-Top News India News USA

India, US Pact on Quantum, AI Promises Breakthroughs

The minister recalled PM Modi’s recent visit to the US and highlighted the joint statement on the deployment of greenfield renewable energy, battery storage and emerging green technology projects in India…reports Asian Lite News

India, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is set to make great strides in quantum technology, artificial intelligence, critical metals and semiconductor sectors with the United States, Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Science and Technology, Dr Jitendra Singh, has told a visiting delegation of the US-India Business Council (USIBC).

The delegation led by Edward Knight, Executive Vice Chairman called on the Union Minister and discussed collaboration in different areas, according to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

The minister recalled PM Modi’s recent visit to the US and highlighted the joint statement on the deployment of greenfield renewable energy, battery storage and emerging green technology projects in India.

Dr Singh emphasised on the government’s vision in AI and Machine learning and expressed optimism over its integration with the AI task force developed by USIBC.

“Large Language Models (LLMs) are being worked upon by the Department of Science and Technology which are aligned with the task force,” the minister informed.

India is now a frontline nation in next-generation technologies.

He also informed the delegation about the ‘Anusandhan NRF’ on the similar lines of the National Research Foundation in the US.

Highlighting India’s progress in the last decade in science and technology, the minister recalled that the biotech industry has reached $140 billion with more than 4,000 companies.

NISAR — a joint mission between NASA and ISRO — is also evidence of India’s prowess in the space sector.

He also referred to the new space policy and its benefits reaped in recent months.

Knight appreciated India’s model of ‘JAM’ (Jan Dhan Yojana, Aadhaar and mobile) trinity and direct benefit transfer (DBT), and invited the Minister for the ‘49th India Ideas Summit 2024’.

ALSO READ-ISRO astronauts set for NASA training in Houston

-Top News Europe

Pope Francis to weigh in on ‘ethical’ AI at G7 summit

The aging head of a 2,000-year-old institution is not perhaps the most obvious candidate to make a presentation on cutting-edge technology, but the pontiff sees AI as a key challenge for humanity…reports Asian Lite News

Pope Francis will address G7 leaders on Friday on artificial intelligence, an unprecedented appearance that reflects the Vatican’s growing interest in the new technology, its risks and rewards.

The 87-year-old will become the first head of the Catholic Church to address a G7 summit when he speaks on the second day of the Puglia meeting, to an audience including US President Joe Biden and France’s Emmanuel Macron.

The aging head of a 2,000-year-old institution is not perhaps the most obvious candidate to make a presentation on cutting-edge technology, but the pontiff sees AI as a key challenge for humanity.

“The Church always looks to humans as the center of its mission,” said Paolo Benanti, a Franciscan university professor and member of the UN’s AI advisory body, who directly advises the pope.

“From this perspective it is clear that the AI that interests the Church is not the technical tool, but how the tool can impact on the life of man,” he told AFP.

AI was the theme of the Church’s World Day of Peace on January 1, for which the pontiff published a six-page document.

In it, he welcomed advances in science and technology that have reduced human suffering — and Benanti said AI could act as a “multiplier,” boosting everything from medical research to economic and social wellbeing.

But the pope also warned of risks including disinformation and interference in elections, and that unequal access could increase social and economic inequalities.

Francis — who has himself been the subject of several AI-generated images, including a viral imagine showing him wearing a huge white puffer coat and a large crucifix — called for a binding international treaty to regulate the development and use of AI.

The goal would be to prevent harm and share good practice.

Since the launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot, whose capabilities range from digesting complex text to writing poems and computer code, governments have been scrambling to respond to the rapid growth of AI.

The European Union — which attends G7 summits as an unofficial eighth member — earlier this year approved the world’s first comprehensive rules to govern AI.

At a global level, G7 leaders in Japan last year announced a working group on AI’s “responsible” use, tackling issues from copyright to disinformation.

Hosts Italy have made AI a key issue of this year’s summit, which will focus on a “human-centered approach,” particularly its potential impact on jobs, according to a government source.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said in April that the pope’s presence would “make a decisive contribution to defining a regulatory, ethical and cultural framework.”

The Vatican has brought in a range of experts to help its understanding, including Demis Hassabis, head of Google DeepMind, whom it named to its scientific academy in March.

In 2020, it also initiated the Call for AI Ethics, backed by tech firms Microsoft and IBM and later Cisco as well as numerous universities and the UN, designed to promote an ethical approach.

The pope’s address on Friday is likely to call for “attention to be paid to the most vulnerable,” said Eric Salobir, a French priest and head of the executive committee of the Human Technology Foundation.

ALSO READ-Pope allegedly used derogatory term for gay people

-Top News Africa News Europe

AI, energy, Africa to be in focus of PM’s G7 visit

The prime minister is likely to hold a number of bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the summit…reports Asian Lite News

During the outreach session at the G7 summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi would focus be on artificial intelligence, energy, Africa, and the Mediterranean.

Modi said issues crucial for the Global South will also be deliberated upon at the Outreach session. The G7 summit, to be held in the luxury resort of Borgo Egnazia in Italy’s Apulia region from June 13 to 15, is expected to be dominated by the raging war in Ukraine and the conflict in Gaza.

“At the invitation of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, I am travelling to Apulia region in Italy to participate in the G7 Outreach summit on June 14,” Modi said. The prime minister said he was glad that his first visit in the third consecutive term is to Italy for the G-7 Summit.

“During the discussions at the Outreach session, the focus will be on artificial intelligence, energy, Africa, and the Mediterranean. It will be an opportunity to bring greater synergy between the outcomes of the G20 Summit held under India’s Presidency and the forthcoming G7 Summit, and deliberate on issues which are crucial for the Global South,” Modi said.

Modi will have a bilateral meeting with Italian Prime Minister Meloni.

“Prime Minister Meloni’s two visits to India last year were instrumental in infusing momentum and depth in our bilateral agenda. We remain committed to consolidating the India-Italy strategic partnership, and bolstering cooperation in the Indo-Pacific and the Mediterranean regions,” he said.

The prime minister is likely to hold a number of bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the summit.

“I am also looking forward to meeting other leaders participating in the Summit,” he said.

The G7 comprises the US, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Canada and Japan.

Italy is holding the current presidency of the G7 (Group of Seven) and is hosting the summit in that capacity. A key focus of the Italian presidency has been to defend the rules-based international system. According to Italy, Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine has undermined its principles and triggered growing instability, with multiple crises unfolding worldwide.

The G7 will give equal importance to Israel’s war in Gaza, with its consequences for the global agenda, it says. The bloc expanded into the G8 between 1997 and 2013, with the inclusion of Russia.

However, Russia’s participation was suspended in 2014 following its annexation of Crimea. In line with the grouping’s tradition, representatives of a number of countries and international organisations are invited to the summit by the host nation that holds the chair.

Besides India, Italy has invited leaders from 11 developing countries in Africa, South America and the Indo-Pacific region to attend the summit. Though the European Union is not a member of the G7, it attends the annual summit.

“PM @narendramodi touches down at Brindisi airport in Apulia, Italy. Agenda includes participation in the Outreach session of the G7 Summit & substantive interactions with the global leaders on the sidelines. An action-packed day awaits!” the official spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs, Randhir Jaiswal, wrote in a post on X.

Giving an overview of PM Modi’s day-long visit to Italy, Jaiswal posted another video, as he sketched out the details of the Prime Minister’s engagements with the world leaders on June 14.

“Namaste! The Prime Minister of India has arrived at Brindisi Airport in Italy to participate in the G7 Summit. Tomorrow is a packed day for him. We have several bilateral meetings with the world leaders lined up,” Jaiswal said in the video.

“He will also be addressing the outreach session of the G7 Summit,” he added.

The G7 summit is taking place at the luxurious Borgo Egnazia resort in Italy’s Apulia region from June 13-15. PM Modi is attending the summit at the invitation of Italian PM Giorgia Meloni.

Earlier, Modi, in his departure statement, said that he is glad that his first state visit in the third consecutive term is to Italy for the G7 Summit. He recalled his previous visit to Italy and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s visits to India which have contributed significantly to enhancing bilateral ties.

“I am glad that my first visit in the third consecutive term is to Italy for the G-7 Summit. I warmly recall my visit to Italy for the G20 Summit in 2021. Prime Minister Meloni’s two visits to India last year were instrumental in infusing momentum and depth in our bilateral agenda. We remain committed to consolidate the India-Italy strategic partnership, and bolster cooperation in the Indo-Pacific and the Mediterranean regions,” Modi had said.

ALSO READ-Korea-Africa Summit kicks off to boost economic ties 

Health Lite Blogs

AI Enhances Cancer Care, Personalization, and Early Detection

In surgery, AI analyses of computer-assisted surgery or robotic-assisted surgery are making procedures safer, more specific, and more comfortable for patients…reports Asian Lite News

Treatment of cancers is no longer just limited to traditional approaches like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. Artificial intelligence (AI) is making significant strides in cancer treatment aiding both doctors as well as patients to boost better outcomes, according to health experts on Saturday.

Health experts noted that AI is playing an important role from developing new drugs to predicting the outcome of a treatment, and prognosis. It can also boost the growth of personalised medicine.

However, concerns remain over data privacy, safety, and ethical use of patient data.

“As a surgical oncologist, I can confidently state that AI is no longer limited to surgery, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or radiation. It has profound implications in radio diagnostics and biomedical cancer research as well. AI applications in biomedical cancer research are aiding in creating new medications and treatments. It facilitates early cancer detection through image analysis, a critical application we use for the early detection of oral cancers,” Raj Nagarkar, Managing Director & Chief of Surgical Oncology & Robotic Services of HCG Manavata Cancer Centre (HCGMCC) & Hospitals.

“AI computer vision models are being explored in radio-imaging modalities for early detection of disease and cancer risk prediction. Point-of-care diagnostics startups are using AI algorithms for early detection with promising results. Early detection of disease has a significant impact on outcomes and by employing AI, we can certainly improve cancer care delivery,” added Roheet Rao, AVP, IT & Oncology at Apollo Hospitals.

Raj said that AI-enabled screening for breast cancer is also assisting in designing and personalising treatments.

When it comes to radio diagnostics, machine-learning techniques in CT scans and MRIs improve imaging accuracy. AI-driven aids, particularly in CT scans, MRIs, and mammography, can enhance segmentation and improve the diagnosis of several cancers.

In surgery, AI analyses of computer-assisted surgery or robotic-assisted surgery are making procedures safer, more specific, and more comfortable for patients.

Further, AI in chemotherapy refines and customises treatment options, analysing datasets to tailor treatment plans based on genetic and molecular characteristics. Predictive models can be designed to estimate patient responses to specific regimens, said Dr Raj.

AI is also boosting cancer treatment options like immunotherapy, and CAR T-cell therapy.

“Deep learning models for cancer stem cell detection aid in early diagnosis and customising treatment plans, making AI a reality across all facets of oncology, from diagnosis and research to treatment,” Raj said.

There are, however, risks involved in using AI for healthcare that need to be addressed before we can see a wider adoption of AI in care delivery.

“One of the key issues is data privacy, safety, and ethical use of patient data,” Roheet said.

He also pointed out the bias in AI models, which is based on the training data used to generate these models.

“Unless there is validation of AI models across different types and cohorts of data, oncologists need to be mindful of such biases,” the doctor told.

“The accuracy and reliability of the models need to be tested thoroughly both prior and then within clinical settings to ensure patient safety. Clinicians will always have the final say on clinical care irrespective of the AI models being used as the only way to ensure oversight when using AI is to have a human-in-the-loop,” he noted.

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-Top News Sharjah Tech Lite

Don’t fear AI, learn to use it well, says expert

In the session moderated by Dr. Mania Suwaid, Al Rawi drew an inspiring parallel with Alan Turing, the British mathematician whose work during WWII involved breaking the Enigma cipher, to illustrate the groundbreaking impacts of AI…reports Asian Lite News

New-age technology such as machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) can play a transformative role in education by delivering personalised learning experiences and improving student performance.

This was a resounding message at the panel discussion titled ‘Enhancing Private Education: Using Artificial Intelligence in Personalised Learning,’ held at the Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival (SCRF) on Friday.

“Artificial intelligence will not overshadow traditional centres of education like schools and universities. Instead, the technology will complement educators and help them deliver more impactful learning experiences,” said prominent AI researcher and trainer Yasmine Al Rawi.

In the session moderated by Dr. Mania Suwaid, Al Rawi drew an inspiring parallel with Alan Turing, the British mathematician whose work during WWII involved breaking the Enigma cipher, to illustrate the groundbreaking impacts of AI.

“Schools are not just for academic training but are arenas for developing soft skills and creativity. Our educational institutions should embed futuristic technologies in their everyday work to improve efficiencies. A teacher in a class of 30 may not be able to give equal attention to all students, but if we have AI-aided applications that can monitor students’ emotional responses while doing assignments and provide real-time assessment, it could be a game changer”, she opined.

“This kind of technology could enable educators to better understand students’ struggles or ease with assignments, enhancing their ability to offer support even without direct supervision,” Al Rawi further noted.

Discussing the need for responsible integration of AI in educational settings, Al Rawi pointed out the critical role of parents and teachers in instilling values in children. She likened AI’s introduction to past technological advances, such as television and the internet, and said, “The focus should be on guiding children to use these tools responsibly and ethically.”

Al Rawi also mentioned Futurepedia, a platform showcasing the latest AI tools from picture-to-text and text-to-video conversions to natural language processing, which can assist teachers in creating innovative lesson plans for grades 1 through 12. Furthermore, she noted the existence of innovation hubs such as the Sharjah Entrepreneurship Center (Sheraa) in Sharjah, which support the development of new ideas and startups, including potential startups in sectors like fintech.

The UAE’s broader integration of AI, from smart policing initiatives by the Ministry of Interior to general government operations, illustrates the national commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology. “AI is vital not only in the education sector but also in safeguarding society,” she concluded.

The 15th edition of the Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival is running in Expo Centre Sharjah until May 12 and features a host of activities and talks that promise to engage and entertain kids and grown-ups alike. The latest edition has a strong lineup of authors and experts from varied industries. (ANI/WAM)

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India’s Growing Role in Generative AI Adoption

The region is likely to see GenAI spending soar to $26 billion by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 95.4 per cent for the period…reports Asian Lite News

As the Asia-Pacific region experiences a surge in the adoption of Generative AI (GenAI), India is set to join the most rapidly expanding markets in the forthcoming years.

According to an IDC report, the Asia-Pacific region is witnessing an unprecedented surge in GenAI adoption, including software, services, and hardware for AI-centric systems.

The region is likely to see GenAI spending soar to $26 billion by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 95.4 per cent for the period.

This surge underscores the region’s pivotal role in driving the next wave of AI innovation and technological advancement, the report mentioned.

Deepika Giri, Head of Research, Big Data and AI, IDC APJ, said that the investment in GenAI will reach its zenith within the next two years, followed by a period of stabilisation.

“China is projected to maintain its position as the dominant market for GenAI, while Japan and India are set to become the most rapidly expanding markets in the forthcoming years,” Giri mentioned.

From software development to customer service, GenAI is revolutionising industries, ushering in a new era of innovation in the region.

The financial services sector is experiencing rapid growth in GenAI adoption in Asia — projected to reach $4.3 billion by 2027 with a CAGR of 96.7 per cent, the report said.

Dell Launches AI-Driven Commercial Devices in India

Dell Technologies on Friday launched the new portfolio of commercial artificial intelligence (AI)-powered laptops and mobile workstations in India.

This includes the Latitude portfolio and the Precision portfolio. The Latitude portfolio comes at a starting price of Rs 1,10,999, while the Precision portfolio starts at Rs 2,19,999.

“The new Latitude and Precisions delivers AI-enhanced productivity and collaboration for business professionals in the hybrid work era,” Indrajit Belgundi, Senior. Director and GM, Client Solutions Group, Dell Technologies India, said in a statement.

“As the AI landscape evolves, our new commercial portfolio empowers our customers and their workforce with performance, highest security, portability, and sustainability,” he added.

The latest Latitude portfolio comes equipped with up to Intel Core Ultra 7 processors, with the 5000 series also available in configurations with up to 13th Gen Intel Core i7-1355U processors.

The new Precision portfolio delivers the performance needs of power users, developers and beyond, powered by up to Intel Core Ultra 9 processors, the company said.

Built-in security being paramount, the company mentioned that these AI-powered devices include hardware and firmware features that make it easier to prevent modern cyberattacks.

In addition, the built-in vulnerability detection feature further improves the defences by allowing the device to scan for publicly reported security flaws and provide suggestions.

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-Top News UAE News

UAE aid plane lands in Al Arish with 4,000 Eid clothing

The Birds of Goodness operation is part of “Operation Chivalrous Knight 3″ to support Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip…reports Asian Lite News

The Joint Operations Command of the Ministry of Defence announced the arrival of a UAE aid plane at Al Arish Airport, carrying 4,000 parcels of Eid clothing in preparation for their delivery to the Palestinian people.

These parcels, part of Operation “Birds of Goodness,” contain clothes, shoes, toys, sweets, and various items for all family members, arriving in time for Eid Al Fitr.

This initiative, which runs throughout Eid Al Fitr, aims to meet the needs of the Palestinian people during Eid Al Fitr and alleviate their suffering.

Operation “Birds of Goodness,” which commenced in February, involves the United Arab Emirates Air Force and Egyptian Air Force aircraft delivering humanitarian and relief aid to the northern Gaza Strip.

The Birds of Goodness operation is part of “Operation Chivalrous Knight 3” to support Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile, the Joint Operations Command of the Ministry of Defence announced the 28th airdrop of humanitarian aid as part of the “Birds of Goodness” operation.

This airdrop marks a special occasion, delivering essential supplies alongside parcels of Eid clothing for the first time. These parcels contain clothes, shoes, toys, sweets, and various items for all family members, arriving in time for Eid Al Fitr.

This initiative aims to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people in Gaza and contribute to their well-being during this important holiday.

Four aircraft, including two C17s from the UAE Air Force and two C295s from the Egyptian Air Force, participated in the airdrop. The mission focused on reaching inaccessible, isolated areas in the northern Gaza Strip.

A total of 82 tonnes of food and relief aid were delivered, bringing the total amount of aid provided through the Birds of Goodness operation to 1,647 tonnes since its inception.

The Birds of Goodness operation is part of “Operation Chivalrous Knight 3” to support Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

ALSO READ-Eid Mubarak

-Top News UK News

Microsoft announces new AI office in UK

Writing in a blog post announcing the new hub, he said: “This is great news for Microsoft AI and for the UK…reports Asian Lite News

Microsoft is opening a new hub devoted to artificial intelligence in London. The office will focus on its work on AI products, as well as research. It comes amid an increasing growth of AI companies in the capital, including the opening of ChatGPT creator OpenAI’s first office outside the US.

Microsoft recently announced the creation of Microsoft AI, a new team within the company to focus on AI, led by Mustafa Suleyman, the British co-founder of AI giant DeepMind, which is now owned by Google.

Mr Suleyman said the new AI hub, which will be based at Microsoft’s offices in Paddington, will “drive pioneering work to advance state-of-the-art language models and their supporting infrastructure, and to create world-class tooling for foundation models”.

Writing in a blog post announcing the new hub, he said: “This is great news for Microsoft AI and for the UK.

“As a British citizen, born and raised in London, I’m proud to have co-founded and built a cutting-edge AI business here. I’m deeply aware of the extraordinary talent pool and AI ecosystem in the UK, and I’m excited to make this commitment to the UK on behalf of Microsoft AI. I know – through my close work with thought leaders in the UK Government, business community and academia – that the country is committed to advancing AI responsibly and with a safety-first commitment to drive investment, innovation and economic growth. Our decision to open this hub in the UK reflects this ambition.”

He added that the hub will create jobs, with Microsoft AI “actively hiring exceptional individuals who want to work on the most interesting and challenging AI questions of our time”.

The creation of the AI centre further expands Microsoft’s presence in the UK, which includes its Microsoft Research lab in Cambridge, and builds on the company’s pledge to invest £2.5 billion into the UK, announced late last year, as part of its AI plans.

ALSO READ-India Urges Digital Giants to Fix Platforms After Microsoft Warning

Lite Blogs Tech Lite Technology

Fashion’s AI Revolution

AI’s impact on fashion design is nothing short of revolutionary. McKinsey’s analysis suggests that within the next three to five years, generative AI has the potential to significantly boost operating profits in the apparel, fashion, and luxury sectors…writes Mamata Roy

In recent years, the fashion industry has undergone a significant transformation, where technology is making waves and stealing the spotlight, with artificial intelligence (AI) at the epicenter of this transformation. This dynamic duo of fashion and AI is not just tweaking design processes and redefining our shopping experiences; it’s also prompting some big questions about sustainability and ethics in the fashion industry.

Think about predicting fashion trends, and you have AI. Take IBM’s Watson Trend App, for example. This intelligently designed tool analyzes heaps of online data to predict what styles are going to be trendy. So, instead of designers relying solely on gut feelings, they can use AI insights to create collections that match what people are buzzing about.

AI’s impact on fashion design is nothing short of revolutionary. McKinsey’s analysis suggests that within the next three to five years, generative AI has the potential to significantly boost operating profits in the apparel, fashion, and luxury sectors. Conservatively estimated, this could mean an addition of $150 billion, with the possibility of reaching up to $275 billion.

Furthermore, AI stepping into design processes has put creativity on autopilot. Whether it’s crafting design twists or playing with patterns and textures, AI is stretching the limits. The upshot? Speedier, more efficient design workflows, enabling fashion houses to stay nimble in keeping up with changing tastes.

Revolutionizing the Shopping Experience

AI is on the verge of revolutionizing industries, already making a significant impact across all sectors. According to Statista, global artificial intelligence in the fashion market amounted to 270 million U.S. dollars in 2018 and is expected to reach 4.4 billion U.S. dollars by 2027.

In the realm of online shopping, AI is revolutionizing personalization. It tailors your shopping journey based on preferences and behaviour, offering recommendations that boost engagement. Moreover, AI-driven virtual try-on experiences bridge the gap between online and in-store shopping, allowing real-time product visualization. 

But AI goes even beyond personalization; acting as your digital stylist, analyzing past purchases and trends to curate outfits tailored to your taste. Platforms like Heuritech leverage AI to analyze social media images, helping brands like Louis Vuitton and Dior anticipate trends and align production.

AI’s Impact on Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has emerged as a cornerstone of marketing strategies for brands across all industries. With the rise of social media, consumers are increasingly turning to influencers for product recommendations and lifestyle inspiration. These digital tastemakers, with their large and engaged followings, have the power to sway consumer behaviour and shape purchasing decisions.

In the fashion sector, where trends change rapidly and consumer tastes are diverse, AI is playing a crucial role in optimizing influencer collaborations. By analyzing vast amounts of data, AI identifies the most relevant influencers for brands, based on audience demographics, engagement rates, and content preferences. 

This targeted approach ensures that brands collaborate with influencers who resonate with their target audience, maximizing the impact of their marketing efforts. Additionally, AI-powered tools help track and measure the effectiveness of influencer campaigns, providing valuable insights for future strategies.

Sustainability and Ethical Considerations

The fashion industry ranks as the second most polluting sector, responsible for 8% of global carbon emissions and 20% of global wastewater, according to MDPI. In response to growing environmental worries, AI is becoming a crucial partner in promoting sustainability within the industry. AI algorithms can optimize supply chains, reduce waste, and aid in the creation of eco-friendly materials. By predicting demand more accurately, fashion brands can minimize overproduction and contribute to a more sustainable industry.

As technology progresses, ethical concerns take center stage, especially in AI’s role in fashion. Questions arise about data privacy, labour ethics, and the perpetuating of biased beauty standards. Balancing innovation with ethical responsibility becomes crucial. Despite its transformative potential, integrating AI into fashion faces hurdles. Challenges include data security, algorithm biases, and the demand for skilled professionals to manage AI systems.

What Future Holds for the Duo

As AI advances, we’re looking at a future where it plays a bigger role in making fashion more sustainable. With AI getting better and better, more companies might join in to tackle environmental issues and find new ways to be eco-friendly. This means we could see AI used more in designing clothes, running stores, and making fashion greener.

The blend of tech and fashion, especially AI, is changing things in big ways. AI helps predict trends, makes shopping cooler, and pushes for greener practices. As fashion keeps up with these changes, it’s important to be smart and ethical about how we use technology.

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-Top News INDIA 2024 Technology

India Urges Digital Giants to Fix Platforms After Microsoft Warning

The Central government has taken a tough stand at Artificial Intelligence-generated content, deepfakes ahead of polls, reports Asian Lite News

 As Microsoft warned India about China’s plan to create and amplify AI-generated content to “benefit its interests” amid the seven-phase elections starting April 19, the Centre has come down heavily on global digital companies, asking them to fix their platforms as part of a new advisory around AI and its potential misuse during polls.

With major elections taking place around the world this year, particularly in India, South Korea and the US: “We assess that China will, at a minimum, create and amplify AI-generated content to benefit its interests,” according to Clint Watts, General Manager, Microsoft Threat Analysis Center.

According to exposure management company Tenable, misinformation spread through AI-generated deepfakes and fake content are the biggest threat to the upcoming polls.

“The biggest threats to the 2024 Lok Sabha elections are misinformation and disinformation as part of influence operations conducted by malicious actors against the electorate,” Satnam Narang, Senior Staff Research Engineer, Tenable, told IANS recently.

Alarmed at AI’s potential misuse, the Centre last month said that social media intermediaries “must not permit any bias or discrimination or threaten the integrity of the electoral process.”

School students create a ‘rangoli’ depicting Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) to raise awareness among people to vote in the upcoming general elections, in Chennai on Thursday, March 28, 2024. (Photo: IANS/R. Parthibhan)

A new IT Ministry advisory now specifically deals with AI, which says that digital platforms have to take full accountability and cannot escape by saying that these AI models are in the “under-testing phase.”

“It is reiterated that non-compliance to the provisions of the IT Act and/or IT Rules would result in potential penal consequences to the intermediaries or platforms or its users when identified, including but not limited to prosecution under IT Act and several other statutes of the criminal code,” according to the advisory.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a conversation with Microsoft Co-founder Bill Gates late last month, also expressed concerns about deepfakes in a democratic country like ours.

“I have engaged with leading minds on AI and its risks. I suggested that we should start with clear watermarks on AI-generated content to prevent misinformation. Proper sources of AI-generated content should also be mentioned,” PM Modi emphasised.

“Someone can even misuse my voice to deceive people and such a deepfake can trigger widespread uproar. We need to think about creating robust dos and don’ts on deepfakes,” the Prime Minister told the billionaire philanthropist.

ALSO READ: China Plans to Disrupt Indian Elections Using AI, Warns Microsoft