Lifestyle Lite Blogs

A simple change ‘in the way of life’

Sleeping for 7.5+ hours every night is amazing for: Optimal fat loss, brain function, recovery from workouts etc…reports Asian Lite News

“The first thing we must recognise is that every system in our body is interconnected. So, our physical health affects our mental health, and our mental health affects our physical health, and both should work together. As a result, I wouldn’t call these rules because they are a way of life,” says Yash Vardhan Swami, Nutritionist, Health and Fitness expert.

Ensuring that nutrition is on point

That doesn’t mean that we keep on eating salads all the time, but it ensures we nourish our body with all the nutrients it needs from protein, carbohydrates, fats to all the vitamins and minerals. While ensuring that our total caloric intake is in line with our body composition goals. While also ensuring that we have our favourite and staple foods in our diet. We should also remember that 50-60 per cent of our body is made up of water and we need adequate water intake for optimal health, brain function etc.

Next comes exercising and activity

Exercising at least 3-5 times/week is great for our physical and mental health. Any form of exercise which is safe for us, and we enjoy, is a great start for most of us. Coupling that up with staying active on a daily basis and walking more steps (8-10k steps) makes a perfect combination.

Next comes sleep

Sleeping for 7.5+ hours every night is amazing for: Optimal fat loss, brain function, recovery from workouts etc. Sleeping enough also improves our productivity and reduces cravings, hunger, reduces inflammation and emotional reactivity.

Stress management and mindfulness

On the other spectrum, stress management is equally important, if stress is managed properly, it can actually help us perform better and achieve our goals. Remember, quality of our thoughts dictate quality of our life. So, we should be actively working on our mind, improving ourselves and reducing our ‘mental’ vices. Meditating regularly and having a gratitude journaling routine is a game changer for these.

Environment and routine management

Environment management includes everything in our environment. Starting from food in the kitchen to our habits and people we follow on social media. Are we giving enough time to our self-growth and to the people who matter to us? It also extends to the kind of people we surround ourselves with. Some questions to ask ourselves: Do they inspire us? Do they support us and our goals? Do they help us improve? Does our routine make us healthier, improve us a human or make us more productive? I would highly recommend having a morning and pre-sleep routine.

ALSO READ-When running away from diabetes became a lifeline

Health Lite Blogs

Heart Failure Awareness Month 2022 SPECIAL: Heart needs care

It is good to have regular conversations with your cardiologist. Report new or worsening symptoms you observe immediately. These timely check-ups will help you keep track of your progress and get the right advice at the right time…reports Asian Lite News

Taking care of one’s heart is crucial, especially if one is suffering from heart failure. Heart failure is the inability of the heart to pump blood efficiently, as seen by shortness of breath, fast heartbeat, and exhaustion. Heart Failure Awareness Month in 2022 is a fantastic time to promote awareness about the issue while also providing simple advice to help heart failure patients live better and happier lives.

Heart failure is a chronic illness that can be adequately controlled with the right treatment and care. Heart failure patients can greatly benefit from regular interactions with their cardiologists, adherence to prescribed treatment plans, and adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Dr K Sarat Chandra, Senior Cardiologist at Apollo Spectra Hospital, Hyderabad, former Editor, Indian Heart Journal and former President, Cardiological Society of India said, “In India, heart failure is an increasing problem and the reasons for this are the high prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, chronic kidney disease and heart attack. Very often we see younger people coming with these conditions. To prevent these problems, we need to improve our lifestyle, do regular exercise, stop smoking and limit alcohol intake. Also control blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. Regarding heart failure, a number of new treatments have come into practice and early treatment will benefit our patients.” Here are a few tips for all heart failure patients:

* Talk to your cardiologist!

It is good to have regular conversations with your cardiologist. Report new or worsening symptoms you observe immediately. These timely check-ups will help you keep track of your progress and get the right advice at the right time.

Inadequate blood flow to the kidneys causes the body to retain water and fluids which leads to swollen legs, abdomen and ankles, increased urination, and weight gain. High salt consumption is known to cause extra fluid build-up in your body and worsens heart failure. Therefore, keep your salt intake in check by lowering salt levels in your meals, replacing salt with herbs and spices or choosing ‘low-salt’ or preferably ‘no salt added’ when buying canned or frozen foods.

* Track your fluid intake

Drinking a lot of fluids can worsen your heart failure. It is advisable to limit beverages like tea, juice, and soft drinks, as well as foods with high water content like soups, watermelon or even ice cream! Quick weight gain can be a sign of fluid build-up in your body

* Stick to the prescribed treatment

Staying on top of taking your medications as prescribed is crucial for effective heart failure management. Use reminders or alarms to never miss a dose or an appointment! If you live alone, paste sticky notes on your cabinets or refrigerator as an easy reminder.

According to Prof. (Dr.) Sundeep Mishra, former Professor of Cardiology Department of AIIMS and presently Vice-Chancellor (President) of NIMS University, “With the increasing burden of Heart Failure in India, especially in the younger population, it is necessary to recognize it – as a public health priority. The key reason for the rise in heart failure cases is the growing dependency on a sedentary lifestyle, higher consumption of salt, sugar and fat in the diet and rising stress levels. Although, heart failure can be still managed better by regular treatment and regular conversations with a cardiologist and a holistic treatment plan can help one manage the condition better.” (ANI)

ALSO READ-Yoga to manage travel anxiety

Food Lite Blogs Recipes

Healthy recipes for worthy lifestyle

Luke Coutinho, Co-founder of You Care Lifestyle shares some healthy recipes.

Puran Poli

Puran Poli is a flat roti stuffed with sweet lentil filling made from split Bengal gram/chana dal and organic jaggery. In Marathi, this sweet filling is called puran and the roti is called poli.


For Puran:

1 cup organic jaggery (250ml) – 1 cup chana dal (skinned split Bengal gram soaked for 12 14 hours with water being changed every 6-7 hours) -3 cups water to pressure cook the chana Dal -2 tsp ghee (A2 organic ghee)

1 tsp cardamom powder

1 tsp fennel powder – 1/4 tsp nutmeg powder

For the Poli(roti):

1.5 cups organic khapali wheat 4 tbsp ghee (A2 organic ghee)

1/2 tsp pink salt

1/4 tsp organic turmeric

Water as required to knead the dough.

Method to make the Puran:

Rinse the soaked chana dal, in a pressure cooker

Preparing the poli(roti):

– Take a medium-sized ball from the dough prepared to roll it to 3 inches in circumference on the rolling board.

– Place the Puran mixture in the center.

– Bring the edges together and join all the edges. 4. Sprinkle some flour and start rolling the dough till a medium-size poli is made.

– On a heated griddle, spread some ghee and place the poli.

– When the inner side gets brown flip it over and apply ghee.

– If everything is done well the Puran poli will puff and brown spots will appear.

– Serve hot with a topping off ghee on top.

Notes: Soaking of chana dal for 12- 14 hours releases the phytic acid and they become more easily digestible.

– Soaking helps in faster cooking of the chana daltoo and hence making it softer and easily digestible.

– Cardamom resolves digestive issues.

– Nutmeg boosts immunity and fennel powder hasanti-inflammatory properties.

– Organic jaggery is loaded with antioxidants andminerals.

– Puran Poli is loaded with iron, calcium and is acereal pulse combination which makes it acomplete protein.

– Khapali wheat is rich in complex carbs, fiber, trace minerals, and amino acids.

Alu Vadi

Pelting Mumbai rains call for the most comforting tea-time snack -Alu Vadi is a perfect tea- time match.



Sharp knife


6 large fresh colocasia leaves arvi/arbi/taro leaves

200 g chickpea flour besan

50 g rice flour

50 g sattu flour

2 tsp ground cinna

1 tsp immunity powder

2 tsp ground Ceylon/Srilankan cinnamon

1/4 tsp Ajwain

1 tsp ground fennel seeds

1 tsp chili powder

1/2 tsp ground cumin seeds

1 1/2 tsp salt

1 inch ginger peeled and grated

2 green chillies optional

5 tbsp fresh tamarind pulp

100 g jaggery powder

500 ml water

For the tempering

For the tadka:

1 tbsp cold pressed coconut oil or unrefined mustard oil

1 tbsp mustard seeds

1 tsp asafoetida

2 tbsp sesame seeds

10-12 curry leaves

2 tbsp fresh coriander leaves to garnish.


To prepare the Colocasia leaves:

– Begin by wiping the colocasia leaves.

– Clean with a damp kitchen towel.

– Clean both sides thoroughly.

– Use a sharp knife to laterally trim the thick spine that runs down the leaf.

– Simply run the knife across the stalk to flatten it so it feels flat to the touch.

– Continue this process for all of the veins that branch out from the centre.

– Repeat the trimming for all the leaves.

To make the batter:

– In a large bowl, combine the chickpea flour, rice flour,sattu flour, ground cinnamon, immunity powder, ajwain,ground fennel seeds, ground cumin seeds, chilli powder, and salt.

– Whisk to combine.

– Add the grated ginger, green chilli paste, tamarind and jaggery powder.

– Slowly add the water, whisking all the time to ensure a smooth paste is formed without lumps.

– Continue whisking for 5 minutes until the paste is smooth.

– Set aside for 15 minutes.

To assemble the Alu Vadi-

– Organise the colocasia leaves by size.

– The assembly process will begin with the largest leaves to the smallest leaf.

– Take the largest colocasia leaf and lay it (dull side up) out on a clean, flat surface.

– Top with a large spoonful of batter.

– Use a rubber spatula, or your hands to spread the batter over the leaf.

– Take the second largest leaf and place it dull side-up in the opposite direction to the first leaf.

– It should look like a butterfly, the four corners resembling wings.

– Repeat the spreading process so that the second leaf is covered and place the next leaf in the opposite direction once again.

– Once all the five leaves are stacked, cover it finally with more batter.

– Fold one side of the leaves down to the center.

– Repeat for the other side so the leaves meet in the middle.

– It should form a rectangle.

– Cover with more batter.

– Starting from the short side, begin to form a tight roll.

– Ensure the roll is as tight as it can be without the batter squeezing out or the leaves breaking.

– Rub any remaining batter on the outside of the log to stick down any loose ends.

To steam the Alu Vadi:

– Heat up water and place the pot in a cooker.

– Grease a dish with a few drops of oil and place it in the pot.

– Place the rolls on the dish with the sealed side facing down.

– Close the lid and steam on medium heat for 15 minutes.

– Let it cool down and cut the roll into in wide pieces.

To finish the Alu Vadi:

– Slice the cooled Alu Vadi into 1/2cm pieces using a sharp knife.

– If you prefer a lighter snack, you can eat them steamed too.

For the tampering:

– Heat the oil in a pan.

– Add the mustard seeds once they crackle, add asafoetida, sesame seeds and curry leaves.

– Arrange the Alu vadi slices in the pan and cook on both sides until golden brown and crispy all over.

– Remove from the pan and garnish with fresh coriander leaves.

– Serve warm or at room temperature with masala chai.

Important Note:

– Do not consume taro leaves as a raw vegetable or in their raw state.

– They should be soaked first in clean water and then cooked for at least 30 minutes.

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Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Hug means a lot

While self-criticism can be a helpful motivator in some cases, too much of it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and despair…writes N. Lothungbeni Humtsoe

Whether you’re a kid who just sprained your knee, a 24-year-old going through a mid-life crisis, or a person over 60 looking to start a new inning in life. It is safe to say that enveloping our arms around the body is one of the most widely recognised forms of love.

Touch has that kind of power. Humans are born with a desire for physical affection and are socialised to crave it. It is one of our most basic requirements, along with food and water. And, while much has changed in the way we interact with one another over the years, the need for physical affection has not.

The science behind a hug

A 2013 study found that the act of hugging can change the levels in our endocrine system. “The endocrine system is made up of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream. These glands include the pineal gland, pancreas, hypothalamus, ovaries, and others. The study found that hugging can make us feel more comforted by changing the levels of hormones in the body.” said Goldy Nagdev, Managing Director, Hari Darshan Sevashram Pvt. Ltd.

“The hugged person’s hormone levels changed in a way that made them feel more comfortable and relaxed. The researchers believe that this happens because hugging releases oxytocin, which is a hormone that has been shown to reduce stress and promote feelings of happiness and bonding. This research shows that hugging can be a powerful tool for promoting well-being and reducing stress.”

No pain, no gain? False!

No pain, no gain does not stand valid anymore, especially not with the study proving self-hugs to be the cure for it – literally!

The hugs you give yourself may help relieve chronic pain! Researchers found that when people hug themselves, it causes their brains to get mixed up on where the hurt is located. The researchers suggest this outcome relates back to confusion about where exactly feels bad in our bodies-it can be anywhere from the head down low or vice versa depending on how we’re standing at any given moment when giving ourselves a potential embrace-but what really matters here? That there seems some truth behind theories claiming self-love improves moods by making individuals feel more confident and happier.

You got your back

“When you give yourself a hug, it can help you feel more connected to yourself and less alone. When you wrap your arms around your shoulders in an embrace it also triggers your brain to think of this gesture as social support. It offers many benefits such as promoting feelings of safety and security which is especially important during these times, now that we have realised post-Covid how we need ourselves more than any amenity, person or luxury in the world.” added Goldy Nagdev.

Hugs driving self-compassion to new highs

While self-criticism can be a helpful motivator in some cases, too much of it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and despair. On the other hand, self-compassion provides a sense of understanding and support during difficult times. As per renowned self-compassion researcher Kristin Neff, PhD, research has shown that self-compassion can lower cortisol levels, improve overall well-being, and even increase mindful acceptance and self-esteem. So the next time you’re feeling down on yourself, try giving yourself a hug-you just might find it makes a world of difference.

A hug a day keeps doctors away

Who would have thought that a hug a day could keep doctors away? In an interesting study conducted by Dr Sheldon Cohen, Professor of Psychology at Carnegie Mellon University. Some adults were exposed to the common cold virus and monitored for symptoms- but not only did they get sick less often than others before them; those who had received hugging treatments early on in life showed much fewer signs of illness when infected later on.

The University of North Carolina’s findings shows that hugging can keep us healthier by increasing white blood cells in the body. It is also believed to help with stress relief, which helps fight off infection!

Hugging it out all the way

A warm hug is more than just a gesture of affection. It is also a powerful tool for promoting understanding and reducing judgment. Goldy Nagdev, Managing Director, Hari Darshan Sevashram Pvt. Ltd. said: “When we hug someone, we are physically and emotionally close to them. This proximity encourages communication and positivity. It also helps to reduce the stress hormone cortisol, which can lead to greater feelings of hostility and judgment. The release of the joy hormone oxytocin during a hug also induces feelings of love and compassion, furthering the emotional bond between two people. In short, hugging is a classic expression of empathy that can help us to connect with others and build a more compassionate world.”

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Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Start meditating now

Over time you will observe a transformation in the amount of stress/anxiety you accumulate within. Simply closing your eyes and steadily breathing has a tremendous effect, especially when you acknowledge stressful situations arising. Meditation is so powerful to reduce anxiety…reports Samiksha Shetty

Contrary to popular belief, Meditation is not about zoning out and emptying your thoughts or mind. It’s about zoning inwards, acknowledging your thoughts, and then detaching from them without judgment.

The most common reactions I get when I talk about meditation are- “I cannot meditate”, “I cannot empty my mind”, “as soon as I empty my mind a thousand thoughts enter my mind”, “sitting for long hours hurts my back and hips” or “mediation makes me more anxious”. Well, all of this can be true if you throw yourself into the deep end of mediation without any experience.

Start from the basics. Preferably start by preparing your body through basic simple asanas (yoga stretches) and breathe through pranayama (breathing techniques). Find a place that is comfortable for you to meditate. Some people use a quiet space at home or in the office. You can meditate outside in nature as well.

. Meditation reduces stress, anxiety, and negative emotions: Meditation is a gift that you should dedicate to yourself every day. Use your breath to help de-stress and become more aware and present at the moment. Stress, anxiety, and negative emotions are unpredictable, they come and go as they please but through meditation, you can control the power they have over you and your mind.

Over time you will observe a transformation in the amount of stress/anxiety you accumulate within. Simply closing your eyes and steadily breathing has a tremendous effect, especially when you acknowledge stressful situations arising. Meditation is so powerful to reduce anxiety.

One of the main reasons people meditate is to help quiet a loud, overactive mind. Daily meditation might be able to help support the treatment and reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. This is because meditation helps fight stress and anxiety, which are both major triggers for depression.

. It helps increase focus, creativity, and productivity: Want to feel more creative and productive at work? Start meditating now! Meditation can encourage creative thinking and problem-solving. Meditation also helps us separate our emotions from our work, which helps us think more clearly and develop new ideas. Daily meditation can help you perform better at work! It helps increase your focus and attention and improves your ability to multitask. Meditation helps clear our minds and helps us focus on the present moment – which gives you a huge productivity boost.

. Boasts emotional intelligence: Unless you make the effort to observe your thoughts and attempt to understand what the mind is doing, you are never going to learn about your inner self. Many of us have trouble understanding our emotions. Meditation teaches us how to be more aware of our feelings and emotions and helps us process them better. Simply believing every thought that pops in your head and living under your mind’s umbrella is not constructive. Practising meditation changes how you think and helps you learn to understand your emotions without having to act upon them.

. Improves Sleep: A variety of meditation techniques can help you relax and control runaway thoughts that interfere with your sleep cycle. This can shorten the time it takes to fall asleep and increase the quality of your sleep.

Helps fight addictions: Meditation develops mental awareness and can help you manage triggers for unwanted impulses. This can help you recover from addiction, manage unhealthy eating habits, and redirect other unwanted habits.

Boosts immunity: Regular meditation has been shown to help boost your immune system. It increases electrical activity in the left side of the brain which is responsible for your immune system. It was also found that those who meditate have higher counts of antibodies in their blood, which helps fight illness.

. Get more out of your workout: Exercise, especially HIIT workouts (High-intensity interval training) and long hours of cardio can do a number on your muscles and your central nervous system. Such workouts could unintentionally cause stress on the body and the mind and cause an increase in your cortisol levels in the body. Meditation allows you to deeply rest your body and mind removing stress from your physiology. With meditation’s ability to reduce our stress levels, we’re able to perform our workouts at an optimal level and at the same time meditation might also help minimize sensitivity to pain.

After reading all these amazing benefits, isn’t mediation worth a try?

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Health Lite Blogs

Here’s how you can tackle belly fat

Certain yoga asanas are specifically designed to reduce belly fat. They burn calories, increase muscle flexibility, and boost metabolism while targeting abdominal flab… reports Asian Lite News

Belly fat develops as a result of age, genetics, a sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, a lack of regular exercise, and stress. And it can further cause stress by making you insecure. Yoga and a well-balanced diet can help you lose tummy fat.

Yoga is a great way to lose weight. And it’s also safer than gym workouts, putting less unnecessary strain on your muscles, and allowing you to reduce fat in a natural way. Certain yoga asanas are specifically designed to reduce belly fat. They burn calories, increase muscle flexibility, and boost metabolism while targeting abdominal flab. All you have to do is stick to the schedule and practise the yoga poses on a regular basis.

Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee Pose)

Sit on the floor with your right leg extended forward.

Bend your left knee out to your side. Make sure your left foot is pressing into your right inner thigh.

Inhale deeply and raise your arms above.

As you exhale, bend at your hips, folding forward towards your right leg.

Hold your outstretched right foot with your hands, stretching forwards.

Hold this pose for a few seconds and then relax.

Repeat with left leg.

Halasana (Plow Pose)

Lie on your back with your hands to your side.

Lift your legs to the point that they are perpendicular to the floor.

Bend your elbows, placing your palms under your waist.

With your hands, push your legs over your head till they are at a 180 angle. Try to touch your toes to the floor.

Hold this position for a few seconds and then relax.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Lie flat on your stomach, face down.

Put your hands beside your rib cage with your palms flat on the ground.

Press your palms to the floor, inhaling deeply while you lift your upper body (that is, your head, neck, shoulders and upper chest) off the ground.

Keep your breathing normal and steady.

Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Lie face down.

Bend your knees. You should be able to hold onto both of your ankles with your hands. Your knees should be hip-width apart.

Inhale deeply. Lift your chest and your thighs off the floor.

Hold this pose for 20 seconds.

Exhale as you relax.

Balasana (Child’s Pose)

Begin in a kneeling pose, sitting on your heels.

Inhaling deeply, bring your forehead to the ground.

Your arms should be placed on either side of your body. Breathe deeply.

Bring your right arm underneath your left shoulder and look to your right fingers.

Repeat on the other side.

Practicing these asanas on a regular basis with a healthy, well-balanced diet and some lifestyle changes can do wonders for you. If you want to explore weight loss through yoga further, you can also sign up for Yog Love’s Weight Loss and Detox Diet course which offers daily LIVE yoga classes to help you achieve your fitness goals.

ALSO READ-Yoga the best medicine for neurological disorders

Food Health Lite Blogs

Let’s make this summer ‘cool and fruity’

Apple is a delicious and nutritious fruit that is popular in almost all seasons. Apples are delicious in salads, smoothies, pies and desserts, and as a snack…writes Olivia Sarkar

Consuming water-rich fruit can help you meet nutrient requirements while also keeping you hydrated. If you don’t drink the recommended amount of water per day, fruits and vegetables can provide you with extra fluid, keeping you nourished and healthy. Fruit that is high in water content are popular in juices, smoothies, and snacks.

While summers can be extremely exhausting and force you to spend more time indoors to protect yourself from the sun, the exciting aspect of summer is delicious ice creams and fruit such as watermelons, strawberries, pineapples, and many more. This list of summer fruit is a great addition to your diet.


We know how much you love mangoes and they are undoubtedly our favourite part of the summer season! Mangoes are not only our favourite, but they are also used in a variety of desserts. They are high in antioxidants and, as a result, can boost immunity. They lower cholesterol and improve eye health. Mangoes are one of the best summer fruits because of all of these factors.


Watermelon is a summertime favourite for many people because it is not only delicious, but it is also high in nutrients. With a water content of approximately 90 per cent, this wonder fruit aids in the prevention of heart disease. Watermelon also aids in the production of the amino acid arginine, which aids in the immune system’s function.


Strawberries have numerous health benefits due to their high levels of vitamin C, manganese, folate, potassium, B vitamins, and flavonoids. Strawberries are extremely beneficial in preventing heart disease and in lowering bad cholesterol. Strawberries have a high fibre content, so if you have digestive issues, including them in your diet can help.


For its rich flavour and juicy texture, this delicious and juicy fruit is a favourite of many. Pineapples are high in Vitamin C, which is important for fighting cell damage and boosting your immune system. Pineapple’s high manganese content benefits bone health. It is also high in fibre and antioxidants.


Apple is a delicious and nutritious fruit that is popular in almost all seasons. Apples are delicious in salads, smoothies, pies and desserts, and as a snack. Apples have been shown to increase metabolic rate, improve heart health, and regulate blood sugar levels. They are high in vitamins and minerals, which help to maintain healthy bones, teeth, and skin.

We all believe in the adage, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and without a doubt, it does!


Cantaloupes are high in vitamin C and A, both of which help to boost immunity. Cantaloupes’ high potassium content aids in blood pressure regulation. Cantaloupe contains beta carotene, which aids in the prevention of cataracts and improves vision.

Because of its sweet flavour and health benefits, this low-calorie fruit is used to make a variety of delectable desserts. Cantaloupe infused in water makes an excellent summer health drink!


This fruit is high in Vitamin C, fibre, and antioxidants. Including papaya in your diet can help prevent cholesterol buildup in your arteries, boost immunity, and be an excellent source of vitamins for people with diabetes and those looking to lose weight.


Oranges are a favourite fruit of those who enjoy working out because it hydrates and energises your body, which is essential during workouts. Oranges have numerous health benefits, including lower cholesterol, improved heart function, and improved skin health due to their high Vitamin C content.

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Africa News Health

African island to eliminate malaria with With China’s medical expertise

Sao Tome and Principe, an island country off the west coast of Africa, is on its way to eliminating malaria with the help of Chinese doctors and medicine

 Sao Tome and Principe, an island country off the west coast of Africa, is on its way to eliminating malaria with the help of Chinese doctors and medicine.

The island country, home to over 200,000 people, has been seriously affected by malaria. It reported 2,000 cases in 2020.

The country is striving to eradicate the disease by 2025. “We still need to work hard to meet this goal, considering the tropical and humid weather here,” Guo Wenfeng, chief advisor of China’s expert team to the African island, told Xinhua.

Since March, Guo and his team have been in and out of the villages of the Agua-Grande district to conduct a mass treatment campaign against malaria, where a worrisome upward trend of malaria caseload has been reported.

The team, from the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, has the trick up its sleeve — Artequick, a Chinese-developed drug made of artemisinin, piperaquine and a small dose of primaquine.

Its main ingredient Artemisinin, now at the forefront of the world’s battle against malaria, was discovered by renowned Chinese scientist and Nobel Prize laureate Tu Youyou from artemisia annua.

“Artemisinin has a swift effect against malaria parasites, while piperaquine has a longer-lasting effect, which makes the parasites less likely to build drug resistance,” Guo said.

Besides fumigating households and handing out insecticide-treated bed nets, the Chinese team has come up with a strategy of mass drug administration (MDA), whereby residents simultaneously took Artequick to flush out the malaria parasites, a groundbreaking strategy that proves to be effective in Comoros and other African countries.

In the following years, with the efforts of the Chinese team, malaria incidence has dropped from 60 percent to 3 percent in the towns near the capital Sao Tome under the MDA pilot project.

In the town of Liberdade, which used to be one of the regions worst hit by the disease, not a single case had been reported for eight consecutive months since the MDA strategy was piloted in July 2019.

Liberdade, a town of 500 residents, once reported 1,000 malaria cases in a single year, recalled Guo, who now is on his third mission to the island. “Numbers donnot lie. Locals’ approval shows us that our strategy works.”

“We, the local population, want to collaborate with this Chinese team to fight malaria because we want to end this disease here in Liberdade and consequently in Sao Tome and Principe,” said Vasco Guiva, a local resident.

The MDA strategy “is undoubtedly a preventive action that consists of administering medicines en masse to the entire population”, said the Sao Tome Health Minister Filomena Monteiro in March.

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The Chinese solution “undoubtedly helps in pursuing the country’s goal of achieving the elimination of malaria in 2025,” said Monteiro, while commending China’s support in this arduous task.

For Guo and his team, the story still unfolds as the Chinese expert team will continue to fight alongside with the African island till the very end.

China was officially declared malaria-free by the World Health Organization (WHO) last year.

“Last year, the WHO granted China a malaria-free certification. Many people on the island are still inspired by the news. It is our duty to help them get rid of the disease,” said Guo.

Health Lite Blogs

Be fit to lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease

The group with the lowest level of fitness developed Alzheimer’s at a rate of 9.5 cases per 1,000 person-years, compared to 6.4 cases per 1,000 person-years for the most fit group…reports Asian Lite News

People who are more physically fit are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than people who are less fit, suggests a study.

The study showed that increased fitness levels improved people’s symptoms of the progressive brain disorder.

“One exciting finding of this study is that as people’s fitness improved, their risk of Alzheimer’s disease decreased – it was not an all-or-nothing proposition,” said study author Edward Zamrini, from the Washington VA Medical Center.

“So people can work toward making incremental changes and improvements in their physical fitness and hopefully that will be associated with a related decrease in their risk of Alzheimer’s years later,” he added.

The study involved 649,605 military veterans in the Veterans Health Administration database with an average age of 61 who were followed for an average of nine years. They did not have Alzheimer’s disease at the start of the study.

Researchers determined participants’ cardiorespiratory fitness. Cardiorespiratory fitness is a measure of how well your body transports oxygen to your muscles, and how well your muscles are able to absorb oxygen during exercise.

The group with the lowest level of fitness developed Alzheimer’s at a rate of 9.5 cases per 1,000 person-years, compared to 6.4 cases per 1,000 person-years for the most fit group.

When researchers adjusted for other factors that could affect risk of Alzheimer’s disease, they found that the people in the most fit group were 33 per cent less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those in the least fit group.

The second most fit group was 26 per cent less likely to develop the disease, while the middle group was 20 per cent less likely and those in the second least fit group were 13 per cent less likely to develop the disease than those in the least fit group.

“The idea that you can reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s disease by simply increasing your activity is very promising, especially since there are no adequate treatments to prevent or stop the progression of the disease,” Zamrini said.A

“We hope to develop a simple scale that can be individualised so people can see the benefits that even incremental improvements in fitness can deliver.”

The study will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s 74th Annual Meeting being held in April.

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Food Lite Blogs

Healthy food tips for Ramadan

Nihari and Haleem are very good options to let you stay energetic for the whole day. Boiled eggs and dates also help. One should also include drinks like ruhafza sharbat, milk and lassi…writes N. Lothungbeni Humtsoe

Good food is the ideal recipe for any occasion. As Muslims around the world fast and pray from dawn to dusk, eating healthily during this time is just as important as any other activity in order to think clearly.

Chef Asif Qureshi, who can be seen in the first episode of Zee Cafe’s Chef Vs Fridge season 2, speaks…

Q: What makes Ramadan food unique to you?

A: Ramadan food feels special because each and every item from the elaborate platter is prepared in the house. There are multiples dishes with varieties for all. The food feels like the blessing of Allah during the holy month.

Q: During Ramadan, Muslims all over the world abstain from eating and drinking from dawn to dusk. Which foods are best to stay healthy and nourished during the fast?

A: Nihari and Haleem are very good options to let you stay energetic for the whole day. Boiled eggs and dates also help. One should also include drinks like ruhafza sharbat, milk and lassi. These help in hydrating the body and also give the energy to sustain throughout the day.

Q: What special menus have you created so far for this special occasion?

A: This time I have prepared an elaborate platter that includes fruit chaat, home-style chicken curry, egg curry, biryani and nihari as they can suffice the needs of the people who fast for the day. These are the tasty and healthy options.

Q: Could you share a quick and easy recipe for someone who is always on the go?

A: For people who are in a hurry can always try fruit or vegetable sandwiches as it is easy to prepare and healthy. One can also go for an omelette. Fruit and vegetable salad also help.

Q: You demonstrated excellent skills on the show. Do you think professional chefs making reality tv shows is a trend?

A: Chef Vs Fridge Season 2 has a unique concept where, unlike other Indian culinary shows, professional chefs contest against each other with the title of ‘Culinary Champion of The Day’. There are multiple challenges by the judges and the boss chiller (fridge). There was a rush of adrenaline throughout that one hour while I was preparing the plate. The show is also being loved and enjoyed by the audience and post the on-air episode I also got multiple messages and calls appreciating my work. Therefore, I feel that this genre has a chance to go big.

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