News World World News

BRICS Bank Admits Egypt

The New Development Bank (NDB), established by BRICS — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — in 2015, has admitted Egypt as a new member…reports Asian Lite News

NDB’s Board of Governors had authorised the bank to conduct formal negotiations with prospective members in late 2020.

After a round of successful negotiations, NDB started expanding its membership in September 2021 with the admission of Bangladesh, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Uruguay.

Egypt is the fourth new member admitted into NDB, further expanding the bank’s global outreach, the statement added.

“We are delighted to welcome Egypt into NDB’s family. Egypt is one of the world’s fastest growing countries, a major economy in the African continent and the Middle East region as well as a key player in development finance institutions. We look forward to supporting its investment needs in infrastructure and sustainable development,” Marcos Troyjo, President of NDB, was quoted as saying in the statement.

“Egypt is a firm believer and supporter of multilateralism. The NDB has established itself as one of the premier Multilateral Development Banks for Emerging Markets and Developing countries… NDB’s strong financing capabilities and relevant expertise would help Egypt meet its financing needs and enhance its efforts to upgrade its infrastructure base while also meeting its ambitious SDG goals,” said Mohamed Maait, Egypt’s Minister of Finance.

Egypt will have in NDB a new platform to foster cooperation in infrastructure and sustainable development with BRICS and other emerging economies and developing countries, according the bank’s statement.

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Membership to NDB becomes effective once the admitted country completes its domestic processes and deposits the instrument of accession.

Since its establishment six years ago, NDB has approved about 80 projects in all of its member countries, totaling a portfolio of $30 billion.

Projects in areas such as transport, water and sanitation, clean energy, digital infrastructure, social infrastructure and urban development are within the scope of the Bank.

Africa News COVID-19 World

Ramaphosa Seeks BRICS Help to Tame Covid-19

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa on Friday invited scientists from BRICS countries to work alongside South African scientists in further researching the various characteristics of the Covid-19 virus and its mutations…reports Asian Lite News

Ramaphosa made the call when he appointed the Chairperson of the Ministerial Advisory Council on Covid-19 Koleka Mlisana to lead a task team of South African researchers in the area of genomic sequencing to work with their scientists from other BRICS countries, Xinhua news agency reported.

This initiative is a contribution to intra-BRICS cooperation to strengthen preparedness and responses to the pandemic as articulated in the New Delhi Declaration, which was adopted at the 13th BRICS Summit in September 2021.

Ramaphosa Seeks BRICS Help to Tame Covid-19

This cooperation takes place within the context of the establishment of the BRICS Vaccine Research and Development Centre in a virtual format.

Ramaphosa pointed out that the cooperation would boost the BRICS countries’ preparedness and responses to the pandemic.

“The collaboration among BRICS countries is intended to broaden our knowledge of the Covid-19 virus not only for the benefit of member countries, but for the global community more broadly. Humanity will only overcome this pandemic if the countries of the world work in closer cooperation by sharing information, expertise and resources. This cooperation must be underpinned by the principles of solidarity, partnership and mutual respect,” said Ramaphosa.

He said the team from BRICS countries would share information on laboratory, clinical and epidemiological experiences regarding the pandemic to help clinicians and policy-makers to prepare for future manifestations of the disease.

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“The spread of the different Covid-19 variants to all corners of the earth underlines the importance of effective surveillance, scientific transparency and collaborative research. Every country is affected and every country must be able to develop responses based on sound scientific evidence,” Ramaphosa said.

He stated that scientists would conduct research on omicron at the BRICS Vaccine Research Centre which is in the country.

-Top News Environment India News

BRICS adopts New Delhi Statement on Environment

BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, termed as emerging economies and together fighting for climate justice at global negotiations…reports Asian Lite News.

India, at the 7th meeting of the BRICS Environment Ministerial 2021, stressed on the need for taking concrete, collective global actions against global environment and climate changes, guided by equity, national priorities and circumstances, and the principles of ‘Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities (CBDR-RC)’.

The Environment Ministers adopted the New Delhi Statement on Environment, which is aimed at furthering the spirit of Cooperation for Continuity, Consolidation and Consensus in Environment among the BRICS Nations.

BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, termed as emerging economies and together fighting for climate justice at global negotiations.

Indian Environment, Forest and Climate Change Minister Bhupender Yadav chaired the meeting from Sushma Swaraj Bhawan, New Delhi, as the other Environment Ministers from BRICS countries joined virtually. The meeting was preceded by the BRICS Joint Working Group on Environment meeting on August 26, a release from the Environment Ministry added.

Yadav said that 2021 is a very crucial year not only for the BRICS but for the whole world as well, as there is UN Biodiversity COP 15 in October and annual climate change meet (UNFCCC COP26) in November. He emphasised that BRICS countries can play a very significant role in addressing the contemporary global challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, air pollution, marine plastic litter, etc.

Referring to the recent findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group 1 contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report “Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science”, he said: “The report has given enough, may be the last signal, for taking concrete, collective global actions against global environmental and climate challenges.”

He informed the BRICS Ministerial that under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India is today leading by example by taking several robust steps in the field of renewable energy, sustainable habitats, creation of carbon sinks through additional forest and tree cover, transition to sustainable transport, e-mobility, mobilising the private sector to make climate commitments, etc.

He also stressed the importance of resource efficiency and circular economy, conservation of wildlife and marine species or biodiversity, and concrete actions taken by India on climate change and biodiversity. “BRICS countries being hotspots for biodiversity can tell the world how we have been conserving such mega diversity since time immemorial, and can also play a very significant role in combating the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.

The key areas proposed in the BRICS Environment Ministers’ Statement 2021 are guided by the issues, which may have primacy in COP 15 and COP 26, the release added.

ALSO READ-BRICS to study intersection of Covid, TB

READ MORE-BRICS NSA meet to be held on August 24: MEA

-Top News India News

Doval chairs BRICS NSAs meet, discusses cross-border terror

Agenda of the meeting, included cooperation among law enforcement agencies, health safety and healthcare and counter terrorism…reports Asian Lite News

National Security Adviser Ajit Doval on Tuesday hosted the 11th Meeting of the BRICS High Representatives Responsible for National Security through video conferencing.

During the meeting, BRICS NSAs reviewed the regional and global political and security scenario with particular reference to current developments in Afghanistan, Iran, West Asia and the Gulf and emerging threats to national security, such as Cyber Security.

Agenda of the meeting, included cooperation among law enforcement agencies, health safety and healthcare and counter terrorism. India raised the issue of cross-border terrorism and activities of groups such as the Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed which enjoy State support and threaten peace and security.

As a follow up to the adoption of the BRICS Counter Terrorism Strategy at the 12th BRICS Leaders’ Summit in 2020, done at the suggestion of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the High Representatives adopted and recommended the BRICS Counter Terrorism Action Plan for consideration by the BRICS Summit.

The Action Plan aims to further strengthen existing mechanisms of cooperation in areas such as financing and combating terrorism, misuse of the internet by terrorists, curbing the travel of terrorists, border controls, protection of soft targets, information sharing, capacity building, and regional and international cooperation.

Considerable attention was paid to the heightened risk of growth of illegal drug production and trafficking in the region. It was agreed that concerned agencies in BRICS countries will enhance their cooperation in this area. Health Safety and healthcare were also identified as a priority area of cooperation within BRICS in the light of new challenges emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the area of Cyber Security, it was agreed to strengthen joint efforts to enhance cooperation by sharing of information and exchange of best practices, combat cyber-crimes and capacity building. India had earlier hosted a BRICS Workshop on Digital Forensics in August 2021.

The meeting of the High Representatives took place before the Summit Meeting of Leaders of the BRICS Nations that India will host this year, under the Chairship of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.

The meetings of the High Representatives Responsible for National Security have emerged as an important platform for exchange of views on political and security issues among BRICS countries.

The meeting was attended by General Augusto Heleno Ribeiro Pereira, Minister of State and Head of the Institutional Security Cabinet of the Presidency of the Federative Republic of Brazil, General Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Yang Jiechi, Member, Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director, Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee, and Ncediso Goodenough Kodwa, Deputy Minister of State Security of the Republic of South Africa.

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-Top News Health

BRICS to study intersection of Covid, TB

The four countries currently rank second to fifth in the number of cases of Covid-19 and belong to 24 countries recognised by the WHO with the highest burden of tuberculosis in the world….reports Asian Lite News

A consortium of doctors and researchers from India, Brazil, Russia, and South Africa have partnered to conduct a study on the epidemiological impact and intersection of the Covid-19 and Tuberculosis (TB) pandemics in these countries.

In a statement, India’s Science and Technology Ministry said that under this joint research, the teams from these countries will explore the negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the epidemiological characteristics of TB infection and search for mechanisms responsible for the interaction of these two processes.

“They will also search for strategies to mitigate the negative consequences of the pandemic and develop individual recommendations for each participating country, which can help overcome the impact of epidemics of respiratory viral diseases on the epidemic of tuberculosis,” it said.

The four countries currently rank second to fifth in the number of cases of Covid-19 and belong to 24 countries recognised by the WHO with the highest burden of tuberculosis in the world.

Moreover, BRICS countries have the largest number of cases of drug-resistant tuberculosis.

“Hence the research will be conducted in these 4 BRICS countries where one of the highest-burden rates of both Covid-19 and tuberculosis has been recorded simultaneously,” the statement said.

ALSO READ: BRICS members to enhance intra-trade

This research supported by the Department of Science and Technology is being led by Prof Urvashi B. Singh from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.

The teams will assess the impact of Covid-19 on trends in the structure of the tuberculosis population, primarily through the interaction between scientists from Russia and India.

The teams from Brazil and South Africa will evaluate the impact of tuberculosis on the clinical course and treatment outcomes for Covid-19 at the individual level.

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and associated restrictive measures on morbidity and tuberculosis-related mortality will be assessed using mathematical modelling.

This collaborative research will provide a differentiated country-based assessment of the negative consequences of Covid-19 on the provision of anti-tuberculosis care, its continuity, consistency, and adequacy through a comparative analysis of the inter-country similarities and differences in the interaction of the two epidemics at the population and individual level.

“The analysis will provide insights into the most important points of application for epidemiological, medico-social, clinical, and socio-economic interventions that are expected to reduce morbidity and mortality from the interaction of Covid-19 and TB in both the short and long term,” the ministry said.

It said that the approach used will allow the development of a unique platform for mathematical modelling of the epidemic tuberculosis process, which will also support and enhance epidemic modelling capabilities in BRICS countries and thus provide a solid foundation for future collaborative modelling research.

ALSO READ: BRICS to adopt counter terrorism action plan next month

ALSO READ: BRICS NSA meet to be held on August 24: MEA

-Top News India News

BRICS NSA meet to be held on August 24: MEA

Earlier the 6th meeting of the BRICS Counter Terrorism Working Group (CTWG) was held virtually on July 28-29 under the Chairship of India….reports Asian Lite News

The next BRICS NSA meet will be held on August 24 in a virtual format, the Ministry of External Affairs said on Thursday.

“India holds the current chair of the BRICS. The next meeting of BRICS National Security Advisors will be held later this month on August 24 and this will be held in a virtual format,” MEA Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi told the media during a weekly press briefing.

As regarding the agenda of the NSA meet, he said this will be in line with overall priority chosen by India for its chairship of BRICS this year, including counter-terrorism cooperation and international peace and security.

Earlier the 6th meeting of the BRICS Counter Terrorism Working Group (CTWG) was held virtually on July 28-29 under the Chairship of India.

The main outcome of the Working Group meeting was the finalisation of the BRICS Counter Terrorism Action Plan containing specific measures to implement the BRICS Counter Terrorism Strategy adopted by BRICS Leaders in 2020.

The Action Plan is aimed at further strengthening result oriented cooperation between BRICS countries in areas such as preventing and combating terrorism, radicalisation, financing of terrorism, misuse of internet by terrorists, curbing travel of terrorists, border control, protection of soft targets, information sharing, capacity building, international and regional cooperation.

The BRICS Counter Terrorism Action Plan is one of the key deliverables during India’s Chairship of BRICS and will be adopted at the meeting of BRICS National Security Advisors scheduled next month.

During the Working Group meeting, while condemning terrorism in all its forms and manifestations whenever, wherever and by whomsoever committed, the BRICS countries also exchanged views on terrorism threat assessment at national, regional and global level and resolved to further enhance counter terrorism cooperation in line with the Action Plan.

The BRICS Counter Terrorism Working Group meeting was preceded by virtual meetings of the five thematic sub-working groups on Misuse of Internet for Terrorist Purpose, Deradicalization, Countering Terrorist Financing, Capacity Building and Countering Foreign Terrorist Fighters on July 26-27, 2021. (India News Network)

ALSO READ: BRICS to adopt counter terrorism action plan next month

-Top News

BRICS to adopt counter terrorism action plan next month

The plan was finalized during the 6th meeting of the BRICS Counter Terrorism Working Group (CTWG) held virtually on 28-29 July under the chairship of India…reports Asian Lite News.

The BRICS Counter Terrorism Action Plan, which lists measures to implement the BRICS Counter Terrorism Strategy adopted by BRICS leaders in 2020, will be adopted next month.

The plan was finalized during the 6th meeting of the BRICS Counter Terrorism Working Group (CTWG) held virtually on 28-29 July under the chairship of India.

The BRICS Counter Terrorism Action Plan is one of the key deliverables during India’s Chairship of BRICS and will be adopted at the meeting of BRICS National Security Advisors scheduled next month, the Ministry of External Affairs said on Friday.

The Action Plan is aimed at further strengthening result oriented cooperation between BRICS countries in areas such as preventing and combating terrorism, radicalisation, financing of terrorism, misuse of internet by terrorists, curbing travel of terrorists, border control, protection of soft targets, information sharing, capacity building, international and regional cooperation.

During the Working Group meeting, while condemning terrorism in all its forms and manifestations whenever, wherever and by whomsoever committed, the BRICS countries also exchanged views on terrorism threat assessment at national, regional and global level and resolved to further enhance counter terrorism cooperation in line with the Action Plan.

The Joint Secretary for Counter Terrorism, MEA, Mahaveer Singhvi, chaired the meeting. Senior counter terrorism officials from all BRICS countries participated in the meeting.

The BRICS Counter Terrorism Working Group meeting was preceded by virtual meetings of the five thematic sub-working groups on Misuse of Internet for Terrorist Purpose, Deradicalization, Countering Terrorist Financing, Capacity Building and Countering Foreign Terrorist Fighters on 26-27 July 2021. (India News Network)

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READ MORE-BRICS members to enhance intra-trade

-Top News India News

BRICS members to enhance intra-trade

To deepen and strengthen the trade and economy, BRICS members agreed India’s proposals on holding events like BRICS Trade Fair…reports Asian Lite News

BRICS members have decided to strengthen and increase intra-BRICS cooperation and trade. A decision to this regard was taken during the BRICS meeting of the Contact Group on Economic and Trade Issues, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry said in a statement on Tuesday.

As per the Ministry, during its three-day meeting from July 12 to 14, BRICS Contact Group on Economic and Trade Issues discussed issues related to intra-trade.

In this context, representatives of India, Brazil, South Africa, Russia and China deliberated on BRICS Cooperation on Multilateral Trading System; BRICS Framework for ensuring Consumer Protection in E-Commerce; Non-Tariff Measures (NTM) Resolution Mechanism for SPS/TBT Measures; Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Working Mechanism; Cooperation framework for protection of Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions; BRICS Framework on Cooperation in Professional Services.

As per the Ministry, BRICS members agreed to take forward India’s proposals to finalise them before the BRICS Trade Ministers’ meeting to be held on September3, 2021, to be chaired by Piyush Goyal, the Commerce and Industry Minister.

To deepen and strengthen the trade and economy, BRICS members agreed India’s proposals on holding events like BRICS Trade Fair—to showcase and to have buyer and sellers virtual meet from August 16 to 18, a roundtable of BRICS MSMEs on July 22 and two workshops on services Trade Statistics to held till August 13. (India News Network)

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-Top News India News Science

BRICS countries agree to India’s Innovation Cooperation Action Plan

India had proposed the plan to facilitate sharing of experiences of each other’s innovation ecosystem and networking of innovators and entrepreneurs….reports Asian Lite News

All BRICS countries have agreed to the STI-led BRICS Innovation Cooperation Action Plan (2021-24) proposed by India during the 12th meeting of the BRICS S&T Steering Committee, the Department of Science and Technology said.

India had proposed the plan to facilitate sharing of experiences of each other’s innovation ecosystem and networking of innovators and entrepreneurs.

The details of the action plan will be worked out by the BRICS Science, Technology Innovation Entrepreneurship Partnership (STIEP) working group, it said.

“It was agreed that the proposal may be forwarded to BRICS STIEP working group through the respective country’s STI focal point,” the DST said.

The DST hosted the 12th meeting of the BRICS S&T Steering Committee on July 8.

Scientific ministries and agencies of all BRICS countries participated in it.

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BRICS officials discussed in detail about the thematic areas for this year’s call for proposals at the meeting and unanimously agreed for collaboration in 10 thematic areas.

These are Transient Astronomical Events and Deep Survey Science, Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR): Technologies for Diagnosis and Treatment, Simulation and Big Data Analytics for Advanced Precision Medicine and Public Healthcare, HPC and Big Data for Sustainable Development: Solving Large Scale Ecological, Climate and Pollution Problems, Innovation and Entrepreneurship on Photonic, Nanophotonics, and Metamaterials for Addressing Bio-medicine, Agriculture, Food Industry and Energy Harvesting Issues, Materials Science and Nanotechnology for Addressing Environmental, Climate Change, Agricultural, Food, and Energy Issues, Renewable Energy including Smart Grid Integration, Ocean and Polar Science and Technology Water Treatment Technology Research in Aeronautics and Aerospace.

These areas have been recommended by different thematic working groups.

All countries also agreed to thematic areas proposed by India for the sixth edition of the BRICS Young Scientist Conclave which will be held in Bengaluru during September 13-16.

The three themes to be discussed at the conclave include healthcare, energy solutions and cyber-physical system (CPS), and their applications.

India’s new proposal regarding inviting BRICS partnership in India’s Technology Summit, which got positive support from all countries, was suggested to be sent through the BRICS Sherpa office for suggestions from all stakeholders, it added.

ALSO READ: BRICS countries resolve to enhance collaboration in higher education

-Top News World News

BRICS countries resolve to enhance collaboration in higher education

According to the Ministry of Education, the ministers also agreed to facilitate creation of mechanisms that would allow sharing of knowledge and best practices with each other…reports Asian Lite News.

The five BRICS countries on Tuesday agreed to further strengthen their academic and research collaboration in higher education and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).

At the 8th meeting of BRICS education Ministers, held as part of the 13th BRICS Summit on Tuesday, the ministers from the five BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) countries deliberated on two themes – Leveraging digital and technological solutions for ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and enhancing research and academic collaboration.

Regarding the need to leverage digital and technological solutions for ensuring quality inclusive education, the member states agreed to generate and expand their knowledge base that would help formulate initiatives in this regard.

According to the Ministry of Education, the ministers also agreed to facilitate creation of mechanisms that would allow sharing of knowledge and best practices with each other. These could include seminars, policy dialogues, interactions with experts, to name a few.

In order to enhance their collaboration in academics and research, the ministers agreed on facilitating the mobility of students and faculty among BRICS partner states, besides encouraging joint and dual degrees between higher education institutions in BRICS countries.

They also recognized Technical and Vocational Training and Education as a priority area for every BRICS country and expressed their commitment to promoting collaboration in this area.

Chairing the meeting, Union Minister of State for Education, Communications and Electronics and Information Technology Dhotre said that India acknowledges the concerted efforts being made by students, teachers, parents, communities and governments across the world to mitigate the effects of the pandemic and build back a more resilient education system. He underscored the importance of multilateral cooperation, especially among the BRICS nations, for harnessing the full potential of education.

Dhotre further said that online learning and digital delivery of education have emerged as important means for achieving education sector development goals and targets set by each BRICS country. It is therefore necessary that we recognize the importance of leveraging technology to promote access to inclusive and equitable quality education for all.

The BRICS Education Ministers also shared the policies and initiatives that each country launched to mitigate the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic on education.

Speaking for India, Dhotre informed about our initiatives under PM eVidya for providing access to quality education through multi-modal means. He spoke of SWAYAM MOOCs platform, SWAYAM PRABHA TV Channels, DIKSHA, and Virtual labs .

He further said that while India realizes the potential of digital and technological solutions for achieving the goal of inclusive and equitable quality education, we also acknowledge the need to reduce and eventually eliminate the digital divide that restricts full realization of this potential.

There is, therefore, a need to intensify efforts to eliminate disparity in access to digital resources, including digital devices, especially in the case of socially and economically disadvantaged population groups. In this context he said that India is rapidly expanding digital infrastructure through the Digital India Campaign and FTTH connectivity.

Prior to this meeting, the International Governing Board of the BRICS Network Universities had met on June 29, to take a look at the progress made by member states under this initiative so far, and discuss ways to take it further.

A meeting of Senior BRICS Officers on Education was also chaired by Amit Khare, Secretary Higher Education on 2nd of July and attended by DP Singh, Chairman UGC, Anil Sahsrabuddhe Chairman AICTE and Prof Subhasis Chaudhary, Director IIT .

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