Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Facial Peeling: Causes and Effective Solutions

Elaborating on sun protection, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of sunscreens containing broad-spectrum protection…writes Devji Hathiyani…reports Asian Lite News

Facial peeling can be a disconcerting experience, leaving individuals searching for answers and effective solutions. While there are various reasons for skin peeling, understanding the underlying causes is crucial for finding the right remedies. Let us understand the reasons for peeling skin and look into practical tips for addressing each issue.


One of the primary culprits behind facial peeling is prolonged exposure to the sun. Sunburn damages the skin, causing it to peel as it attempts to shed the damaged outer layer. To alleviate sunburn peeling, applying aloe vera gel can provide soothing relief. Aloe vera’s natural properties promote healing, allowing the skin to recover. Additionally, using a moisturizer with SPF 60 during the day helps prevent further sun damage. Face packs can aid in cooling the skin, and staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is essential for overall skin health.

Elaborating on sun protection, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of sunscreens containing broad-spectrum protection. These sunscreens shield the skin from both UVA and UVB rays, preventing sunburn and reducing the likelihood of peeling. Consistent sun protection is not only vital for treating sunburn but also for maintaining long-term skin health.


Certain medications, particularly those used for acne or containing retinoids, can lead to skin peeling as a side effect. If you suspect your medications are causing this issue, consulting with a dermatologist is crucial. They can provide alternative solutions or adjust your medication regimen to minimize peeling. An interesting alternative to retinol is Bakuchiol, a natural substitute with similar benefits but fewer side effects. Discussing such alternatives with your healthcare professional ensures a balanced approach to skincare.

Moreover, it is essential for individuals to be proactive in communicating with their healthcare providers about any skin-related side effects they experience. Open dialogue facilitates a collaborative effort in finding the most suitable solutions for individual needs.

Dry Skin

Especially prevalent during the winter months, dry skin can lead to peeling. Combatting dry skin involves a two-step process: exfoliation and moisturization. Gentle exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, allowing moisturizing products to penetrate better. Choosing dry skin body lotions, body massage oils, or ayurvedic skincare products provides the necessary hydration to replenish the skin’s moisture barrier. Glycerine, a humectant, can be particularly beneficial when applied at night, preventing further moisture loss. Daytime care involves using quality face moisturizers or body butter lotions to maintain skin hydration throughout the day.

Incorporating natural remedies, such as honey masks or oatmeal-based exfoliants, can further enhance the skin’s ability to retain moisture. These alternatives not only provide hydration but also offer additional nutrients that contribute to skin health.

Medical Skin Conditions

Skin conditions like eczema can contribute to peeling and require a specialized approach. Consulting a doctor or dermatologist is essential for obtaining an accurate diagnosis and developing a tailored treatment plan. Medical conditions may necessitate prescription medications, and professional guidance ensures proper management.

Furthermore, understanding the triggers and aggravating factors of specific skin conditions is crucial. This knowledge empowers individuals to make informed lifestyle choices and adopt preventive measures to minimize the recurrence of peeling episodes.


Allergic reactions can manifest as skin peeling, emphasizing the importance of identifying and addressing allergens. Seeking medical advice is essential for proper diagnosis and treatment. Maintaining a journal of potential allergens can assist in pinpointing triggers and avoiding future reactions. Before introducing new skincare products, conducting patch tests helps identify potential allergens and prevents adverse reactions.

Facial peeling is a common concern with various underlying causes. By understanding these causes and adopting targeted skincare practices, individuals can effectively manage and prevent skin peeling. Whether it’s protecting against sunburn, addressing medication side effects, combating dry skin, managing medical conditions, or dealing with allergies, a proactive and informed approach to skincare is key for maintaining healthy, radiant skin.

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Fashion Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Vampire face lift for those with acne scarring

The vampire facial is advised for individuals with acne scarring and open pores. Over some sessions, there is a dramatic reduction of acne scarring noted…Dr. Akanksha Sanghvi speaks with Lothungbeni Humstsoe

A vampire facial also known as Vampire Facelift, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Facial, micro-needling with PRP is a skin treatment that involves using growth factors and platelets from your blood to stimulate collagen and promote skin repair as a response to the body’s natural healing process. The platelets tend to promote epidermal tissue replacement and due to their regenerative properties promote collagen and elastin formation

Dr. Akanksha Sanghvi, Aesthetic Dermatologist and Founder of Oprava Aesthetics discusses the popular plasma skincare therapy with IANSlife. Continue reading to learn more about the Vampire facial.

What is expected during a session of Vampire Facial? 

The treatment procedure involves multiple steps. The first step is to take your blood sample like a simple blood test in specialized sterile tubes, all it feels like is a routine blood test. The tubes are now processed in a special equipment called the centrifuge, which rotates at a fixed RPM for a fixed amount of time that helps separate the red blood cells from the plasma in the blood. While your plasma is being processed, a numbing cream is applied on your skin, to ensure your comfort during the treatment. 

After the spinning process, there are layers formed in the tube from which another process is attempted to derive the platelet-rich solution. The sampling process ends with plasma rich in platelets and growth factors that are extracted into syringes to begin the vampire facial. After cleansing and prepping the skin, the plasma is infused into the skin using various techniques: micro-injections, micro-needling devices, derma-rollers, or microneedle bottles. 

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Who can do Vampire Facial? 

The vampire facial is advised for individuals with acne scarring and open pores. Over some sessions, there is a dramatic reduction of acne scarring noted. The vampire facial is the best way to start fighting early signs of aging and can be done around the age of 30 to prevent fine lines. 

Vampire facial helps individuals look for a dewy texture. The reduction in open pores and improvement in skin elasticity makes the skin smooth and luminous. Vampire Facial helps increase the firmness of the skin due to collagen stimulation and improves skin hydration as well. 

How long does the entire process take?

It takes about 60-75 minutes for your session of a vampire facial. 

What is expected after the session? 

Following the procedure, the skin looks pink to red, which continues to settle over the next 24-48 hours. There can be pin-point bleeding and slight bruising which is temporary and subsides over 3-4 days. The overall time taken for your skin to heal after your vampire facial session is 5-7 days. 

The skin heals with a nice dewy glow with minimized pores and improvement of acne scars. There is a dramatic improvement in skin texture with a reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.

How soon can the results be appreciated?

The results of the vampire facial are seen from the first session itself. After the first week of your session, after the skin heals itself, it starts to look brighter and tighter. 

What are the benefits of HIFU?

It minimises acne and scarring, opens pores, and improves skin laxity, photoaging, and texture. It also improves the appearance of surgical scars by promoting skin hydration, stimulating collagen formation, and treating skin discolouration.

How often can one do Vampire Facial?

Vampire Facial can be done once in 4-8 weeks depending on the skin indication and age of the patient. Usually, it is recommended to do your first 3 sessions, 1 month apart. 

What is the science behind Vampire Facial or PRP? 

Regenerative medicine is an interesting science that uses the regeneration of biological tissues using cells from one’s own body. In the Aesthetic industry, the use of platelets and growth factors from one’s blood has successfully helped in wound healing, collagen stimulation, antiaging, scar tissue revision, acne scar treatments, and hair regeneration. The process ensures a sterile, platelet-rich, and growth factors-rich solution that helps promote the survival, formation, division, and maturation of cells in the body as well as helps in the repair and healing mechanisms required for their existence. 

The process of Vampire facial involves using these growth factors, and platelets to regenerate collagen and elastin by stimulating skin’s natural healing mechanisms. The result is naturally stimulated anti-inflammatory and revitalizing mechanisms that occur at molecular and cellular levels in the skin.

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