Food Lite Blogs

Doughy Delights

Most bread owes its airy texture to the process of leavening. This entails incorporating yeast or another rising agent into the dough…. writes Lothungbeni Humtsoe

 Bread, a simple yet remarkable creation, has been a faithful companion to humanity for millennia. Whether it’s the comforting aroma of a fresh loaf wafting through a kitchen or the crispy exterior of a well-baked baguette, bread has woven itself into the fabric of cultures worldwide.

From the bustling streets of Paris to the serene villages in India, bread transcends borders, offering diverse flavours and forms. As we delve into bread, let’s uncover seven fun facts that may surprise even the most avid bread enthusiasts shared with IANSlife by Riddhi Bhagat, Founder of Binge on Baked.

Bread is made up of baked dough

At the heart of every loaf, roll, or baguette is a fundamental process – baking dough. This seemingly straightforward practice is a culmination of culinary artistry and science. While the ingredients in the dough can vary, the essentials include water and wheat flour. However, the magic happens when additional components like yeast and salt join the mix. 

Most bread is leavened

Most bread owes its airy texture to the process of leavening. This entails incorporating yeast or another rising agent into the dough. The tiny microorganisms in yeast consume sugars and release carbon dioxide, causing the dough to expand and rise. While leavened bread is the norm, exceptions like chapati, roti, and naan exist, showcasing the diverse ways in which cultures have embraced this culinary staple. 

The biggest loaf of bread ever made

Imagine a loaf of bread so colossal it holds a Guinness World Record. In 2008, Joaquim Gonçalves in Brazil achieved this feat, baking a loaf that weighed a staggering 1,571 kilograms. This great creation symbolized dedication and passion for baking, earning its place in history on Guinness World Records Day. It serves as a reminder that the sky – or, in this case, the oven – is the limit for bread.

Kinds of bread

The world of bread is vast and diverse, boasting over 100 varieties. From the robust flavours of pumpernickel to the tangy notes of sourdough, each type tells a unique story rooted in tradition and regional influences. Whether you’re savouring the earthiness of whole wheat or indulging in the cloud-like texture of white bread, the sheer variety is a testament to the versatility and adaptability of this ancient culinary wonder.

Breaking the bread

Beyond its gastronomic appeal, bread holds symbolic significance as a universal sign of peace in many cultures. It’s a food shared across tables, connecting people from diverse backgrounds. The act of breaking bread together fosters a sense of camaraderie, transcending cultural and linguistic boundaries. In a world often divided, this shared custom reinforces the notion that, at its core, humanity is bound by everyday sustenance and a desire for harmony.

Bread as currency

In the annals of history, bread was not just sustenance; it was once a form of currency. In ancient Egypt, the importance of bread reached such heights that it served as a medium of exchange, akin to modern-day money. This intriguing fact emphasizes how vital bread is to daily existence, serving as a means of cash and representing stable economic conditions.

To treat infections Ancient Egyptians used mouldy bread 

The resourcefulness of ancient civilizations often surprises us, and the ancient Egyptians were no exception. In strikingly demonstrating their medical ingenuity, they used mouldy bread to treat infections. The mould produced chemicals that inhibited bacterial growth, showcasing an early understanding of the potential therapeutic properties within everyday ingredients. This historical nugget not only adds depth to the narrative of bread but also underscores the interconnectedness of culinary and medicinal practices in ancient cultures.

In gist, as we revel in the delightful aroma and taste of our favourite bread, let’s also appreciate the rich tapestry of stories, traditions, and innovations that have shaped this timeless culinary treasure. From the humble beginnings of dough to the grandeur of record-breaking loaves, bread continues to be more than just a staple – it’s a cultural touchstone that unites us all.


Food Lite Blogs Recipes

Chocolate Babka: Purely delicious fluffy bread

If you’ve never had chocolate babka before, then all you need to know is that it’s half bread, half cake, and 100% delicious! This yeast-based dough is sweet, soft, and buttery, making it hard to have just one slice. I also love how beautiful each slice is thanks to the layers of chocolate through out.

It may seem like it is labour-intensive to make babka bread from scratch as making the swirls of chocolate may come off as challenging, but the process is surprisingly easy! There is no need to be intimidated by the long prep time, as most of it is just the dough rising in the fridge


  1. All purpose flour – 4 cups
  2. Yeast – 2 ¼ tsp
  3. Sugar – ½ cup
  4. Salt – ½ tsp
  5. Milk – ¾  cup
  6. Eggs – 4
  7. Butter – 113 gm

Chocolate filling

  1. Butter – 120 gm
  2. Semi sweet dark chocolate – 225 gm
  3. Powdered sugar – ½ cup
  4. Cream – ½ cup
  5. Cocoa powder – ½ cup
  6. Salt – a pinch
  7. Coffee – 2 tbsp

Sugar syrup

  1. Sugar – ½ cup
    1. Water – ½ cup


  1. In a large mixing bowl preferably a stand mixer. Add the flour, sugar, yeast and salt. Mix it until well combined.
  2. To this mixture add in the milk, egg, butter. Mix everything nicely and knead the dough for at least 10 min until soft.
  3. Grease a bowl and keep the dough in it cover it with a cling film and let it rest in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. Next day first make the chocolate filling.
  5. In a medium sauce pan add the butter and cream then add the chopped chocolate let this melt. Keep the flame in the low medium. When the chocolate melts switch of the flame add the cocoa powder and the powdered sugar, coffee, and salt mix everything nicely with a whisk. Keep it in the refrigerator to cool
  6. Now take a dough from the fridge. Transfer it in a floured counter. Divide the dough into two equal pieces.
  7. With a rolling pin roll the one half of the dough into a rectangular shape. Spread a thin layer of chocolate mixture on the dough with a spatula.
  8. Roll the dough from one end in to a tight coil and pinch the end to seal.
  9. Using a knife cut the dough into half. Keep the dough parallel to each other with cut side facing up. Twist the half together and tuck the ends under, gently place the dough in a prepared loaf pan.
  1. Repeat the same process with the second half of the dough.
  2. Cover the loaf pan with cloth and keep it for proofing for an hour.
  3. After an hour bake this in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 35 to 40 min . Until golden brown.
  4. Combine the sugar and water in a pan . Bring it boil and simmer it until the sugar dissolves.
  5. Brush the sugar syrup on the loaf immediately when they come out of the oven.
  6. Serve hot.


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