-Top News Arab News

Bahrain mourns the death of Prime Minister

Bahrain’s Prime Minister, His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa passed away this morning at Mayo Clinic Hospital in the United States of America.

By order of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the Royal Court of Bahrain has declared official mourning for the Prime Minister.

The burial ceremony will take place after the repatriation of the body, and the funeral will be limited to a number of relatives.

The Bahrain King ordered the announcement of an official mourning for a week during which flags will be flown at half-mast, reports Bahrain news Agency.

Government ministries and departments will be closed for three days starting Thursday.

Also Read: Israeli airline to commence direct flights to Bahrain

-Top News Arab News Asia News Iraq

COVID-19 infections exceed half a million in Iraq

Iraqi officials believe that such rates are widely acceptable with daily recoveries either higher than or equal to the daily COVID-19 infections….reports Asian Lite News

Sayf al-Badr, Iraqi Health Ministry’s spokesman, said that the COVID-19 pandemic is under control in the country and the ministry has followed plans to contain the increase in infections.

“Until now, the health situation is under control and we affirm the need for the citizens to adhere to the health-protective measures,” al-Badr told Xinhua in an interview on Tuesday.

The recovery rate from the coronavirus in Iraq is about 86 percent and the death rate is about 2 per cent, according to the Health Ministry’s reports.

Iraqi officials believe that such rates are widely acceptable with daily recoveries either higher than or equal to the daily COVID-19 infections.

In recent months, the Iraqi Health Ministry has followed a multi-pronged anti-COVID-19 plan despite the fragile health systems amid years of wars, conflicts, and corruption that left heavy damage to its health institutions.

The ministry has worked on increasing hospitals’ capacity, managing so far to provide more than 11,000 hospital beds after opening several makeshift hospitals across the country, and providing medical protocols to treat COVID-19 patients.

It is also working to bring in the coronavirus vaccines after being approved by international health organizations and is seeking to make Iraq one of the first countries to receive such vaccines.

The ministry on Monday said that 501,733 people had been infected with COVID-19 since the outbreak of the disease in the country in February, of whom 11,380 had died, while 432,233 patients had recovered.

The Iraqi health official repeatedly attributed the increase of COVID-19 infections to the public’s failure to comply with health instructions and to a stronger testing capacity with the increase of labs in Baghdad and other provinces.

From the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, the Iraqi Health Ministry has struggled to increase its testing capacity. It has increased the number of laboratories to 70 and will open new labs in the coming days, in addition to training the health staff on working on PCR labs.

The ministry also plans to enhance health awareness by increasing health programs broadcast on Iraqi Health Radio that covers all Iraqi provinces.

Mohammed Ghanim Mahdi, director of the National Center of the Teaching Laboratories of the Medical City, said that the laboratory is well-equipped and is taking part in the ministry’s efforts to contain the pandemic.

The director said that the work is going on in the Chinese-donated and built laboratory and “our situation now is stable and much better compared with five or six months ago in terms of preparing and supplying laboratory materials for detecting infection with the coronavirus.”

Mahdi praised China’s early medical aid to Iraq, including the efforts made by the Chinese expert team at the beginning of the pandemic, saying that “the Chinese team helped us build and equip the PCR laboratory and we are still in constant contact with them (the Chinese experts).”

Also read:Iraqi forces carry out major anti-IS offensive

-Top News Arab News

US State Dept. nods F 35 sale to the UAE

The US State Department approved F-35 fighter jets sale to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), an arms sale which was questioned by some congressional Democrats.

In a statement, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced a massive arms sale package with an estimated price tag of US $23.37 billion, which includes up to 50 F-35 jets worth US $10.4 billion, 18 MQ-9B drones worth US $2.97 billion, and US $10 billion of munitions.

“The proposed sale will make the UAE even more capable and interoperable with US partners in a manner fully consistent with America’s longstanding commitment to ensuring Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge,” said the statement.

Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge refers to a US legal standard that Israel maintains a military technologic edge over other regional countries.

Reports said that the F-35 deal between the United States and the UAE was a part of the US-brokered agreement to normalize ties between the UAE and Israel that had been signed in September.

F-35 fighter jet during a training exercise

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu initially opposed the UAE’s purchase of the F-35, but Israel’s position changed after the United States pledged to ensure Israel’s military edge in the region.

The State Department informally notified Congress of the F-35 sale two weeks ago, leading to concerns among congressional Democrats.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel said in a statement at the end of October that Congress must analyze all of the ramifications of the export of F-35. “Rushing these sales is not in anyone’s interest.”

The Democratic congressman noted that the potential F-35 sale to the UAE would change the military balance in the Gulf and affect Israel’s military edge. He also expressed concerns about the possible leaks of F-35’s sensitive technology, and the sale might generate demands from other Arab states for advanced weapons in exchange for normalization with Israel.

The proposed sale needs to be approved by Congress. If the sale is completed, the UAE will become only the second country in the region to fly these stealth fighter jets after Israel.

Also Read: US-UAE F 35 deal underway

Also Read: F-35s to the UAE: Trump Admin notifies congress

-Top News Arab News

Asian Lite Daily Digital – November 11, 2020 – ‘UAE Will Not Accept Interference From Iran, Turkey’

‘UAE Will Not Accept Interference From Iran, Turkey’; Huge public engagement for ‘Designing the Next 50’; Advantage BJP as Nitish Withers in Bihar – all in Asian Lite Daily – click here to read the full edition.

-Top News Arab News Asia News

Israeli airline to commence direct flights to Bahrain

In the first phase, the new route will include two weekly flights starting from January 31, 2021…reports Asian Lite News

Israel’s Israir has announced that it will operate direct passenger flights to Bahrain, becoming the first airline to announce a regular direct route between the two countries after they agreed to fully normalise relations in September.

In a statement on Monday, the airline said that flights from the Ben Gurion International Airpor outside Tel Aviv, to the Bahrain International Airport near the capital Manama will take about two and a half hours, reports Xinhua news agency.

In the first phase, the new route will include two weekly flights starting from January 31, 2021.

The direct flights became possible after Saudi Arabia agreed in early September to allow Israeli planes to fly over its territory.

In September, Israir announced it will operate direct passenger flights to the United Arab Emirates, which also signed a normalization agreement with Israel.

Also last month, Arkia, Israel’s second-largest airline, had announced direct flight services to Dubai, which will begin from January 3, 2021.

Also read:1st lawsuit filed against Israeli settlers in West Bank

-Top News Arab News

PLO Secretary General succumbs to COVID 19

Saeb Erekat, the Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), died Tuesday, weeks after being infected by the coronavirus, reports Arab News. He was a veteran peace negotiator and prominent international spokesman for the Palestinians for more than three decades.

The 65 year old American-educated Erekat was involved in nearly every round of peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians going back to the landmark Madrid conference in 1991, when he famously showed up draped in a black-and-white checkered keffiyeh, a symbol of Palestinian nationalism.

Over the next few decades Erekat was a constant presence in Western media, where he tirelessly advocated for a negotiated two-state solution to the decades-old conflict, defended the Palestinian leadership and blamed Israel for the failure to reach an agreement, the report added.

Also Read: Palestine congratulates Biden, expects change

-Top News Arab News Asia News

1st lawsuit filed against Israeli settlers in West Bank

“The lawsuit includes a claim for compensation for the material loss and moral damage caused by the settlers’ demolition of the house built in Area B,” Mansour added….reports Asian Lite News

For the first time since the establishment of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in 1994, a Palestinian man in the West Bank has filed a lawsuit against Israeli settlers who “vandalised” his home.

Muntaser Mansour, the 30-year-old owner of a 170-square-meter home under construction in the village of Burin, south of the West Bank city of Nablus, told Xinhua news agency on Monday that he demands compensation for the damage caused by the Israeli settlers.

“The lawsuit includes a claim for compensation for the material loss and moral damage caused by the settlers’ demolition of the house built in Area B,” Mansour added.

Under the Oslo peace accords signed between Israel and the Palestinians in 1993, the West Bank was divided into three areas: Area A under the full control of the PA, Area B under joint Israeli-Palestinian control, and Area C under full Israeli control.

Mansour said that he demands compensation also because he has been deprived of the rights to build the house for eight years which forced his family to live in a rented house.

Mansour, whose house is located in an area between two Israeli settlements, accused the Israeli authorities and settlers of preventing him from rebuilding his house in a bid to link the two settlements.

Since the 1967 Middle East war, Israel has built dozens of settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, which have been one of the major disputes between Israel and the PA that has stalled the peace process.

The Palestinian cabinet recently decided to form a national team to prosecute Israeli settlers accused of committing crimes against the Palestinian residents in the Palestinian courts.

Minister of Justice Mohammed al-Shalaldeh told Xinhua that the international law and international humanitarian law regulate the relationship between Israel and the Palestinians.

In the Oslo accords, there is a provision for civil jurisdiction over the Israelis’ damage caused to the Palestinians, he noted.

The Minister added that the legal basis of these lawsuits are not the Oslo accords, but the international law.

Also read:Palestine congratulates Biden, expects change

-Top News Arab News UAE News

GCC, China meet to forge closer ties

Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation chaired the meeting that was held virtually with the participation of GCC Foreign Ministers, in attendances of Dr. Nayef Falah M. Al Hajraf, GCC Secretary-General…reports Asian Lite News

The UAE has chaired a joint meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of GCC countries with Wang Li, State Counselor, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China.

Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation chaired the meeting that was held virtually with the participation of GCC Foreign Ministers, in attendances of Dr. Nayef Falah M. Al Hajraf, GCC Secretary-General.

Addressing the meeting,Sheikh Abdullah said, “We gather today, a few days after the passing of the wise leader, the prince of diplomacy and humanity, Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmed Al Sabah, the Emir of Kuwait. The late Emir always undertook great efforts to build and maintain a collective consensus towards peace and stability; and he exerted successful diplomatic mediation efforts on numerous regional and international issues.

He was a very popular leader, loved and welcomed by everyone, and his sincere efforts have always been highly recognised and appreciated by all. We all ask Allah to lay his soul peacefully in heaven, and that His Highness Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, the Emir of Kuwait, and his Crown Prince, Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, guide the path of peace, development and stability in the brotherly State of Kuwait.”

Sheikh Abdullah noted, “We highly appreciate and commend the cooperation of the People’s Republic of China with the GCC countries to address and combat the Covid-19 pandemic through the provision of equipment, medications, and through the partnerships in developing vaccines against the pandemic. We look forward to further closer ties in this regard.”

He emphasised that the People’s Republic of China is one of the GCC’s most prominent trading partners, with trade surge over ten times, from about USD16.3 billion in 2001 to about USD 167.7 billion in 2018, and the signing of the FTA which will promote strategic cooperation and partnership.

Reem bint Ibrahim Al Hashemy, Minister of State for International Cooperation and a number of top GCC and Chinese officials attended the meeting.

Also read:UAE, Uzbekistan discuss boosting ties

-Top News Arab News

Asian Lite Daily Digital – November 10, 2020 – Arab League Hails UN Move on Palestine

Arab League Hails UN Move on Palestine; Abu Dhabi’s Hudayriyat Entertainment District opens on November 10; World Leaders Eager To Join Biden On Climate Action; China Worried Over Its Foreign Policy Fallout; Tibet Seeks Renewed Policy Under Biden Admin – all in Asian Lite Daily Digital – click here to read the full edition.

-Top News Arab News

Arab League lauds pro-Palestinian UN resolutions

The resolutions were passed on Novermber 4 by a committee at the UN General Assembly with overwhelming majorities and were supported by the three Arab countries with which Israel recently signed normalization deals as well as most European states….reports Asian Lite News

The Arab League (AL) has welcomed the recent endorsement of six UN resolutions in favour of the Palestinian people and their rights and opposing Israeli practices, the Cairo-based body said in a statement.

“This vote reflects the commitment of the international community towards the Palestinian cause and the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, foremost of which is the right to self-determination and the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes,” Xinhua news agency quoted Saeed Abu Ali, AL assistant secretary general for Palestine affairs and occupied Arab territories, as saying in the statement issued on Sunday.

The resolutions were passed on Novermber 4 by a committee at the UN General Assembly with overwhelming majorities and were supported by the three Arab countries with which Israel recently signed normalization deals as well as most European states.

The renewed resolutions support the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which helps the Palestinian refugees, and criticize the Israeli settlement expansion on occupied Palestinian territories.

The massive endorsement shows international commitment to “the important role that UNRWA has been playing since its establishment in providing vital services to more than 5.5 million refugees”, said the AL official.

He also urged the states that promised financial contributions to UNRWA to fulfill their commitments so that the pro-Palestinian agency could continue its work and overcome the additional challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic.

Also last week, the Israeli forces demolished a small Palestinian village in the occupied West Bank, leaving over 70 civilians homeless including 41 minors, a move that was slammed by the UN and the European Union.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been going on for decades, following the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands and the Western-backed creation of Israel in 1948.

The Palestinians seek to establish their own independent state on the 1967 borders, based on the UN-proposed two-state solution.

Also read:5th Israeli Minister tests positive for Covid 19