-Top News Asia News China

China paradoxically breaks rules to assert SCS control

China says its actions are “professional, restrained and appropriate”, but there is unanimous condemnation of Chinese behaviour….reports Asian Lite News

China’s twisting of the truth is becoming increasingly bizarre as it attempts to drive the Philippines out of its own exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the South China Sea.

Clashes on and over this troubled sea have become more regular in the past 18 months, as Beijing ramps up its aggression.

The latest incident occurred on 31 August, when China Coast Guard (CCG) vessel ‘5205’ deliberately rammed the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessel ‘9701’ several times near Sabina Shoal, 75 nautical miles from the Palawan coast. The Philippines has permanently deployed this vessel there since April, after China secretly sought to develop the shoal into an artificial island, just as it has done in other places in the South China Sea.

The presence of two tugboats of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) suggested that China might even have been seeking to tow the Philippine vessel away after immobilizing it. Such an intention was inferred on 26 August as a formidable Type 055 cruiser of the PLAN tailed a pair of small PCG boats sailing to resupply ‘9701’ at Sabina Shoal.

The two small PCG vessels found themselves surrounded by six CCG vessels and three PLAN warships. The PLAN warned them, “This is China warship. We’re taking measures to control Philippine Coast Guard ship ‘9701’, which is illegally staying in Xianbin Jiao [the Chinese name for Sabina Shoal]. You’ll not be allowed to enter Xianbin Jiao to carry out any replenishment.”

In fact, this was the fifth time in August alone that China had confronted Philippine law enforcement vessels or aircraft within the Philippines EEZ.

China’s version of events at Sabina Shoal, that the PCG boat “provoked troubles in an unprofessional and dangerous way and intentionally rammed into the CCG ship,” was far from the truth. Lyle Morris, Senior Fellow for Foreign Policy and National Security at the Asia Policy Center for China Analysis, commented, “No, this is actually the CCG deliberately ramming the PCG vessel. The CCG’s actions and behavior are a threat to the safety and security of the PCG and its crew, and should be condemned by all law-abiding nations.”

Indeed, video footage released by the PCG clearly showed that the Chinese vessel deliberately rammed the Philippine boat three times. Incidentally, a US Navy P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft was circling overhead at the time of the incident.

Liu Dejun, a CCG spokesperson, said, “The Chinese coast guard will take the measures required to resolutely thwart all acts of provocation, nuisance and infringement and resolutely safeguard the country’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.”

Beijing also routinely accuses Manila of “sensationalizing the South China Sea issue and tarnishing China’s international image”. However, China is successfully damaging its own image without anyone’s assistance.

China says its actions are “professional, restrained and appropriate”, but there is unanimous condemnation of Chinese behaviour. After the latest Sabina Shoal incident, Matthew Miller, the US Department of State spokesperson, said, “The PRC’s unlawful claims of ‘territorial sovereignty’ over ocean areas where no land exists, and its increasingly aggressive actions to enforce them, threaten the freedoms of navigation and overflight of all nations.”

The same US statement reasserted that Article IV of the 1951 US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty “extends to armed attacks on Philippine armed forces, public vessels or aircraft – including those of its coast guard – anywhere in the South China Sea”.

Shortly thereafter, Chen Xidi, a researcher at the China Institute for Marine Affairs of the Ministry of Natural Resources, contributed an opinion piece to the Chinese tabloid Global Times. He wrote that the Philippines “is continuously making unilateral provocations and intensifying disputes, trying to satisfy the demands of some countries outside the region seeking to unsettle the South China Sea and contain China, in exchange for vague and distant ‘support’, ‘aid’ and ‘guarantee’.”

Chen threatened, “Until Manila fundamentally changes its mindset of using the South China Sea issue for geopolitical speculation, China is fully prepared both psychologically and in action for any possible backtracking or provocation by the Philippines. If the Philippines attempts to move forward one step, China will firmly push it back. China will not allow the Philippines to gain any advantage.”

China’s ongoing actions and threats also make a mockery of a bilateral consultation mechanism on the South China Sea. In July, China and the Philippines agreed to a “provisional arrangement” to de-escalate the tense situation. However, as many find out, guarantees issued by China are often not worth the paper upon which they are written.

China hides behind phrases like “indisputable sovereignty” and “in accordance with the law and regulations”. However, the Permanent Court of Arbitration declared in 2016 that China’s sweeping South China Sea territorial claims had no legal basis. It is laughable that China now sometimes appeals to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and international regulations to criticize the Philippines.

Four key elements of UNCLOS are defining maritime zones (i.e. establishing rules for delimiting state maritime boundaries); balancing coastal-state rights and international freedoms; protecting the marine environment; and stabilizing through the dispute resolution process.

Peter Alan Dutton, a professor at the Stockton Centre for International Law at the US Naval War College, warned in a report for the UK-based Council on Geostrategy, “The PRC, however, is systematically and dangerously undermining each of these foundational elements, threatening to return the global maritime domain to its former state of instability.” Dutton explained: “Beijing asserts it has ancient rights to make maritime claims its own way, despite its ratification of UNCLOS in 1996, and claims domestic jurisdiction to enforce them. In doing so, it weakens the principles underpinning UNCLOS, leaving international law of the sea in danger of further unraveling.”

In terms of maritime territory, China’s ambiguous Nine-Dash Line claim in the South China Sea “is entirely divorced from the cardinal principle that the land dominates the sea,” Dutton highlighted. Its unilateral claim of 2.7 million km2 of water space has been entirely refuted under international law, and China can never overturn that 2016 decision.

Unfortunately, since then, Beijing “has escalated its use of coercion to force acceptance of its claims. The effect is to deny Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia the resource rights which international law unambiguously allocates to them.”

China has performed a number of brazen violations of international law, such as employing active sonar against Australian naval divers in November 2023. Flouting the environmental provisions of UNCLOS, China dredged up 100 square miles of healthy coral reefs too, severely damaged the underwater environment, when it built seven artificial islands from 2013-15.

UNCLOS provides a compulsory dispute resolution process and, while China accepts the

benefits of the convention, it refuses to submit to its responsibilities. This was demonstrated by officials vehemently advocating no acceptance, no participation, no recognition and no implementation of the 2016 ruling. China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared the “award is null and void and has no binding force. China neither accepts nor recognizes it.”

Dutton of the US Naval War College assessed, “Until the PRC’s challenge, UNCLOS had brought decades of steadily advancing maritime order and stability because it provided a single set of rules which balanced fairly the interests of all states. But the PRC’s approach to the four foundational elements of UNCLOS has steadily gutted the universality of its provisions. As a state with substantial power and influence in the international system, the PRC is inherently, and inescapably, a rule-maker. In breaking down the careful tradeoffs in UNCLOS, the PRC creates room for others to follow its approaches and threatens to reverse historical advances in maritime order.”

In a telephonic conference, ANI asked Rear Admiral Andrew M. Sugimoto, Deputy Commander of the US Coast Guard (USCG) Pacific Area, about the best ways to counter China’s mounting aggression. He replied: “One is to demonstrate what those international rules-based orders are that are so important for us to follow, and for us to lead by example, along with our partners. It’s to point out those transgressions that occur from nations that are counter to those things, and help them understand how the rest of the world wants to operate.”

Rear Admiral Sugimoto said too, “We unequivocally condemn the ramming of vessels. The whole point of rules on the water is so that we don’t run into each other, and so this is a clear act of bullying by one individual that wants to exert its influences over another nation with complete disregard for the rules and the international law that exists.”

The USCG official noted that global consensus does matter, and that if the world continues to condemn China’s actions, then “perhaps they’ll change the way they do business”. He added: “China wants to be seen as a member of the world that has a set of rules and enforces it, but whenever they do things like ramming or water cannoning unarmed vessels, it does not appear to be so. When they uphold the rules themselves and they stand and lead by example, that’s when the rest of the world will notice that they are in fact world leaders and not bullies.”

However, this hope appears forlorn. In order to illegally grab maritime territory in the South China Sea, Beijing is willing to pay a reputational price, as the number of dangerous incidents by Chinese ships and aircraft has surged.

Rear Admiral Sugimoto, whose headquarters is in Alameda, California, said he is “grateful for the professional and truly safe way in which the Philippines has responded back to this, because it really demonstrates that this nation, the Philippines, do stand for the conduct that we all recognize is what we want in this world, and not that of the other individual that keeps bullying smaller nations”.

He said the PCG is like family to the USCG. “We’re working with the Philippine Coast Guard in a number of different ways through training, through helping them with the organization and buildout of the Philippine Coast Guard.” The USCG has transferred vessels to the Philippine Coast Guard, and helped them with operations and maintenance.

“We’re looking for whatever the Philippine Coast Guard wants us to help them with. That’s what we’re here for in training, capacity building, legal structures, building out the laws necessary to support them, maritime domain awareness, any of those things.”

Rear Admiral Sugimoto continued, “…We stand together with the Philippines and we condemn the actions of aggressive individuals that do such things as ram or try to prevent humanitarian supplies from reaching individuals resupplying their fellow citizens…” He pointed out that using water cannons to flood or sink vessels is “not what we call safe and professional operations”.

Rear Admiral Sugimoto said the USA upholds the very standards that China is flouting. “We’re a firm believer in reinforcing the right of every nation to be able to transit freely, as long as they do so in accordance with customary law and international law. It’s an important part of upholding rules-based order. Similarly…we do not aggressively harass Chinese vessels or other vessels in the world when they come north into the Arctic off of Alaska or in other places. We respect their right to transit when they want to go through the Aleutian Islands, and so we expect the same ability to do so wherever we are in international waters to be able to freely and safely navigate according to those rules that are out there.”

Sugimoto asked which international rules condone ramming as a measure for upholding international law, especially when collision regulations are designed to prevent vessels from hitting each other. He put it succinctly, “So it’s a little astounding to say that I’m going to break the law in order to uphold the law. It just doesn’t make sense, and I think most nations out there see that as unsafe and unprofessional conduct, which only highlights and further emphasizes the bullying that is going on, right?” (ANI)

ALSO READ: US slams China’s aggressive actions in South China Sea 

-Top News Asia News Sri Lanka

‘Lanka could have faced same fate as Bangladesh’

Sri Lanka President said rebuilding the economy required making difficult and unpopular decisions, including necessary steps in consultation with the IMF…reports Asian Lite News

Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe said on Monday that the government is planning to establish a National Wealth Fund using government assets, similar to investment companies created by countries like Norway, Qatar, and Singapore, where profits from government revenues are used for public welfare.

Noting that he took control of the country during an economic collapse and made “difficult decisions” to rebuild it, Wickremesinghe also emphasised that without the patience shown by the people of Sri Lanka, the island nation could have faced a fate similar to Bangladesh today.

“If people had taken to the streets to govern the country, Sri Lanka could have faced the same fate as Bangladesh today. Rebuilding the economy required making difficult and unpopular decisions, including necessary steps in consultation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF),” the Lankan President said during an event in Colombo on Monday where he launched a new retirement insurance system for the elderly.

“At one point, buying a vehicle, a house, or modern appliances seemed like an unattainable dream for many. However, we have overcome those challenging times, and with the economy now stabilized, the people’s purchasing power has increased, which in turn is expected to fuel the growth of small businesses and attract investors,” he added.

The Lankan President said that his government has also initiated a programme to grant rights to the people, starting with the decision to issue freehold deeds to secure land rights.

As part of this effort, two million freehold deeds are being distributed. Another scheme has also been launched to provide Colombo urban flats to people free of charge, and plans are in place to create estate villages in the upcountry, offering each family a plot of seven perches.

“This process of transferring rights to the people is progressing rapidly,” he said.

Last week, Wickremesinghe held discussions on the ongoing economic collaboration with India during National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval’s visit to Colombo.

Wickremesinghe has, in the past few months, thanked India and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for “continued support” to the country which underwent its worst economic crisis recently.

He has also expressed his commitment to maintaining a strong partnership with India to achieve Sri Lanka’s development goals and emphasised the urgency to expedite joint initiatives while highlighting a comprehensive agenda aimed at transformative bilateral projects.

The Lankan President was in New Delhi on June 9 to attend the swearing-in ceremony of Prime Minister Modi.

Immediately after, Jaishankar visited the island nation on his first bilateral visit after assuming office for the second term which underlined India’s continued commitment to Sri Lanka as its closest maritime neighbour and a time-tested friend.

Marking the strong bilateral ties between two South Asian neighbours, Jaishankar and the Lankan President jointly handed over 48 houses under Model Village Housing Project in Colombo and Trincomalee districts; 106 houses under Phase III of the Indian Housing Project in Kandy, Matale and Nuwara Eliya Districts. Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC), a nerve centre for Search and Rescue operations at sea established with an Indian grant of USD 6 million was also jointly commissioned in the virtual ceremony.

Sri Lanka is currently gearing up for the crucial Presidential Election slated for September 21.

SL customs hands over 3m smuggled cigarettes for destruction

Sri Lanka Customs has transferred approximately three million cigarettes confiscated during the first half of 2024 at Colombo Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) for destruction, state media reported on Monday.

The estimated street value of the cigarettes handed over to the Ceylon Tobacco Company (CTC) for destruction exceeds 75 million rupees (250,000 US dollars), said the report.

If these cigarettes had reached the Sri Lankan market, the South Asian country would have lost roughly 480 million rupees (1.6 million US dollars) in duties and other levies, according to the report, Xinhua news agency reported.

The cigarettes were primarily smuggled by passengers arriving by air, said the report.

CTC, a subsidiary of British American Tobacco (BAT), holds the monopoly of cigarette and tobacco sales in Sri Lanka, where cigarettes are subject to high taxation.

ALSO READ: ‘Bangladesh could ask for Hasina’s extradition from India’

-Top News Asia News Politics

Pakistan battles Monkeypox spread with fifth case in KP

The resurgence of mpox in KP and its provincial capital Peshawar has become a serious concern for the local government and the health authorities….reports Asian Lite News

 Pakistan is struggling to tackle and contain the spread of monkeypox (mpox) in the country as Peshawar, capital of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province, reported its fifth case, prompting provincial health authorities to intensify its battle against the virus.

The latest case surfaced among patients who have recently returned from the Gulf region. The 47-year-old man has been isolated by the Border Health Services staff and shifted to the Khyber Teaching Hospital (KTH).

The resurgence of mpox in KP and its provincial capital Peshawar has become a serious concern for the local government and the health authorities.

Shabana Saleem, the Federal Director General of Health with the World Health Organization, which had earlier declared mpox as a global health emergency, has warned that the resurgence of the virus in Peshawar is a serious concern and needs urgent and immediate action to prevent further transmission.

“This is the fifth mpox case reported in Pakistan this year and the fourth since WHO declared mpox a global health emergency. There is an immediate need for vigilance, particularly among travellers from the Gulf considering that Saudi Arabia has been identified as a potential point of exposure,” said Saleem.

Health agencies are also taking urgent steps to do thorough screenings and apply screening protocols at airports across Pakistan.

“We are working in collaboration with the federal and provincial health officials in a coordinated effort to contain the virus. Authorities are working round the clock to ensure preventive measures and are ready to respond to any developments,” said a federal government official.

However, a KTH health official stated that no locally transmitted cases have been recorded thus far.

“The Health Department has established a coordinated surveillance and response system to deal with the virus. An isolation ward has been established in all districts, and Rapid Response Teams have been formed in district health offices,” said an official from the provincial health ministry.

According to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Health Department, 20,901 people have been screened at the Bacha Khan International Airport in Peshawar while another 21,040 people checked at the Torkham Crossing with Afghanistan.

At the same time, the movement of locals working in the Gulf region, including Saudi Arabia, remains consistent in the province as they visit home during holidays.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province has proved to be a massive challenge for the government and health authorities for decades as majority of the locals refuse to accept vaccinations, including polio doses, from health workers and avoid immunization campaigns. The province is one of the world’s few remaining places which still reports polio cases.

KP province, severely hit by terrorism, has also seen targeted attacks on health workers in the past, thus nullifying efforts to counter the spread of various viruses.

ALSO READ: US slams China’s aggressive actions in South China Sea 

Asia News India News Politics

Monsoon cause death, destruction in Balochistan

Flash floods have destroyed homes, washed away link roads, and cut off access to the provincial capital, Quetta…reports Asian Lite News

Heavy monsoon rains have caused death and destruction in Balochistan, with at least five people killed and hundreds displaced. The Pakistan Meteorological Department has issued warnings for further rain and landslides in several regions, reported Dawn.

Meanwhile, cyclonic storm Asna has weakened into a deep depression, but its impact is still being felt in northern districts, including Chaman, Qila Abdullah, Harnai, and Qila Saifullah. The storm is currently located approximately 320 km northeast of Masirah Island in Oman, 340 km east-southeast of Muscat, and 370 km south of Gwadar.

Flash floods have destroyed homes, washed away link roads, and cut off access to the provincial capital, Quetta.

“The link roads in these districts have been washed away by flash floods, cutting off all road connections with the provincial capital, Quetta,” a senior official from one of the affected districts told Dawn.

In a tragic incident on the Sibi-Harnai road, a couple was found dead after their car was swept away by flash floods while attempting to cross the seasonal Beeji streams. The bodies were recovered by residents; the man was identified as Muhammad Ibrahim Khajak, an employee of the livestock department, reported Dawn News.

In Zhob, a child drowned, and two more deaths have been reported in the flood-affected areas of Harnai and Qila Saifullah over the past 24 hours. The situation in Jhal Magsi remains dire, with more than a dozen villages submerged and rescue operations hindered by inaccessible roads.

Additionally, a large breach in the Rabi canal in Nasirabad district has led to further flooding, inundating several villages and destroying link roads.

The Regional Meteorological Centre in Quetta has forecast rain and thundershowers across various districts, including Quetta, Zhob, Sibi, and Sherani, from Monday (today) through Wednesday, with occasional breaks.

Sea conditions are expected to remain rough to very rough, with stormy winds ranging from 40-50 km/h, gusting up to 60 km/h, until Sunday night. Fishermen in Balochistan are advised to avoid venturing into the open sea until Monday.

The PMD has also predicted rain and thundershowers in northern regions, including Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Murree, Galyat, and Lahore, from Monday and Tuesday. A moist current from the Bay of Bengal is expected to affect these areas, and a westerly wave is likely to approach the western parts of the country later today, Dawn reported.

Wind and thundershowers, with isolated heavy falls, are anticipated in various districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, including Chitral, Dir, Swat, Kohistan, Shangla, Battagram, Mansehra, and Abbottabad, on Monday and Tuesday.

Rain, wind, and thundershowers are also expected in Sukkur, Larkana, Khairpur, Dadu, Jacobabad, Karachi, Hyderabad, Thatta, Badin, and Tando Allahyar on Tuesday and Wednesday. (ANI)

ALSO READ: Defence Ministry to take up mega warship, battle tank projects

-Top News China USA

US slams China’s aggressive actions in South China Sea 

The US response followed accusations from both China and the Philippines of ships ramming each other….reports Asian Lite News

Amid growing tension in the South China Sea between China and the Philippines, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller condemned China’s aggressive actions.

In a post on X, Miller stated, “The United States stands with our Philippine allies and condemns the dangerous and escalatory actions by the PRC against lawful Philippine maritime operations near Sabina Shoal in the South China Sea.”

The US response followed accusations from both China and the Philippines of ships ramming each other. On August 29, 2024, the Philippine Coast Guard reported that a Chinese vessel had “deliberately rammed” one of its ships three times near Sabina Shoal, a feature in the Spratly Islands.

The ongoing tensions between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea have intensified recently, with both nations accusing each other of provocative actions. The dispute centres around the South China Sea’s strategic and resource-rich waters, which are claimed in part or in whole by several countries, including China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Brunei.

Recent tensions between China and the Philippines have heightened significantly, primarily due to ongoing disputes in the South China Sea. The conflict centres around conflicting territorial claims, with China asserting dominance over almost the entire sea based on its “nine-dash line,” while the Philippines relies on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) to justify its exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

In July 2016, an international tribunal in The Hague ruled in favour of the Philippines, invalidating China’s extensive claims, but China dismissed the decision and persisted in its activities in the disputed waters. By April 2020, reports emerged of increased harassment by Chinese vessels against Philippine fishing boats and military ships. The situation further escalated in March 2021, when the Philippines protested the presence of numerous Chinese fishing boats in the Whitsun Reef, prompting international concern over China’s aggressive maritime actions.

Tensions continued into April 2022, when a Chinese coast guard ship reportedly used water cannons against a Philippine resupply mission near Ayungin Shoal, leading to intense diplomatic exchanges. (ANI)

‘China wants Taiwan for regional hegemony’

China’s aim of annexing Taiwan is not driven by concerns for “territorial integrity” but as part of its goal to “transform the rules-based global order” and “achieve hegemony in the western Pacific region and internationally,” Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te said in an interview with Taiwanese local media.

According to a report in Focus Taiwan, Lai, who was speaking in an interview on cable TV network ERATV broadcast on Sunday evening, said if China’s claims on Taiwan were really about territorial integrity, why “don’t they take back the land that was signed away and occupied by Russia in the Treaty of Aigun?”

The Taiwanese president was referring to the 1858 treaty signed by the Qing dynasty that ceded around 600,000 square kilometres of land in Manchuria to the Russian Empire.

China has laid claim to Taiwan, which it views as its own territory while the government of the self-governed island has rejected the claims.

The interview, according to Focus Taiwan, dwelled mostly on issues related to Taiwan’s sovereignty and Taiwan’s position vis-a-vis growing Chinese assertiveness in the Asia-Pacific region.

Lai was cited by the publication as reiterating his government’s opposition to the so-called “1992 consensus,” which the opposition Kuomintang in power at the time, has described as a tacit agreement with the Chinese Communist Party that there is only one China, with each side free to interpret what that means.

The consensus was used as a formula to facilitate talks and closer ties between Taiwan and China when the KMT was in power from 2008 to 2016, but Lai’s Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has never accepted it.

Lai stated in the interview that Taiwan “absolutely cannot accept the ‘One China’ principle of the ‘1992 consensus'” because that would “be equivalent to transferring Taiwan’s sovereignty” to China.

Lai also noted Taiwan’s cooperation with various “democratic camp” alliances, such as the Quadrilateral Security Alliance (QUAD), AUKUS, and the Five Eyes Alliance that he said are “increasingly standing together.” (ANI)

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-Top News India News Politics

Rahul hails SC’s observations, slams BJP’s ‘bulldozer policy’

Rahul Gandhi added that the country will be run according to B.R. Ambedkar’s Constitution, and not by the rule of power…reports Asian Lite News

The Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, on Monday hailed the Supreme Court which came down heavily on ‘bulldozer justice’, questioning how can a house be demolished just because it belongs to an accused or even a convict in a criminal case.

A bench headed by Justice B.R. Gavai stressed that even unauthorised construction has to be demolished in “accordance with law” and state authorities cannot resort to demolition of property of accused as a punishment.

Welcoming the top court’s observations, Rahul Gandhi said in a post on X that the “anti-constitutional face of the BJP, which crushes humanity and justice under the bulldozer, has now been exposed in front of the country”.

“The bulldozer, which has become a symbol of unbridled power, has continuously challenged the law with arrogance by trampling on civil rights and freedom,” he said.

The Congress leader added that under the guise of ‘quick justice’, the households of the Bahujans and the poor often suffer due to the bulldozer policy implemented by the BJP governments across the country to establish “rule of fear”.

“We hope that the Supreme Court will issue clear guidelines on this very sensitive subject and protect the citizens from this ‘anti-democratic campaign’ of the BJP governments in several states across the country,” the Congress leader said.

He added that the country will be run according to B.R. Ambedkar’s Constitution, and not by the rule of power.

Earlier, the Supreme Court mulled the formation of pan-India guidelines against the demolition of property of individuals accused of committing criminal offences.

The Bench, also comprising Justice K.V. Viswanathan, remarked that not only an accused, but the house of a convict can also not meet such a fate, clarifying the apex court‘s intention to not protect unauthorised structures.

Posting the matter for hearing after two weeks, it asked parties to place on record their suggestions for framing of guidelines.

Echoing similar views, Solicitor General (SG) Tushar Mehta, appearing for the Uttar Pradesh government, stated that no immovable property should be demolished because the owner/occupant is alleged to have been involved in the commission of an offence.

He also said that the state authorities in Uttar Pradesh took action in accordance with the municipal law after the violators did not reply to the show-cause notices issued to them.

ALSO READ: Defence Ministry to take up mega warship, battle tank projects

Asia News India News Politics

Congress’ Haryana list to be out in two days

When asked about Vinesh Phogat contesting the elections on a Congress seat, he said that that party will clarify this on Tuesday….reports Asian Lite News

After the Congress’ Central Election Committee meeting, AICC in-charge of Haryana Deepak Babaria said that the party’s list for the Haryana polls will be out within two days, adding that the party will clarify about Olympian wrestler Vinesh Phogat on Tuesday whether she fights the Haryana election on a Congress ticket or not.

“Discussion on 49 seats was taken up and 34 of them have been declared. 15 seats have been sent for review. Out of the 34 cleared seats, 22 are MLA seats. The pending names will be cleared in the next 2-3 days,” Babaria told ANI on Monday.

When asked about Vinesh Phogat contesting the elections on a Congress seat, he said that that party will clarify this on Tuesday.

“We will clarify about Vinesh Phogat tomorrow. The list would also be out within two days,” he added.

At the Paris Olympics, Vinesh was disqualified from the 50 kg gold medal bout after she was found to be 100 gms overweight. The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) also dismissed her petition to be awarded a joint silver. She announced her retirement from wrestling on August 8, a day after her disqualification. Since her return home there has been intense speculation that she would enter active politics like her cousin Babita who is a BJP MLA.

Earlier, a Congress Central Election Committee meeting was held at AICC to select the candidates for the Haryana Assembly Polls. The meeting was chaired by Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge, LoP in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi was present in the meeting along with other members of CEC.

The elections in Haryana will be held in a single phase on October 5, and the counting of votes will happen on October 8.

Notably, the Election Commission of India (ECI) on August 31, revised the polling day for Haryana Assembly polls from October 1 to October 5, this year, as well as moved the counting of votes for both Jammu and Kashmir and Haryana assemblies from October 4 to October 8. (ANI)

ALSO READ: Defence Ministry to take up mega warship, battle tank projects

Asia News Environment India News

Rescue, relief ops continue in flood-hit Vijayawada

Five helicopters from the Indian Air Force (IAF) and the Navy and 228 boats were used for the rescue and relief operations in Vijayawada….reports Asian Lite News

Rescue and relief operations in flood-hit Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh continued on Tuesday while the floods at Prakasam Barrage were gradually receding, providing some relief to people, officials said.

Five helicopters from the Indian Air Force (IAF) and the Navy and 228 boats were used for the rescue and relief operations in Vijayawada and other flood-hit areas of NTR district, Krishna and Bapatla districts.

As many as 26 teams of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and 21 teams of the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) were carrying out the operations in the flood-hit areas.

According to officials of the Disaster Management Department, NDRF teams airlifted 240 persons and dropped 40 tonnes of food items.

The helicopters of the IAF and Navy were used to airlift 22 people stranded in flood-affected areas and drop 7,070 kg of food items.

Officials said 22 teams each of NDRF and SDRF were deployed in Vijayawada and other parts of NTR, which is the worst affected district.

Heavy rains and floods since Saturday have claimed 17 lives while two persons were missing. NTR district accounted for nine deaths while seven deaths were reported from the Guntur district and one died in the Palnadu district.

The floods affected 4.15 lakh people. Over 43,000 people were shifted to 163 relief camps in NTR, Guntur, Krishna, Eluru, Palnadu, Bapatla and Prakasam districts.

A total of 228 boats (174 motorised and 54 non-motorised) were arranged to evacuate people from inundated areas. As many as 315 active swimmers were engaged along with boats for rescue operations.

Several residential areas in Vijayawada were inundated after Budameru rivulet breached at six places. Ajithsingh Nagar and surrounding areas in the city remained inundated on Tuesday.

In some relief for the people of Vijayawada, flood flow at Prakasam Barrage across Krishna River receded. The flood discharge into the sea through 70 gates of the barrage came down to 9.40 lakh cusecs on Tuesday morning. It had reached 11.50 lakh cusecs on Monday, triggering fears of flood in Lanka villages downstream.

The second warning signal remained in force at Prakasam Barrage with the water level standing at 20 feet. Five wooden boats remained stuck in Gate Number 69. This has damaged the pillar of the gate. The officials of the irrigation department are likely to take up repair once the floods recede.

ALSO READ: Defence Ministry to take up mega warship, battle tank projects

India News Jammu & Kashmir Politics

BJP’s J&K chief to contest from Nowshera constituency

Earlier on August 27, the BJP issued its third list of 29 candidates for the second and third phases of the upcoming Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir….reports Asian Lite News

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Monday released the fourth list of candidates for the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly elections and fielded party unit chief Ravinder Raina from the Nowshera constituency.

The BJP has fielded Ravinder Raina from the Nowshera seat, Arif Raja from the Eidgah seat, Er. Aijaz Hussain from the Lal Chowk seat, Dr Ali Mohammad Mir from the Khansahib seat, Zahid Hussain from Chrar-i-Sharif seat and Vibodh Gupta from the Rajouri (ST) seat.

Earlier on August 27, the BJP issued its third list of 29 candidates for the second and third phases of the upcoming Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir.

The party fielded Murtaza Khan from Mendhar, Sunil Bhardwaj from Ramnagar (SC), Chowdhary Abdul Ghani from Poonch Haveli, Pawan Gupta from Udhampur West, Mohd Iqbal Malik from Thannamandi, and Baldev Raj Sharma from Shri Mata Vaishno Devi, among others.

This comes after the party released the first two lists of 16 candidates on August 26.

Polling in Jammu and Kashmir will be conducted in three phases on September 18, 25, and October 1. The counting of votes will take place on October 8.

Jammu and Kashmir has 90 assembly constituencies, with 7 seats reserved for Scheduled Castes (SCs) and 9 for Scheduled Tribes (STs).

As per the Election Commission of India, Jammu and Kashmir has 88.06 lakh eligible electors.

In the previous Assembly elections, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) won 28 seats, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) secured 25, the Jammu and Kashmir National Conference (NC) won 15, and the Congress won 12.

These upcoming elections will be the first in Kashmir since the abrogation of Article 370.

‘Omar wanted to form govt with BJP in 2014’

Former senior National Conference (NC) leader and now BJP leader Devender Singh Rana claimed that Omar Abdullah met with BJP leaders Amit Shah and Ram Madhav in 2014 to request the formation of a government with NC.

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Devender Singh Rana, on Monday said, “Omar Abdullah is trying to mislead the people of Kashmir by telling them that every political party except National Conference is with the BJP. In 2014, when I was a part of the National Conference, we knocked on every door asking people to form govt with us as we had only 15 people. Omar Abdullah says that at the time they met Amit Shah and Ram Madhav to urge them to form govt with NC. As at the time BJP had declined NC’s request, they are saying all this now.”

He also added that between August 2019 and October 2021, many attempts were made by the National Conference to get in touch with BJP leadership to form some kind of association.

“Between 5th August 2019 and October 2021, when I was in the National Conference, many attempts were made to get in touch with BJP leadership to form some kind of association. Omar Abdullah should tell the truth. National Conference will not form govt…We have no alliance with any political party in Jammu and Kashmir,” he said.

Congress and the National Conference have allied for the assembly polls in Jammu and Kashmir.

ALSO READ: Defence Ministry to take up mega warship, battle tank projects

-Top News Defence India News

Defence Ministry to take up mega warship, battle tank projects

Defence sources indicated that the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) is expected to approve issuing a tender worth approximately Rs 70,000 crore to Indian shipyards…reports Asian Lite News

Amid the ongoing standoff with China, the Defence Ministry is set to undertake major projects, including the construction of seven advanced frigates for the Indian Navy and the Indian Army’s proposal to replace its T-72 tanks with modern Future Ready Combat Vehicles (FRCVs).

The meeting, chaired by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, is scheduled for Tuesday at South Block and will be attended by top officials, including the Chief of Defence Staff, the three service chiefs, the Defence Secretary, and other relevant officials.

The Indian Navy’s plan involves acquiring seven new warships under Project 17 Bravo, which will be the most advanced stealth frigates ever built in India, following the Nilgiri-class frigates currently under construction, according to defence officials.

Defence sources indicated that the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) is expected to approve issuing a tender worth approximately Rs 70,000 crore to Indian shipyards under the ‘Make in India’ initiative, including private sector shipyards.

The tender will likely involve Category A shipyards, such as Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders, Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Limited, Goa Shipyard Limited, and Larsen & Toubro, among others. To expedite the project and prevent delays, the tender is expected to be split between two shipyards, though specific details will be available only after the project’s approval.

Currently, Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders and Garden Reach Shipbuilders are constructing frigates under Project 17A (Nilgiri-class), with four frigates being built by MDL and three by GRSE.

The Indian Army’s proposal to replace its Russian-origin T-72 tanks with 1,700 FRCVs will also be discussed at the meeting. The Army plans to replace the T-72s with indigenous FRCVs, which will be built under the Make-1 procedure of the Defence Acquisition Procedure.

Indian vendors will be required to manufacture the tanks with over 60 per cent indigenous content, and major companies like Bharat Forge and Larsen & Toubro are expected to participate in the tender.

The Indian Army aims to complete the FRCV project in phases, with approximately 600 tanks being built in each phase. Additionally, the Army is expected to propose acquiring around 100 BMP-2 infantry combat vehicles during the high-level meeting. The overall FRCV project is likely to cost over Rs 50,000 crore, aimed at modernising the force’s Armoured Regiments. (ANI)

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