Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Determined journey to fitness

Record your pulse rate before and after walking one mile; determine how long it takes you to walk or run a mile; know how many push-ups you can do; and measure your waist circumference and BMI…writes DR SIDDHANT BHARGAVA

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to start a fitness programme. When you transition from couches to crunches, you feel revitalised and exhilarated.

Physical activity improves brain health and lowers the risk of chronic diseases; it improves balance and coordination, strengthens bones and muscles, helps with weight management, and improves sleep quality and the ability to perform daily tasks.

Going straight for the bench press on day one will be contrary to your expectation of instant six-pack abs and may lead to an injury. If you are considering starting exercising but, don’t know where to begin, identify your level of fitness to know where to start and what to do at first.

Here’s a guide to help you start a routine and stick to it for the best results without straining yourself:

Identify your fitness level

First, determine your level of fitness. You should have a firm grasp on how to fit yourself. To track your progress, you must first assess and record your baseline fitness score to establish a baseline for yourself.

Record your pulse rate before and after walking one mile; determine how long it takes you to walk or run a mile; know how many push-ups you can do; and measure your waist circumference and BMI.

Before beginning an exercise routine, you should consult a fitness expert and have a physical medical examination. Identifying your fitness level is especially important for beginners who are new to strenuous physical activities because it can detect any health issues or conditions that may put you at risk.

Design your fitness program

Exercising every day needs a plan that includes attainable steps and goals. Create a balanced routine and start with easy steps to follow, and then you can continue to raise the bar as your fitness levels improve. For instance, if your goal is to do a 5-kilometre run, start by building a plan that includes shorter runs. Slowly as you will climb up the ladders, build activities into your daily routine, try high-interval intensity training and allow time for recovery.

Stick to it

Replacing unhealthy behaviour with new healthier habits is an excellent approach to achieving your fitness goals. Therefore, stick to your exercise routine. Develop a habit and do it regularly. Make a schedule and exercise at the same time every day. As per the experts, one should exercise at least 150 minutes per week. Start slowly and let your body rest from time to time and choose a time that works best for you.

Eat healthily and stay hydrated

Eat a healthy and balanced diet to boost your fitness programme. While carbs can fuel your muscles, replenish glycogen stores after exercise and assist with the absorption of amino acids into your muscles during recovery, proteins help improve muscle recovery, repair tissue damage and build muscle mass.

In addition to this, consuming healthy fats help burn body fat and preserve muscle fuel during workouts, making your energy last longer. It is equally important to stay hydrated throughout the day for optimal performance. It also helps you recover and gets you ready for your next training session.

Monitor your progress

Conduct a personal fitness assessment every two months. You will come to know about a lot of things such as the need to increase exercise time to continue improving, or maybe you will find that you’re exercising enough to meet your fitness goals.

Remember that starting an exercise is an important decision. It can change your life and provide you with a sense of fulfilment. By planning it carefully and slowly achieving all your fitness goals you can establish a healthy habit that will lead to a healthy body and mind.

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Lite Blogs

Steps to focus on healthy lifestyle

My goal is to empower people to just make better decisions and I think that’s what I’m going to be doing in the future… Dr. Siddhant speaks with Lothungbeni Humtsoe

It is undeniable that living a healthy lifestyle is expensive. Dr. Siddhant Bhargava, who oversees the nutrition and calorie intake of Bollywood’s greatest performers, breaks down a few diet and lifestyle suggestions which don’t burn a hole in your pocket on Audible’s podcast, ‘Kya Lifestyle Hai’.

Dr. Siddhant talks about how the show helps listeners take a few steps every day and focus on a healthy lifestyle without shelling out lots of money.

So far, you’ve been sharing your health and lifestyle tips with Bollywood celebs, what motivated you to take this to the one and all through your podcast?

Siddhant: I think I just realized that there’s a huge gap in the market. So more than a doctor, I think over the last five years, I’ve become a business person. I’m an entrepreneur by nature. And I just like finding gaps in the market and plugging them. And that’s exactly what this podcast on Audible is also doing. No other podcast currently exists that is giving you all of this information in such a short duration, a shorter span of time. And all this information I vouch for is completely scientific research and is very relatable because that’s the very narrated it, that’s the way we presented it. So I just realized that there was really a gap and a need for something like this, and we filled it.

How will this podcast help influence people to lead a healthy lifestyle?

Siddhant: I think my podcast ‘Kya Lifestyle Hai’ is going to give them a plate full of good choices. And the best part about this plate is that it’s going to have only good choices. All they have to do is pick up that favorite good choice from this plate and eat. That’s the way I look at it. We’re probably giving them 100 things that are going to be good for them. And even if they ended up doing 10 out of these 100 I’m pretty sure that they’re making a significant improvement to their lifestyle.

This is your first time as a narrator for the podcast, how was your experience? What inspired you to take this opportunity?

Siddhant: So, the first time that it was it was pretty daunting at first, because, you know, I hadn’t ever done a podcast, usually people are used to seeing my face all the time. I do believe that a large part of my communications are through the way I emote, through the way I am. And this was a little bit of a challenge, initially. But I think the team that I was working with really made life simple for me, like a big thank you to Priyanka, because she’s really handheld me through the entire journey. She taught me how to modulate my voice, she taught me how to sort of keep a person engaged just through my voice, and all of these things I’m definitely going to be taking back with me for a lifetime. So Audible, Rainshine Entertainment and Priyanka are the biggest reasons why this podcast has actually happened and why I can say that it’s a good podcast.

What precautions did you keep in mind while narrating this podcast?

Siddhant: Definitely, one had to practice a little bit because you know, you’re just talking into a mic, there’s really nothing else. And you need to be comfortable with doing that yourself because otherwise, you’re not going to be able to deliver your best work. So I think we recorded a couple of episodes and then scrapped those episodes out and then re-recorded them. Because I still wasn’t able to get the hang of it initially.

But once I got the hang of it, and once I understood how I’m supposed to emote purely through my voice, what distance I’m supposed to keep from the mic, all of that, then it just became a simple process. And then it was just about seeing your story in exactly the same way, as you say it on video, you just have to speak into a mic and you get the job done. And one thing I’d definitely like to add is that a podcast is about three things. One is about how you write it, how well it’s written, and the content in it, and two how you narrate it for sure, and three, how well the range has actually worked. So these three things need to be kept in mind for a podcast.

Any current clients that you can name or upcoming work you want to talk about?

Siddhant: Yes, so current clients, they’ve been the same. It’s Sara Ali Khan, Alia, and Ranbir all these are people that I have been helping for quite a while now. Future plans? Yes, I mean, I would want to continue making more content, visual and auditory, both. I love this podcast. I will be writing a book as well. The book is sort of going to be about how to live a longer life and how to live a better quality life or it will have a lot of health tips. My goal is to empower people to just make better decisions and I think that’s what I’m going to be doing in the future.

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Food Lite Blogs

Why your child is a fussy eater?

If they have no physical activity at all, in that case, they might not want to eat as much as they usually do. This essentially means tiredness and activity levels have a direct impact on children’s appetite…writes Dr. Ganesh Kadhe

Nutrition is one of the key areas of effort for parents during their kids’ formative years, but a childs fussy eating habits can be incredibly frustrating for a parent to manage. Fussy eating occurs amongst children due to early age feeding difficulties and food, taste preferences, late introduction to solid/semi-solid food and pressure to adopt eating habits. Before you resort to bribing them with a yummy dessert or fast-food items like burgers and pizzas, let us explain why this happens.
Reasons why your child is a fussy eater

Taste: Children are born with a natural preference for sweet tastes. They crave higher levels of sweetness compared to adults. For example, they may not enjoy having vegetables as much as a sweet treat which turns them into reject healthier food and makes them a fussy eater. As they grow up, kids may increase their liking for bitter or sour food with repeated exposure and if they are accompanied with something sweet and as their taste buds evolve.

Composition of food: You must have noticed your child prefers foods such as slices of bread, cakes, breadsticks, crackers, chicken nuggets, and chips, over anything else put on the table. The reason here is that they do not have to put much effort into chewing and swallowing these foods as they are processed foods with no added nutritional value to them. The second reason why the younger ones prefer these foods is that they are starchy carbohydrates. A child prefers carbohydrates as the preferred source of fuel.

Distraction and Appetite: Have you ever considered spacing out the timings of meals and snacks for your children? It may often happen that snacking close to mealtime may reduce their desire to eat the meal and hence take the edge off their appetite. It is essential to structure mealtime and snacks, especially without any screen in front of them. Screentime during meals can lead them to overeat when they grow up or simply not eating enough.

Spoon feeding:
Children will, of course, eat more if their plates are loaded with food by a parent, but that is not what we are looking for in the long run. The aim for young children is for them to internally understand their hunger cues and fullness quotient. It’s best to let them self-feed under parental supervision to naturally know and remember the feeling of fullness.

Activity levels: If your child has been running around the park during holidays, has had a busy day or has over-exerted his/her brains by visiting a new place or learning a new thing, it leads to an increase in appetite. If they have no physical activity at all, in that case, they might not want to eat as much as they usually do. This essentially means tiredness and activity levels have a direct impact on children’s appetite

How to tackle fussy eaters

Fussy eating is not just frustrating for parents, but it also leads to low immunity, low weight for age, and low height. You can tackle your child’s fussy habits and teach the importance of healthy eating habits in the following ways:

Have set mealtimes.

Choose healthy food options and introduce one new tasty and nutritious food at least once a day. Be patient as your child may require repeated exposure to a new food before he/she adapts to it.

Create a family table without any electronic devices or distractions where everyone eats together

Incorporate a nutritional supplement or drink like Pediasure into your child’s meal. It offers a complete and balanced nutrition solution with 37 nutrients and bridges the nutritional gap caused due to fussy eating habits

Make it fun: Be creative in how you present healthy but not necessarily tasty food. Add veggies to their favourite pasta, and add a side of dipping sauce to the plate of broccoli. Have fun with it!

Nutrition fundamentals that apply to all kids; Whether your children eat everything, are picky eaters or will try anything once, it’s important for them to get the right mix of nutrients that will help them develop healthy bodies, strong bones, and bright minds.

The following are the food groups and nutrients a child’s meal plan should consist of:

Protein: For building muscles, other tissues, and a healthy immune system

Fruits and vegetables: For a nutritional fibre intake, source of vitamins & minerals

Grains: As a source of carbohydrates and energy

Iron: For making healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen through the body and prevent anaemia

Vitamin D: For strong, healthy bones

Calcium: It helps build strong bones.

Healthy fats: For brain and nerve development, they also aid nutrient absorption

Vitamin C: For a healthy immune system, healing, and absorption of iron

Dealing with a child’s fussy eating habits can be challenging but try not to get frustrated as this is typical behaviour of most toddlers. Just make healthy food choices available and know that, with time, your child’s appetite and eating behaviours will evolve.

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Lifestyle Lite Blogs

A simple change ‘in the way of life’

Sleeping for 7.5+ hours every night is amazing for: Optimal fat loss, brain function, recovery from workouts etc…reports Asian Lite News

“The first thing we must recognise is that every system in our body is interconnected. So, our physical health affects our mental health, and our mental health affects our physical health, and both should work together. As a result, I wouldn’t call these rules because they are a way of life,” says Yash Vardhan Swami, Nutritionist, Health and Fitness expert.

Ensuring that nutrition is on point

That doesn’t mean that we keep on eating salads all the time, but it ensures we nourish our body with all the nutrients it needs from protein, carbohydrates, fats to all the vitamins and minerals. While ensuring that our total caloric intake is in line with our body composition goals. While also ensuring that we have our favourite and staple foods in our diet. We should also remember that 50-60 per cent of our body is made up of water and we need adequate water intake for optimal health, brain function etc.

Next comes exercising and activity

Exercising at least 3-5 times/week is great for our physical and mental health. Any form of exercise which is safe for us, and we enjoy, is a great start for most of us. Coupling that up with staying active on a daily basis and walking more steps (8-10k steps) makes a perfect combination.

Next comes sleep

Sleeping for 7.5+ hours every night is amazing for: Optimal fat loss, brain function, recovery from workouts etc. Sleeping enough also improves our productivity and reduces cravings, hunger, reduces inflammation and emotional reactivity.

Stress management and mindfulness

On the other spectrum, stress management is equally important, if stress is managed properly, it can actually help us perform better and achieve our goals. Remember, quality of our thoughts dictate quality of our life. So, we should be actively working on our mind, improving ourselves and reducing our ‘mental’ vices. Meditating regularly and having a gratitude journaling routine is a game changer for these.

Environment and routine management

Environment management includes everything in our environment. Starting from food in the kitchen to our habits and people we follow on social media. Are we giving enough time to our self-growth and to the people who matter to us? It also extends to the kind of people we surround ourselves with. Some questions to ask ourselves: Do they inspire us? Do they support us and our goals? Do they help us improve? Does our routine make us healthier, improve us a human or make us more productive? I would highly recommend having a morning and pre-sleep routine.

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Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Tips to help you achieve a perfect fit summer body

Excluding sugary drinks, alcohol and packaged food will limit the calories in your food. Instead, add more electrolytes to your diet, which will make you feel more energetic and satisfied…reports Asian Lite News

Summers are here, and we have officially hit the season of parties, vacations and mangoes! As much as we relish these things, it is also essential we maintain a healthy summer body. We lose a lot of water through sweat during the summer months, leading to dehydration. Other typical summer symptoms include skin burning, rashes and heat strokes. Hence, it becomes more important that we stick to a healthy lifestyle.

Gaurav Pawar, Founder of ‘Its all about Journey!’, shares tips to help you achieve a perfect fit summer body:

Eat right

Taking a clean diet becomes essential in summers. Your diet should comprise fruits, fewer carbs and a higher protein intake. Food items like paneer, cheese and chicken are rich protein sources. Healthier fats like avocado, nuts and seeds and complex carbs like leafy vegetables and millets should be a part of your daily platter.

Stay hydrated

The hot-piping sun and the sweltering heat make you sweat and dehydrate. Hydration is the only way to avoid heat strokes. Add a splash of flavour with fruits or herbs, infused water, coconut water, lemon water, detox drinks and smoothies are delicious options!

Ditch sugary drinks and processed food

Excluding sugary drinks, alcohol and packaged food will limit the calories in your food. Instead, add more electrolytes to your diet, which will make you feel more energetic and satisfied.

Exercise and focus on the core

Humans were not designed to be sedentary, so obtained as much exercise as possible. There are many ways to work out properly throughout the summer months–workout at least four days a week. Focus on strength and cardio training. Include HIIT training in your regime. Add more intensity techniques like dynamic and explosive movements.


Don’t underestimate the power of recuperative hiatus. The body requires time to recover after a strenuous workout. This also helps in building lean muscles!

Gaurav Pawar, the founder of ‘It’s All About Journey’, says, “Summers are a perfect time to start exercising and leading a healthier life. Play outdoor sports, go for a walk or dive in the pool! Concentrate on getting enough protein, lipids, and complex carbs. This summer, you can have fun while still caring for yourself.”

Summers are a perfect time to focus on your health, lead a cleaner lifestyle and work out! If you stay consistent, make dietary changes and introduce regular workouts, a perfect fit summer body isn’t far away.

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Food Lite Blogs

Ways to practice intermittent fasting

People who follow the 5:2 diet eat normally for 5 days and then cut back on calories for the other two days. Men typically consume 600 calories and women 500 calories during the two fasting days…writes Olivia Sarkar

Fasting completely or partially for a set period of time before eating normally again is what intermittent fasting entails. According to some studies, this way of eating may provide advantages such as weight loss, improved health, and increased longevity. Intermittent fasting supporters claim that it is easier to follow than traditional calorie-controlled diets.

Each person’s experience with intermittent fasting is unique, and different styles will suit different people. Here are seven different ways to practise intermittent fasting:

Fast for 12 hours a day: The diet’s guidelines are straightforward. Every day, a person must choose and follow a 12-hour fasting window. According to some researchers, fasting for 10 to 16 hours can cause the body to convert fat stores into energy, releasing ketones into the bloodstream and thus encouraging weight loss.

Fasting for 16 hours: The 16:8 method, also known as the Leangains diet, involves fasting for 16 hours a day and eating for 8 hours. Men fast for 16 hours per day on the 16:8 diet, while women fast for 14 hours. This type of intermittent fasting may be beneficial for someone who has tried the 12-hour fast but has not seen any results.

Fasting for 2 days a week: People who follow the 5:2 diet eat normally for 5 days and then cut back on calories for the other two days. Men typically consume 600 calories and women 500 calories during the two fasting days.

Alternate day fasting: There are several variations to the alternate-day fasting plan, which involves fasting every other day. Some people believe that alternate-day fasting requires complete abstinence from solid foods on fasting days, while others believe that up to 500 calories can be consumed. On feeding days, many people choose to eat as much as they want. Alternate day fasting is an extreme form of intermittent fasting.

A weekly 24-hour fast: Fasting for one or two days per week, also known as the Eat-Stop-Eat diet, entails going without food for 24 hours at a time. Many people fast between meals, such as breakfast and lunch. People on this diet plan can drink water, tea, and other calorie-free beverages during the fasting period. People should resume their normal eating habits on non-fasting days.

Meal skipping: Beginners may benefit from this adaptable approach to intermittent fasting. It entails occasionally skipping meals. People can skip meals based on their hunger level or time constraints. It is, however, critical to consume nutritious foods at each meal.

The Warrior Diet: The Warrior Diet is a high-intensity version of intermittent fasting. Fasting for 20 hours, eating only a few servings of raw fruit and vegetables, and then eating one large meal at night are all part of the Warrior Diet. Typically, the eating window is only 4 hours long. This type of intermittent fasting may be best for people who have tried other types of intermittent fasting.

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Lifestyle Lite Blogs

Hug means a lot

While self-criticism can be a helpful motivator in some cases, too much of it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and despair…writes N. Lothungbeni Humtsoe

Whether you’re a kid who just sprained your knee, a 24-year-old going through a mid-life crisis, or a person over 60 looking to start a new inning in life. It is safe to say that enveloping our arms around the body is one of the most widely recognised forms of love.

Touch has that kind of power. Humans are born with a desire for physical affection and are socialised to crave it. It is one of our most basic requirements, along with food and water. And, while much has changed in the way we interact with one another over the years, the need for physical affection has not.

The science behind a hug

A 2013 study found that the act of hugging can change the levels in our endocrine system. “The endocrine system is made up of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream. These glands include the pineal gland, pancreas, hypothalamus, ovaries, and others. The study found that hugging can make us feel more comforted by changing the levels of hormones in the body.” said Goldy Nagdev, Managing Director, Hari Darshan Sevashram Pvt. Ltd.

“The hugged person’s hormone levels changed in a way that made them feel more comfortable and relaxed. The researchers believe that this happens because hugging releases oxytocin, which is a hormone that has been shown to reduce stress and promote feelings of happiness and bonding. This research shows that hugging can be a powerful tool for promoting well-being and reducing stress.”

No pain, no gain? False!

No pain, no gain does not stand valid anymore, especially not with the study proving self-hugs to be the cure for it – literally!

The hugs you give yourself may help relieve chronic pain! Researchers found that when people hug themselves, it causes their brains to get mixed up on where the hurt is located. The researchers suggest this outcome relates back to confusion about where exactly feels bad in our bodies-it can be anywhere from the head down low or vice versa depending on how we’re standing at any given moment when giving ourselves a potential embrace-but what really matters here? That there seems some truth behind theories claiming self-love improves moods by making individuals feel more confident and happier.

You got your back

“When you give yourself a hug, it can help you feel more connected to yourself and less alone. When you wrap your arms around your shoulders in an embrace it also triggers your brain to think of this gesture as social support. It offers many benefits such as promoting feelings of safety and security which is especially important during these times, now that we have realised post-Covid how we need ourselves more than any amenity, person or luxury in the world.” added Goldy Nagdev.

Hugs driving self-compassion to new highs

While self-criticism can be a helpful motivator in some cases, too much of it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and despair. On the other hand, self-compassion provides a sense of understanding and support during difficult times. As per renowned self-compassion researcher Kristin Neff, PhD, research has shown that self-compassion can lower cortisol levels, improve overall well-being, and even increase mindful acceptance and self-esteem. So the next time you’re feeling down on yourself, try giving yourself a hug-you just might find it makes a world of difference.

A hug a day keeps doctors away

Who would have thought that a hug a day could keep doctors away? In an interesting study conducted by Dr Sheldon Cohen, Professor of Psychology at Carnegie Mellon University. Some adults were exposed to the common cold virus and monitored for symptoms- but not only did they get sick less often than others before them; those who had received hugging treatments early on in life showed much fewer signs of illness when infected later on.

The University of North Carolina’s findings shows that hugging can keep us healthier by increasing white blood cells in the body. It is also believed to help with stress relief, which helps fight off infection!

Hugging it out all the way

A warm hug is more than just a gesture of affection. It is also a powerful tool for promoting understanding and reducing judgment. Goldy Nagdev, Managing Director, Hari Darshan Sevashram Pvt. Ltd. said: “When we hug someone, we are physically and emotionally close to them. This proximity encourages communication and positivity. It also helps to reduce the stress hormone cortisol, which can lead to greater feelings of hostility and judgment. The release of the joy hormone oxytocin during a hug also induces feelings of love and compassion, furthering the emotional bond between two people. In short, hugging is a classic expression of empathy that can help us to connect with others and build a more compassionate world.”

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Food Lite Blogs

‘Health and happiness go hand in hand’

For me, eating healthy is a way of life. So even if I want to indulge myself on a ‘cheat day’, I will always make sure I pick a healthier version of the food…says Anushka

Actress Anushka Sharma is known to be particular about nutrition, lifestyle and the impact of products on the environment. The actress and entrepreneur has now invested in and become the brand ambassador of Slurrp Farm, a brand that is reviving the use of super grains, driven by a strong vision of providing healthy snacks and mealtime options for young children and adults.

Through its innovative portfolio of millet, ragi and oats-based packaged food products (devoid of preservatives, artificial flavours and colours), it is successfully contributing towards inculcating healthy eating habits among children and adults alike. The actress and new mommy will be making her rap debut in the campaign with three films, each of which depicts a family situation involving children with funky lyrics and groovy mood. We spoke to youth icon for more details: Read Excerpts:

Q: What does a healthy lifestyle mean to you?

A: For me, a healthy lifestyle is one where you are prioritising both physical and mental health. It’s also about being consistent — we all have those days where we don’t want to work out or feel like indulging in a sweet treat but it’s important to do it in a way that still allows us to be consistent with the lifestyle goals we’ve set out for ourselves — for example, switch out the gym for a refreshing swim or have the sweet treat you want but make it using a natural sweetener like jaggery powder instead of using refined sugar. At the end of the day, the most important part of a healthy lifestyle is doing things that make you feel happy.

I strongly believe that health and happiness go hand in hand.

Q: Your body plays a big part in determining your mental health and happiness … Do you agree and why?

A: Absolutely. In fact, the reverse is also true — mental health and physical health cannot exist in isolation. And we’ve seen the proof of this in the last two years more than any other time. A healthy body enables you to feel good and a healthy, active mind pushes you to be physically healthy as well.

Q: When you choose to eat healthy what do you choose and why?

A: For me, eating healthy is a way of life. So even if I want to indulge myself on a ‘cheat day’, I will always make sure I pick a healthier version of the food.

One of the things I have always consciously included in my diet are millets like ragi and jowar. These millets truly are supergrains — they are easy to make, taste incredibly yummy and do not need a complete overhaul of your existing recipes. And they are literally power packed with proteins, carbohydrates and fibres.

Millets are my go-to grains — I tend to use millet flour for my chapatis, substitute rice with ragi when we’re eating idlis and even use ragi in the porridge my daughter eats.

In fact, millets are at the centre of Slurrp Farm’s mission to change the way children eat and that was one of the key factors for me to come on board as a strategic partner, investor and brand ambassador at the company. Through the partnership and the new ‘Yes Ka Time Aa Gaya’ campaign, I hope to help nurture India’s rich heritage of millets, and enable today’s generation to leave behind a healthier lifestyle and planet for those to come.

Q: Please tell us about the ‘Yes Ka Time Aa Gaya’ campaign with Slurrp Farm?

A: I’m happy about Slurrp Farm’s ‘Yes Ka Time Aa Gaya’ campaign. It’s based on the powerful insight that mothers have to constantly fight a battle with the world to feed their children right. Mothers deal with a flood of opinions and options on giving their children the right kind of nutrition. Yet, they are compelled to constantly say ‘No’ so that their children can have an early start to eating healthy.

And honestly, it’s never easy to say no — more so when it’s to people who have your best interests at heart. ‘Yes Ka Time Aa Gaya’ brings this exact predicament to life and offers a wholesome, and convenient solution. As a mother, I identify strongly with this message and I am so thrilled to take it to homes across India in this fun manner.

I am confident that the campaign will inspire not just mothers, but families, to dig a little deeper and pay attention to the food their kids are eating.

Q: Many celebrities are self-confessed food snobs, are you one too and what is your favourite food?

A: I wouldn’t call myself a food snob but I do get genuine joy from eating good food. And for me, good food doesn’t mean fancy dishes or eating out. Wholesome, home-cooked food made using local ingredients will always be my go-to.

To date my favourite foods are those that I grew up eating — ‘khichdi and palleyo’, which is this yummy dish made with millets that we would have whenever we went to my nani’s home in Uttarakhand, are my top picks.

Q: It’s often said that Indian meals are extremely well balanced and nutritious because of the diversity of items we have on the plate. Do you agree and what do you think is lacking?

A: The Indian meal plate definitely ranks high when it comes to nutrition. But I do think that we have forgotten some of the ancient superfoods that are true to our roots. Like millets!

Our parents grew up eating these incredible grains and so did most of us — bajre ki roti, raggi mudde, jowar bhakri — we were familiar with these dishes but somewhere along the way, we slipped into eating only wheat and rice and forgot the incredible benefits of these grains. It’s heartening to see that millets are slowly coming back into the spotlight and people are rediscovering their benefits — I do think that we need to bring these supergrains back to the centre of our plates to have truly well-balanced and nutritious meals.

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Health Lite Blogs

Here’s how you can tackle belly fat

Certain yoga asanas are specifically designed to reduce belly fat. They burn calories, increase muscle flexibility, and boost metabolism while targeting abdominal flab… reports Asian Lite News

Belly fat develops as a result of age, genetics, a sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, a lack of regular exercise, and stress. And it can further cause stress by making you insecure. Yoga and a well-balanced diet can help you lose tummy fat.

Yoga is a great way to lose weight. And it’s also safer than gym workouts, putting less unnecessary strain on your muscles, and allowing you to reduce fat in a natural way. Certain yoga asanas are specifically designed to reduce belly fat. They burn calories, increase muscle flexibility, and boost metabolism while targeting abdominal flab. All you have to do is stick to the schedule and practise the yoga poses on a regular basis.

Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee Pose)

Sit on the floor with your right leg extended forward.

Bend your left knee out to your side. Make sure your left foot is pressing into your right inner thigh.

Inhale deeply and raise your arms above.

As you exhale, bend at your hips, folding forward towards your right leg.

Hold your outstretched right foot with your hands, stretching forwards.

Hold this pose for a few seconds and then relax.

Repeat with left leg.

Halasana (Plow Pose)

Lie on your back with your hands to your side.

Lift your legs to the point that they are perpendicular to the floor.

Bend your elbows, placing your palms under your waist.

With your hands, push your legs over your head till they are at a 180 angle. Try to touch your toes to the floor.

Hold this position for a few seconds and then relax.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Lie flat on your stomach, face down.

Put your hands beside your rib cage with your palms flat on the ground.

Press your palms to the floor, inhaling deeply while you lift your upper body (that is, your head, neck, shoulders and upper chest) off the ground.

Keep your breathing normal and steady.

Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Lie face down.

Bend your knees. You should be able to hold onto both of your ankles with your hands. Your knees should be hip-width apart.

Inhale deeply. Lift your chest and your thighs off the floor.

Hold this pose for 20 seconds.

Exhale as you relax.

Balasana (Child’s Pose)

Begin in a kneeling pose, sitting on your heels.

Inhaling deeply, bring your forehead to the ground.

Your arms should be placed on either side of your body. Breathe deeply.

Bring your right arm underneath your left shoulder and look to your right fingers.

Repeat on the other side.

Practicing these asanas on a regular basis with a healthy, well-balanced diet and some lifestyle changes can do wonders for you. If you want to explore weight loss through yoga further, you can also sign up for Yog Love’s Weight Loss and Detox Diet course which offers daily LIVE yoga classes to help you achieve your fitness goals.

ALSO READ-Yoga the best medicine for neurological disorders

Food Health Lite Blogs

Let’s make this summer ‘cool and fruity’

Apple is a delicious and nutritious fruit that is popular in almost all seasons. Apples are delicious in salads, smoothies, pies and desserts, and as a snack…writes Olivia Sarkar

Consuming water-rich fruit can help you meet nutrient requirements while also keeping you hydrated. If you don’t drink the recommended amount of water per day, fruits and vegetables can provide you with extra fluid, keeping you nourished and healthy. Fruit that is high in water content are popular in juices, smoothies, and snacks.

While summers can be extremely exhausting and force you to spend more time indoors to protect yourself from the sun, the exciting aspect of summer is delicious ice creams and fruit such as watermelons, strawberries, pineapples, and many more. This list of summer fruit is a great addition to your diet.


We know how much you love mangoes and they are undoubtedly our favourite part of the summer season! Mangoes are not only our favourite, but they are also used in a variety of desserts. They are high in antioxidants and, as a result, can boost immunity. They lower cholesterol and improve eye health. Mangoes are one of the best summer fruits because of all of these factors.


Watermelon is a summertime favourite for many people because it is not only delicious, but it is also high in nutrients. With a water content of approximately 90 per cent, this wonder fruit aids in the prevention of heart disease. Watermelon also aids in the production of the amino acid arginine, which aids in the immune system’s function.


Strawberries have numerous health benefits due to their high levels of vitamin C, manganese, folate, potassium, B vitamins, and flavonoids. Strawberries are extremely beneficial in preventing heart disease and in lowering bad cholesterol. Strawberries have a high fibre content, so if you have digestive issues, including them in your diet can help.


For its rich flavour and juicy texture, this delicious and juicy fruit is a favourite of many. Pineapples are high in Vitamin C, which is important for fighting cell damage and boosting your immune system. Pineapple’s high manganese content benefits bone health. It is also high in fibre and antioxidants.


Apple is a delicious and nutritious fruit that is popular in almost all seasons. Apples are delicious in salads, smoothies, pies and desserts, and as a snack. Apples have been shown to increase metabolic rate, improve heart health, and regulate blood sugar levels. They are high in vitamins and minerals, which help to maintain healthy bones, teeth, and skin.

We all believe in the adage, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and without a doubt, it does!


Cantaloupes are high in vitamin C and A, both of which help to boost immunity. Cantaloupes’ high potassium content aids in blood pressure regulation. Cantaloupe contains beta carotene, which aids in the prevention of cataracts and improves vision.

Because of its sweet flavour and health benefits, this low-calorie fruit is used to make a variety of delectable desserts. Cantaloupe infused in water makes an excellent summer health drink!


This fruit is high in Vitamin C, fibre, and antioxidants. Including papaya in your diet can help prevent cholesterol buildup in your arteries, boost immunity, and be an excellent source of vitamins for people with diabetes and those looking to lose weight.


Oranges are a favourite fruit of those who enjoy working out because it hydrates and energises your body, which is essential during workouts. Oranges have numerous health benefits, including lower cholesterol, improved heart function, and improved skin health due to their high Vitamin C content.

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