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UK to help boost Ukrainian naval capabilities

The government has signed a Memorandum of Implementation (MOI) with the Ukraine ministry of defence…reports Asian Lite News.

Ukraine is on course to rebuild the capabilities of its navy with the help of a possible deal with UK warship builder and support-services company Babcock International, media reported.

The government has signed a Memorandum of Implementation (MOI) with the Ukraine ministry of defence.

Minister for Defence Procurement Jeremy Quin and First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Tony Radakin were joined by Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine, Oleksandr Myroniuk and industry representative David Lockwood from Babcock on the Type 45 Destroyer.

Naval ensign of Ukraine (Wikipedia)

UK had signed an agreement in October last year. As part of this, the two nations and their industrial partners will now push Ukrainian naval capabilities enhancement projects (UNCEP) forward.

These projects will include; the introduction of new capabilities through the delivery of new naval platforms and defensive shipborne armaments, the training of Ukrainian Navy personnel, the creation of new naval bases, and the purchase of two Sandown class mine countermeasure vessels.

Signing the MOI on behalf of the UK, Minister for Defence Procurement Jeremy Quin said, the UK and Ukraine have a close defence relationship, and “we continue to strengthen this partnership to help deter shared threats.”

“I am delighted that British and Ukrainian industry will work together on these projects, which will provide world-leading capabilities and provide opportunities for both our nations to boost our shipbuilding enterprises,” he added.

Babcock International will lead British and Ukrainian industrial partners to assist the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence in delivering these projects, with funding made available by UK Export Finance (UKEF).

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defence said: “Ukraine and the UK are good friends and allies. Today’s Memorandum gives a new impetus to our co-operation in naval industry and will facilitate further development of the Ukrainian Navy. We appreciate the British support and value your experience.”

Signing the MOI on behalf of industry, David Lockwood, CEO Babcock International saidthe agreement marks the beginning of a new international relationship for Babcock, “bringing together our new ship capability, our infrastructure and support capability and our new strong relationship with the UK Government.”

Highlighting UK’s commitment to Black Sea regional security, and to Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, HMS Defender’s visited the port of Odesa as part of the UK’s Carrier Strike Group deployment.

During the visit by Ministers a trilateral exercise between the UK, Ukraine and the US took place on board the ship, showcasing our support to maritime capability development and interoperability.

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