

This suggests that women benefit from a positive workplace culture even in industries with lower female representation….reports Asian Lite News

Indian organisations have witnessed a remarkable 26 per cent representation of women within the workforce in 2023, a significant increase from 21 per cent in 2021, a new report showed on Wednesday.

According to the Great Place To Work India report, while there is a 38 per cent difference in women’s representation between industries with the highest and lowest female presence, there is only a 2 per cent difference in positive perception.

This suggests that women benefit from a positive workplace culture even in industries with lower female representation.

Moreover, about eight per cent of Indian CEOs (chief executive officers) are women, with 32 per cent of these women in senior leadership positions lacking female peers in their organisations, the report said.

“Our findings reveal that the Best Workplaces for Women in 2023 offer their female employees an extraordinary 5 per cent higher satisfaction level, resulting in a remarkable 89 per cent of women displaying a strong commitment to exceeding expectations in their roles,” said Yeshasvini Ramaswamy, CEO of Great Place To Work India.

“It has risen from 21 per cent in 2021 to an impressive 26 per cent in 2023, with the best workplaces leading the way by employing 17 per cent more women compared to their counterparts,” she added.

Further, the report mentioned that sectors like education & training and non-profit and charity organisations, with 45 per cent and 47 per cent female representation, respectively, exhibit higher gender diversity and increased trust levels.

Whereas, industries like transportation and manufacturing & production, with lower gender diversity at 13 per cent and 9 per cent, still manage to achieve moderate to high trust levels among employees.

Organisations that prioritise a ‘For All’ experience witnessed a 14 per cent increase in employee perceptions related to professional and leadership development, as well as employee involvement in decision-making, the report found.

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Business UAE News Woman

Sheraa Chief Bags Top Award

Najla Al Midfa, Sheraa CEO, wins prestigious Arabian Business Arab Woman Award for Entrepreneurship…reports Asian Lite News

 In a glittering ceremony held at the Jumeirah Mina A’Salam Hotel in Dubai, the Arabian Business Arab Woman Awards 2023 recognised and celebrated exceptional women who have made significant contributions to various fields. Among the distinguished winners, Najla Al Midfa, CEO of the Sharjah Entrepreneurship Center (Sheraa), received the coveted Arabian Business Arab Woman Award for Entrepreneurship.

This prestigious accolade is a testament to Al Midfa’s relentless dedication to fostering entrepreneurship in the Arab world and her true commitment to empowering founders and innovators.

Najla Al Midfa’s passion for entrepreneurship has helped to transcend Sheraa to new heights, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs not just in the UAE but across the Arab region and the world. Through various initiatives, Sheraa has emerged as a thriving ecosystem that nurtures and supports budding business founders, providing them with the tools and resources needed to transform their dreams into reality.

Al Midfa’s commitment to entrepreneurship is deeply ingrained in her philosophy. She understands that the road to success for startups is often fraught with challenges, and Sheraa’s tireless efforts have alleviated many of these obstacles. During her tenure at the entrepreneurial hub, Sheraa has evolved into a powerhouse of innovation, fostering an environment where entrepreneurs can flourish.

Commenting on the award, Najla Al Midfa eloquently shared, “It is often said that every great dream commences with a dreamer standing atop the shoulders of giants. I humbly dedicate this award to two such giants, visionaries who have paved the way for us on this remarkable journey. H.H Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammad Al-Qasimi, the ruler of the Emirate of Sharjah, who envisioned the emirate not merely as an Arab city, but as a global beacon for human advancement and progress. And H.E. Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi, the chairperson of Sheraa, whose unyielding commitment to nurturing the next generation of changemakers knows no bounds.”

The Sheraa CEO gave homage to her team saying, “The incredible team at Sheraa embodies the essence of this vision, thanks to their relentless drive that every idea finds its purpose, every challenge morphs into an opportunity, and every enraptured dream inches closer to reality. And lastly, a tribute to the entrepreneurs we have had the honour of working with. You invigorate us every single day with your determination to push the boundaries of what is possible. Your ventures echo the realisation of the vision that guides us at Sheraa, reiterating that with collective effort, the sky is not the limit but the beginning.”

The Sharjah Entrepreneurship Center has become synonymous with entrepreneurial success under Najla Al Midfa’s stewardship. Sheraa’s multifaceted approach to supporting startups encompasses access to funding, mentorship, training, and a thriving community. One of the centre’s standout achievements is its role in attracting founders and innovators to Sharjah and the UAE. By providing a nurturing environment and crucial resources, Sheraa has significantly contributed to positioning the emirate as a global hub for entrepreneurship

ALSO READ: Hamdan Launches Dubai Economic Leadership Program

-Top News India News Woman

UNHRC Hails India’s Women’s Reservation Bill

This historic measure would constitutionally enshrine women’s representation in parliament…reports Asian Lite News

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk has welcomed the passage of the Women’s Reservation Bill in India, which will reserve one-third of seats in the country’s Parliament and state assemblies for women.

This historic measure would constitutionally enshrine women’s representation in parliament and will be a game-changing step in defending women’s right to participation and gender equality in India.

It was passed by both Houses of Parliament.

According to the Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ravina Shamdasani, the UN High Commissioner called on parliamentarians around the world to adopt legislative measures – including, where necessary, gender quotas – in order to ensure women’s voices at the centre of their nations’ political discourse, in full parity with others.

The Bill requires ratification by at least 50 per cent of the states, and we call for their swift support.

The High Commissioner calls on the Government to implement the new system as soon as possible, alongside the existing reservation for ‘scheduled castes’ and ‘scheduled Tribes’.

“We stress the importance of fostering an enabling environment for the participation of women from all backgrounds in public life – which can have profound, positive implications for society as a whole,” the official release read.

This is an important step towards the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals as well as India’s obligations under the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. (ANI)

ALSO READ: UNHRC Urged to Protect Rights of Pak Minorities

India News Politics Woman

Modi to Address Women-Exclusive Meeting in Varanasi

The Prime Minister will next visit the Rudraksha centre in his constituency where he will distribute prizes to the winners of Kashi Sansad Sanskritik Mahotsav and interact with students of Atal residential schools which he will dedicate to the nation…reports Asian Lite News

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address a public meeting, exclusively for women at the Sampurnanand Sanskrit University grounds in Uttar Pradesh’s Varanasi on Saturday.

This is his first visit to his parliamentary constituency after introducing the historical ‘Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam’.

Divisional Commissioner Kaushal Raj Sharma said: “As per the initial itinerary, after laying the foundation of the international cricket stadium the Prime Minister was scheduled to address a public meeting. On Thursday, another event was added to his visit in which he will address women exclusively at the SSU ground. Only the Prime Minister and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will be present on the dais at this special meeting.”

The Prime Minister will next visit the Rudraksha centre in his constituency where he will distribute prizes to the winners of Kashi Sansad Sanskritik Mahotsav and interact with students of Atal residential schools which he will dedicate to the nation.

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India News Politics Woman

Central Government Seeks Passage of Women’s Reservation Bill in Lok Sabha

It proposes that the reservation would continue for a period of 15 years and there would be a quota for SC and STs within the reserved seats for women…reports Asian Lite News

The Central government on Wednesday will seek passage of the Women’s Reservation Bill in Lok Sabha.

Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal will move the Bill in the Lok Sabha for discussion and seek it’s passage.

The Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty Eighth Amendment) Bill, 2023 or the Women’s Reservation Bill, was introduced in the Lok Sabha in the supplementary list of business on Tuesday.

It proposes that the reservation would continue for a period of 15 years and there would be a quota for SC and STs within the reserved seats for women.

The legislation however is unlikely to be implemented in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, sources said. 

It will be rolled out only after the delimitation process is over, most probably in 2029, they added.

The reservation will come into effect after a delimitation exercise is undertaken and will continue for 15 years. Seats reserved for women will be rotated after each delimitation exercise, according to the Bill.

Meanwhile the government will also seek introduction and passage of the Advocates (Amendment) Bill, 2023 in Lok Sabha on Wednesday.

The Bill has already been passed by the Rajya Sabha.

Congress MP Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, who heads the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), will lay in Lok Sabha two reports related to ground water management and issues related to cultural institutions.

BJD MP Bhartruhari Mahtab will also present a report by the standing committee on labour in Lok Sabha.

Sonia to Lead Congress in Women’s Reservation Bill Debate

Congress Parliamentary Party (CPP) chairperson Sonia Gandhi will lead debate on Women’s Reservation Bill in Lok Sabha.

Sources said that Sonia Gandhi will lead the party on the long awaited Bill and she will be the main speaker of the Congress for debate on it.

Earlier in the day, when asked about the government bringing the Bill in the Lok Sabha, Sonia Gandhi said, “It is ours, ‘apna hai’.

She made the remarks while she arrived in Parliament on Tuesday morning.

The Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty Eighth Amendment) Bill, 2023, was introduced in Lok Sabha in the supplementary list of business.

The Women’s Reservation Bill has proposed that the reservation would continue for a period of 15 years and there will be quota for SC and STs within the reserved seats for women. The legislation however is unlikely to be implemented in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, sources said.

It will be rolled out only after the delimitation process is over, most probably in 2029, they added.

The reservation will come into effect after a delimitation exercise is undertaken and will continue for 15 years. Seats reserved for women will be rotated after each delimitation exercise, according to the bill.

The government said women participate substantively in panchayats and at municipal bodies, but their representation in State Assemblies, Parliament is still limited.

Women bring different perspectives and enrich quality of legislative debates and decision-making, it added.

The Congress has dubbed the Bill as a poll jumla and also a betrayal with women and girls of the country.

ALSO READ-Women’s Reservation Bill Gets Cabinet Approval After Decades

Health Lite Blogs Woman

PCOS Affects 60% of Women in the 25-34 Age Group

Irregular periods with scanty flow were experienced by 76% of women. Nearly half of women resort to using fewer than 5 pads throughout their entire period cycle; whereas a healthy menstrual flow requires the use of a minimum of 10 to 12 pads per cycle…reports Asian Lite News

In a recent groundbreaking endeavour,, the World’s first Ayurveda FemTech brand, conducted India’s largest Period Health Study. The survey saw responses from over 3 lakh women across the country in the age bracket of 18 to 45 years, who were categorised into 3 groups based on prevalence, severity and bodily changes. The first group included  women with Menstrual Disorders, which constituted a staggering 70% of total respondents. The second group noted women with Vaginal Disorders (26%) who had challenges concerning their vaginal well-being, which encompassed discomfort, infections, or irregularities affecting their overall vaginal health and quality of life. The third group included a total of 4% of the respondents who face no disorders.

The Pan India survey highlights findings based on age and incidence of PCOS, its prevalence, other disorders including irregular periods, pain severity during periods, and the observed bodily changes faced among the respondents.

Deep Diving into the key findings from the report:

Age Group and Incidences of PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) isn’t bound by age — it’s a disorder that affects women across their journey. As per the survey, 60% of women in the age group of 25 to 34 have PCOS. What came out very glaringly was that 51% of women in the less than 24 yrs age group have PCOS. However, what makes this more worrisome is the fact that PCOS affects women’s fertility to a great extent. As per detailed research by the National Institute of Health (Government of India), the prevalence of infertility in women with PCOS varies between 70% to 80%.

Prevalence of PCOS and Other Hormonal Disorders

PCOS is not the only gynaecological disorder wreaking havoc on the women of our country; the data suggests that whilst 54% of women suffered from PCOS, the second leading menstrual disorder is PID, affecting 17% of the female population. Furthermore, 9% suffered from Candidiasis, 5% from Fibroid & 1% from Endometrial Hyperplasia.

Irregularity and Pain Severity During Periods

When surveyed regarding pain during the menstrual cycle, over 83% of Indian women have periods that are painful, which compels them to consume painkillers every month. 58% complained about mild and bearable pain, 25% complained about severe pain and only 17% reported no pain during the course of their periods.

Irregular periods with scanty flow were experienced by 76% of women. Nearly half of women resort to using fewer than 5 pads throughout their entire period cycle; whereas a healthy menstrual flow requires the use of a minimum of 10 to 12 pads per cycle.

Major Body Changes Faced by Women with PCOS

While dealing with PCOS, women also go through major body issues. Excessive weight gain was observed in 60% of women, closely followed by facial hair growth (Hirsutism) noted to be in 59% of women. Skin issues like Acne were observed in 55% of the women whereas pigmentation and other hormonal skin issues were seen in 51% of respondents. Due to certain defined health and beauty standards in society, these issues become a cause of mental and emotional distress in them.

Rachana Gupta, Co-founder at Gynoveda, who led the research opines, “The strategically designed period test complemented by the insights from doctors, customers, and respondents ensures accuracy and efficacy. By utilising the insights from this test and combining with Ayurvedic formulations and doctor support, Gynoveda has remarkably impacted over 200,000 lives in just 3 years since its inception and aims to continue the exceptional community work.”

Dr Aarati Patil, Chief Ayurveda Gynecologist at Gynoveda, shares that, “Ayurveda considers PCOS as Kapha disorder. Faulty diet and lifestyle habits like lack of exercise, day sleeping, including more sugar, fast food, junk food, and packaged food in the diet lead to excessive Kapha production. Excessive kapha affects digestion and poor digestion gives rise to AMA which can be considered as sticky toxins that block the channels in the ovary. These blockages affect the egg growth and that is how PCOS pathology starts as per Ayurveda.”

At the heart of Gynoveda’s mission lies the empowerment of women, embarking on a transformative journey to combat PCOS. This pivotal mission embarks with an intricate exploration into the multifaceted challenges these women encounter, illuminating a path toward comprehensive well-being. Guided by symptom mapping, Gynoveda ushers in a paradigm shift, steering away from conventional norms towards sustainable, nature-inspired period health.

ALSO READ-How PCOS affects your glowing skin?

Lite Blogs Woman

Sufiya Sufi Breaks Five Guinness World Records with Incredible Running Feats

Admitting that running as an adventure sport is yet to get its due in India especially as compared to other countries, Sufi, who has now added ‘Runner’ to her name officially, says it is a huge struggle to get it recognised…reports Asian Lite News

The journey that started with a three-kilometre run every day after the office has not ended even after five Guinness World records including a 4,000 km from Kashmir to Kanyakumari in 87 days.

For Ajmer-born Sufiya Sufi, running is not just about breaking records but in fact, a therapy to take all the load off her shoulders, see the country, find connections with strangers, and just be “free” from 9-hour shifts. It is also about testing herself, knowing her body’s limits, and then challenging them.

“I worked at the IGI airport in Delhi for a decade as a baggage handling officer. Though joining the aviation industry was always a dream, I realized that the robotic schedule was ruining my health and giving me no opportunity to be ‘out there’ in the real sense of the world. Slowly, I started taking part in marathons and ultimately hired a professional running coach. At that point, I knew tarmac would be my best friend,” the 37-year-old tells.

Just back after running the Manali-Leh circuit in a mere 97 hours — becoming the fastest runner in the world in both male and female categories, the ultra-runner admits that it was one of the biggest challenges she faced. In fact, she did it twice so as to finish it under 100 hours. “When I attempted it in July for the first time, it took 113 hours owing to some medical issues. However, considering my body was already acclimatized, I attempted it again after 10 days and succeded.”

Admitting that running as an adventure sport is yet to get its due in India especially as compared to other countries, Sufi, who has now added ‘Runner’ to her name officially, says it is a huge struggle to get it recognised. 

With no support from the Central or state governments, this record clincher, who says her partner, a cyclist, has been a great motivation, adds: “One needs to be on the street constantly, and almost lives on them, funds are indispensable. Till now, we have been managing with crowdfunding. It is a new sport, and it is a lot of struggle to get recognised. I have not got support yet from the government but we are trying to get ultra-running recognition from the government and we have got sponsorships from private companies.” 

“You need to live on the streets for long months. We always try for it and we do get crowdfunding from platforms. Under Armour is a constant supporter. But sometimes they also struggle with it,” she asserts.

And it is a sacrilege to ask her about the run she enjoyed the most. Sufi keeps silent for a few seconds and then says: “Each one has thrown a different challenge, and has been across varied places and altitudes. The weather has been diverse, my own health condition perpetually plays a role… In short, it has been a different fun each time.” Now all set to run across Qatar for the second time, the year 2025 will witness this pro-athlete do the ‘Run Around the Globe’ where she will run 30,000 km in 680 days and will be the first female runner.

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Kerala Lite Blogs Woman

Kerala Police Under Pressure Amid Rising Incidents of Attacks on Girls

These distressing incidents have raised a pressing question: is Kerala, often celebrated as “God’s own country,” undergoing a troubling transformation into a major crime hotspot in India?…writes Shelja Pallath

In a deeply disturbing incident that has sent shockwaves throughout central Kerala, a minor girl was allegedly abducted, subjected to sexual assault, and then abandoned in a paddy field in the Aluva region. Local law enforcement officials have reported that the young victim underwent surgery to address the injuries sustained during this brutal assault. This horrifying incident has understandably sparked outrage.

Tragically, this is not an isolated case. Just a month ago, another heart-wrenching incident unfolded in the same locality, where a five-year-old girl was abducted and tragically killed. Her lifeless body was discovered in a waste-dumping area in the market.

In the initial scenario, the discussions revolved around migrant workers and their prior criminal records. Individuals who come to Kerala in search of employment often have significant criminal histories in their hometowns, which remain undisclosed in Kerala and at their workplaces. However, it’s important to note that the recent incident cannot be entirely equated with the Aluva murder case, as the suspect, Christal Raj, is a Malayali hailing from Trivandrum.

These distressing incidents have raised a pressing question: is Kerala, often celebrated as “God’s own country,” undergoing a troubling transformation into a major crime hotspot in India? The recent surge in crime statistics, surpassing even states like Uttar Pradesh and Delhi, challenges Kerala’s peaceful reputation and warrants serious attention.

According to data from the State Crime Records Bureau (SCRB), there were a total of 5,315 cases were registered concerning crimes against children in 2022. Furthermore, the state saw the registration of 4,586 cases under the POCSO Act in the preceding year. The state has consistently ranked at the forefront in terms of sex ratio and women’s education. However, ironically, it has now become a focal point for crimes against women. Judging by the increasing number of reported cases of crimes against women, Kerala seems to be rapidly transforming into an unsafe environment for them.

It is high time we acknowledge and address the glaring apathy within our law enforcement system. Urgent measures must be taken to rectify these shortcomings. Otherwise, all the remarkable achievements that the state has attained in the realm of women’s empowerment will ultimately lose their significance and impact.

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Lite Blogs Woman

Al-Futtaim Lexus Marks Emirati Women’s Day

Upon delivering the workshop, Huda Al Matroushi commented: “Most people think that maintaining your car is a job only for garages and service centres, but all car owners should know the basics of maintaining their vehicle in a safe and roadworthy condition…reports Asian Lite News

On the occasion of Emirati Women’s Day, Al-Futtaim Lexus hosted an automotive safety and car maintenance workshop with Huda Al Matroushi, the UAE’s first female mechanic and garage owner, at the Al-Futtaim Lexus DIP showroom. The workshop covered basic car maintenance tasks and safety tips that any driver can manage themselves to improve the safety of their vehicle and ensure a stress-free driving experience.

Huda Al Matroushi is the UAE’s first female auto mechanic, who also owns and runs her garage, Imex Car Service, in Sharjah’s Industrial Area 1. Al Matroushi gained recognition when His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Abu Dhabi, personally reached out to her to congratulate her on achieving her dream of opening her own garage, and had one of his own vehicles delivered to her workshop for a service.

Commenting on the initiative, Jacques Brent, Managing Director of Al-Futtaim Lexus, said: “Traditionally, the world’s auto-mechanical industry has always been a male-dominated one, but Huda Al Matroushi is proving that this doesn’t have to be the case, especially in a country like the United Arab Emirates, where the achievements of women are greatly encouraged and celebrated. In the spirit of Emirati Women’s Day, we are pleased to host this workshop for Al-Futtaim’s women employees and guests to improve their knowledge of automotive safety and maintenance, thereby improving the safety of all road users.”

The workshop covered a range of car maintenance tips that should be considered by all drivers, regardless of their mechanical knowledge or skill level. These included checking the oil and coolant levels, ensuring tyres are in a safe condition, the condition of the battery and more. The workshop also covered the meaning of the various dashboard warning lights, as well as guidance on maintaining your car in the hot summer months.

Upon delivering the workshop, Huda Al Matroushi commented: “Most people think that maintaining your car is a job only for garages and service centres, but all car owners should know the basics of maintaining their vehicle in a safe and roadworthy condition. Through this workshop, it’s my pleasure to educate more female drivers in the UAE on how to keep their car in good condition, and make sure it is safe to drive at all times, especially during the summer months which are especially hard on vehicles. It was a pleasure meeting all these amazing ladies at the Lexus DIP showroom, and I’m grateful to Al-Futtaim Lexus for inviting me to host this workshop.” Al-Futtaim Lexus is committed to ensuring road safety for all users, whether it’s through community initiatives to educate car owners on safety, offering free tyre inspections to drivers, working with the UAE authorities to detect and seize substandard counterfeit parts, and more. By working together with all stakeholders, we can create a happier and safer UAE for all its citizens and residents.

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