Health Lite Blogs Parenting

Steps to comfort kids in summer

Probably the most important summer tip — more so for Indians baking under the tropical sun. Apply sunscreen early, and often, especially if the children spend time outdoors…writes Siddhi Jain.

Proper caring for kids is a tough task for parents in all seasons. It’s Summertime and temperatures are already soaring close to 40 degrees Celsius. The sun is scorching and humidity is hitting us in the face like a sauna.

Schools are off and while in addition to lockdowns, many children are home because of summer vacations and online classes, but parents still need to ensure protection of little ones from ill effects of the season. Follow these simple tips by Manoj Jain, Director, to navigate through these sticky weeks like a pro and keep your children safe and comfortable this summer.

Stick to shade for the tiny tots

Keep newborns, especially those under six months, out of direct and indirect sunlight. Young infants have not developed sweat glands, meaning they have no natural way off cooling off. Add in the fact children’s body temperatures can rise up to five times faster than adults, and babies have no way to tell you they’re uncomfortable! The perfect way to prevent heatstroke is by keeping them in the shade – under a tree or an umbrella – even when outdoors.

Make hats mandatory

A lightweight wide brimmed hat is perfect to keep your little ones cooler when they’re playing outdoors. It not only blocks out the brightness, they protect otherwise exposed hair, eyes, face, ears and neck from sun damage and harmful UV rays.

Cover up in comfort clothing

Stick to natural cotton outfits for your precocious tots this season. They’ll likely be sweating buckets while running around causing mayhem, and loose, light clothing not only allows their skin to breathe, but also absorbs moisture from the skin, preventing pesky itchy heat rashes.

Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!

Keep their water bottles filled and handy at all times. Not only does drinking water often replenish lost fluids due to excessive sweating, taking a few gulps every now and then makes them feel instantly cooler even from the inside.

Slather on the SPF

Probably the most important summer tip — more so for Indians baking under the tropical sun. Apply sunscreen early, and often, especially if the children spend time outdoors. Sunscreen protects your little ones’ delicate skin from the harmful (and sometimes cancer-causing) ultra-violet rays of the sun. Go for a brand that offers a minimum sun protection factor (SPF) of 30, contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, has broad-spectrum coverage (against UVA and UVB rays), and is water-resistant. Make sure to lotion them up at least 30 minutes before sun exposure, and don’t forget to top it up every few hours, as a sunscreen’s SPF is only fully effective for up to two hours after you put it on.

Keep a close eye

Lastly, remember to always lookout for signs of heat illness. No matter our best efforts, sometimes life and kids can get the better of us. So pay attention to these tell-tale warnings that can signal an oncoming problem. Signs of heat exhaustion in children may include elevated body temperature; cool, clammy skin; goosebumps; fainting, dizziness or weakness; headache; increased sweating; increased thirst; irritability; muscle cramps; and nausea and/or vomiting.

If your notice any of the above, it’s best to immediately bring your child into the shade, cool them off with wet towels or sponges, and encourage them to drink fluids with electrolytes. Don’t hesitate to call your doctor when in doubt!

ALSO READ-‘Vaccine for kids next big ethical debate’

READ MORE-Pandemic Stress On Kids?

Health Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Right workout for a healthy body

Understand the goal of your workout. Unless that’s not set, chances of picking the wrong workout are possible. The end result gets reflected in an unhealthy and possible damaged body…writes Sheetal Shah.

Stay healthy is very important in the pandemic era. The process of staying healthy starts with choosing a workout that backs your other healthier habits. It is essential that your chosen workout doesn’t just help to make you fit, but also keeps energy levels up and provides an overall energy boost.

There are questions that need to be answered when you pick a suitable workout from the fitness basket. Essentially, the answers need to be very honest to avoid any lasting damages later on. The following pointers can be followed.

Yoga (ANI)

Understand the goal of your workout. Unless that’s not set, chances of picking the wrong workout are possible. The end result gets reflected in an unhealthy and possibly damaged body.

Thorough research of exercise forms, benefits, and advantages to be gained needs to be researched in a comprehensive manner. It will be conducive in the picking process.

Following fads is all okay. But the workout needs to suit one’s needs and not get influenced by fads.

Now that the basics have been drummed in the minds, the next step would be to choose the suitable workout from the few options out there.


An ideal cardio session allows for burning substantial calories. Running or walking is two good ways to do cardio. If weight loss is the chosen end result, then cardio helps start things and warm-up for more intense workouts.


This ancient Indian exercise method is perfect for ab overall strong and fit body through a mixture of postures.


For stronger cores, Mat Pilates is the proper choice. Along with toning the core and abdominal muscles, lower back, hips, and buttocks, this workout is all about focussing on body strengthening and flexibility and lean muscle building. A flexible and controlled body will be quite possible. In fact, machine Pilates combines the benefits of both weight training and Yoga.


The workout technique alternates between small episodes of high-intensity exercise and less intense rest. The varied exercises depend on the targeted body part for improvement.


This is perfect to build strength with weight training. Weights in workout routines can result in sturdy muscles and bones along with lesser injury threat. But weight training is not bodybuilding or creating a bulky body, it is about toning the body and building muscle. Muscle building comes from premeditated practice and requires hard work complete with weight-gain diet and supplements intake. Choose the right workout for a healthy body.

ALSO READ-Daily routines to keep Kidney healthy

READ MORE-Healthy ingredients for a fitter lifestyle

Health Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Any time doable breathing exercises

There are several other benefits to these exercises as well! It also helps us stay calmer, and de-stress especially in these unprecedented times we are living in…writes Jyoti Dabas.

While Covid-19 cases continue to surge, we need to be even more vigilant, while staying at home and keeping ourselves healthy and fit. While eating right and exercising ensures our bodies and minds stay fit, it is also important to strengthen our respiratory system — as that is also severely affected by the virus.

Breathing exercises are a great way to develop the lungs as they improve lung muscles, clear out any secretion and increase the capacity by supplying an adequate amount of oxygen. There are several other benefits to these exercises as well! It also helps us stay calmer, and de-stress especially in these unprecedented times we are living in.

To get started, here are five breathing exercises you can do at any time of the day and in any comfortable space.

Deep breathing with increasing counts: breath-in and breath-out

This is one of the easiest and most important exercises. It helps in strengthening our lungs and improving blood flow, immunity and eliminating stress and anxiety.


* Sit down in a relaxed position, take a deep breath and count your inhalation and exhalation. Ideally, your inhalation and exhalation counts should be the same.

* With each breath increase the count to inhale and exhale for as long as comfortable. Practise from 2 to 5 minutes duration.

Diaphragmatic breathing

Also known as belly breathing, or abdominal breathing, this particular exercise has various benefits such as managing irritable bowel syndrome, depression, anxiety and insomnia. Normally people get in the habit of breathing without fully utilising the lower part of their lungs. With this breathing technique, you consciously practise filling in lungs to their maximum capacity and increasing oxygen uptake.


* Lie flat on the floor or sit in a comfortable position and relax your shoulders

* Put one hand below your chest and just above your stomach (this is where your diaphragm sits)

* Take a deep breath in by expanding your diaphragm or stomach and exhale slowly.

Cardiovascular exercise

The benefit of any cardiovascular exercises is that it increases your heart rate which forces the respiratory system to become more efficient and eventually increases the amount of oxygen you take with each breath. This allows for your lungs to improve capacity and function better. Here are some of the most common cardiovascular exercises that you can do from the comfort of your home: are brisk walking, spot jogging, jumping rope, jumping jacks and climbing staircase.


More commonly known as alternate nostril breathing, it is a prevalent Pranayama and has been spoken about in the Hatha Yoga literature. This exercise helps clear out the nasal passage and improves respiratory muscle strength. It is advised that Anulom-vilom should be practiced on an empty stomach ideally in the morning or in the evening after a long meal gap.


* Sit on a chair or on the ground cross legged, in a meditation position

* With your right thumb, close your right nostril and inhale through the left nostril. Release your right nostril and with your middle and ring finger, close your left nostril exhaling through the right nostril

* Inhale through the right nostril, then release the fingers, closing the right nostril and exhaling through the left nostril

* Continue the slow breathing through alternate nostrils and focus on the breath

* Practise this for 10 minutes for benefits to start accruing


Derived from Sanskrit, brahmari literally means a bee. It is a humming exercise, which increases nitric oxide in the body and acts as vasodilators; helps with easier blood flow through the vessels and prevents muscles from tightening.


* Sit on a chair or on the ground cross legged, in a meditation position

* Close your ears using your thumb and place your middle and ring fingers lightly at the inner corner of your eyes.

Rest your index finger above your eyebrows and little finger where it rests on your cheeks

* Take a deep breathe in and while exhaling make a soft humming sound similar to ‘hmmmmm’, throughout the entire exhalation. Inhale again and while exhaling make the humming sound

* Practise for 10 minutes for benefits to start accruing.

These exercises won’t help prevent Covid, however, if performed daily, they will help in developing a stronger respiratory system which can help our body to fight any possible infection. Having said that, if you or your family members have any pre-existing health conditions or are feeling any discomfort, please do consult with your doctor.

ALSO READ-Shilpa signs in as fitness ambassador

READ MORE-‘Fitness Habits: Breaking The Barriers To Fitness’

Education Lifestyle Lite Blogs

How pets help children during pandemic

For many families navigating the stress and challenges of home-schooling, pets have offered children crucial support…writes Siddhi Jain.

Kids lose many life experiences including their schooling due to this unexpected pandemic hit. Family pets help children better manage feelings of stress and loneliness, which have been greatly exacerbated by virtual schooling as a result of the pandemic, shows a new survey.

According to UNICEF, at least 1 in 7 children — or 332 million globally — has lived under nationwide stay-at-home policies for at least nine months since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, putting their mental health and well-being at risk.

Children walking in street during covid 19 surge in us

The Mars Petcare survey of parents reveals that more than eight in 10 parents found that their family pet helped their child feel less lonely during the lockdown, with more than three-quarters feeling that day-to-day interactions with their cat or dog reduced their child’s stress and anxiety. Parents agreed their pet supported their child during the unprecedented break from in-person schooling by improving their mood, providing companionship and giving much-needed emotional support.

For many families navigating the stress and challenges of home-schooling, pets have offered children crucial support.

The survey also found that pets positively impacted a child’s experience of virtual learning and academic performance across all ages — with nine in 10 parents seeing improvements in their child’s emotional, social and core skill development including having more energy and improved concentration, providing a fun topic of conversation to engage with their classmates and teachers, and giving them a much-needed break away from the screen.

“There are proven benefits to having pets in the classroom when it comes to improving children’s confidence, focus and reducing their stress, but this survey shows that pets also played an important part in helping children emotionally as they come to terms with this unprecedented time away from their peers,” says Mary Margaret Callahan of the leading therapy animal organisation Pet Partners.

This increased bond between children and their pets has many benefits for the pet too. Three-fourth believed their pet is also calmer now that they spend more time with their child.

Family pets help children better manage feelings of stress and loneliness, which have been greatly exacerbated by virtual schooling as a result of the pandemic, shows a new survey.

According to UNICEF, at least 1 in 7 children — or 332 million globally — has lived under nationwide stay-at-home policies for at least nine months since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, putting their mental health and well-being at risk.

The Mars Petcare survey of parents reveals that more than eight in 10 parents found that their family pet helped their child feel less lonely during lockdown, with more than three-quarters feeling that day-to-day interactions with their cat or dog reduced their child’s stress and anxiety. Parents agreed their pet supported their child during the unprecedented break from in-person schooling by improving their mood, providing companionship and giving much-needed emotional support.

For many families navigating the stress and challenges of home-schooling, pets have offered children crucial support.

The survey also found that pets positively impacted a child’s experience of virtual learning and academic performance across all ages — with nine in 10 parents seeing improvements in their child’s emotional, social and core skill development including having more energy and improved concentration, providing a fun topic of conversation to engage with their classmates and teachers, and giving them a much-needed break away from the screen.

“There are proven benefits to having pets in the classroom when it comes to improving children’s confidence, focus and reducing their stress, but this survey shows that pets also played an important part in helping children emotionally as they come to terms with this unprecedented time away from their peers,” says Mary Margaret Callahan of the leading therapy animal organisation Pet Partners.

This increased bond between children and their pets has many benefits for the pet too. Three-fourth believed their pet is also calmer now that they spend more time with their child.

Also Read-MOOL portrays cutest kids art

Read More-Pandemic Stress On Kids?

Health Lifestyle Lite Blogs

‘Fitness Habits: Breaking The Barriers To Fitness’

Most people fail not because they don’t have a goal, but they don’t have an action plan that determines their progress… Amaresh Ojha interacts with Siddhi Jain.

People always fascinated to know more about fitness secrets. Fitness entrepreneur and Gympik founder Amaresh Ojha’s recently-launched debut book, ‘Fitness Habits — Breaking The Barriers To Fitness’ breaks down the nuances of everyday health and is a nudge towards developing lasting fitness habits.

Co-authored by Subhra Moitra, this operating guide to fitness is published by Srishti Publications. In Ojha’s words, ”there is a fundamental drawback in the way people approach fitness and look down upon the nuances of forming fitness as a habit.” With the pandemic changing lives in an unprecedented way, Ojha’s new book spells why proactively investing time for health is important. It serves as a guide on how to maintain an equilibrium with existing habits, while creating new fitness routines, and how to understand and reshape your behavioural pattern.

Amaresh Ojha speaks about his debut book, and embracing fitness for better life:

How did the book ‘Fitness Habits’ come about? Why did you want to write something like this?

In my experience, fitness is one of the most confusing and scattered industries. There is no clear advice on how to start, continue, and succeed as everybody has their own way of approaching fitness. A large part of my journey lies in my lifelong predisposition to adopt good habits. It is my hope to share a holistic approach to fitness through the medium of this book.

Getting started with fitness is often the hardest. What does the book suggest as a solution?

In this new era of healthcare, achieving your fitness goals requires a continuous practice of certain habits that focus on the action plan rather than the goal. Most people fail not because they don’t have a goal, but they don’t have an action plan that determines their progress. There is a fundamental drawback in the way people approach fitness and look down upon the nuances of forming fitness as a habit. The book, Fitness Habits, is that guide you need to take the first step to create a sustainable habit through minimal shifts and modifications in your life.

What are your top tips to get started with one’s fitness journey and keep at it?

Start easy, find the simplest workout you can do in a day, and follow the 8 secrets of making fitness a habit as I have mentioned in the book. They are — Awareness, Find Your Why, Go slow but Go Forward, Add some Fun, Declutter your Cue, Prep Your Environment and Evaluate your Progress. Since fitness habit formation is a long-term process, it needs a constant boost to keep you motivated till you make it. The truth is you can make fitness an integral part of your daily life only when you take small steps consistently.

The pandemic has made people both unfit, and also partly aware of this lack of physical activity. How would you say the book will help?

Covid or not, we all know that a regular workout routine is a door to optimum health. The pandemic has just highlighted the fact that taking care of our health is not an option but a sheer necessity. People want to stay healthy, but they do not know how to stay healthy; and when we talk about staying healthy there are a lot many changes come along namely dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, limiting sugar and so on. All these can be taken care of with only one single change i.e., when you make fitness a habit. Once you have your fitness habits in place, you will automatically eat healthy, you will have better sleep, you will choose habits that will help you become healthier.

It’s all in the mind — What is your mind transformation mantra to alter how one looks at fitness?

Often people are trapped in the vicious cycle of following some irregular fitness routine and fad diets to get skinny in a short time. But soon it becomes painful, exhausting, and wry because they are unsustainable, unhealthy, and forced. A ‘strategic planning mindset’, which focuses on reaching smaller goals, can work as a huge motivating factor and makes your fitness routine easily doable. The more you tick off smaller goals the easier it is to achieve the bigger picture. Repeat your routine — even when it is a 10 minutes’ walk or a 5 minute jog, do it for the lowest time and repeat the routine every single day. Look at reaching smaller goals and you will build the pillars to attain your bigger fitness goals. This way you feel more confident about your progress and that, in fact, works as a motivational perk.

Also Read-‘Fitness is a balance of mind’

Read More-Shilpa signs in as fitness ambassador

-Top News COVID-19

Heath expert urges people to wear mask ‘even at home’

He urged people not to invite anyone home. “Please don’t invite anyone to your home. This is not the time to do so. Take all possible care within the home. Protect yourselves and your family members,” Paul said…reports Asian Lite News.

Niti Aayog’s member health, Dr V K Paul, on Monday urged people not to venture out unnecessarily and wear masks at home also. Speaking at a Union Health Ministry press conference Paul said, “Please wear a mask, do not go out unnecessarily. Stay with your family. Even within the family wear the mask.”

Guidelines to Weddings in times of COVID:19.

He urged people not to invite anyone home. “Please don’t invite anyone to your home. This is not the time to do so. Take all possible care within the home. Protect yourselves and your family members,” Paul said.

Referring to studies, Joint Secretary Union Health Ministry, Luv Aggarwal said, “By not following physical distancing one infected person could infect 406 people in 30 days. Reducing physical exposure by 50 percent, one person can only infect 15 people in 30 days. Reducing the physical exposure by 75 percent, one infected person can only infect 2.5 people in 30 days.”

He said that people must understand the importance of following Covid appropriate behavior in controlling and managing the infection. He pointed out that a mask coupled with physical distancing can lower the transmission risk. “Both a Covid infected person and uninfected person not wearing a mask or maintaining physical distance have 90 percent risk of virus transmission. There is a 30 percent risk of transmission when the infected person is not wearing a mask and the infected person is wearing a mask. There is a medium risk (five percent) of transmission when an infected person is wearing the mask and uninfected is not wearing,” Aggarwal said.

He stated: “Transmission risk becomes low (1.5 percent) when both the people are wearing the mask. There is a negligible or lowest risk when both (infected and uninfected person) is wearing a mask and maintaining a physical distance of six feet.”

Dr Paul clarified that women can take the Covid vaccine during their menstrual cycle. “Yes, women can and should take the vaccine during the menstrual cycle. There is no reason to postpone the vaccination,” he Paul said.

The Member (Health), NITI Aayog Dr. Vinod K. Paul along with the Director, AIIMS, Dr. Randeep Guleria addressing a press conference on the actions taken, preparedness and updates on COVID-19, in New Delhi on April 26, 2021. The Principal Director General (M&C), Press Information Bureau, Shri Jaideep Bhatnagar and the Joint Secretary, MoHFW, Shri Lav Agarwal are also seen. (PIB)

AIIMS Director Dr Randeep Guleria said that unnecessary panic among people is creating a rush at hospitals, shortage of drugs and oxygen. “Unnecessary panic causing rush outside hospitals, shortage of essential drugs and oxygen. Misuse of oxygen is a major factor. If the saturation is 94 percent or above, then there’s no need to worry,” Guleria added.

Aggarwal said, “Maharashtra has the highest active caseload with 7,00,207 active cases, followed by Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka. Most of the states have crossed their highest reported daily cases during September last year.”

The Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Science & Technology and Earth Sciences, Dr. Harsh Vardhan interacting with the media persons after inspecting the addition of 500 Oxygenated Beds at the Sardar Patel COVID Care Centre & Hospital, in Chhatarpur, New Delhi on April 24, 2021. (Pallav Paliwal)

“Eight states — Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, and Tamil Nadu — have more than 100,000 active Covid-19 cases,” he said.

He explained that the union government is working on three strategies to contain the virus spread — Containment, Clinical Management, and Community Engagement — across the country.

Also Read-1k people fined for not wearing masks

Read More-Are We Wearing Masks Properly?

Food Lite Blogs

Be healthier with a smart lifestyle

These uncertain times have encouraged us to take a pause, be grateful and enjoy each moment as it comes…writes Siddhi Jain.

Work from home has become a common routine or lifestyle. The work-from-home routine in 2020 brought many families closer as they found themselves under the same roof for an extended period of time. As curfews restrict movement and people have to home shelter, setting health goals can help you achieve wellness as a family while you stay safe.

Madhuri Ruia, nutritionist and Pilates expert shares how you can become each other’s cheerleaders by encouraging a healthier, happier lifestyle:

Invest in indoor fitness tools

The lockdown has turned up the heat on indoor fitness, pushing everyone to strive for a healthier way of living. Investing together in online fitness classes or even props like resistance bands and dumbbells is the perfect way for you and your siblings to stay on top of your fitness routine. Motivate each other daily and take consistency to another level by following the habit-forming 21/90 rule. This will not only boost self-confidence but will also leave you feeling rejuvenated and relaxed after a long day’s work.

Take mini-breaks

The solution for WFH stress is to take work-free breaks during the day. The lockdown made us realize that there is more to life than deadlines and virtual calls. These uncertain times have encouraged us to take a pause, be grateful and enjoy each moment as it comes. Small things like taking a 15-minute break with your family members every three hours for a cup of coffee, a game of catch, or a quick comedy show will instantly liven up the mood, making the day feel lighter and less mundane. The little moments help clear the headspace, which improves productivity, helping you, work better.

Embrace a nutty start to the day

Being Nut-wise: Busting the myths about almonds.

While we focus on staying fit and toning our bodies, one thing that we often forget is to provide it with the right nutrition. Starting your day with nuts like almonds will give your body the energy boost it needs during the day. Almonds are rich in Vitamin B2, Vitamin E, magnesium, and phosphorus; nutrients that are known to provide energy that help keep you active. A handful of almonds may have satiating properties that promote a feeling of fullness, which helps limit unhealthy snacking by keeping hunger at bay. Almonds contain immunity supporting nutrients like zinc, copper, and folate. Starting your day the nutty way will help you and your siblings reap nutritious benefits that not only add a natural glow but also help manage diabetes and improve heart health.

Also Read-Daily routines to keep Kidney healthy

Read More-Healthy ingredients for a fitter lifestyle

Events Lite Blogs

Celebrate Holi, Have Benefits

Colours, as we all know, are vital for a healthy body. While immersed in the vibrant colours of Holi, our mind and body experience myriads of benefits…writes N. Lothungbeni Humtsoe.

A festival celebrated joyously all over India Holi is a day of colours, where people of all ages and ethnicities have fun dousing each other in dyes and coloured water. Holi festival is based on one of the famous legends of killing evil demoness Holika. Another one of the famous legends is the one Lord Krishna complaining to mother Yashodha about Radha being fairer as compared to him. Mother Yashodha suggests that Krishna should colour Radha, in the colour of his choice. The mischievous Krishna is said to have coloured his beloved in a hue of colours thereafter. A tradition that is thereby we have been following.

People celebrating Holi (Pallav Paliwal)

Associated with the colour white, Holi symbolizes the end of one phase and the beginning of a new tomorrow. As Holi nears us, we celebrate the return of colours on the trees, in the sunsets, the arrival of spring, the end of winter. Holi stresses the need to get rid of the impassive winters, long nights and dry skin and lackluster hair. Interestingly, traditional Holi ritual and customs step in as the perfect body-rejuvenation therapy.

Holi Celebration (Pallav Paliwal)

Colours and the mind

Colours, as we all know, are vital for a healthy body. While immersed in the vibrant colours of Holi, our mind and body experience myriads of benefits. Bright colours like red tend to stimulate the heartbeat & breathing. Colours like Yellow and Blue don’t just bring in a calming effect on our senses but also surround us with a sense of joy and happiness.

Advantages of Holika Dhahan

Holi, like many other festivals, falls on the cusp of winters and spring. This season also exposes us to a number of bacteria and pollution in the air around us. The mutation period of winter and spring induces the growth of bacteria in the atmosphere as well as in the body Hence, the burning of Holika, the day before Holi, where many lights a bonfire that symbolizes the burning of evil, follows the tradition of walking around the fire deodorizing our environment and cleansing the body from the bacteria.

Natural and organic colours

Traditionally the Holi colours were created with naturally helpful ingredients like hibiscus flowers, henna leaves, Kesar, sandalwood and more. These natural colours are not just good for your skin, hair and eyes but even cleanse and clear the dead skin. Ingredients such as these are used in Ayurveda for rejuvenating the body and giving it a healthy glow. Red colour is energizing and stimulate heart functions and breathing. Yellow has a soothing effect on organs especially the intestines and blue has a calming and tranquilizing effect on our body and senses.

Cool, energizing drinks

Wake up from our chilling winter slumber, our body needs more than just a cold shower. Renowned Holi drinks like Thandai and Kaanji act as great coolants and are an excellent source of anti-oxidants. Thandai, comprising of delicious milk flavour, has the goodness of almonds, watermelon seeds, fennel seeds and rose petals. While Kaanji, a traditional North Indian drink is fermented and packed with rich nutrients and fibre.

The festival of Holi also promotes good health in the southern regions of India. The morning after the burning of Holika, people put ash (Vibhuti) on their forehead. Along with that, they also mix Chandan (sandalwood paste) with the leaves and flowers from the Mango tree and consume it.

Also Read-No Holi celebrations in public places

Read More-PICS: Celebration of Colours

-Top News EU News

EU to infuse $5.9bn in health

“Health diplomacy is not an option” for the member states but a “shared necessity” said Portuguese Minister of Health Marta Temido…reports Asian Lite News

The European Union (EU) will invest over five billion euros ($5.9 billion) in the EU Health Program, the Portuguese Presidency of the European Council.

Portuguese Minister of Health Marta Temido said at a virtual conference on Thursday that the measure highlights the need to reinforce the strategy to combat the Covid-19 pandemic at national and European levels, reports Xinhua news agency.

She said that “health diplomacy is not an option” for the member states but a “shared necessity”.

“Global health challenges transcend borders and the classic north/south or east/west divisions, exposing the limitations of segmented approaches,” she said.

Temido emphasised that “this is the time to act together and seek to reinforce the strength and influence of the European Union in health” with “more inclusive, comprehensive and coordinated strategies to face the new challenges” and with “global solidarity”.

“No state is safe until everyone is safe,” she said.

“The EU has been and will remain committed.”

In his brief address, Portugal President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa acknowledged that “there was a lot of selfishness and isolationism in the fight against the pandemic”.

Accordingly, a “closer alignment of the policies of the member states” is extremely necessary, he said.

“During the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union, we will have the opportunity to focus on the essential role of the Union in the area of health, thinking about this pandemic, but thinking mainly about the future,” he said.

The conference, which has attracted over 30 speakers, aimed to reinforce the EU’s role in improving global health.

Also read:EU to reset ties with Turkey

Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Study: Indians on ‘high risk’ life style

Reduction in commute time and lockdown probably allowed Indians to focus more on their health and making their immune system stronger…writes Siddhi Jain.

Many studies have come out about the issues related to the unhealthy life style of Indians. While alcohol intake and thyroid issues among Indians seem to have reduced over the past year, a new health report has detailed a concerning increase in levels of blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes, despite fitness and health becoming a nationwide area of interest during the Covid-19 lockdown.

As per the Health Risk Assessment (HRA) Score, 1 in 2 Indians is either in the ‘High Risk’ or ‘Borderline’ category. This is a massive 12 per cent improvement from last year’s figures where 62 per cent Indians fell into the ‘Unhealthy’ category.

According to GOQii’s latest India Fit Report 2021, majority of people can become healthy by making few adjustments to their lifestyle. Reduction in commute time and lockdown probably allowed Indians to focus more on their health and making their immune system stronger. From a gender wise perspective, men are healthier in comparison to women. From an age wise perspective, the younger generation is unhealthier in comparison to the older generation.

Blood Pressure

About 15 per cent of users have reported high BP in 2020 in comparison to 13.4 per cent in 2019. This figure, according to the report, has steadily increased over the last 4 years. About 35 per cent users also reported this disease runs in the family which is a significant figure. Blood pressure cases among older adults are just triple of those in adults. Safe to say, then, that people above 45 are at more risk of having hypertension.


An analysis conducted by a full-stack digital ecosystem for diabetes care and management revealed that the average pre-pandemic fasting sugar levels in January till mid-February was 138 mg/dl whereas in March till mid-April it rose to 165 mg/dl. One-third claim this disease runs in the family. The percentage of those suffering from diabetes went triple, from adults to older adults.


About 13 per cent users reported high cholesterol, a figure that has remained stable for the past two years. On the other hand, only 4 per cent mentioned they had heart issues which is a major decrease from 8.6 per cent in 2019.


Figures for drinking have reduced for almost all of the age groups and across a majority of cities. Many reasons can be accounted for the same. To start with, the biggest reason can be the onset of the nationwide lockdown because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Travelling was restricted and all the major places where usually people used to drink earlier like cafes, restaurants, bars etc. were shut down. All of these cumulatively decreased the drinking of the people as the only option they were left with was to drink at home, which was not a feasible option for a lot of people. Some comfortably did that, while a majority were not that comfortable in drinking amid their family members and hence the number reduced this year.

As compared to last year’s data, there is a significant reduction in the number of people falling sick in every age category this year. This could be due to the increased awareness in people regarding immunity levels through healthy lifestyle and nutrition food choices. The dip in pollution levels across the nation could also be a reason for this.

The report also revealed that stress levels remained high throughout the year. The survey outcome highlighted a rise in stress index from 4.98 in Mid-year to 5.11 at end of the year. Forty-five per cent are currently plagued with depression.

City-wise, Surat, Jaipur and Patna are the top 3 healthiest cities in India, respectively, as revealed by the survey whereas Lucknow, Kolkata and Chennai are the unhealthiest.

Also Read-When running away from diabetes became a lifeline

Read More-How to manage diabetes during winter